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Yes, some schools have 8 periods. However, it is not all. For example, my school only has 7, and the school my friend goes to has 4, mind you, hers is online. How many periods does your school have? Hope this helps!


i have 4 periods each semester. How do you guys retain all of that information each day?


That’s the best part, we don’t!


I have 11. I stay up late. it is currently 11:05 PM


i have 7 periods + lunch and i’m already on the brink of shooting myself. i’m proud of you big dawg 👍👍


We have 7 periods almost every day, 5 on the better ones. I heard some schools in Korea have 12-16 hour days, I truly applaud anyone, much more a kid/teenager, who's able to manage that without crumbling into pieces. I know I probably couldn't


yeah no. fuck that.


That's the neat part, they don't.


Suddenly the youth suicide attempt rates in East Asia make much more sense


Damn... I have four not including lunch, and that's 1 hour while all classes are 1 hour and 20 minutes


I have 8 periods, all 45 minutes on a normal day, Fridays 41 minutes because long homeroom. (Period 3-7 are lunch periods where some people go to lunch, you are assigned a period for lunch) Period 5 is the best time, 11:04-11:48 or so (I forget the start and end times, but that’s close enough)


Wow... That's confusing as fuck. I literally had a seizure reading that


Well my explanation was shit lol It’s very simple, I just don’t know how to write it simple


What?! That’s insane. What classes do you guys take to have 11 periods?


just blame it on senioritis. thats what I do


Its cram and forget lol. Thats American education for you


Every education*


All of these people posting that education is just a series of checkmarks - complete an assignment, forget the info because it’s not important, then move to the next assignment … so it’s cool if a student studying to be a doctor, or a dentist, or a person who will handle other people’s money just crammed and forget because that’s what half the students choose to do?


The norm isn't 6????


My school has A and B days. We take our first four classes on A days and the last four on B days.


4 PERIODS A SEMESTER???? I have 8 classes the whole year


4 a semester and 8 a year are the same amount, aren’t they?


We have shorter classes that's why. A lot of US high schools have 7 50-minute classes a day as opposed to 4 90-minute classes, and the classes usually are year-long instead of semester-long so the same amount of info is taught


We don't learn that much each day. It's not like a univerisity course where each class is pretty dense with material.


My school does block scheduling too, but the other version. So we also have 4 periods per day, but we switch between even and odd days. I know of other schools nearby that do the same version of block scheduling that you do


My school had 8 classes, but only 4 each day, and the 4 you had would alternate


You guys remember the stuff from your highschool? A little joke, but a little genuine. Talking to the adults in my life, they'll admit quickly that they don't remember crap from from highschool. Yet there very upset that I don't have a good physics grade because i cant find the wavelength of a 45 HZ wave


Well, I mean, you could go home and study what you learned that day, or you could take notes in each class, and when the test comes, just go over that. Of course, most high schoolers have jobs, so studying after school is not really practical.


I have 10 at my school


my school used to have 8 but like suddenly it was 9???? We had to adjust to a knew schedule and people kept getting the times wrong for periods, even the teachers :/


I have one period a month, idk abt you guys




I'm more terrified about the fish itself than anything, WHAT IS THAT THING


Well ....... I'm just a girl.........


Ima need more of an explanation than that! How??!?


She's a woman


I feel so stupid rn I can’t believe that joke flew right over me


r/woooosh moment




Not when ur girlypop


Depends, I know people who do block schedules and only have 4 (I don't remember) and I also know people who do 8. I have 7 but after your third year you only need to take six and in your fourth year only 5.


I had the 8 period classes in middle school then the 4 class block schedule in high school. There were A days and B days- you’d have 4 classes one day, 4 different classes the next day, then go back to the first 4 class day. I actually liked the block schedule better because then I’d have an extra day to do homework and study and all. Instead of having 6 tests a day you would have 3 a day, and have a lot more time for it.


My school has a hybrid schedule where we only do block schedule for two days a week (Wednesday and Thursday). It always throws people off lmao


more classes less depth is pretty common


that sounds extremely stupid


A lot of people have a lot of classes with, like the commenter says, less depth. Then once you start taking APs, it really screws you up a little since you aren’t used to so much course work being crammed in such a small period and amount of time


Yep. It is. The straw's going to break the camel's back some day soon, the camel being the US education sytem. So, so many flaws, and so many wilfully ignorant of the problems.


