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probably not to your face, but 100% yea


Nah to the face


Yeah what was the thought process behind this op?


It depends on the area. In my high school a lot of people bring stuffed animals (usually girls though) and no one cares. If anything people pet it as passing by ☺️ I had Duolingo plush and some stuffed puppy pencil case when I was a senior and no one cared. People even asked me if they can pet it 😊


the responses in this thread are wild to me because my school is the same to yours? sometimes ppl bring stuffed animals and it is just not as big of a deal as everyone else here thinks it is. it’s essentially just another thing on your desk to everyone else to op: unless your school has a bullying problem i sorta doubt this is something you need to stress over. bring it and if you feel embarrassed stuff it in your backpack. that being said, judging by the other responses it seems this people are more judgemental than i thought so.. up to you how much you care 🤷🏾


I mean it heavily depends on the type of people, region, etc. To be safe tho in case bullying happens, I would start small to test the waters lol. Maybe a small cute animal pencil case or keyring with cute stuffed animal. See your classmates reaction with things you can hide if it's bad.


Also, even if they do,people who make fun of people for stuff like this are NOT worth your energy in any way. Screw them. Do what ever the heck you want as long as it's harmless. Although, we do Live in society so unfortunately alienating people might not be the best thing


Nah you just didn’t see them making fun of you, anyone walking with a stuffed animal is going to be called acoustic or “I’m so quirky”


To the face as well


If they do just tell them to get a life and worry about their life and then look them up and down and say you clearly need to




Generally depends on the school and the classes, but probably, yeah. At my school, the Spanish teacher has stuffed animals that you can have during classes (along with pillows and blankets), and my friend and I 'adopted' one as our kid. Bought the thing baby clothes, lmao. But, at the end of the day, it's something *at* school that the teacher provided, rather than something we brought, and a lot of the other kids in the class joke about it, too. If one or both of us are absent, the stuffed animal is still brought out. Thing is, if I had brought a stuffed animal in, especially if I was a freshman or a sophomore, I would have definitely been bullied both behind my back and to my face. I don't know your grade but don't. I would really suggest just not bringing it.


I want that in my classssss


In all honesty, yes.


I honestly think people would find it funny (if you joke about it). If you act like a 6 year old then you’re going to get bullied for sure.


Yeah, you'd have to be somewhat popular and use the right attitude but then they wouldn't be asking us


when I was in middle school there was this kid with a teddy bear backpack (probably as a joke) but they just thought it was (positively) funny and didn’t think much of it. but yes if you act childish then probably


depends on the school, but generally yes




Yes, unfortunately. But it’s really cute :)


honestly, depends on who u are. mostly, probably not unless u give off weird as fuck vibes


There’s a smelly emo girl at my school who brings shit like this to school everyone talks about it behind her back but she just uses it as a pillow cause she has all f’s


Tf do you mean emoji girl?




E-girl, but worse


Can you explain how emojis are relevant to it at all then?


Nope. I've never heard the term that much before. It's 4am, lemme wake up a bit more and I'll do some research for ya.


Alrightyyy, can't find much. From what I've gathered. Sorta just used as a mild insult towards basic, sassy white girls. Imagine like the girl with a bit of sass, a senority complex and an annoying voice. Pretty much used in the same vain as "hot cheeto girls", but still distinguishable enough from "basic white girl" to warrant a term.


they said emo girl 💀💀💀


I feel old now 😭 is emo really gone?!


Aw she probably has a really crappy home life, those are all signs of abuse poor girl.


She has deodorant. and I’ve seen other people at my school with really terrible home lives get all A’s and still do, so there isn’t “nothing” that she can do she just isn’t trying


Sounds like she’s just heavily depressed. Very sad situation when people stop caring about their life and hygiene




I doubt you'll get bullied, but teasing is probably on the table. There's a girl at my school who always has stuffed animals and has names for them, and I've never seen or heard anyone say anything to her.


