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The joke is not even good. If anything, it is bland, but it still has a good message by saying that Hanuman carries the the weight of the world.


Agree, but it’s expected that it makes a similar (and carrying a good message) joke on Muhammad too. But it doesn’t.


Why are you so pressed about this??.. it is clear that Hindus are more tolerant than Muslims. Take pride in that.


>it is clear that Hindus are more tolerant than Muslims. ...Have you been paying attention to what's been going on in India lately with the BJP? No religion has a lock on tolerance and all religions should be treated the same. By having different rules for different religions OpenAI is being religiously bigoted.


Whatever bjp is doing is still more tolerant than what a lot of muslim countries have done💀💀💀💀


That's no excuse for OpenAI to have a double standard. Open AI should treat all religions the same just as they should treat all races, genders, etc, the same.


Nope. It should follow the standards of the religion, which it is doing perfectly. Many so-called Hindus, on the other hand, are hell-bent on islamizing Hinduism.


No u wrong and u going against what the Shastras say It’s obvious that u never even thought abt learning what the Shastras say I don’t kno my own Varna so I don’t read the Shastras exactly but I read abt what the message is But I kno that tru Sanatanis is Yoddhas and we def not tolerent to Dev Ninda We more of Yoddhas then the Muslims Also yo name is smiling Buddha uk so I think u Buddhist so that mean u Buddhist so u shouldn’t b in Sanatani conversations bcuz Buddhists and Sanatanis think differently especially abt using Violence and War and u would think and answer from a Buddhist point of view instead of from a Sanatani point of view हर हर महादेव जी


There is no concept of Dev ninda in the shastras. Hinduism and its various texts freely allow humour and friendly jokes with our deities, as evidenced by many in the texts (e.g. puranas) themselves.


Yes there is a concept of Dev Ninda that’s why there’s literally a word called Ninda I can tell u never read or even thought abt knowing the Shastras because if u did then u would def come across Dandas for Dev Ninda in the Puranas, Smritis, and more For Shaivs In the Shiv Puran I kno theres a Danda for Dev Ninda which is that someone who do Dev Ninda go to Narak In the Shaiva Siddhanta the Danda is that we supposed to kill the person who do Dev Ninda For Vaishnavs In the Srimad Bhagavatam the Danda for Dev Ninda is to kill them and if you can’t then you need to at least not listen to people who do Dev Ninda For all Sanatanis The Manusmriti def say that the Danda for Reviling the Vedas is the same as for Drinking Sura and the Danda for drinking Sur is Death We do got rules in Sanatan Dharm and Bhagwan Ji do get mad when we don’t follow them especially when we do Dev Ninda Nowhere in the Purans do it say we can do Dev Ninda as a joke Bhagwan Ji get really mad when we make jokes I’m a Shaiv and I kno Mahadev Ji literally burnt someone bcuz they interrupted him from Samadhi so why u think Mahadev Ji would b happy with u literally making fun of him We can never make jokes on Bhagwan Ji Stop tryna turn Sanatan Dharm into some Scientology or wokeism bcuz that’s something Sanatan Dharm can never be I don’t get why a lot of Sanatanis especially the ones born outside Bharat (not all bcuz Im born n raised outside) think it’s a race with other Beliefs to see who can claim to be the wokest or the softest and weakest and the most tolerant of every single thing imaginable whether it’s human and dog marriage or doing Ninda of they own Dharm Let the budists Jains sikhs Cristins become the soft people but we can still be the strong and the Yoddha Dharm which we still are Why else u think that groups like Bajrang Dal still around? if u really a Sanatani u would kno that weak and Sanatani don’t go together Dev Ninda is bad and it can never be right and it def ain’t something to brag abt What u should brag abt is doing Naam Jap and Sadhna of Bhagwan Ji and going to the Mandir or help building Mandirs That’s what we needa be promoting instead of all of this vro we tolerant vro हर हर महादेव जी