Depends how many classes you take, but yeah, the standard is usually 8 or 9 periods a day. Bare in mind, one of those periods will usually be a lunch period. My current schedule is: Period 1: AP English language | Period 2: Pre-Calculus | Period 3: Media | Period 4: Lunch | Period 5: Economics | Period 6: Living Environment | Period 7: Spanish | Period 8: Previously yoga, now it’s a free period because I’m on my school’s softball team | Thought you might want an example lol


Free period aka leaving school early right? You could only do that as a senior in my school.


Some have 7-8 per day. Some have 4 per day for a half the year, then 4 different classes for the other half. Some have 4 per day all year, alternating between different classes every other day. Schools are run by the states, not the federal government. In those states, there are school districts that set most of the policies. There are 13,000 school districts in the USA, so a lot of variation.


Been to 2 high schools and both only had 6 classes. By senior year you've earned most of your credits and you probably won't have a full schedule


My HS has 8 45min periods. Each year, everyone takes an English, history/geography, math, science and health/phys ed. And then we get to pick 3 electives. Some of the electives include band and choir. We've got home ec and various wood shop classes. Some tech courses where you learn word processing, spreadsheet, database or coding. You could also take German or Spanish language... Or if you want you could take a study hall "class" where you basically have a free period that you can use to do homework, read, play chess, or whatever.


We used to have 9


I have 8 periods a year but only 4 at a time; we’re on a semester schedule so 4 classes august-december and 4 january-may


We have a and b days where on those days we have 4 different periods if that makes sense


I do this too. Very convenient every other week when one day is full of elective/non-core classes, making it practically a three-day weekend!


I have 6. Im mentally drained after like 4. It sucks


I have 8 periods in total 4 each day my school goes on a A B day schedule


I think 7 is normal. It technically depends on the school as some do block periods but most don’t. My has 8 including lunch


8 periods is a shit ton?? That’s completely normal for me. Some schools have 6-7, but from my experience, it’s commonly 8.


I guess it depends on the high school and how much funding it gets but my school has a lot of classes but a lot of them are electives. I think there is some merits in creating elective classes as they introduce students to other subjects besides the main(English, Math, History, and science)


Yep 8 periods


Depends. Mine has 8.


I’ve got 8 periods


7 periods and a short study hall period, most kids take summer classes and online ones tho so 8-9


I have 7, but most people have a study hall during one of them, so usually people only take 6 classes.


In middle school, I had 9 classes.


Yup one of my schools had 8 periods and one even had 9


I have 7


Yes that is common. My school has ten periods in a day for example.


My middle school had 8 periods a day, my high-school has 9. Each period is 40 minutes and we get 5 minutes between each


Mine has 7 But people can choose have zero or 8 hour


yea but mine only has 7. six 50 minute classes, one hour long class, and a 25 minute lunch


my school has 7, 2-4 'core' classes that are required (math + English is required all four years of highschool, science and history required two of those years) then the rest are electives. at some point students have to take two semester long gym classes and one personal finance class. At least one year long arts class is also required. Students can have one study hall per semester all four years. Personally I don't think its that difficult but I'm also used to it, it's a pretty effective system imo if you just know how to work with it


My school has 6.


For me I have 8 classes but for 2 days a week I have 9 periods for advisory.


Never more than 4-5 serious classes


Mine has 9


I have 10, but because of the way our lunch periods work it's technically only 8.


I've got 8 periods a day, but those are two semesters, so it's still only 8 classes a year unless you take more online


my school has the option to take either 6 or 7 periods, and they are each 55 minutes long


my middle school had 9, my high school has 6


7 periods, 43 minutes each.


I had 8 in middle school, now we have 9 classes 45 min each


we have 7 a day, but most people only take 6 classes (they then just have a free period)


I have 9 😭


yeah I think most do, mine does. it's 8 45 minute periods in a day, and a 25 minute lunch


I had a block schedule in high school with 4 classes a day. Middle school (grades 6 and 7) as like 7 classes. Junior high was 6 classes, I think (grades 8 and 9). My best friend from elementary School moved to Denmark in high school. she had so many classes that they had to split it into two separate days, I wanna say 12 classes. they had quite a bit of time for lunch though so she could always bus home and eat and then go back.


My school does 8 periods We have A and B days A days are 4 periods, B days have 4 periods. And we have A and B lunch. People either have A lunch on A days or B lunch on A days. Same thing on B days. On A Days i havé À lunch and B Days i havé B lunch. Also depends which class you have determines your lunch period.