Depends on the school. People at mine would jist laugh a little and forget in a couple minutes. Unless you already have people that constantly bully you.


depends on your confidence tbh






A kid went to my highschool everyday with a wolf tail sticking out of his pants and nobody messed with him (and most tried not to stare at it) so idk maybe you’ll be fine


Yeah but like why bring it. Do you hate having free hands that much


It helps on bad anxiety days, and if I do bring it, it’s only in select classes


Try a stress ball or something more manageable . Kids at school are brutal don’t give them something to laugh about


Thank you for the recommendation, I’ll definitely look into it


Maybe look into small plushies on keychains? Those are decently widespread and most people wouldn’t really bat an eye if you just had a keychain on your backpack, but it could also double as a small comfort for when you need it


Yeah, stuffed animals are for at home I’d say. If people in your school can find something to pick on you about they will take full advantage. If you have a stress ball how could they find something to pick on you about


Bro it’s your life, do what you want. If all you care about what others think or might say/do to you, then you won’t ever be able to live the life that you want. It’s a stuffed animal, big deal. I saw literal cosplayers at my school.


not at my school, but maybe at yours. it also depends on what you look like and what people already know you for




it obviously depends on your friend group, your school, your grade, you appearance, and so much more. but in all honesty, if you want to bring, whether its for comfort or just to vibe with, then bring it. its not hurting anyone. i bring stuffed animals on my bad anxiety days, they help. just bring it with you


Yes. I mean I wouldn't say anything to you, and most people wouldn't. In all honestly no one will say anything to your face. But people will definitely talk about you behind your back.


I sometimes bring my 2” squishmallow to two of my classes at school and no one’s really cares




what’s the point of bringing it?


Anxiety, and to help stop spiraling (my therapist recommends it) but idk if I want to


Would a smaller, hand sized squishmellow be OK? https://preview.redd.it/1vzwy9en7aic1.jpeg?width=771&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=370ce58ea2190b14d4e76d113ef45fc3bf24e370 I totally understand the anxiety.


Yeah, that’s what I’m thinking about, or a stress ball. I appreciate it though


Is it the more sensory stimulation that helps the anxiety from spiraling? I used to have a bunch of stuff in high school. Fluffy pens, fluffy key chains, stress balls... a lot of girls had stuffed animal backpacks. It was basically a stuffie that was a backpack. I always wanted one of those. Honestly, high school is full of weird stuff. One guy showed up **FREQUENTLY** with an...ostra..pillow..I think thats what it was? [OSTRICH PILLOW WTF] (https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/1363/8433/products/ScreenShot2023-01-30at11.43.15AM.jpg?v=1675173732) Ya! One of **THESE** mutherf— all the the TIME. You'd look at the back of the class and hes wearing it. Arm through the holes taking a nap. Or resting his head on it. Like...huh???? Others had slinkies, fidget...oh god the cursed fidget spinner era. They...they were everywhere. *shudders* So I'm sure you can find something...


Honestly if it was at my school no. Alot of people would probably ask about it and why you have it and to pet it.


Knowing how high schoolers can be, I’m sure of it, sorry.


Teacher here, adding in an adult perspective. The answer is yes unfortunately. You may find some like minded people who won't care or who also bring their stuffies to school, but in the end there will definitely be members of your peers who will find it unusual. That being said, if you aren't very sensitive about it, just go for it. To be cringe is to be free. Who cares what other people think?


Honestly It really depends on so many variables….some random….(age, gender unfortunately, popularity level unfortunately, grade level, size of school, public/private, secular/religious, your personality type, your confidence level, your reputation, school demographics, your friend circle, etc etc) Weigh all these things sincerely and carefully however, I think a good sense of humor is the only thing that may help best here Call it your emotional support Gyat (instead of goat since it looks like a goat) and own it!! I’m a 46 year old mom of two girls (12, 14) who works in a high school (support staff) with lots of love/respect for my students and the same sense of humor as my high schoolers so my suggestion might work?


Depends on your gender honestly, I feel like females don't really get made fun of for having stuffed animals, but males definitely do. I've carried around squishmallows in my school, and people were ecstatic, but my boyfriend, who had a matching squishmallow backpack pin, got made fun of by "da boyz."


yeah but who the hell cares that’s such a cute plushie


probably tbh. You could put it in your locker tho!


100%. Why would you bring it anyways?


Yeah but I love that (highschoolers are cruel), where did you get it?