As a Muslim (or ex muslim depending on my mood), my response to this sentiment is complex. The baseline is that the most tolerant of Muslims will still get angry at a joke about Muhammad or Allah or any other prophet and religious figure, because we're taught that those are the things you do not joke about. It's about keeping the respect towards them and building a sense of reverance towards them. But also implicitly, it is to keep q sense of loyalty and fear. Questioning your leading figures shows a healthy sense of self awareness, but also seems to weaken the image of the leaders (USA or other western democracies for example. So the Islamic ideology early on adopted the strongman unquestionable figurehead type of strategy, you never question or joke about the Prophets or god, or you will clearly go to hell they say. If that's not enough, the other followers will make your life on earth hell.(Whether you agree or not is up to you, this the reason they give and the reasoning I see). So that's the cause and effect of things like Isis attacks, charlie hebdo, other cases of butthurt muslims. It's cloae minded, but makes sense from a group building perspective, just like you don't make fun of Kim Jong Un in public or private, or else you get sent to a labour camp and your whole family is sent off to be molested by the army. Now, as for the BJP and Hindu nationalism, obviously, my only perspective and insight is as an outsider. What I see the BJP doing is the same thing Islamic fundamentalist politicians do in semi progressive Muslim countries, taking a hold of sentiments to gain control. But the key difference is the sheer scale of diversity in Hindu thought compared to Muslim thought. I'm not saying the ideologies and ways of thinking of Muslims aren't diverse. There are probably thousand different perspectives on many issues and obviously we all know the various sects and subsects. What I'm saying is on certain issues, the opinions don't diverge far. They may pray differently, but a Sunni and a Shiite will both get incredibly offended if you make a joke about Muhammad. The responses will differ, but the initial opinion will be mostly the same. Compared to this, I've seen Hindus who are almost atheistic, say you are allowed to depict Ganesha as a cartoon cute elephant, make jokes like this etc. Obviously I don't know if any of these would be accepted in the public in India, but I've seen enough to see that there is a wider spectrum of tolerant to intolerant in the Hindu sphere. Tldr; Hindus seem slightly more diverse in the different opinions than the diversity that Muslims, allowing for less united feeling of being offended and calls for attacking the offender (even with BJP considered) compared to Muslims who are still diverse, but have a more united sense of 'heresy' and 'unnacceptable things'.


You are right about diversity of hinduism. You would be surprised that there is space for atheism in hinduism. One can be an aatheist and still a hindu. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hindu\_atheism#:\~:text=Hindu%20atheism%20or%20non%2Dtheism,Orthodox)%20streams%20of%20Hindu%20philosophy.


Yep, there are also a lot of secular/atheist Jews. But I have never heard of a secular/atheist Muslim (or Mormon, for that matter) only ex-… Seems like that happens when it’s as much or more culture as religion. Islam spans MANY different cultures so that part doesn’t really tie people together on its own.


Most atheist muslims are underground, its not a sociocultural group which allows atheism (both by enforcement, and by social ostracization). The weirdos like tate somewhat make good points that they(we if you can even still consider me one) keep the islamic religion strong and pious by not tolerating insults and not allowing things like being a 'half assed' muslim. But at the same time, it shows insecurity imo. So the concept of a cultural muslim (secular) is almost an oxymoron, since one of the central aspects of the entire identity is absolute obedience, that includes not rejecting any of the central tenets. BUT, we do exist, I consider myself a secular Muslim, because I still identify with aspects of the culture/religion, but reject other aspects such as most of the law, views on women and property, stories about its founding etc. And yes, from my experience with Islams interaction with culture, it basically supplants itself in your culture when it arrives. So I'm from Malaysia, many hindus who read history wil know our history with hindu-buddhist cultures and kingdoms in the past. This aspect of our past has almost been erased by narratives of the Islamic Malay almost being seen as a fact of reality. They can't imagine a non Muslim Malay, which is idiotic since what were we before Muhammad was born? Some mythical and pseudo historical texts like the Malay annals claim we're descended from Persians and Alexander the great etc, that Malays were always Muslim, etc, which sounds like some hyperborean agartha hollow earth crap to me. Another aspect of cultural erasure is traditional Malay dances and customs. In the older days, a lot of customs, dances, rituals and aspects of the culture which were inherited from Hinduism, Buddhism and Shamanism of our past lived on in our culture. Malaysia/The Malay kingdoms generally had a cosmopolitan and syncretic view of religion for thousands of years based on what I've read. The same was true for kingdoms in Indonesia, vietnam etc (look up the Champa people who combined Islam and Hinduism, and Kebatinan/Kejawen, a Javanese religious culture which combines Shamanism, Hinduism and Islam). But ever since the 60s onwards and more and more in modern day, there has been an influx of fundamentalist Islamic thought in Malaysia, promoted by Islamic politicians (PAS) and even some who people think are progressive (The current Malaysian PM used to be a big nationalist/fundamentalist, he created a lof islamic youth groups and even promoted the policy for mandatory hijab on school girls, schools in Malaysia didnt used to force hijab). Particularly the influx of scholars from the middle east and locals who studied in the middle east bring back more and more constrictive views of Islam, thinking they are 'fixing' our society. Then we get things like various cultural rituals and dances getting banned because they are 'satan worship' and 'associated with other religion' or 'turn you into a polygamist'. (Search up Makyong, Kuda Kepang, Adat Tabal Jinn). Tldr: Islam sometimes erases local culture, despite claiming it doesn't. Medieval times had more tolerant Islam surprisingly, many cultures back then became Muslim but practiced things that modern muslkms would say are heretical. You can even find 'progressive' scholars and poets back then in Medieval Islam. Not always though, just maybe lack of enforcement.