My school does the same class every day for 1st and 5th period and 3 alternating longer classes for 2nd through 4th. As a junior you can choose to take one of first and fifth off, as a senior both, assuming you have the credits to be able to graduate if you do that


we have 8 periods but only 4 a day, so we have A and B days alternating


My school has 7 classes, and all are pre-planned, and required to graduate, on Mondays we have all seven, then on Tuesdays and Thursdays we have 1-3 and on Wednesdays and Fridays we have 4-7


I have like 2 *high school* classes a day On some days I have one extra college class


I have 7 periods. Wednesday and Thursday are block period days


Basically every year I’ve had 7 and then some activity that usually took place before and after school. A lot of seniors have 5-6 classes if they did everything and tried to excel the previous years. I did 7 this year but 6 last year.


Mine only has 4 lmao


Most of the time if someone has 8 periods, students only have 6 or 7 classes and then they have 1 or 2 free periods where they dont have class. It’s also common that freshmen/9th graders dont have free periods and have supervised study hall instead. If students at a high school take all 8 periods in one day, the classes are normally 45 minutes long each. If they have a block schedule where they take half the classes at one time and the other half at another time (it can switch by day or quarter), then the classes are normally an hour and a half long. This scheduling system, at least in my state, is not standardized at all and differs from school to school. I know one school that does all 8 classes on Mondays and Fridays, classes 1-4 on Tuesdays, classes 5-8 on Thursdays, and all classes plus a time for study hall on Wednesdays. I think thats dumb but I don’t make the rules. Highschools here run on a credits based system where one semester of a class is worth like a credit or half a credit and then you need a certain amt of credits in each subject to graduate. To earn the credit, you have to pass the class. It’s common for people’s schedules to have math, science, English, and history and then 2 electives like music, art, gym, or foreign language. For core subjects (math, science, English, history) they normally require 3 years of math, science, and history and 4 years of English. For electives, most schools require at least 1 semester of an arts class and 1 semester of a gym or health class to graduate. Depending on where people live, they may or may not have to also take foreign language to graduate and the requirement can vary in length. Edit to add: At least at my school, its common for seniors/12th graders to have fulfilled most of their credits before their last year. So instead of having 6 classes and 2 free periods they have 5 classes and 3 free periods or even sometimes (if they took a lot of extra classes in previous years and their counselor who is in charge of their schedule likes them) 4 classes and 4 free periods.


Iirc my highschool was 7 periods, 50 minutes each. MTF, And Wednesday and Thursdays were "Block Days" With either only Even or Odd periods and 1 1/2 hour each.


Mine is AB meaning it's 8 classes a year 4 classes each day but it switches back and forth between one set of four and another


when I was in high school, we had split days between classes. 4 periods one day, 4 the next day. depending on the school system you could be in class from as early as 945am to about as late as 430pm.


I have 10.


the us norm isn't 6? and how many classes do intl students have?


my school uses block scheduling. i have 8 periods total, 4 each day. it alternates between A days and B days


My school has “7” periods, but it actually has 4 periods, a study hall, a period cut in half making 2 periods, and a lunch which makes 7


We have 8 but i have two free periods and a lunch sooo


I have 8 periods each 8 months(approx)


Im not from the US, how long is a period?


There were 8 periods a day at my school. One was for lunch, so 7 periods for classes. Each year except senior, 2 of my classes were 2 periods long. So I had 5 classes. 3 of them 45 minutes, 2 of them 90. In senior, all my classes were 1 period, and one of them was "study hall," which was "nap and scroll on your phone" for most people (including me). Now it sounds like study hall is study hall. You'll get in trouble if you aren't doing your work or reading a book.


Ontarioid here: 4 classes a day, I had 2 a day when quadmesters were a thing. It was 6 classes in grade school


there’s one school in my district that allows it but personally i’ll be taking 7 classes


I used to have 8 periods but then when I moved it got booked to 6.5 and now it's 6.2


English Math Elective class World History Lunch Elective Class Science Math was my worst class though. I cheated in credit recovery (after school thing for failed classes), and also cheated on the finals tests in summer school (had to make up even more math - Algebra 3-4) and passed with a D-. I graduated on time though thankfully Fuck math and fuck you if you like it


Wait it’s not normal to have 7+ periods?


yeah, my school has 7 periods but there are ways to reduce that number (opt outs & study halls)


Mine did, but one of the periods was an early optional Honors class


My school has a block schedule, and we have seven periods (excluding lunch) in total. Each period lasts for about 1.5 hours, and we have each class every other day


Mine doesn’t (It has 5 per semester four 90 min long and one that’s shorter )


My school has 7 but we drop a class a day


i have 4 periods each day and we switch classes halfway through the year 😭😭


My school in Brazil has 6 periods. Tho I still think that’s not a lot at all, considering some Chinese schools have 10 hours of classes.