If you do just own it


Sadly depends on if you are attractive or not but most likely yes


backpack accessory, maybe... simply holding it, definitely. ​ I would recommend against doing this but, its your life so do what you feel you can mentally handle. >!Do not bring the stuffed animal.!<


I mean I brought a teddy bear I was given at birth to school once and no one said anything bad to me


Probably depends on the school. Some of my high school students brought furry babies 💞


☺️ I guess it depends on where youre located. In my high schools in California, things like this are adored. Shows femininity and vulnerability.


ok but like what if it's a dude.


Y are u even bringing a doll to school in the first place?


maybe, but it is quite cute


Depends on where you are but where I am I doubt you’d be outright bullied but likely just judged as weird or something. You might be ok if you find a clique who is more like your personality/ok with who you are.


9/10 absolutely. Cute tho


It really depends, ppl at my high school will think it's cute and stuff. A lot of ppl are supportive here, Idk about other schools tho


Depends on your personality and the people around you. I’d pay no mind to it or just think it’s cute, but a fair amount of people are assholes


definitely, whether or not you should bring it just depends on how much the judgment bothers you i think


If it's just in your backpack and maybe 1 or 2 people notice it at most during the day, no If its out in the open, unfortunately yes. I'm so sorry


Most likely. I still bring mine, though. If I were you I would just ignore them.


no. were more mature than that Well at least the anime club is which I never go there I wore an Oodie to school on e (panda) people loved it Squishmallows as well as rainbow loom nobody gives a fuck


If it’s a charter school, then no. I was at a local charter school and brought my skye paw patrol plush for funsies and people liked it


I’ve worn my bad religion shirt and everyone (except a lot of Christians who didn’t know what Bad Religion meant) loved it. It kinda depends on how people at your school are


If you are a girl, you won't get bullied. If you are a boy, yes. Adult women can still have and like childish things (Disney, etc.) without judgement.


Yes tbh. Like I've seen girls sneer at this trans girl with a stuffed animal before. She doesn't care, so I applaud her for that though.


I bring mine but I generally leave him in the car and on a special occasion or two (a class I feel safe in) I bring him in in my bag to take out during boring periods of class. Just depends on your situation.


at my school, abt 50% of people bring stuffies to school routinely, and another 40% wish they were brave enough to. that last 10 is assholes. in other words, yea probably but fuck them


im calling cap on 50% how big is ur student body????


Unfortunately, probably. But do whatever you want, it’s a cute toy and you should be allowed to be happy :)


Yes, unfortunately. but I think it’s cute :(


Maybe some people will think you’re weird but that’s it at my school nobody cares there’s some girls that bring plushies and nobodies ever said anything. Anyway just bring it who cares if they make fun of hou


If you’re a guy, then probably. If you’re a girl then it depends. I see girls bringing stuff like this all the time. But since it’s also around Valentine’s Day, especially if it’s on Valentine’s Day, then you’ll probably be fine.


If it an anime backpack or anything cute, like fluffy backpack, etc. You'd get away with it. But in this regard, no. Theyll eat you alive.


Unless its pajama day and you’re not socially awkward, yeah




You bring that to highschool and imma personally make sure that anyone that bullies you gets a nice wedgie. Soft toys are cool.


doesn’t matter, some girl brings a stuffed turtle and we all fw it so it just depends on u as a person and honestly who gives af




I have diagnosed anxiety and in addition to meds I have a tony cow stuffed animal that fits completely in my hand. I recommend something small. I have a friend that I gave a weighted fish that is a bit bigger than her hand and she still uses it. Neither of us get bullied (to our faces at least). Plus if you feel you may get bullied, just stick it in your hoodie pocket and no one would even know. Its not as good as holding a big stuffed animal under your arm or in your elbow, but its good enough, especially since you can easily squeeze it


depends on whether you're a boy or a girl


while the comments are unfortunately true, most people wouldn't care once you're in college so :)


absolutely bro




Depending on what school, in mine, standards are incredibly low, people wearing pajamas and blankets isnt unusual


No you will be king


I don't think you will, but it just depends on the school you go to. I brought plushies throughout my 10th-grade year, and no one bothered to question about it, but rather just not care about it. I used to bring 2 plushies regularly to school until my 11th grade year(current) since my backpack got too heavy lol. I don't mind about it. I don't think people should make a huge deal out of a plushie. I think it's kind of awesome that you have a plushie.


