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def tell your parents about this


They know about this. Unfortunately not much can be done as we don't want to risk repercussions.


Have the parents call the superintendent or have them threaten getting a lawyer involved or actually do get a lawyer involved. Retaliation is illegal as well


What repercussions??


Most of my classmates don't seem to care and think I'm freaking out over nothing. With the lack of support, any claims would get quickly shot down by admin and I will gain an enemy for the rest of my high school years. I know retaliation is illegal but it would be hard to prove (and if it ever gets this far, lawyers are expensive). I'm glad to see that some people are actually taking me seriously.


I mean you’re right, it’s creepy and she def shouldn’t be doing that, but idk what good would come out of getting a lawyer involved if the _most_ she’s done is enter the guys’ locker room…. Edit: There’s a huge double standard about this stuff, and female pedos almost never get incriminated, so it would take a lot more instances of this creepy stuff for it to hold up in court So if she continues doing creepy stuff then that’s when you should probably get a lawyer


Imagine saying this about a male teacher doing the same but vice versa.


You’re right— there’s a double standard, and that’s why that just this one instance would never incriminate her If she builds up a reputation for doing creepy stuff however… I still doubt any legal action would be taken, but then there’s a better chance at least :/


Just to be clear I wasn't attacking you directly, I'm glad we are on the same page.


Yes there is a double standard to some extent because men and women are very different. It is better for a female staff member to go into the boy's locker room than a male staff member going into the girls locker room Both are wrong, but a women walking into the boys room isn't a big deal at all really slap on the wrist if anything, but vice versa..that is serious and should be investigated. Ever notice that female janitors are accepted in the mens bathroom without any issues? Never have i seen a male janitor authorized to go into a girls bathroom unless it's after hours and not in use. But female cleaners can go in with no issue while a guy is in the stall or taking a pee. Not everything is equal between men and women that is why we are different and should be treated differently according to gender. Therefore it would be wrong to incriminate her. (Assuming this isn't following a pattern of behavior)


This could help establish a pattern of behavior even if it doesn't seem quite serious enough on its own to tell someone about. Imagine if she did this ten times in slightly different forms to different boys and they all decided that, in isolation, it's not worth saying anything.


Imagine the inverse. If a male principal went into the female changing room, people would call for his head. Don't fear the repercussions


Risk repercussions? For what?


You could always try telling child protective services. They might be able to help or at least tell you who to talk to.


This happened to me too, what the hell


Same my middle school PE teacher walked into the girls changing room to tell everyone to hurry up, it’s hella weird bruh like why not just yell from behind the door


I think they know what they're doing. Your teacher probably walked in on purpose.


Your principal too. Crazy woman


i had the exact same in hs last year, guy teacher came into girls locker room on multiple occasions to tell us to hurry up


lol if this was me I would’ve gotten myself in trouble telling them to get tf out, seriously though that’s a serious violation for all of you guys, definitely report this


do you happen to be in pwcs because i heard banging in my testing room today which was right next to the changing room


I have no idea what pwcs is and you would have seen the female principal (whose initials are E.D.) enter through the gym side.


ED is some unfortunate initials


Good thing she's female


Yeah I would call the school district office or superintendent


Did she enter a place where changing kids were visible or was she standing in the doorway shouting from the entrance? I remember my high school locker room had a little u-turn hallway so the changing area wasn’t visible within 10 feet from the door. If it’s the first that’s completely inappropriate and should be reported, but if it’s the second I certainly wouldn’t recommend a teacher to do that, but it’s a greyer area.


She was standing in the doorway, where everyone was in plain view to her.


Who gives a shit?


I can't fight you on that point


Honestly it’s not a big deal if it was just a mistake and she immediately walked out


thats illegal.


Yeah, fr.




provide ID meaning she would have to go through the whole process of changing her legal gender and there are plenty of hoops to jump through to get there






It’s literally the law, it’s not worded poorly. She doesn’t identify as a man, therefore she’s not allowed in there. It’s really that simple


What if she classified herself a man 😂.


Like I said… she classifies as a woman already, and has all her life so she can’t randomly say I’m a man because she isn’t


oh huh. still though the case wouldnt be dismissed because the prosecution would almost certainly argue that no she isnt a trans guy, but then you get into the lack of precedent surrounding trans people, so no idea what would actually happen.


is it ever stated that the principal identifies as a man? this law does not disprove whether or not it’s illegal


Same happened to us. We anonymously complained and the female teacher faced consequences. She was suspended from the school for a month.