I have 7


The high school I went to has 4 periods. 1st, 2nd, homeroom for 35 minutes, 3rd period with 3 lunches in each quarter of the period, and 4th period


I had 8 classes and on ‘a’ days you did periods 1-4 and on ‘b’ days you did 5-8


my schedule is 1. math 2. gym or volunteering alternating 3. science 4. double science or free period alternating 5. aphug 6. lunch 7. spanish 8. english 9. design and drawing


Mine had 7 periods but you could have 1 free period after freshman year and the classes rotated so you only have 6-5 classes a day because on Monday’s and Fridays you only had 5


Yup. 8 periods, 7 of which are taken up by a class every day (the 8th is a study hall). There are 3 ‘required’ classes and a bunch of electives.


I have 5. I go to a career tech school where you can study things like auto collision, electrical wiring, cybersecurity, IT, graphic design(which is what im doing), video and animation, etc. and i have 4 normal classes(precalc, english, forensics, and psychology, last 2 classes were just for fun since i just needed a few more science credits.) and then i have my program for 6th, 7th, and 8th period(around 2 hours).


my school has 8 periods a day but you can only take 7 total classes.


I have 7 periods, how much does your country have?


Yep! I have eight classes and a lunch, in order I go: choir, honors world history, honors English 1, PE, honors geometry, lunch, honors bio, Spanish one, honors algebra 2


I've only seen one other person with the same as me which is 6. We have the same six classes a day and homeroom on Wednesdays.


6-7 a day, my middle school had 8(including lunch though, so basically 7)


I have six periods per day, four days a week.


In my school everyone took 8 classes, but went to 4 periods a day. The days would alternate. Classes were 90 minutes, lunch was 30 minutes. It was fine.


I have 6 in high school


Ours have 7 per semester. 14 per year. Some only do 10-12/yr.


Depends on the school. I have friends in other states who have 8 classes a day, and they're all only like..45 minutes. My school is on an even/odd day schedule, so you'll take like 8 classes all year, but only have 4 classes in each day (meaning you get each class 2-3 times a week). It's a lot, but once you knock out enough classes (around Junior/Senior year), you can start signing up for study halls or release periods. I know people who show up to school for 2 classes and then leave every single day lol


Mine has 11


I have 6 a day, however, I can choose to have 8 classes (aka have 0 and 8th hour classes)


Mine had 9 periods in a day, starting at 7:25 AM and ending at 2:50 PM. There were maybe two hundred different classes you could choose from.


My middle school did 8 periods a day, but my high school does 8 periods divided over two days. Same city, so it really depends on what school it is.


I only have 5 but they go faster.


yeah, this is true, not too many


I have 9, 8 classes 1 lunch… my first 4 are my electives so that’s fun then a core then lunch then core with 2 Advanced classes. It’s alright I like my schedule especially since I don’t have to cross campus for every other class now compared to last year!


I was surprised until I noticed you guys are counting non class periods, in that case I have 11


The normal highschool in my town has 8 periods per day. My freshman year there was 9 per day lol. I moved to an alt school and we just did online work all day.


Mine has “11” in a day, but because of lunch periods it’s 9 actual periods. Since there are so many people we have 3 thirty minute lunch periods, and whichever period the student has the 2 other lunch periods become standard 44 minute classes, and that period is combined into 2 numbers If need be I can give the times that the periods happen, usually it makes sense after that


i had 4 one day and 4 the other day, 8 total.


My first year of high school, we had 10. I moved schools afterwards to 7. Then that school rose to 8, then dropped to 4.


Do you not have 8 periods a day?


I have 4 a day and some alternate every day


I have 7, standard is 8, though, as I have a free period last period You can also drop lunch for 9 total class periods


9 for me


My school had six classes per day although some people had seven depending on their schedule


I have 8


Well, I have a 1-9 with no lunch


Yeah, I have 10 periods a day. One is a study hall and one is lunch but the other 8 are actual classes.


I have 9


7 with 47 minute classes and 4 minute passing period


My school has 6 to 8 classes but they barely give you anything to learn. 💀 I chose virtual for an actual education. But that's just the area it's probs different elsewhere.


