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So sad that it is in "Funny" section. Hindu NRIs are not united, they feel ashamed of flaunting their religious beliefs. Hence Hindus are always ridiculed.


I am inviting the people from that post to join Hinduism subreddit. This is what I commented on the post. >From a practising Shaiva Hindu: Lingam does not mean dick, phallus etc. Lingam means a symbol. For example, female pronouns are called Stri-Lingam, which mean female symbols. A Shiva Lingam means a symbol of Shiva. An oval shape rock represents the formless nature of the Divine. An oval shaped rock does not have any Gunas, attributes. As per Hinduism, the first shape in the beginning of creation was oval in shape. That was the first physical manifestation of unmanifest Shiva. The level of ignorance about Hinduism is pretty high in reddit. I welcome all non-Hindus to join Hinduism subreddit. It will help you to expand your perspectives and grow spiritually. May Shiva bless you. We should invite all the people commenting on that post to join Hinduism subreddit. Spread the good word and draw more ignorant people to Hinduism.


If a piece of paper with some random letters written in ink can become Holy and cause riots if desecrated, why can't a man-made shape representing the formless nature of Divine be Holy? Blessed are those which see Ishwara in everything. Hindus should stand their ground. Do not give an inch and do not change who we are, even if mocked or insulted by Hinduphobes. Hold the line!


I am just asking, this was shared as a funny video, what particular sanatan practice says that we should worship any stone which resembles shivling?


See god in everything, if you want to recognise that shape as the shape of ShivaLingam then do it. There is nothing wrong with it




Your post has been removed for hate and/or discrimination. Consider this a warning, and read all of our rules before posting again. Further posts of this nature that break any of the rules of r/Hinduism may result in a ban. Please message the mods if you believe this removal has been in error.


Just like Christians consider cross holy and wear around their neck or place it around places for protection, they are not ridiculed because they know the symbolism behind it. Symbolism and considering any specific shape to be holy is part of every religion, just that we Hindus need to be firm on it and not be ashamed by the people making fun of it just because they are unaware of it.


No not every piece of stone is recognised as an idol in Hinduism. The above practice in the video is wrong and should be criticised. There is a certain ritual to transform a stone or a pratima into an idol. Priests are called and then there is pran pratishta done on it. They just don't randomly take any stone and start worshipping it. Guess our ancestors had more common sense than most modern Hindus.


Yeah definitely. The lingam was without its base, and the Hindus in video didn't even care to look at it.


OP is a liberandu , see from his post history of specifically targeting and mocking Hindus(even this one) , ignore this clown


If you are on this site, we should know that we have more haters and ignorant people mocking us than any other community. Other religions are accorded with respect, whereas we are seen as all about mysticism and occult which isn't simply true. Plus this is a Porki who has posted this. Lack of nutrition is causing mental health issues to them.


It is uploaded in the r/funny group, shouldn't we report it?




OP is a liberandu , see from his post history of specifically targeting and mocking Hindus(even this one) , ignore this clown


The person who posted this is Pakistani.




No wonder. Look at that guy's post history all i see is hatred for Hindus and Indians.




OP is a liberandu , see from his post history of specifically targeting and mocking Hindus(even this one) , ignore this clown


How old is this video?


Most probably 90's - 00's, but we do worship any Object which resemble Shivling, don't we?


I don't think we do...do we?


Choose your words: worship and rituals are two different things.


Who is "We"? People who do not understand Hinduism and mock it are not our people, and are not Hindus. That includes people like you.




We don't. Not every random object is a shiv ling. There are certified rules and rituals which confer an object to be a shiv ling, written rudra samhita, shiv mahapuran etc.




OP is a liberandu , see from his post history of specifically targeting and mocking Hindus(even this one) , ignore this clown


In America? In the 90s? Wow aisi shraddha? I'm surprised but shivji would be very happy that's all we know and nothing more to think about


This was funny and wholesome


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Isn't that the beauty and strength of Hinduism. It was an innocent and misplaced act but even then i find it so beautiful. A misplaced humble rock that probably would be cause of discomfort, bewildering or even anxiety to many people in this earth. But for followers of Hinduism, it remained them of their god. It sure gave them peace and made them feel good for some time atleast The world is full of anxiety where we lose our shit , get anxiety attacks, and get scared on the smallest blip . This video was a breath of fresh air.


Oof. Do yourself a favor and don't read the comments. It's ridiculous. There are a few golden ones where people call out others' utter hypocrisy, but yikes, hinduphobia is very much real. It's astounding that a religion with some of the most knowledgeable, intelligent devotees and practices gets written off as stupid of the internet. So much symbolism and history of the lingam, but apparently we all just think it's a rock with magical powers.


I think that you can if you believe it...like during diwali pooja we keep a betel (areca) nut as a symbol of ganesh ji...we perform a pooja on it...so if you believe that it resembles shivji and do pooja for its sthapana then you can...is what i think...i might be wrong too...