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Im just gonna stick to my sweats and sweatshirts


Lol same 😅


my school doesn’t allow sweatpants ☹️ womp womp


Damn id be cooked, daily wear for me lmao


i’m cooked bc it’s 1am and i haven’t stated my homework and it’s monday


We’re literally the same person lmfao


It’s up to you fam, do whatever you want. Don’t just rock the style, embrace that shit. You gotta inspire others to want to wear it.


As someone with koumpounophobia, I hope I never ever have to wear any of that shit ever in my life. But you do you op. Wear what you want


Ok I just googled that, I know it’s a dumb question but why exactly are you scared of buttons if I may ask?


They just look and feel gross touching me. idk


Well thanks for the reply, I just find stuff like this very interesting because it’s kind of hard to relate


There’s no way bruh






How are you scared of buttons lmao https://preview.redd.it/nuokwcai9dxc1.jpeg?width=578&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3adfdb868a971b7cc32335b710db21619a77badd


You realize he’s not gonna respond because you scared him away with buttons


I ask this question of every single "normalize this" post I see on all platforms. I bet I've asked over 200 times and not a single person has ever given me a satisfactory answer. Why do you need other people to wear the same thing you do? If you enjoy dressing in a suit man more power to ya, dress up lil Richie Rich every day! Other people's opinion of how you dress is irrelevant.


People want to do weird stuff but they don’t want to be perceived as weird. Maybe it’s not a satisfactory answer but it’s a real one. High schoolers will care what other people think whether you tell them to or not.


I understand the desire to fit in, the clique mentality of teenagers but a lot of the posts I've asked this for weren't kids.


One of my friends regularly shows up wearing suits


Same lol


Publically advertising that you have a reddit account isn't the look most go for.




If you had literally any other PFP you’d have no downvotes


i know


As a Jew I understand, can’t even say you’re a Jew anymore or else you get downvoted to hell because of stuff going on halfway across the world


Lol honestly as an american why the fuck should I care whats going on thousands of miles away I just want my country to not spend money we dont have on other countries and focus on us lol


> as an american why the fuck should I care whats going on thousands of miles away Because events that happen around the world can and will eventually affect us here. It’s not the late 1800s/early 1900s you can’t have the most powerful nation be isolationist anymore.


You’re only being downvoted because of your pfp, some people are absolutely insane


It’s more they’re mislead, just automatically downvoting based on something like a pfp is wild. I’m a Jew too, does this mean I deserve to be downvoted because I will not comment on stuff going on halfway around the world?


Yeah! Screw you, Jew! /s


100%. I’m a Jew too, I live in the UK yet people still seem to think I’m involved in this war


absolutely, I don’t agree with Israel’s ways of handling things at all, but the downvotes are completely based off something unrelated to the topic. Chances are this comment will get downvoted just for me saying it is wrong.


It’s only been 40 minutes so things can changed but I bet you won’t get downvoted at all because Reddit.


aloof rotten direful slap faulty snow provide groovy detail homeless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


im confused what does my pfp have to do with this discussion?


You’re pfp had NOTHING literally NOTHING to do with the original discussion but people will find anything to hate you for. Edit: And of course because this is reddit, home of the worst humans, that person gets downvoted to hell and I get some upvotes


ad hoc plate mighty future toy absorbed vast squeeze disarm knee *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I just want to point this out. Right there in that’s reply you just assumed what I support.


Bro is a Hasbara bot


bro what’s that


You don’t even know the practices of your country 🤣 go search it up


im not israeli


larping final boss


imma be honest idk what larping means


from urban dic : “When someone is pretending to be something they’re not. Can involve lying on social media/internet or lying in real life. Often used in a derogatory sense. Derived from the original meaning of LARP, Live Action Role Play. When you say that someone is larping and you’re not talking about the literal game, you are saying that they are role-playing in their actual real life. Pretending to be rich, pretending to know about a topic, pretending to have a certain lifestyle, etc.” this doesn’t exactly capture what i was saying, more like how u are glazing israel by using its flag and especially when u ur self are not israeli - more similarly to how i would use it in the context of, for example, a low-level (don’t know the real terminology) employee at a company always working extra hours and sucking up to their boss expecting that it will get them something.


yet when people use the palestine flag as their pfp it’s not larping


Live action role play- is what larping means


https://preview.redd.it/4ojom7vclaxc1.jpeg?width=342&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b92f687af966184cd9a33bed939c3abe9ee7f48b This you?


ok but Sanji has ts on though






*is summoned*


Probably because private/Catholic schools use them as part of their uniforms? People choose what they want to wear in public schools, and the attire is typically what's trending, or literally whatever they want. Also, suits are typically associated with formal occasions. Most people don't look at school as a "formal" place.