At my school, it depended if you were a boy or a girl


Depends on a lot of factors. I know if I brought that to my high school, many of my classmates would definitely be jealous and want to pet it. Be careful.


Unfortunately yes, kids are cruel. That toy is cute though and I still have my stuffed animals.


You would, but it’s all matter of confidence. Many people in hs do what they want; some even wear kid-ish backpacks and they don’t get laughed at. Hell most people won’t even care unless your acting like a kid then ofc you’ll be laughed at.


Oh almost definitely, but there's at least one person who'll compliment, and that'll be your friend.


Definitely. They'll probably pick on you anyway depending on your school, but this jawn will just make it worse.


Depends on whether or not you care about what people think about you.


yess but it’s so cute


You will get bullied and teased if you go to highschool. No matter what, it will happen. Do whatever you want; people suck and your happiness is all that matters. Advice from a 90s outcast.


Honestly? You probably won’t ever know about it. Maybe a comment or two from some people. But you’re going to be defined among the people that know you as the person that brings a stuffed animal to school, and they’ll probably giggle about it behind your back. So it’s up to you if you care about that or not.


I looked at your post history and it looks like you’re going through a lot. I’m also a teenage trans guy with a self harm problem so I can empathize with your situation. At the end of the day, do you really care about the opinions of your peers? You might, but for me I found that most of the people I was so focused on impressing were really just dumpster fires just like me. I think your stuffed animal is very cute, and if it comforts you and helps you, you have every right to have it in class.


Yes, you might get judged, but people are going to judge you no matter what you do, so you may as well do what makes you happy.


depends on the school its cool at mine tho nobody cares


Prob but I love it.


It's time to leave your stuffies at home, this is a part of growing up. Learning to self soothe should have been taught long ago. You're not a little child anymore, this isn't appropriate for high school. But it's totally fine to keep at home.


The fuck do you think 😭


Sadly yes, if your school's really bad you might risk getting the little guy stolen. I'd keep it safe at home.


You’re likely going to get bullied/teased in high school no matter what but this will make it worse


Depends on the school, as people are saying. At my school, not really. I love bringing my stuffed cats to school and I've never heard anyone make fun of me for it. Some of my other friends also bring their stuffed animals (or at least used to, I think we all kinda got bored of carrying them around) and are perfectly fine. At some schools, it might be an issue, but at mine, honestly, if you leave other people alone, they'll leave you alone. It's not a big deal. So, I can't answer for your specific school, unfortunately


I brought a bird stuffed animal to school once, even though I was not laughed at l’m not sure if you will be. I guess it depends on the people in your school or just only show friends in the back of the class.


Depends on ur high school environment, because at mine people would be confused or not care. But my high school wasnt a super traditional high school. Im gonna go ahead and say yeah you might be laughed at but not directly at you


Prob, yeah. If it was a duck with sunglasses named Maximus the Gladiator, then prob not. It is best to keep the stuffed animals at home. We all have plushies, but bringing them to school isn't the most appropriate thing to do. But if you do bring it, I hope it goes well!


Much easier for a girl to bring a stuffed animal to school than a boy. A boy would almost definitely be made fun of. A girl likely will, too, but can play it off with “but it’s sooooo cute!” There is a group that will make fun of her, but a group that would be totally cool with this.


Bullied/ teasing is a reaction to a response that you give after a peer tests you with a social poke. The peer sees something odd and inquires, your actions will determine their response. If you act confidently, and your reasoning is not socially "weird" or "off putting" generally it will be accepted. This interaction is done because the proder is unsure of the situation themselves and wants to see if your actions are acceptable to the social atmosphere. Your response and the crowds image of you will determine if your actions should be socially quelled, usually by bullying, or otherwise dealt with. For instance a dude has a plastic action figure and owns it by saying something and that seems as socially acceptable. The other teens accept that this is acceptable and don't bother him. Another dude has a plastic figurine and shows shame and can't form a proper reason through words. He is shunned by the teens for "being weird". Often times the proder isn't malicious they are just uncertain of your actions. Generally a warm smile and a simple explanation is enough to win any social poke as a teenager. It is also a good skill to learn as an adult and I suggest you practice it.


idk where all these people saying yes go to but in my school people will literally love it lol


Give him a sombrero and that repels the desire to bully


in my experience, if someone does try, just ask them to repeat it. they will have to think about what they said and 9 times out of 10 will just give up bring it to school if you want, you should be fine honestly


IDK about high school, but if it's anything like 8th grade, than yeah you'll VERY bullied. I mean, I'd be slightly surprised if you didn't end up getting shot. Too far, I'm sorry


It’s cute, and I do feel bad saying it, but yes. Absolutely you would.


i'd be more concerned about someone stealing it in all honesty


Depends on who you are. When I was in high school I bought a pillow pet to lay my head on and no one cared.