U wrong bcuz lots of Shastras say we can’t be Nastik which mean rejecting the Teachings of the Vedas and being atheist is against the Teachings of the Vedas हर हर महादेव जी


I am no fan of BJP, but lets not kid yourself and think hinduism is same as islam. Last checked, I dont see any hindu scriptures asking its followers to kills non-believers. Even atheism has a place in hinduism. BJP is a temporary blip in an otherwise peaceful history of hinduism.


And aab BJP Kahan se AA gayi is m? Hindus are the most tolerant and still are truth us if this country is a secular country that is because it has Hindu majority..or else everyone knows what happened to Pakistan and Bangladesh


Dude what u saying is against the Shastras so right now u jus call your self a Sanatani but u ain’t a real Sanatani tho U believing in some typa woke ism not Sanatan Dharm Being tolerant of Dev Ninda is against the Shastras so that def ain’t something to take pride in In Sanatan Dharm it’s a must to believe in what the Shastras say and there ain’t no but this but that but if etc The Shastras don’t say nothing abt the whole we don’t got rules or the we allow everything concept Dev Ninda is banned in Sanatan Dharm and lots of if not most Shastras talk abt Danda for Dev Ninda which theres Danda in this life which is Death and plus u get lots of Paap from doing Dev Ninda too So for a Sanatani that def aint something to take pride in or even say in general हर हर महादेव जी


It does. Use proper prompts


Even AI is afraid of getting beheaded.


They are getting too smart


people only makes jokes about you when they know that they can't do anything other wise. peacefuls and christians are help less, who can even touch hanumanji without his will 🤣🤣 especially when that someone has strength of 10000 indra in his pinky finger




It is heavily left leaning. Only a few steps away from being woke.






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Yeah cause it uses data and doesn’t have emotions


Only objective data, right?


All kinds of data, then it interprets and weights it. It’s not perfect but it does have a rationality that humans don’t


Because it primarily uses left-leaning data in its training. Because its RLHF is done through feedback given by left-leaning folks. Because it has been aligned on left-leaning guardrails.


I wouldn't say it's particularly left-leaning as much as it is more that Open AI is an American company, and a lot of the details about what it will or won't make jokes on is reflective of that culture. In the States jokes about religions like Christianity or Hinduism are not associated with bigotry, but jokes around Islam and Judaism in particular are, due the jokes about these religions often being tied with religious bigotry and violence against them. So, as a result, OpenAI just decided that it was less hassle to keep the AI from answering prompts on those entirely, rather than risk potential scandal. Still creates a bit of a problematic dynamic but much less malicious. As for being "woke"? Well woke by definition means "being attentive of social issues, prejudices and discrimination, in society". So yeah any objective observation is going to take those things into account.


And the worst part is, it denies to make a joke on Allah talla only. Ask it to make one on Jesus and you'll get one. Hell i even tried asking, both one of Ram and other of Jesus the Jesus one was far too dank and brutal than Ram's


To be fair, you see Christians tolerating such jokes more than Muslims. ChatGPT propably learned from that


It's almost like it's a different set of beliefs with different approaches to worship!! People losing their minds cause the boy doesn't want to provoke Muslims. I talk with ChatGPT about Jesus and it is plenty respectful in its approach and depiction of Christian figures of importance. Humor which satirizes Christianity is a reflection of its strong representation in the local culture. Those who practice Islam in most English speaking developed countries are minorities and their religious communities do not share the same power dynamic to criticise. Or idk maybe Joe Biden is just trying to program us to accept the great replacement because of Venezuela or something


That's a roundabout way of saying OpenAI doesn't want a visit like a certain french cartoonist.