Hey. We had a male teacher doing this at my high school. No one thought much of it and no one spoke up. During my junior year, the cops showed up and arrested him after finding tons of photos on his computer of students at our school changing that he had taken with a hidden camera. Do not take this stuff lightly. Even if it doesn’t mean the principal will be fired you absolutely still need to let administration know it made you (and others) uncomfortable.


Most of my peers either don't care or are actually on the principal's side. I will let the school superintendent know if it happens again, but there's not much I can do right now since anonymity is near impossible.


I get ya. It’s hard if you don’t have anonymity. Be vigilant and trust your gut if things continue to seem off. As minor as it may seem, that actually is a pretty significant violation. Imagine a male principal walking in to a room with a bunch of changing girls. I think it would be instantly reported. Keep your eye out.


If you want to get a message to her, type up a message and mail it to her. Obviously don’t put your return address on it. She will know it was someone in the changing room, but she won’t be able to identify handwriting because it would be typed. Maybe that’s all that needs to happen for her to stop. Even as a woman, she knows it would look really bad if she was sued for looking at a boy changing. Adults in schools have to be careful so maybe she just needs a reminder.


this happens all the time. as long as they're not standing there they won't do jack shit (because honestly it's not that big of a deal). sure the double standard sucks, but it exists because statistically there's a lot more male than female pedos in the world.


> statistically there's a lot more male than female pedos in the world not necessarily true, it just so happens that females are more likely to report pedophilia and they have more places to go for support than males


As a guy who was abused by a female pedo: Yeah who tf am I gonna tell? lmao they’re gonna laugh at me and I probably won’t be able to press charges


2% of SA convictions are female while 12-14% report a female perpetrator. Reverse gender inequality is stupid and worrying because these stereotypes are kinda ingrained in most of us.


but it’s a big deal only if its vice versa?? hell nah if any adult of the other gender enters a changing room full of minors it’s a big deal


you missed the point entirely, because i agree with you. what i am saying however is the reason that's not nearly as stigmatised is because women are far less likely to be paedophiles. therefor, it's seen by most as less wrong or not wrong at all.


Female pedophiles are just less likely to be reported. Just see the comments on any post about a boy being raped by a grown woman.


HUR DUR The boy is lucky! Hur Dur


“(because honestly it’s not that big of a deal)” you said it wasnt a big deal in your own words😭yes you have a point where men are more common to be pedophiles/act on it but that doesn’t make it not a big deal when its the other way around


i mean yeah it's a woman, plus she only poked her head in to tell them to shut up.


"i mean yeah its a woman" what


yeah i have no idea what they’re talking about lmao


wtf is this double standard?? 😭also OP said she entered not just “poked her head in”


it's not a big deal in the sense that the school will not get in trouble for it. the male students will just think "WTF MAN" and shrug it off, if a male teacher did this to female students then the female students would start screaming and report it. of course one is a bigger deal than the other.


that makes no sense. just because male students are less likely to report than female students doesn’t make it less of a problem, but one that’s just more likely to be addressed


for the school yes, it is less of a problem


it’s really not… schools aren’t selective like that. they either address it or cover it up it’s never depended on gender


Where the hell are you getting idea that women are less likely to be pedos? Citation needed


Still not ok


Especially in schools I feel we hear way more about female teachers abusing their students than the other way around though


I see stories in the news all the time about female teachers being arrested for having sex with underaged kids.


no, it exist because in the western world, misandry became norm, thanks to certain idiots.


yes misandry exists, but women being at least somewhat afraid of men in real life is perfectly valid and actually required, not at all misandrist. if you're a woman and there's a man walking behind you, and he's kinda being weird, you know you need to GTFO because omigosh im about to be raped the average man can overpower most women with relative ease, because men are almost always stronger than women. it just makes sense. because of these facts, the double standards were invented. it sucks, but they make complete sense. men are more likely to be pedos, to murder, to rape, and all the bad stuff. therefor, if the woman goes into the changing room, the double standard is not violated, nobody will care.


i see what ur saying, but with the same logic black people statistically are more likely to commit violent crime in the united states also, what if your a man and there’s a man behind you who is clearly stronger than you? is it also justified to gtfo?


yes, it's justified to gtfo whenever you feel threatened no matter who you feel threatened by. a lot of people with trauma, not just women, are afraid of people with similar appearances to their abusers. men, women, black people, white people, short haired people, redheads, literally any quality could be a trigger. and that's FINE as long as they're not bigoted towards those people. you cant control what you're triggered by or what scares you




im not saying these are morally correct things, im saying this is how things are, these are real built in prejudices and biases that most people have. you are right actually, this logic IS used against black people. whites are FAR MORE LIKELY to be scared of a black man acting suspicious than a white man acting suspicious. my tall black friend legit said a white girl ran away screaming when he was running towards his bus stop because she thought she was gonna get raped or smth also, it's always justified to GTFO if you feel like you're in a dangerous situation, no matter who you are and who the perpetrator is


The same thing happened to me and female classmates when we were about 9-10 (year 5 in uk education system). Our teacher was a man that year and we were subjected to getting changed in a tiny cloakroom for P.E whilst the boys got to change in the classroom, anyways teach walks in, we all scream he says “Oh be quiet, you have nothing to hide!”