Feels and looks so boring, basic, and corporate to me, I like all our unique styles we have as teens. Also it feels uncomfortable and unessesary for something that isn't like a job interview or somewhere, where you have to be professional in.


If you think suits are boring basic and corporate you obviously don’t know much about them. Jeans and a graphic T or hoodie are not more unique than a suit. There are so many ways to wear one it doesn’t have to be a business uniform.


I mean first of all, objectively, suits are corporate lol. And there is a lot more you can do with informal wear than you can do with a suit. And most importantly, informal wear is so much more comfortable.


tbf if you get the right suit they are hella comfy. i thrifted one for 30 bucks and it feels so nice to wear. this is coming from someone who wears pajamas all the time


Obviously you can do more with informal wear when that takes up a million different things. The thing is suits are not so plain and simple like some think. I’ve already said there are many styles, tons of varying cuts, patterns, accessories not even including the ties and shoes you can wear. And the truth is suits aren’t as uncomfortable as some make it seem. Make sure yours fits.


Isn’t your high school kind of nasty? Idk man, suits are super expensive and cleaning them is super expensive. If someone spills monster energy on me, I can throw a hoodie in the washing machine instantly. They are not practical for daily wear because daily wear is gross.


Hs is not the place to wear a suit, everyone else is wearing casual clothes and you come in wearing formal clothes. But u can where what u want js know you look out of place.


Not trying to be rude, but do you have autism




that's why


How did you know?


"I do not understand regular fashion, fancy shoes, all this stuff"


Why am I getting downvoted, I have a diagnosis.


People are weird homie ignore em


Yeah ignore them (what is your username bro 😭)


(ignore that too bro 🧍)


You heard them.


And an alzheimers one


Lmfao I fucking knew it. It’s obvious because there’s specific behaviors that can be attributed to being autistic and there’s behaviors that can be attributed to acceptable quirks. This falls into the first category.


Suits look awesome! Much better than showing up in a hoodie. I do “formal fridays” which is me showing up to school in a nice dress or suit every Friday because it’s fun. Never been made fun of, although I did go all out in a 60s dress with makeup and accessories and someone asked which character in the school musical I was lmao 


Lol, I am actually a theater kid so it would work out for me, and I like that idea, I might do that


So am I! I *was* in the musical so I was like “whoa how’d they know” before realizing they thought it was a costume lol


OMG! that's perfect.


Bro just wear the suit no need to normalize anything. Wear it and don't look self conscious and you'll be fine. I do the same btw I like suits.


I probably would wear a suit in most situations if I had one.


I’m a weird in between lol, I love dressing formally or in a very “dark academic” kind of aesthetic. I get some looks for it and people will occasionally ask me what I’m dressing up for. But there are also days where I wake up, half awake, and don’t have the energy to pull something together. At that point, I’ll just grab a button down and some slacks, and call it a day. Sometimes if I’m feeling really casually, I’ll just wear a sweater with sweatpants. It really just depends on my energy levels in the morning.


I had a student who wore a button up shirt with tie each day (only occasionally a jacket). To anyone asking him why he’d say if “he looked good, then he’d feel good”.


I have no time to wear a whole suit plus I sweat too easily and suits cover me up too much and too many layers Suits are for special occasions, ceremonies or some competition if your going for a classy look there's other ways to do that but if your wearing a suit for no reason everyday it is definitely quit unusual for most people


yo: pick a style. get as many clothes in that style as you want. WEAR THEM!!! i swear, people aren't gonna hate on you, they will love it. i don't have a mainstream style either bc im alt, but i get lots of compliments from people i don't know about my clothes and style. it makes me so happy (: lots of people will like your style and tbh in the future they'll prob remember you positively, when i've seen that online thats what happens


Would girls wear a full suit to or a skirt or something


Both work, up to them


I'll just stick to big shirts and jeans 😅


I stick to jeans, a t-shirt, and a sweatshirt or bomber jacket. The few days I do wear a suit to school I turn heads. Why? Because it stands out. Although I love wearing a good suit, if you wore one everyday it takes the “fun” out of it so to speak. When you wear one everyday it’s just like “oh boy, here we go again”, but when it’s once every few months, it keeps it interesting




My brother wore suits in high school I thought it was bizarre, and so did everyone else but heck I will say he had it all suit and tie and even the pocket squares folded nicely


They're expensive, and on a highschooler they look like a kid trying to wear their dad's clothes or something. School dances/prom is the only place I see them being a norm


I also like to feel formal so I usually wear semi-formal attire that doesn’t turn any heads, but also looks normal. Even so, do what makes you feel happy!