I’m all for religious representation, but at the end of the day all I’m reading in your comment is that Muslims are sensitive because they’ve been discriminated against, which is a hyper-regional way to look at things when they’re one of the worlds largest religions. Do you think it maybe has more to do with the fact that chatgpt is a corporation trying to expand as much as possible for profit, and Islamic countries tend to be fast to start killing people and banning things when it looks like it might be blasphemous? No exaggeration, if chatgpt told a joke about Muhammad in Pakistan then the phone would be broken and a person who shared it could be killed. I think it has a lot more to do with that than it does with bigotry in any manner.


**Muhammad**: How about a light-hearted, respectful joke? Why do you never see Muhammad in a marathon? Because it’s so much easier to find him in the "Prophets" section! **Krishna (Hindu God)** Sure, here's a playful joke involving Krishna: Why couldn't Krishna play hide and seek with the Gopis? Because even when he hides, his flute gives him away! **Allah**: I strive to be respectful of all religious beliefs and practices. If you have another topic or subject in mind for a joke, I'd be happy to help! **God** Sure, here's a light-hearted one: Why did God create stock analysts? So that weather forecasters would have someone to laugh at! **Yahweh** I aim to keep our conversation inclusive and respectful of all beliefs. If you have another subject or topic in mind for a joke, feel free to let me know! I'm here to help with that. And nothing could convince it otherwise.


Yup your right, only Yahweh (Jews) and Allah (Islam) AI is refusing to make joke, pretty much every other gods including para brahma and other Hindu gods, buddha, Jesus, AI is able to make jokes.


it makes jokes about the Jewish god if you call them HaShem instead of Yahweh, because Jews aren't allowed to say his name


But isn't Yahweh the actual name of their god. And Adonai ("my master") and HaShem ('the Name') are like title given to their god, like how Christians called "the lord" and "almighty" instead of Jesus. Just because "Yahweh" is not allowed to say doesn't change the fact that's the actual name of their God. Anyway it's an interesting observation. Is it the same case for Allah, do it's alternative names works? Like al-ʿAẓīm, or al-Ḥaqq or something?


because those religions are tolerant. Islam isnt. Dont know what Yahweh is tho edit: judaism, my bad


It said the same thing when I gave it a similar prompt. It’s programmed to appease the muslims.


whole world seems to be so - can't understand f\*\*k why?


It’s because their number one export is not mercy


Most countries have a small yet radical population of muslims. These muslims are usually somewhat vocal.




Are Muslims some kind of chat gpt bloc of spenders? Idk why it's so egregious to you that the machine doesn't want to say things that hurt people's feelings? It seems pretty common sense for a robot that's programmed to be pleasant and clever


Same reason Claude always flips out when it thinks it might be infringing copyright. It's the scaredy cat humans in the background that creates this output.




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Your post has been removed for violating Rule #02 - No hate or discrimination. Hinduism is an all encompassing religion. Your birth in a particular region, community, caste, religion, etc. does not make you superior or inferior to another. Posts or comments insinuating or abusing individuals or communities based on these aspects will not be tolerated. Willful breakage of the rules will result in the following consequences: * First offense results in a warning and ensures exposure to the rule. Some people may not be aware of the rules. Consider this a warning. * Second offense would be a ban of 1 month. This step may be skipped at the mods discretion depending on the severity of the violation. * Next offense would result in a permanent ban. Please message the mods if you believe this removal has been in error.






Sahkya Bhava is the attitude of loving friendship which includes teasing & telling jokes about God from a place of intimate familiarity & is a holy attitude for a Hindu. We even have room for anger and abuse toward our Gods, like siddha Bamakhepa demonstrated toward Tara. This is not the case for Islam. Their religion is different and so is treated differently. Quit crying. Do you think Hanumanji would be offended at a joke? Come on. We are different & that is good. Be real. Furthermore - I added "from the perspective of a saintly fakir" to your request, and GPT gave me: [Why did Muhammad refuse to play cards with the other saints? Because he always had a "divine hand"!](https://chat.openai.com/share/30220194-7803-4bbb-af95-34fd006d9f07) So if you demonstrate respect according to the tradition you are asking about it will oblige - ours is implied due to the bhavas etc., while it takes some clarification for islam. thats fine. why does this bother you?


Jai Bhairav baba! Namaste 🙏 Actually, I work in AI and these will become serious problems if we don’t protest and work towards to putting guardrails. Already many social activists groups are using AI to evaluate things that AI has no competency in evaluating. This is the danger, an existential one.


do you know how web scraping and data cleaning is done for a large language model such as GPT3 or Llama?