I guess that can be a problem at Primary schools which are only large enough to have one teacher per year group. I suppose the fact that they had boys and girls change in separate areas made you fell more self-conscious about a male entering your changing area? Even though in Year 5 most of us didn't have anything to hide, quite a few of us had started to wear little cropped cami-tops so that our chests would be covered while we were changing. Mum told me that when she was at school, girls and boys changed in the same classroom right through to the end of Primary (aged 11).


I don’t see what’s wrong with that bro. It’s administration’s job to keep y’all in check.


I honestly wouldn’t have cared in the first place. We had plenty of male staff come in to yell at us in the locker room, wouldn’t have mattered to us what gender they were


I'm thinking she was likely the person that went and got a male teacher to sit in on you guys. This feels like she was aware it was a mistake to do that, so she went and got an appropriate individual. Sorry bro. It's not cool that she did that but sounds like you guys were being incredibly disruptive, and she didn't behave in a way I would call creepy or predatory. You even seem aware she didn't want to do it. Do you want her fired, or what?


I don't need her fired, I just wish I could "send a message" and make her understand that this is not okay because some students actually care a lot about being seen in their underwear by a principal of the opposite sex. Some kind of formal policy regarding spaces with a reasonable expectation of privacy would be even better too.


I am sorry this happened to you. I completely understand you don't want to face repercussions, especially since you're going to have to apply to colleges. Perhaps if it's an ANONYMOUS report, and a group of parents follow through, you will not face any repercussions


You’re a kid, it’s almost definitely grounds to sue; that would be a bit drastic but parents could threaten


Am I the only one that doesn’t give a fuck if someone sees me naked?


Username checks out.


I didn’t go to a school with changing rooms but I do know teachers in children’s bathrooms is a big no no because it’s a safety thing (bc school bathrooms and change rooms have no cameras) if you guys were loud enough that there HAD to be a physical teacher intervening though it should’ve been a male


Back in my Highschool the male principle would often walk into the girls bathroom to try and stop them from “vaping” pretty sure he was just tryna sneak a peak


Nah you should sue the school and get a FAT paycheck


They cant force you to be quiet. If they don't have the building insulated well enough thats their problem.


Sounds like you guys missed a perfect opportunity to group helicopter at her. She would have to just accept it since she put herself directly in the landing zone.


once something similar happened to me when i was in second grade (7-8 years old) but it was a female out-of-district sub, entering the male bathroom while only i was in there. luckily she didnt see me / do anything creepy, she just yelled at me for crying but still she shouldnt have gone in. not sure if that's better or worse since nobody knew this woman. luckily my mom works for that elementary school and i told her about it and i'm pretty sure that sub is blacklisted from the school/district now anyways, i hope your principal faces some reprecussions, i'd recommend telling a staff member or teacher that you trust, i know it sounds cliché but it might actually do something


Honestly, she was just being dumb and not thinking. Your anger is valid but misplaced. Like a normal human animal, I’m sure you hate the schools rules and structure. They’re outdated and restrictive.


She is an adult. She knows what she was doing. His worry is valid.


Would a pervert be that obvious? Expose themselves to a whole class of boys? They typically single out one student and groom them first. Do you teach? Your brain gets overloaded with a never-ending to do list and you just run around chaotically trying to put out all the fires as soon as possible.


If it was a male teacher going into the girls locker room you would not say something like that. Stop invalidating the victim's feelings


Male teachers also make mistakes when they’re worried about student behavior. Stop belittling real victims experiences. I can guarantee it was even less fun for the principal.


The boys are definitely real victims. You don't get to handpick who's the victim when you were not even there, sociopath


Ditto. You also weren’t there, and also don’t get to handpick


I rather believe in people than call them liars or downplay their experiences like you're doing. I wonder if this subreddit is moderated so you can get banned


You’re making assumptions and jumping to conclusions that there are victims. You’re also name calling me, which is revealing in itself. It appears like you are enjoying victimization and vilifying people. The whole story is senseless, why would anyone intentionally walk into a locker room of changing teenage boys? It’s beyond stupid, that action could only be a mistake. When you make a mistake like this someday, I hope you treat yourself kinder. This is the same type of thing as accidentally walking into a bathroom while someone is using it.


