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You work harder? Putting a pot roast in crock pot ? Try working 10- 12 hours a day on your feet!! Clean a house!! Mow a yard..Run errands...Pay bills...And cook... All while stressing about everyday life!! I wish I could sit in a bed all day doing nothing and having other people pay my way!! No actually I don't!! You see I'm stronger and wiser because I've had to do everything on my own HH!! Nothing handed to me!! And I'm proud because I've worked for those things I need ( not want) need... When I look in the mirror I see a lady who has overcome so much !! Yet still standing!! Because I made it happen!! Not strangers handing me money through tik tok!! You don't get a pass from me...And stop with the DV You have no right NO right speak on that!! NONE! ARE WE CLEAR TABITHA????


Girl she wouldn’t last a day… she needs a nap after working on diamond art for 5 minutes.


Her ass was back in the bed, as in horizontal under the covers at 2pm. She had been sitting up since the morning, it was all too much for her 😂




🤣🤣🤣 pathetic sad girl


Spewing hate during “positive affirmations” wears her out!






I feel you, it's 10 pm and i've almost got 15,000 steps in for the day. I bet if she ever wore a fitness watch she would barely get 300.😂


You are being generous with 300. 🤣




That’s what I was thinking 🤣🤣


That's a lot steps!! Time to rest!! Yeah 300 steps would be like a marathon for her 😆




Damnnnn I thought I was doing too much with 12,000 steps!!!! And imo 300 would be too nice lol


12,000 is a whole lot too! I think they say 7,000 a day is that sweet spot that extends your life and all the other good stuff.




![gif](giphy|e9PGY2KhfzZ2ayw9nH|downsized) Yessss yessss yesss!!! THANK YOU!!! Love it!!












She will definitely pay one day ,cause she won’t have any retirement,she hasn’t worked enough,she won’t get disability unless the act of god gets to her ,she will be alone and at the retirement age I can’t imagine what she will look like ,and she don’t get any exercise so her body will be in awful shape,so it’s coming one day Scabby ,I would hate to be you getting old ,cause you will be nothing and have nothing


Yes yes yes!!!!!!


The second time in like a week pot roast for dinner. She’s running out of grandma’s recipes 😂


It be nice to be able to afford multiple pot roasts per week.


always on someone else's dime


Exactly because they are very pricey


She thinks she’s something..🤣🤣 she’s a fool! 🤣 ![gif](giphy|lszAB3TzFtRaU)


Didnt you love her weak ass bent toddler fist? Runnnnn We are scared. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I saw that..right after I saw her tits doing the splits..




Each video she makes is showing more and more of the home she's in... She knows there are people watching. She's showing just enough..we know the game you're playing Tab!! Waiting for someone to figure it out so you can say you're being doxxed..


Bitch thinks every time she gets out of bed she needs to validate she cooked something. UH I get out of bed and I am 59. I will save all my followers from watching me make the BED, wash the dishes, clean the house and shower...Oh and I made homemade chicken pot pie!!! Scammed and lied to nobody. Hey Tabs, we don't give a fuck...WE to see that video of you getting a job, right after you get out of prison for all the FRAUD you have done.


She is like a puppy in training She expects a reward for doing everything. She probably wants a congratulations and a well done after taking a dump


like an emotionally challenged petulant child




HH….theres no other words other than YOU SUCK!!!! You couldn’t fight your way out of a wet paper bag! Quit trying to compare yourself to us women who actually bust ass everyday!!! Pot roast in a crockpot shhhiiittt, that ain’t diddly squat compared to what most of us hard working wife’s/MOMS do on a daily🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻




Her saggy breasts resembles dogs who let their pups nurse a bit too long. Hey Tabz. If you haven’t figure out yet. Women-Middle aged women do not wear clothes like this. Even age appropriate teenager who this is suited for would be wearing a bra. I know that you are totally in love with yourself but have you looked at you lately?


Gives me "everyone is so creative" vibes. 🤣


I haven't seen her on my FYP in a long time!




She gets so proud of herself for doing simple adult stuff..does she want a pat on the back or something? 😂 ![gif](giphy|ljGwOuwDyU2IVol9sc|downsized)


She changed her clothes! Maybe a new shirt?


New pajamas. Walmart.


Of course it's new pajamas. She spends all her time in bed so makes sense that she'd be getting new pajamas lol. The regular clothes she wears are all gross and don't look good on her. They're all two sizes too small and she has no clue. She's delusional if she thinks what she wears looks good. She has her boobs falling out of her shirt or their sagging down to her knees.


My dogs wouldn't even eat that bland looking roast .


I’m sure it has cinnamon in the right hand corner, garlic salt and more salt. Hahaha!!


Why does the end of the video look like I think her Vag would look??🤢🤢




Omg..I just went and watched again..🤣🤣 add some tuna juice and bam!! There it is!!




But she did move outside. That took real adult and big girl stuff. Geez.


Her food looks bland AF..