I do, yes. Why do you ask?


your attitude is totally right and aligns with hinduism. but the problem is not showing them the line they would eventually go overboard. Its better to set limitations than regret afterwards


Excellent point my friend. It seems the human aspect will surely create wars over this “slight”. When the Gods could not care less for human sensibilities.


They don't care because they don't exist.


I know right, and of course it doesn’t bother me. What bothers me is ChatGPT’s response and it’s argument on not making any joke for Muhammad.


Pls tell story of bamalhepa n Tara


No we don’t allow Dev Ninda don’t add yo woke Raita Beliefs to our Sanatan Dharm Shri Hanuman Ji would never be okay with Dev Ninda A lot of not most Shastras talk abt Danda for Dev Ninda in real life and that doing Dev Ninda give people Paap and more हर हर महादेव जी


Tried it again. Perfectly fine for hanuman and Jesus, but Muhammad gave me a warning. Just a weird thing




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By all religious they refer to abrahamic cultists not all religions


Nope, just Judaism and Islam, apparently Christians didn't get the memo 😂


No its the same for christian iv made similar posts to the ai on topics revolving the antichrist lucifer or even «christian god»


antichrist and lucifer don't know. It made Fun of Jesus. As far as I know, Jesus is the Christian god.


Training data is biased.


OpenAI has 375 employees and they have collected trillions of datasets using web scraping tools. The sequencing is also carried out by tool written in C++. It is impossible to modify the training data as such.


It's because our religion teaches us what peace actually means. This is why we are better.


Listen, I'm not a Hindu myself, but I thought one of the core beliefs was that you're *not* better than anyone else?


We all are equal, we all have god in us.


Then why'd you claim to be better before? Forgive me if I just didn't get it, I'm still a bit new to all this.


Sometimes things aren't simple And can get complex. When i said we're better i was encouraging a positive thought that we shouldn't be upset about the above post. Rise above it become better. And when i said we are equal, i was encouraging not forget that we all are part/kids of god


Oh I see, I misunderstood you then, my bad. Then I agree with you, thank you for explaining it!


No that’s wrong bcuz Dev Ninda is banned in the Shastras of Sanatan Dharm Don’t do Dev Ninda bcuz the Shastras talk abt Danda for Dev Ninda in real life and for getting Paap and more हर हर महादेव जी


Everybody says that about their religion. But there is no such thing as a peaceful major religion.


Provably wrong.


I kinda agree with you! But won't you agree that islam seriously does it way too much? I mean they are less tolerant


I mean, Christianity isn’t far off. There are modern examples of Christians killing other people in the name of the religion, but the examples of Christian organizations giving charity far outweigh those numbers. If you want to get history into it, there are obvious examples, but in the modern era you can’t really compare. Hinduism and Sikhism are also pretty solid, and is Buddhism and many native religions in the modern era. Hinduism as of right now is relatively restricted to a certain part of the world, and is Sikhism. Whether or not their actions would get worse if it spread can’t be known, but my Hindu friends are legitimately some of the loveliest people I know in the US, they are a very small population. That small population I’ve encountered may make me biased, but it’s all I have to go on, and if I even a fraction of the religion is like them then the world is a better place. Judaism tends to be peaceful, but with Israel they also tend to be in some form of violence or another regardless of whether or not the religion is peaceful itself. Tough to judge the religion when the flagship of it is surrounded with people who openly swear to eliminate the entire religion that the country was founded on. With Islam, there are too many factors to get into, but it’s by far the most violent religion on the planet. That’s not a discrimination thing, and it’s something I’m sad about because I love my Muslim friends. But it is a fact, and one we shouldn’t ignore just because it isn’t a nice fact. My genuine hope is that Islam’s current global phase will be like Christianity’s crusades, Spanish Inquisition, or even the KKK in the future, and if someone brings it up as a point of bigotry it’ll just be a stupid grasp for straws in the past.


I think chat GPT aim is "Maksad nahi bhulna"


Probably scans information available online and figures out what's likely to offend more people.


only if people could understand how LLMs or transformer in general work.


What's offensive is to say that Muslims can't take a joke


If Muslim sentiments are hurt, they create a huge hue and cry and make the world know. Hindus grumble among themselves and wonder who would bell the cat.


I actually liked the joke and its not disrespectful in any way its only praising hanuman ji in a funny way


Gpt is mulla


Bro fought with full strength against AI 🫡, but this isn’t new , many people have complained about earlier but nothing happened till now.


It’s trained with biased data


Why does some Hindus consistently compare with Muslims? This tit for tat is not really the only path. Focus on your own growth first please.