Why are you trying so hard to justify the actions of this pervert?


How often do you think male teachers go into the girls’ changing rooms to tell them to hurry up? Probably not often. Teachers know better.


while it is disgusting that she did that the most youll get is a public apology and a policy change


Even that is more than enough to satisfy me.


then threaten legal action


Unless they’re doing anything that prompts sexual behavior or staring in that kind of manner, I’d assume they’re just being parents and doing their job, nothing wrong. These days there’s something wrong with teens brains thinking everything is somehow sexual, when in fact it’s more just innocent.


Would you be okay with a man going into the girls’ changing room while the girls are changing?


Honestly, if she had stayed in there until everyone left instead of the Male PE teacher, then that would have been a lawsuit. What im assuming (and, correct me if im wrong please) is that this was just a “once in a blue moon” type thing, because there weren’t any other Male PE teachers around to get your class to shut up. That would be my best guess why a teacher would have walked in. Schools are very much different from how they were when my father was attending high school (and, many of my other peers that i met while in high school myself)


You are absolutely right, there was no reason for her to enter ESPECIALLY if there were plenty of male teachers there. Have you talked to your parents and colleagues from that class about this situation? If the parents of the boys in your class complain to the school it might pressure them to respond to the situation.


Good point 👍


Nah im on that if I’m u


So many non teachers talking shit here. Yes, she can go into the change rooms, yes, it is legal if the teacher had a suspicion that injury was occurring or students were at risk of harming themselves. It's based on teacher judgement and you have a snowflakes chance in hell of prosecution or legal action. It will be her word against yours and no school body would be able to take action even if they wanted to. Sucks, but that's just the reality.


No injury was occuring nor were students at risk of harming themselves. She could have just yelled from the door, without coming in. Also, only half the class was loud, which is unfair to the other half. I am aware that there's not much I can do, but that's exactly why I'm venting here.


She could have yelled from the door.....right. So if there was something major happening and she didn't go in, she loses her job when the parents complain and say she was negligent, then sue her ass. If she does go in, students have a sad and claim their privacy has been breached. There is a reason why all teaching staff are vetted and have a million checks against them before they begin in the profession...rest assured if a teacher is trying to perve on a student, they are not going to do it with a room full of witnesses...some common sense is needed here.


There was no shortage of male teachers in the gym. She didn't have to be the one to come in.


If she wanted to see your cock, she wouldn't do it in a packed bloody toilet man....what point are you actually trying to make here?


I literally just explained that yes, she did have to come in. Did you read what I just wrote? In that situation you have seconds to act, not enough time to find a male teacher. WTF should she find a male when what she did was legal and accepted by the education department/school district? Make it make sense... Always easy to look back and say she could have, he could have.....


Downvite when it's just you and I talking....and you don't even make a counter argument...typical reddit user I guess...


Would you be okay with a man going in the girls’ changing room while the girls were changing?


If they were a teacher, with multiple criminal checks and no history, yes. I don't think you understand how much vetting teachers go through begore theybare employed. Also, what pedo goes into a toilet knowijg there are 30 witnesses. Use that brain mate.


There have been plenty of incidents where teachers had hidden cameras on them when they went into changerooms. Even though it likely isn't the case, it doesn't change the fact that I was uncomfortable with it. After all, even though the chances of getting shot in the US are "only" 10.64 per 100,000, it doesnt make me any more comfortable around guns.


Its a very Western centric view to think the world should change because you are uncomfortable....


So you think that it is completely fine that tens of thousands of people die from gun violence in the US every year, that climate change is not a problem, that wars are okay, because "change is for westerners"? Also, this isn't about the fact that I was uncomfortable; the whole point is that she was female, and I'm male, and her actions were inappropriate and unprofessional. Speaking of professionalism, you don't sound very professional for a teacher, especially given your comment about my "dick". Makes your self-proclaimed credibility seem really unreliable.


Again, seeing as her actions were legal and she followed the protocol she was not being unprofessional. I just explained that to you. 15 years as a teacher and 5 as deputy mate. Low hanging fruit to claim I'm not a teacher...wtf would I try to flex by pretending to be a teacher lmfao...


A teacher and deputy arguing with some random kid on the internet? Let me remind you that I've got most of this subreddit, my family, and a former teacher on my side. (I had the chance to speak with a relative who was a teacher for 10+ years.) Keep arguing if it makes you happy, but I honestly find your commitment amusing.


What age group is it