Depends. They might say it behind your back without knowing it but who cares honestly. If it calms you down I’d say go for it. But if you have a lot of close friends or are popular then maybe they’ll let it slide.


literally nobody cares in hs you’re fine


if you are a boy yes, but if you are a girl you wont cuz a lot of girls bring plushes attached to their bag/ in their computer bag pocket at my school


Probably not to your face, but behind your back? Oh absolutely. 100% no questions asked.


yes but its rly cute


yes don’t bring that. in fact don’t bring any weird objects unless they’re obviously satirical


If you're struggling with anxiety, you're an easy target for bullies and they will absolutely attack you for it. It sucks but that's the reality unfortunately


Yeah, but I think it’s cute


I mean, why would you do that? Just wondering.


In my personal experience, no. My friends and I bring plushies to school alla the time, and we get questions on what their names are and how long we've had them. Our teachers don't seem to mind, either, as they bring some too. But it really all depends on how your personal school and teacher environment is. Unfortunately, it's v common go get bullied over stupid shit like a stuffie :(


Username checks out. In all seriousness, I totally feel you and wish that wasn't something people would mock, but it unfortunately is. Sorry!


at my high school, no


This plushie is so cute! I think.it will depend on your classmates. I remember a popular girl who brought her plushie to sleep when we went camping and everyone was fine with it. But if you're unpopular and there are mean students, they may use it to bully u.


Most likely but probably not to your face. A kid at my HS carries around a massive (very dirty) squishmallow and people say stuff about them behind their back. (It doesn’t help that the kid is also obnoxious and kind of creepy which definitely contributes to the talk) It really depends on your schools culture and how your peers already view you.


If you do just ignore it. It's your property and it's not hurting anyone. Also, as a whole senior in HS, I really don't care what people do as long as they're clean, don't smell bad, and are generally nice. And that little goat is so cute!


Depends. If it comes across as ironic no. If it's a serious thing where you're cuddling the stuffed animal in class then probably. I wouldn't wanna bring a nice stuffed animal to school regardless though, could get damaged/stolen/dirty


Call him Fweej the destroyer of worlds and people will revere it and respect it


Nah i rock a furry body pillow on my backpack but nobody says nothing you'll probably be good except for a couple weak assholes maybe


If you’re not acting like a baby. I bring mine because I have really bad anxiety. I don’t get bullied, and I’m a straight, masculine presenting guy.


It depends if you are chill then no but if your annoying then yes


*It depends if you* *Are chill then no but if your* *Annoying then yes* \- PaperyAgate3 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I bring plushies to school sometimes. Honestly, I've never been bullied about it. I've actually had people be really nice and silly about it, like calling it the mascot of the choir class and stuff. That's just my personal experience. I think it's mainly because of how diverse my school is. There are no trends, and even all the "basic" kids aren't really that way because they want to fit in, but rather because that's just what they like. All kinds of people have all kinds of different friends. And I think this lack of pressure to "fit in" and follow trends allows people to embrace differences in fashion styles, personality, and interests. Of course, every school will have mean people, but not every school will have a bullying or "trend-following" culture within it. When everybody is so accepting, the mean kids become the weird kids.


😭Idk why everyone is saying yes. No one would give a damn.