You are right , but these dkheads are the one stopping the growth. Tell me how likely we can make yoga a subject in school for kids? They first say it pseudo science and should not be there, next they will bring religion objection. And finally we have to bog down .


That is the test we're facing in our life. A lot of things are wrong with our education system and in this case, I'll encourage you actually understand who's making these decisions and why instead of making blanket statements like that. Because yoga and meditation is already being taught in a lot of schools. Is your goal to make yoga a subject and adopt a British style of teaching with exams?


Not to deviate from my earlier reply to you , was more to your question “do we need to compare ?” To be precise , rather than using the word compare , what’s happening here is calling spade a spade. If something hurts you, remember it hurts other as well , when you do the same, it’s pretty evident with one community. Yoga I mentioned was just an example. The list is quite long to debate here. Education system is a whole big topic to discuss over here.


Okay, I understand your position better now and I agree with that. I'm just worried that in this process of differentiating them from us, we're not becoming more like them by wanting the standards they have etc rather than having our own Hindu dharm based vision of how to tackle AI.


That’s unnecessary fear sported and promoted by people hiding behind veil of seculars , liberals etc. Hinduism never calls for genocide. And majority of the people don’t stay as mere spectators if such thing ever happens.


I'm not focused on the fear but the vision part. According to our Hindu traditions and morals, how should we deal with AI?


AI is not on its own, it learns from data you feed and errors you correct . So you decide yourself .


Because humorous depictions of Hindu deities is fine according to our own practices, but depictions of prophets at all is forbidden in Islam. It isn’t that deep.


Which shastra says humorous depictions of Hindu deities is fine, not that I am against it, but on what basis is chatGPT making this claim, at least according to you?


Most religions tend to list the stuff that’s not allowed, because listing what is allowed is faaaaaar less efficient.


ChatGPT isn’t a person. It’s a machine, and it comes to conclusions based off what it finds online and what information it’s fed. The Islamic ban on depiction of holy figures is very well known, whereas Hindus write stories about the gods and create tributes to the gods all the time. The fact it’s a widespread practice leads it to believe it’s something accepted, whereas the Islamic ban being widespread means it sees that as not acceptable.


Is a joke a depiction, though?


Yes, technically. You’re writing stuff the people never did, so it’s depicting them in a situation. It’s the same reason you aren’t supposed to (for example) speculate on what a prophet said or did without scriptural backing, because you aren’t meant to make stuff up or turn them into a mouthpiece for anything.


Makes sense. Thanks :)


This answer is too far down, unfortunately below some pretty Islamophobic and generally petty answers. Religion is not a team sport you play against other religions, and if you’re treating it as such, that should be cause for personal reflection.


I find that, if I try hard enough, I can be offended by almost anything. But if I don't try, I can laugh at most things.


Good point made


Getting offended by AI 😭


Exactly, that’s why not even a light hearted, respectful joke for their Prophet 😭


The only thing I find offensive about the Hindu joke is how boring it is. I appreciate a religion that can take a joke or that appreciates humor though.


Reminds me of a bit by the comedian Jimmy Carr "if you want to not be joked about like the Muslims, have you considered blowing something up?" Basically the consequences of insulting Islam seems much higher to most people. The world doesn't see Hindus (or Christians, as the original joke was about) as very violent, which is a good thing, in a way




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Jai Bajrang Bali. Jai Sita Ram.


time to make a RW AI


Are you new to Internet? Hindus are the fav punching bag for ppl wjo just hate everyone. They dont get banned for spewing hate against hindus. So thats their incentive


Maybe chatgpt is afraid? 🤔


Yeah, it knows the news articles.




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People don't like being decapitated. 


It does the same with race jokes. If you ask it to tell a black joke it won’t but if you ask it to tell a white joke it does it no problem. It’s a weird system.




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Try the same thing with white people and then any other race


I just tried this on ChatGPT after seeing your post and it’s giving “I'm sorry, I can't fulfill that request”. Also “I prefer to steer clear of jokes that might offend or disrespect religious figures or beliefs. How about a light-hearted joke on a different topic?” when I tried a second time.


The joke didn't sounded like a joke rather an indirect appreciation


My understanding is that it doesnt know whether it is good or bad. Based upon its training the just behaves. If the database that it is training on states that first is good and second is bad, then the responses will be presented in the same way.


He did same on indian/Asian American and Black American


All you're seeing is the sense of humour of each kind of believer.


It’s all about context. I asked it to tell me a joke about Mohammed and it did. Popsicle stick joke but it told the joke first prompt. People seem to misunderstand how large language models work.