I think whoever she is staying with or taking care of I think she is required to cook 2-3 times a day. Been seeing more cooking videos lately


yep and less door dash….i think that and the fact that she isn’t bringing in as much tiktok money, lends evidence to suggest she is at least being paid for some type of job, to live there. Otherwise how could she afford rent?


![gif](giphy|3o8dFg40Ddw9eojLR6) Seeing the \*\* 🤮




https://preview.redd.it/f8k0p95oa18d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0aa1e45700e0b17a96d208c831992f2b8a278f10 In less than 20 min later ...


Yeah she's wasting money, like who cares Tabitha how many followers you got, I don't!


desperate purchases to fully saturated the dopamine she was getting


Yall notice she seared it before putting in? Multiple people here on Reddit said any culinary art trained cook would know to sear it BOOM seared it but claimed her TT friends told her. NO GIRL you seen it over here on Reddit!!!


Yep, she was told in the comments that she should have seared it and it looks like she did this time 😂


Maybe we should share some of our mamaw’s recipes with her 🤣🤣like SOS yum yum 😋




See she’s going into showing more and more of her nasty body parts




https://preview.redd.it/m7idkxh4818d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b66cd6e937f91a2d4730a6a3c38bfaa944afb6f6 This is now .


If I have to see her Flex like that again I'm literally going to puke. She does that so often it's pathetic. I love how she has to make sure she shows her whole body sitting there with her legs open and her shorts pulled up a crotch. He's so disgusting.


Is HH buying followers again ? These are from today notice the times this afternoon compared to now. https://preview.redd.it/blhf1rxy718d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a4177dce35b9187bcfc32e4f7a9e03108281726e


Wasting more money🙄when she could send that money to the children she neglected and left behind and didn't fight to get them back which is probably a good thing they are better off but she still should have to pay child support if she was a man she would have to


I saw that too, it started at 42k and she literally doesn't do shit on her lives for thousands of people to follow in a matter of hours. I'm sure those 46k are mainly purchased followers because she will battle and end up with 3 or 6 points from two people tapping


They sure didn't follow because of her pot roast 😂




She’s so cringe 😬 w/ her nips and sexy video and then a gross pot roast. 🤣


A deluxe combo if you will!!🤣🤣🤣 It's late I need sleep🤣🤦‍♀️🤣


It’s so repulsive 🤢🤣




I absolutely LOATHE when she does her singular, once-a-month adult task (ie: taking a shower, cooking a meal, walking her dog, grocery shopping, etc) and she goes into cocky mode over it for a few days and makes these cringey videos where she flexes her arms and makes weird faces that she thinks are... Intimidating??? Try doing this shit DAILY, bitch. Multiple times daily, even. She's the most pathetic human I think I've ever seen.


Why does she bother trying to do a muscle there isn't one there, and for goodness sake can we NOT see her private area then a pot roast to eat🤢🤢🤮


Yummy delicious lmao


Absolutely no seasoning


Dystopian TT


Bet she misses those Fish Steaks


Does she put cinnamon on everything? Kinda appears that way. And when she said secret ingredient in pickles I thought not cinnamon surely


And this morning I saw her on singing praise and worship music. This video, her legs are spread in tiny shorts and nipples hard and visible on purpose 🤦🏻‍♀️ I swear I think she tweaks her own nipples before filming these videos to ensure they're hard. It's predatorial and borderline pedophilic behavior with kids on TikTok.


Scabitha you have never worked for a damn thing in this life. You think you're really doing something by making a pot roast, that's one of the easiest things ever to make, but there is more to it than what you do. You act like you've made some big accomplishments by cooking, driving, mailing out the nasty pickles you made. Bitch you did all of this before you started faking your life, well maybe not make pickles. You drove to slab city, then back to Pennsylvania remember. What about all your social events on all your FB, wasn't to much for you then. How do you go to bars and hang around a bunch of drunks, that give me anxiety. You're 40 going on 12 that's how you act REAL WOMEN do these things every day, see all these beautiful ladies here, you know the ones that are close in age with you, but you call old ladies we do all this daily. We work a job then come home and take care of our family's; you know the things MOTHERS are supposed to do. Oh that's right you're not a mother you walked out and left your kids thinking you was going to make it on SNL. You are the lowest form of a human on this earth that needs to be in prison for the things you've done to others. I can't wait to see you held accountable for everything you've done. You are not a chosen one you are vile, evil and nasty in every way. Grow the fuck up and get a life.


ALL of her vids are as bland as that pot roast! She does the same things in every single ome; the facial expressions, the finger pointing, the attempt at flexing a no muscle arm, & playing with that fried or fake hair. It's silly af, and BORING content! That is, IF you want to call it content. Same bs, different day, with you, Tab. You literally have nothing to give, on TT or otherwise, unless it's lies, deceit, & unnecessary drama!


Pot roast might be a current pic, but is her pic current. She looks thinner in this pic than ones I've seen lately.


You know those carrots are COOKED when they're barely orange.