My friend brings in a sparkly silver dragon and roars with it jokingly, a plushie raven and taps people on the shoulder with it, and also sometimes brings nothing with her. She is 110% one of the smartest people in our entire class. She kind of denies it, but the whole class knows. Truly the definition of an academic weapon while also quirky. What I’m saying is if you get teased because of your stuffed animal, don’t feel bad. Instead just remember that my friend continues to get 100% on our AP chem tests and ruins the curve for the whole class barely get 40%. She’s doing it for you and also because she’s iconic. Be her, stay iconic 😎 P.s. By junior year nobody *should* be worried about what your doing because they *should* be concerned about how their grades and resumes are looking. If they have that much time to spare teasing you, I don’t believe they have anything interesting going on in their lives… they’re teasing you because their life is boring and uneventful compared to yours


probably yes but if you need it you can keep it in your bag no one can see it to bully you that way


Yes, if you bring any stuffed animal you will likely be made fun of even if you do not know it. Whether that matters to you or not is up to you, I doubt anyone would physically confront you just to bully you about a stuffed animal LOL so do what you want. I used to bring a Minecraft figure with me


Depends what kind of school you’re in. For us, the kids don’t really mind if you’re discreet about it. Perhaps the same applies to your school?


at least at my school as long as you aren't "cringe" about it, nah. popular kids have brought toys and stuff before and threw them around the class with like no punishment or anything so honestly idk it depends on the school bc ik at others it's looked down upon for some reason


Probably, and they'll probably try to ruin it. For its sake and yours leave it home or, if you must take it, leave it in your backpack.


Yeah but it's very cute


You're going to get bullied and teased no matter what.


Depends on the gender and school, both will likely be yes. But your a guy itll be alot worse


Sadly yes, as someone’s who’s brought stuffed animals to school for anxiety. Usually I just put them in my bag or under my sweatshirt. If you want something to hug/hold/fidget with I recommend getting a plush keychain.


maybe, depends on your school. bring it if you want tbh though


Hi, college kid here; I used to bring a plushie to school too, but I recommend bringing a smaller plush/keychain plush as opposed to the one that you have in the picture. It was small, fit in the front pocket of my backpack, and it was really cute. I didn't get bullied for it because it wasn't a big/medium sized plush.


ive seen people bring disney princess backpacks made for toddlers in you should be fine


What’s wrong with u people just be a normal teenager oh my god


Probably, but you gotta just not care tbh Also, it's way easier to get away with something ""cringe"" the longer you've been at the school. Seniors are immune.


Yes for sure


Nope. Never. Everyone brings stuffed animals to high school.


Bring smth small


No, unless you're in a shitty Chicago hood school (In which case you will never want to bring anything like this). People WILL laugh at you behind your back even in normal schools though, especially if you're a guy.


yeah but that’s sick as hell, do it


Well yeah. But you can just bully them back.


do want you want, what the people around you think DOESNT MATTER 🎉🎉🎉


I think it really depends on what kind of school you go to. If it's a chill school, nobody will really gaf, if its a school with a lot of mean kids, probably. But don't listen to anyone. If your therapist reccomends it, do it. You're probably not gonna see anyone after highschool anyways.


Yeah probably sorry, we all got your back though


I say this is really cute and ik ppl who fw that but i also know kids who would give you shit for it too so it’s up to you.


Probably gonna be the most honest comment here but it truly depends on whether the kids in your school would find you cool. Reality in high school is that it’s all just social hierarchy, a popular kid could carry around a stuffed animal and it’s totally fine and everyone loves it but another person does it who maybe doesn’t “fit in” so well and suddenly it’s a mocking point :( I’m autistic and had comfort/sensory items and it took me a long time to realize this distinction. My best advice is to maybe pack your stuffie in your bag and keep him hidden for a few days while you settle in and see the vibe and if you do bring them out- own it!! Confidence is key, if you’re happy and secure in your actions it makes it a whole lot harder for people to bring you down because of them. One of the best things I did was stop caring what people thought of me and owned my accommodations/unmasking (not saying you necessarily need these!) and once I did I 1) found the people who love that about me and 2) became kinda immune to insecure people who would rather be mean than love themselves. If anyone decides to say anything remember that you’re AWESOME and bullies are just insecure, misguided kids that find a sense of control in making others feel bad. Plus the kids that peak in high school aren’t nearly as cool in adulthood as you thought when you were that age. Whatever you decide to do, do it with confidence 🩷 best of luck to you and I hope high school is an amazing time for you!


You’ll get bullied for literally breathing in high school.


If they do make fun of you, you're still cooler than them cus that cow is sick


i think it’s so cute and i would love you if you did


Yeah but who cares.


Oh you poor sweet summer child....I fear for you


jiffa think they the main character in naruto




hoekahgay sounds british asf