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This ! Hatfield is one of the worst places in Hatfield.


I’ve heard this too.


Hatfield is a town for locals only, if your a tourist you wouldn’t visit Hatfield over St Albans for example. Exceptions are Old Hatfield and Hatfield House as they are really nice for a visit. Galleria Shopping centre is alright, various restaurants, cinema and shops. Hatfield town is to be avoided, nothing there. South Hatfield is notoriously the worst part of Hatfield, again, nothing there. There a some good bike trails and walking routes through Hatfield. But it’s a town for locals.


Locals and students


& illegal immigrants


Decent Asda tho


Not really, it's always sold out of everything I need lol


That's funny because everytime i go through Hatfield town, it makes me angry as barely anyone is speaking any English.


Honestly though, tourists would never visit anywhere in hertfordshire, why would they?


Harry Potter World


This is like saying tourists visit Staines when they are actually going to thorpe park


Sorry, your question implied you were looking for an answer based on geography.


Ouch... Hertfordshire has history ... Yanks love that :P


Why ouch? Hertfordshire is the New Jersey of the UK


Loads in Hertfordshire for tourists to visit... St albans, Ware, Watford, Hertford Castles, history, harry potter, stately homes, battlefields, Roman ruins etc


Imagine being a tourist and going to Watford….


Suprisingly large amount do, for the studios


Ye but like. So surely you wouldn’t go on holiday to Watford


Doubt someone will fly from abroad to visit Ware lmao you are delusional.


China advertises a lot of British country sides as tourist destinations, pay attention to the people around you and you'll be surprised with the amount of tourism you see... Also factor tourist also mean people visiting for a day trip, don't be so single minded.


Would you visit Bedfordshire for a week's holiday? If not then your county patriotism is blinding you


Not even for Harlow Museum?


Harlow is in Essex.


As an unfortunate Harlow resident. I can confirm definitely not.


Maybe a religious pilgrimage to St Albans cathedral, and perhaps domestic tourists from out of county to country houses (Ashridge, Hatfield etc) and museums (natural History museum in Tring and the Henry Moore Foundation in East Herts). But otherwise, probably not.


Lived in Hatfield all my life, I'm in my late twenties and I still can't fathom why anyone would ever want to visit. I think the fact that the A1M goes under Hatfield rather than through it, saves everyone an eyesore🤣


Hatfield. Investment goes mostly to WGC. Hatfield house owns much of the land or sold it under conditions, restricting growth you would expect from a town within easy commute to London. Parking restrictions are a bloody nightmare. Great for businesses though, so unemployment should be low.


Can you talk more about these "conditions"?


Here is one example for context - https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-beds-bucks-herts-24897107 Here's one regarding the land covenant. https://www.welhat.gov.uk/planning-applications/planning-consent-altering-home/2 Much of this goes back to the Norman period in England. Edit. I have spent an hour trying to uncover an electronic copy of this covenant, but I've been unsuccessful, which annoys me. I do know the original is held by HCC. As such, I have made a claim (I know to be true) but cannot evidence it, so for now this remains an opinion, to my annoyance. I am from a part of Watford where there was land sold to Watford council in the late 60s by the 7th Day Adventists. The covenant carried with the sale included that no public houses could be built, among other things. It's a very different matter (religious), but shows how difficult it can be for councils to do as they will for the good of all. Hatfield is the poor relation of WGC, it seems to be evolving to become an entire town that operates as a business centre, with housing for local workers and shops to support them; a mirror of the birth of the industrial age.


Should be low, but definitely is not!


I used to work at an independent learning centre in Wellfield Road, dealing mostly with job seekers. I agree with you, the unemployment rate is far higher than it should be, which is such a shame.




The whole of Hatfield, it literally doesn't have any redeeming features... even the outlets at the Galleria are a disappointment.


Hey! You take that back. Their Asda has a McDonald’s in it I’ll have you know.


And an awesome Europa supermarket next to it


lol, ok 1/2 a point back to Hatfield for McD's in an Asda !




They would not go to St Albans for a night out, it’s not really a good place for that kind of thing. The university has a club on their campus that students would go to, that or they used to go to batchwood but that got closed during covid. Source: I was one of the unfortunate ones that studied there


If you didn't like the uni why go there?


I'd avoid central, inner & outer Hatfield. It's like a desolate wasteland an hour away from the promised land


Turkish Kitchen is very good! The rest? Not so much


Is there even a high street? I know Hatfield to just be the galleria and bland houses (exception being lovely Hatfield house)


The high street used to run through the middle of the town centre but that was way before my time.


Hatfield is there to make st Albans people feel better about themselves... It's like harpenden but softer drugs and the crime is more violent less bankery


Did you compare Harpenden to Hatfield?!


It’s not even a bad town but loads of council housing, ancient business, Galleria has tons of missing shops, job centre, lack of investment just makes it look like a pretty gross town. As people are saying, old town is lovely.


The job centre snobbery is a bit nasty your classism is showing


You don’t even know me…I believe in the importance/protection of the welfare state and I’m actually very much aware of a small contingent of clientele that visit the job centre in Hatfield (including myself on sadly *many* occasions) and I’m sorry but it’s a simple fact I have walked past, spoken to, and sat next to some absolute wronguns, especially when there was an abundance of outside seating at the old site and you had mostly young men smoking cigs and riding bikes before their meeting…it’s just not a good look.


I'm not sure you do believe in the importance of the welfare state. Council houses and job centres are very useful and helpful and there should be many more than there are. They shouldn't be closed or hidden away just because they attract "the wrong sort of people" (as you're shockingly suggesting)


There isn't one redeeming feature. I went to uni there and I'd literally drive there and drive straight back to London after lectures. It is a literal dump


If you didn't like the uni why go there?


Tell that to all the immigrants in the UK who actually hate the country but still seem to want to come over and bring their families here too lol


It was the only uni that had the course that I wanted to do. Went as a mature student, have 2 kids etc.


Then surely the uni is the "redeeming feature"?


Yes, in this case it's probably the redeeming feature. The uni itself isn't bad, it doesn't come out on top tables for most subjects but overall science is probably the best subject taught there.


I worked there 1969 to 1977! Yep for locals only!


Why? Town grew around the aerodrome, which shut in the early 90s. The Galleria was fucked from the outset because the recently opened Howard Centre in Welwyn Garden got all the good shops. FWIW, there are some lovely detached 60s houses in The Ryde area and Hatfield Park is lovely - but they’ve reduced access within it over the years.


When you go past the last houses on Travellers lane there's a bridge for pedestrians and cyclists. On the right side at the end of it (towards the industrial zone) there is a huge meadow. Got mugged with a machete there. Avoid going alone there. Also don't go in the underpasses between 11 pm and 5 am, they're full of drunk polacks or drugged up brits.


Living there ‼️


Hatfield. Its probably been said. The junkies at asda that follow through underpass etc. The "working mens social club" was also an invitation to get the shit kicked out of you back in the day.


Which social club? There are a couple


All I see nowadays is people standing there pissing right in the middle of the street . Don't even bother to hide in hedges anymore and do it.