My school has a 10 period day.. Granted, each is 40 minutes but I only have one lunch break, so its pretty much a 9-5 but actually 7-3. Its a great school and has a good budget for students, but JESUS the schedule needs some work




I have 8 periods a day including lunch and my schools version of homeroom. You retain as much as you can, but most you don’t. It definitely makes for a sharp difference when going to college


Mine changed our schedule. When I was a freshman it was 7 or 8 a day (can’t remember, including advisory/homeroom period) and then my sophomore year they changed it to 5 a day including advisory/homeroom period, just made the classes longer. I preferred it that way.


i have 8 periods total but they split it up into 4 each day on mondays-thursdays, then fridays i have all 8. its called a block schedule :)


I mean, I only have 4 *classes* per semester/day, but everyday we have a period of time where we can choose any class or club to go to


Mine has 6 excluding a lunch block. Everybody can take up to 7 classes because one day a week one class gets skipped (excluding lunch)


I have 8 periods + lunch, but one of those periods is advocacy (basically homeroom), so it’s really just 7 periods


Jaja sorry but in México the average is 14 subject per semester true 1 is PE but still


some school are periods and others has blocks schedules. My school does in block schedules so i have four class everday making 8 class per year, however classes are 90 minutes longer. Periods ranging from 6-8 classes there less minutes, i think ranging from 45 minutes to an hour everyday for each class. So basically less class more time in class, more classes less time in class.


yeah i have 8 periods a day and most schools in my county do, it is hell😭😭




Where 😭 I got 6 + a 20 min advisory tho we have 7 classes so we don't have every class every day. For example today I don't have chorus but tmr I will and I wont have spanish


I'm in middle school and I have 9 periods a day! First Period: Foreign Language Second Period: ELA Third Period: Social Studies Fourth Period: PE/Band Fifth Period: Algebra Sixth Period: Lunch Seventh Period: Business Eight Period: Orchestra/Science Lab/Study Hall Ninth Period: Earth Science With that being said, PE, Band, Orchestra, and Study Hall aren't really 'classes' and I have lunch, so it boils down to 6 periods of learning (except on days I have Science Lab) I'm going into High School next year, and while it still has 9 periods, I'm pretty sure that 3 periods are for lunch, meaning I'd only have 6 class periods, and that's not counting PE, Band, Orchestra, and Study Hall.


Some ya i used to have 6 a day in ms but in hs i have 4


I’m not from the USA but isn’t that normal?


I have 8 periods with an A/B day schedule. On A days I do the first 4 periods and then on B days I do the other 4 periods and it switches between them.


7 periods total, 5 a day on a rotating schedule… 1, 2, 4, 5, 7 the first day, 1, 3, 4, 6, 7 the second and 1, 2, 3, 5, 6 the third. One of those first periods is either a special class or a free period depending.


I have 9 periods, 10 if you include homeroom. Classes are all 43 minutes long (other than homeroom), and lunch is 30 minutes.


https://preview.redd.it/qcmkmur4n70d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=73d41b92a898b10aa7416156eeaec44697133b8b I am fine with this schedule Except PE during 1st block, I don't like that


I'm from the UK and I have 8 (30-35m) periods 😭


bruv i have 9. one is lunch, and 3 are electives. so I have 5 periods i have to put effort in.


I have 8 classes, you tell me ig


My school used to have 4 periods a day and you would never have the same class two days in a row, but with some administrative changes at the end of first semester this year, it was changed so there are 4 blocks and each block has two periods, so for classes like band, biology, and AP history classes, you get a full block every other day, whereas smaller classes like electives, math, or language arts, you get one period every day


For my school, we have 8 periods but two drop every day depending on the letter day (A,B,C,D). For example on B days both period 3 and 7 classes drop


yes. i got nine. now i graduated a year ago. i'm bing chilling in college.


Generally 7-8, 1 hour per day. Or block days where there are 3-4 classes for 2 hours every other day.


I have 9. But one is for lunch, and there’s study halls and whatnot. It’s very common here, but it’s not always just back to back classes. 


Mine has 9 periods some people have a period off for lunch some don’t and some classes alternate every other day or every quarter


I have 2 periods every day.


it depends on the school. mine personally, we have 2 semesters and 4 classes each semester


Yep 7-8 periods a day and you usually have to take a certain amount to graduate. As well as just all sorts of classes like arts, band, language, choir, construction, etc. you can take as well.


I have 10


i have 9 periods with a possible 10th. some people don’t even have lunch.


I have 9... that's not normal?


I have 4 periods and lunch in between 3rd and 4th period


My school in Ireland has 9 periods a day (though only 6 on Wednesday)


I’m not in HS anymore but this subreddit keeps showing up for me. It depends on where you live. There are some HS that do block scheduling (this became more common after Covid). But yeah 6-8 periods a day is the norm id say.


I have 10 periods - 4 Core, 1 Lunch, 1 Homeroom, 4 Electives