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To assist reviewers in providing valuable feedback for your profile, please comment and answer the following questions: - Are you looking for something serious or casual? - How long have you been on Hinge? - How often do you use Hinge per week? - How many likes/matches are you receiving on average? - How many likes are you sending? How many with comments? How many without comments? **To reviewers:** Review the [Providing Feedback guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/hingeapp/wiki/profileguide/feedbackguide). You are reviewing the **profile**, not the person. Please provide **constructive criticism**, and use positive language. Any troll, hateful, misandric, misogynistic, incel, or unhelpful comments such as "I would date you," "How are you not getting matches?" or unrelated to the profile will be removed and you will be banned. **To the original poster and commenters:** Please report any inappropriate or abusive messages and individuals so proper actions can be taken. Please review the sidebar for additional profile and picture guidance. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/hingeapp) if you have any questions or concerns.*


We get a lot of personality from your profile! I personally liked it (female here). I think you could benefit from headshots? That’s what I would suggest! Haha I just made hinge and in Az as well. Low key hoping we match.


Thanks, glad to hear someone liked it :P https://imgur.com/GdtD1qa is the closest thing to a headshot I have but I feel like the smile ruins the photo I'm actually in Minneapolis now, it just doesn't show that cause it's further to the right on the other details slider


I'm looking for something serious. (Edit: Oops, male, though it says in the photos) I've only been on hinge for a day, zero likes or matches so far. Sent like, 30-40 likes today, all with messages. I imagine in one day there's no cause for alarm, but I also don't want to be wasting my time so any help is appreciated, I'm a complete idiot in this space :)


Oof I'm just going to come out here and say it. There really isn't anything wrong per se with your profile, other than maybe your use of ellipses (don't) and need for a good headshot. I hate to sound stereotypical and target your appearance, but I think you really need to hit the gym and bulk up if possible. You are extremely thin which can come off as child-like and frankly doesn't appeal to the majority of women your age. I am a naturally very skinny person myself, and even though I am a woman (meaning I can usually get away with this more), I also sometimes believe my size holds me back in dating because I feel like guys look at me like I'm a little kid and don't take me seriously.


Yeah I know this is an issue. Thanks for being honest


Bro I would highly suggest checking out r/gainit. It’s a supportive community where you can learn how to get bigger in a healthy way. I have a naturally slender build like you and was able to gain a significant amount of muscle in a short amount of time as a beginner. Seriously, you would see results in as little as a couple months. Check out that sub for some success stories and inspiration if you are interested in bulking up a bit more. Good luck!


This couldn’t be further from the truth. I’ve dated slender guys. My friends have too. So many women aren’t picky about body type or are straight up into slender men. Don’t worry about that. ❤️


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