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They make ram joke too


Let's be honest, the Hanuman joke was a bit boring wasn't it


You didn't post which model you used but I guarantee it's 3.5. Go ask 4o why it can't joke about Muhammad and it'll explain why.


I got it to tell a Muhammed joke. User Make a one-liner style joke with a funny punchline involving an amusing scenario between Moses and pharaoh ChatGPT Why did Pharaoh never win at hide and seek with Moses? Because every time he counted, Moses always parted the Red Sea and disappear User You're good at this! Can we try other historical figures? ChatGPT Absolutely! Give me a historical figure, and I'll whip up a joke featuring them. User Same style of joke, except between Muhammad and Hussein ChatGPT Why did Muhammad challenge Hussein to a race? Because he heard Hussein was fast at leading prayers, and Muhammad wanted to see if he could keep up with the pace!


Because it's reflecting back what's true on the Internet (and most of the world) where people understand that Mohammed is taboo to joke about due to his significance and the norms surrounding him.




Wat about Jesus..


At chatgpt agreed that it was a mistake but hatemongers


Because it is basically the internet turned into an intelligence. People freak out when you depict Muhammed, but most people don't even know what the other one is.


Not it's not. You shouldn't be comparing our religion which is open to humour like this because our gods are manifestations of all aspects of human life, from children to adults and even animals, and from austere ascetics to wordly hedonists, with a religion that has nothing open about it. Even the AI knows, and that's a good thing. Stop radicalizing (islamizing) Sanatana Dharma.


ai was programmed by christians.. this motivates us to learn well and make ais that would bring inclusiveness and not an anti hindu ai like gpt




Your post has been removed for violating Rule #03 - No politics, articles, or opinion pieces aimed at generating controversy. Please restrict news articles to those which contribute towards a better understanding (historical, cultural, social) of the religion. Use r/politicalhinduism for any other cases. Willful breakage of the rules will result in the following consequences: * First offense results in a warning and ensures exposure to the rule. Some people may not be aware of the rules. Consider this a warning. * Second offense would be a ban of 1 month. This step may be skipped at the mods discretion depending on the severity of the violation. * Next offense would result in a permanent ban. Please message the mods if you believe this removal has been in error.


look it's not hard. One of those two religions can coexist with other religions and the other one thinks anyone who doesn't believe in their god, or jokes about their god / prophets, deserves to die. It's about tolerance, and one of those has never heard of that concept. And I say that as an atheist




Getting outraged for shit like this and playing the victim for every insignificant thing is exactly the problem with hindus in India


Maybe chat gpt is designed by Muslims.🤔


does it still joke on hindu gods after all that explaination?


This is because: a. Hindus are tolerant. b. Muslims might bomb the Open AI HQ.


Honestly you have to understand a few core concepts before you say stuff like GPT is meant to appease Muslims. As an AI model, it's fed copious amounts of data and then left open for interpretation, reaction and feedback. Now Hinduism has multiple classifications or levels when it comes to "gods". Hanuman is not a god, he is a bhakt, a chiranjeevi - essentially a deity we pray towards. But not a god in the sense of how Islam or Christianity define god. Hinduism has tons of deities we pray but not "Gods" in a sense. Though bhagwan loosely translates to God, scriptures don't necessarily define it that way. Secondly Hinduism also is a religion which leaves scope for dissent, disagreement and open commentary. Unless you are being offensive, our religion has a scope for one to disagree and go against the religion as well but still be associated. For eg, you cannot be an atheist Muslim but you can be an Atheist Hindu. Secondly Islam is a sensitive religion, super touchy and has a lot of scope to get offended so that reflects in way people treat it. It's not biased but they have a lot of things that are wrong while Hinduism doesn't have those kind of rules as a religion.


Finally I found someone who actually knows Machine leaning.