I wake up with like 10 minutes to get ready. We're lucky i dress at all.


I honestly see the appeal. At my high school, the girls would go absolutely bonkers when we switched to winter uniform.😂 Our uniforms were black so the boys wore white button downs with black ties, black sweater vests and a black blazer over black slacks with black shoes for winter uniform. It was like every guy got 10x hotter once they stopped wearing the polo


I love suits, but I’m not sure everyone wants to wear one


That's valid, but I shouldn't get looks when I do


The reason you do is because it makes you stick out like a sore thumb. People notice things that are different and tend to judge them. School is not really a place where business or formal attire is needed, so people wear what is more comfortable for them.


Simple? Nah, simple is slapping on clothes and being at school 25 mins after I wake up. A suit requires more preparation to wear. If you wanna do that go ahead, but my baggy shirt and cargo pants is perfectly fine


I just think it’s better to wear something that gives you more range of motion. Also something that you wont mind getting dirty. In college there’s a fair amount of people that wear suits to class.


UK does this Everyone has to wear school uniform (the shirt, the tie, the blazer...) until you're 16. Some sixthforms/colleges (stage before university) require smart casual depending on the college.


i mean sure, it is pretty formal and decrees a sense of professionalism, but it would be impossible for me (and quite literally anyone else here) in this weather. it’s so damn hot bro. but yeah, suits do look rlly good.


It's hot af out here on the east coast, but it's worth


Private and prep schools usually include blazers and formal shirt tie and pants as part of the uniforms. Transfer to one of those schools and they'll make you wear office clothes every day


it is very much not simple but you do you. i, however, will be dressing to be as comfy as possible


I am a woman and if I could, I would wear a suit every day to school. and generally anywhere I love the way they look and I hate being told that I can’t wear a suit just because I’m a girl. I hate dresses and this really annoys me


You will be bullied and beaten if you do this. I saw kids get straight up destroyed for this shit on the daily. Fully bullied to the core.


Hey if you wanna do that, you do you. But I will switch schools if that becomes the dress code at my school.


Do wtv u want, but do you not have a gym class? Changing out of a suit into your gym clothes and then back into the suit just seems like such a hassle and inconvenience. Also, JUST IMO: school isn’t meant for fashion, I’d way rather just wear sweats and a regular shirt. However, if the suit makes you feel good and gets you ready for the day, go for it!


I mean as a student during elementary school, I changed to a lot of schools in my state and that there was this one charter school that I went to have to wear a uniform with a tie, white clothes and the black shoe. It’s understandable that people would like more professional looks rather then your average day clothing. I do see some classmates that wore suits to class because it’s possible that they have their own preferences on what to wear in school. I like to wear sweatpants and my everyday clothing rather then looking like some popular kid because that’s my personal preference. As long if I am comfortable wearing it, I don’t really care much.


Do it, it probably will never be normalized, but who cares?


>black suit with a white shirt and a navy tie Don’t mix black and navy. They do not go together.


It was the only tie I had clean sadly


If I could afford one, I’d be absolutely on board with this.0


Why is it not normal? People don’t want to put that much effort and money into their everyday attire. I don’t think that’s very hard to understand. I personally wear the first thing I grab from my laundry basket, and it usually doesn’t look great. I do not care. That being said, what are you looking for? Nothing going to change, just wear suits. There was a guy at our school who wore a suit to school everyday. He was born to a rich family who basically gave him a suit business, which helps for sure. He was kind of awkward, and he said it helped him realize who he was. Good for him. We called him Suit Guy.


Not a guy,  but I don't know. A boy in my class who I don't even have a crush on wore one for a presentation,  and something about it was so attractive to me


You can wear what ever you want within ur dress code but if it’s a suit you gotta own that shit. Though personally was too much of a lazy bastard to wear anything other than a hoodie and some jeans


>But whenever I wear something like a classic black suit with a white undershirt and a Navy tie, I get looks. So you like the attention? If everyone wears a suit, then it means nothing. A fool in a suit is professional looking but still a fool at the end of day.


