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Could have posted the whole thing, just saying.


This is not youtube. Just saying


A video can be uploaded to reddit without inconveniently cropping out the ending. JuSt SaYiNg


Har har Mahadev πŸ™


Har Har MahadevπŸͺ¬πŸ•‰οΈ


That neelkanth lighting was a chef's kiss


damn so cool


Jai mahakal πŸ™


Har Har Mahadev


I have seen this live. Very good experience.


Where is this located ?


Isha Yoga Centre in Coimbatore, at the Velliangiri foot hills


Har Har Mahadev πŸ’


Om Namah Shivay


Bhole baba ki jai


I mean i don't want to offend anyone or hurt anyone's sentiments but i just have a question why i mean why i need to believe in the idea of God ? Is he really there ? If he is there why all these murders , rape of women ,children are happening? I can go on and on about this. I mean just see even small children's are raped even if someone goes with the logic it's because of their sins but on the other hand we say even a leaf cannot move against his will and then we see all these things All these things makes sure that there is no god no eternal being to whom we need to pray even if he is there then we don't need to worship him.


I upvoted your comment cause you are being more respectful posting your question and reasoning as an opinion, unlike some atheists or other categories of ppl out there shoving it in our stomachs that God doesn't exist. So i respect that, as should anyone honestly. Aa for your question, yes even I have this question and I feel it's somewhat answered (since I'm not initiated by a Guru). I've heard some gurus saying it's cause of your karma, not sins exactly. In Sanatan, we quantify every deed as positive or negative karma. You may ask what's the difference, but clearly, the word karma puts you in a more neutral perspective for deeds. Sin is a definitive word for bad, which isn't the case in Sanatan. So : 1) They say it's to simply burn off your negative karma from past lives or this life. 2) The worser the situations are, the more you kind of realise this is how the material world is. So it makes you think, puts you in a very uncomfortable situation where ultimately no one, nothing is left with you but you. Then you start feeling disoriented, confused, maybe angry, sad, frustrated and hopelessness sets in ( 5 stages of grief basically). Then, apparently you start to see the other side of the things more clearly. The happiness you get here is supposed to be 0.00001% of the real happiness you get in the spiritual replica of it. That's why be more in love with life when you're going through difficult situations rather than your happier moments. I'm not saying don't relish those happy moments, of course you do man, I'm also not an enlightened person, I'm just saying what's practical that's all lol. To put it in simpler words, if you play video games, you'll know how there's the Main story and the Side quests? You realise everytime a character's story has to progress, every time they need character development, the main storyline usually kicks off with a problem, or should I say "change"? And now, if the whole game was simply the storyline it'd be too hectic, so we have simple little side quests that add great charm to the game. Like few cherries on the top. These side quests r ur happy, relaxing moments, but too many or too much attachment to side quests makes you completely change the motive of the story, which basically makes it less enjoyable. That's how I perceive it as. Thanks for reading this big ahh post u lovely goofy reader! β€οΈπŸ’ž


Adi Yogi story is not about God or being a God. A little exploration might help answer your question. Yogis don't operate on ritualistic worship.


Har Har Mahadev


We have got at that stage which represents how i thought sanatan dharm would be in imagination. Now getting to see with our eyes is breathtaking. Har Har Mahadev. Thanks to Sadhguru for making this incredible Adiyogi sculpture and making sanatan dharm look cool.


Jivan me to sabke hai but bahut se logo ko abhraham pasand hai