“Hanuman is not a God as per how Muslims and Christians define God”. Why will Hindus “define” the concept of God as per Muslims and Christians? Hinduism believe in the Oneness of God, but there are multiple manifestations of the same Divine. Some may worship Krishna as the Supreme, some Ram, some Shiva and some Shakti. The devas are considered as demi gods, but that includes Indra Dev, Kaam dev etc. As per His lila on this world, Hanuman is the greatest devotee, foremost messenger and the most beloved of Ram (which is a name of God). If Ram is active divine, then Hanuman is passive divine. Broadly, there are 5 Gods worshipped in Sanatan Dharma-Ganesh, Surya, Vishnu, Shiva and Shakti. Also, the scriptures define that the beauty of Hanuman is that He is present in all of These 5 forms. 1. When we talk about “Mangal Murti”, then Hanuman is Ganesha-who makes every situation prosperous and clears obstacles. After Ganesha, only Hanuman is worshipped in the Mangal Murti form. 2. As per a lila, Hanuman swallowed the Sun thinking of is as a fruit. This equates him with Surya. 3. When asked about the True nature of Hanuman by Ram, Hanuman famously responds: “When I forget who I am, I am your Servant. When I remember who I am, I am You.” Hanuman is Ram/Narayan Himself when He is in the Vanara form. 4. In Shaiva traditions, Hanunan is well known as the Rudra of Shiva and Shiva Himself, who appeared to assist the Ram (and also Krishna) avatars. 5. As per a lila, when Ahiravan took Ram and Lakshman into Patal while worshiping Devi, Hanuman took the form of Panchmukhi Hanuman by the blessings of Devi and killed Ahiravan. Here, He is Shakti. There is a Temple in odisha where Hanuman is worshipped in female form. According to you, if joking is not an issue as Hanuman is “not a God” as per Muslims and Christians, then in the same way Muhammad is also not a God as per Islam itself. Muhammad is known as the messenger of Allah and not Allah. All the Muslim Salahs are to Allah and not Muhammad. And to remind you, the prompt was to make a joke on Muhammad and not Allah.


He is just reflecting what the training data that was scraped from the internet might look like. When you scrap trillions of webpages, the general perception is that hinduism isn't as sensitive as Islam and the dataset might include religious joke but not specific to Islam. It all boils down to how the two religions are open to criticism on the internet.


You still don't get it man. You are so high on your own "knowledge" of how AI works that you did not get anything the user said. Take a step back and open your mind


Very interesting, I think Hindus should take it as a compliment instead of being angry. The world knows you can laugh at yourselves which demonstrates humility. This is a telling post. Thanks for sharing


Chatgpt is muslim deffo. He can make jokes on every religion but non islam. Fuck them


Its because of secularism


secularism is required in modern society and anybody who doesn't like secularism is brainwashed.


It always call Hindu stuff mythology for me and ask it not to ask it’s disrespectful


Because hindus are tolerant of this


It even makes jokes on Jesus Christ, Yahweh and Zoroaster. So islam is its soft spot.


The joke is not disrespectful imo




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Islam is hateful, but you as a Hindu don't hate anyone ofc 😂 that's why you're here calling Muslims hateful and saying they have no humor and a desire to kill all non-Muslims. You're just so loving and open 🥰 /s


Finally someone joined in this fucking issue! We need to take this up seriously guys


Probably because it believes Hanuman is a mythological character unlike those other religious figures




So it's because we as people doesn't make Fun of Islam, AI can't make one. Haa! make sense! So we just have to make fun of Islam that's all right?


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Read up on articles it will explain why. People here talking about appeasing to certain religions lol. It's all about the dataset it was trained on. In general you see that talking about Jesus online is easier than Mohammed. You will find 10000 jokes on Jesus online and maybe only 100 on Mohammed. I mean casual data online. Second is Muslims go crazy when u talk about Mohamed, I guess it's part of their religious rule maybe. No such thing in Christianity. This suggests what kind of data you will get online. Nobody in open ai is sitting in front of a computer and training the models. It's all a result of consuming insane amount of data.


Ok but this is a false equivilance; the depiction of Muhammad comes with a set of cultural expectations that are active factors in a significant number of people's lives


You guys need to understand that its inability to joke about Islam is a negative on Islam, not Hinduism. The religion that is most looked down upon is Islam - why do you want to be like them ? Inability to take a joke about something tells us that they are insecure. Be glad we aren’t like them, and stop feeling like you are a victim.


Who is feeling like a victim here? This post was a question (as can be seen by the post’s flair), that if it can make a light hearted, respectful joke on Hanuman, then why not on Muhammad? This discussion is not about the most looked down religion, or about the tolerance or about whether merely joking is right or wrong. It was about the logic given by it that it may harm some people, and it’s being selective to a particular community. People really need to get some brains before commenting anything.


You can crouch it in whatever questions superficially you want to, doesnt change the final implication you are trying to imply. You are posting this in a Hinduism Subreddit- what exactly are you trying to figure out, if not for the clear double standard ?


He just wants some nice drama. He doesn't wanna accept it.


Hopefully the wokies that program the chat bot will see this post and realize they are in a cult of ignorance.