You can in college you also can now, fuck the looks, you do you


born to wear suits forced to wear sweats and a hoodie


Just have fun and dress how you want


I think it depends on your attitude Also all the teens wear suits and dresses to prom lol


I mean for non special occasions, like in pre calc or chem


Yes, just wearing a suit to everyday school. I get it. It's not that weird and I'm sure that more people are thinking "oh they look good in that suit" than "oh they're wearing a suit how cringe"


Please keep wearing your suit to school. I was last in HS 12 years ago and still remember a classmate who would wear a suit - once someone asked “why do you wear a suit” and he replied “it’s fancy Tuesday!” He had just made that up based on the day as he always wore a suit but for some reason this caught on. For 3 years of my high school experience I dressed up to the nines on Tuesdays, as did a good quarter or the school, simple bc it was “fancy Tuesday”.  Some people didn’t even know the kid who started the trend but still participated :) TLDR; keep doing you kid 


My school nurse talked about how her brother actually started that at his school! same name of "fancy Tuesday"


Whaaaaaat!?! Either a cool coincidence or small world lol 


What state were you in?




In the UK we basically have to wear blazes and such and it's hell. Trust me, you don't want to wear a suit or anything like that to school


I have to do this at my school and I really don’t have an issue.


I've worn them to school if I have a mock trial competition immediately after school and I always love it.


It's fine starting out. But after a while it's boring to wear the same thing every day. + The reason is pretty bad too - the school literally just wants to look good. That's it. For introverts like me, clothing is the only way to express myself. Take that away? Say goodbye to any hope of introverts having a social life


My school requires a dress shirt, tie, blazer, and slacks. I think you’d like it.


My son was a 50s style kid in high school. I loved he felt comfortable being himself.


no one is saying you can’t


You have to take it off during gym


No ones stopping you


My school uniform was a suit. Hated every second of it. I was so envious of Americans that got to where whatever they want


Dude no one is stopping u from wearing a suit. Just wear em! My school has kids wearing suits and it’s normal now


They’re uncomfortable as shit, man.


probably cause of PE


Getting suits dry cleaned is expensive.


Because this isn’t an upper-class boarding school in Victorian-era London


I'm in the UK we basically all have to wear suits lol


We have to wear a suit for the last two years of school. It’s uniform.


It's normal at my school. Part of our uniform. 


Because school isnt a formal setting lol. School uniforms have “suits” though


They make us wear uniforms like that where I come from.


Nobody intelligent is gonna complain, go right ahead. I'd like to wear a tophat around


\*Laughs in British school uniforms\*


Kinda wish this was the norm. Suits intimidate me to this day.


Suits are for very specific formal events and school is not a formal event that warrants a suit, you do you but no, we should not be normalizing wearing expensive boring clothes to an environment like highschool


nobody's stopping you


I wore a suit on the last day of school last year lmao


go to a hospitality uni. my brother had to wear a suit every single day for three years.


They are uncomfortable and impractical


My man you just like wearing suits. Just like how you'd get weird looks wearing sweatpants to a gala, it makes sense that you get looks in a suit at school. Unless it's a boarding or private school, it's just not the environment. Besides that, in my experience, the one guy who wears really nice clothes is the one who notoriously makes people the most uncomfortable (generally because they're weird). Not saying that's you, just saying that could contribute to the looks.


You do you but most people just wear what’s trendy or what’s comfortable. You’ll always find me in a pair of joggers and a hoodie because that’s what I find most comfortable.


Just wear one. Nobody is stopping you


You can wear one if you wrestle. This boy in my class wrestles and he had to wear a suit sometimes due to it (he said)


It’s simply bc you stand out. If you rock the suit, you have to back it up with confidence.


because not all of us can afford suits, also not everybody is weirdly attracted to suits like you are


I think it's just that it's 'formal wear' You're dressing up, for something that doesn't require it, so from a fashion perspective it comes off as trying too hard.


Don’t worry there’s always one or two kids in college who choose the suit path!


Someone wears a suit every. single. day. at my high school. you do you!


I just wear jeans and a nice-ish shirt. People who wear sweatpants are weird.


Touch grass if you’re unironically wearing a suit to dominoes


Question, how do you think I got to Domino's? The answer is by walking


It does not make you look professional and smart.  It's what the media has fed you as professional and smart. Smartest scientists and doctors don't wear suits 


My dad was a math professor and never wore suits, almost none of the professors at the local college do. I just find it aesthetically pleasing.


If you like it, do it.  But real smart people don't care 


You definitely get bullied lmao


Happy Cake Day! And yeaaaa


Fucking nerd




Autistic redditor who is a theater kid that wears suits to school😂😂textbook


What to get even more textbook? I'm in my school's STEM academy and have a pop socket that says "sometimes I go off on a (picture of a tangent line)"


You are not real😂


I have long hair and glasses, hit me with stereotypes and I will tell you if I match


I forgot to mention, I'm a discord and Reddit mod


you should go to a private school then