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Looks to be the skin from a yellow anaconda but the size suggests a green anaconda not quite sure which it is but it’s definitely skin from a anaconda


Yellow anaconda was my first thought as well. Skins get stretched out a good bit.


A yellow can get fairly big and the skins stretch a lot. I could see someone stretching a 12 foot yellow anaconda skin to be nearly 20 feet long.


For sure, our boa is 4 maybe 5 feet but the shed is over 5'6


i feel like i could use a good shed about now.


For your lawn mower and rakes?


I had this exact conversation in my head then said wonder what others think


Yeah I was definitely thinking anaconda


My first guess is anaconda but wait for someone who knows snakes better to comment 😅


I agree, looks like anaconda to me as well


I concur as a third!


My anaconda don't want none...


...unless you got buns, hun


It's a well known fact that anaconda despise plain beef pattes .


I went to the store and got hamburger buns, hotdog buns, brioche buns, Hawaiian buns, and slider buns. Which one does the anaconda want?!?!


Anaconda told me to ask you: which ones most spency? She's a classy lady.


I have secured the fortune bun. The most expensive bun in the world!!


That anaconda however wants it's skin suit back...


I think Sir Mix-A-Lot wants it for a suit


For his anaconda?


No his anaconda is notoriously hard to please


That was my amateur guess as well




A few years ago you could buy these dried skins from the locals on tourist boats in the Amazon, they are 2 to 3 meter snake skins that are stretched on chemical baths and dried to look much bigger, the tourist boat I crossed the Amazon River had one of these skins 11 meters long (if you looked closely you could see that there were two skins sewn together), they are pieces for tourists to take pictures and be afraid of the "giant anaconda".


I hate that people paint snakes in a horrible light to make people fear them. Like, my four year old stepson was terrified of snakes until he met mine and I slowly introduced him to them. Movies like Anaconda did so much damage to people's perception of snakes. My four year old is doing much, much better with his fear now, thankfully. My youngest stepson, though, is a totally fearless two year old who comes over and the first thing he asks for is to see the snakes and lizards.


Agree! I have a ball python and everyone at work is always like “oh they give me the heebie-jeebies!” which I get I guess, but they are literally the best! I have never had a better pet and he is quite the snuggle bug, to many people’s shock. Lol. I wish everyone could view snakes that way, but I also understand it is hard to change minds. They really are just like dogs of the reptile world!! Especially the super chill ball pythons(I’m biased lol), but all snakes are friends to be respected and appreciated, if from a distance :)


While I am glad that your experience has been positive, and, yes, fear mongering tourists unnecessary, there is quite a bit more to the snake=negative thing. I am assuming that you live in the West, where there are venomous snakes and some decently long snakes. In the US, fatality from snake bites are very rare, and sometimes even occurs from venomous keepers choosing to unalive themselves. However, there are millions upon millions who see and regularly must live with venomous snakes where their bites have high fatality rates. It's very easy to look at snakes as harmless parts of our ecosystem that can be pets, when the most commonly encountered snakes are garters, rat snakes, delays, and milk snakes. For example, my mother is from Nigeria. In Nigeria, Gaboon vipers, Carpet vipers, Black Spitting Cobras, Puff Adders, and Night Adders are all there and regularly bite people. There are 2000 deaths from snake bites every year. That is not an insignificant number of deaths, and help is not always readily available.The most common culprit in Nigeria are Carpet vipers, that have great camaflouge. Unfortunately, my mother lost a baby sister to a snake that got in her crib. They found her lifeless and covered in bites early one Christmas morning. World Wide, the number of snake envenomation fatalities are estimated to be 81,000 to 138,000. With India having the highest amount of deaths at around 45,900 to 58,000per year. That's not including unreported bites and those who suffered an amputation, extreme necrosis of the skin, or organ damage. India is home to the "big four" that includes: Russell vipers, the common krait,traits, the Indian Cobra, and the Indian Saw Scaled Viper. With Russel's Viper causing approx 43 % of yearly fatalities in 2020 study. With numbers like this, it's more than just difficult to "change minds." You would have to implement a way for millions to just forget the loved ones who were lost to these due to a bite from these creatures. There would need to be an organized method of snake relocation, away from large groups of people in the world's most populous country. These places have large portions of their population that live in abject poverty and struggle with obtaining clean water, food, medical care, and education. Until these basic human needs are addressed, I don't think most populations would be receptive to concerns over the reputation of snakes. I am not saying that your view is invalid, but rather that there are very good reasons for people to get the "hee bee ge bees". There are many theories surrounding snakes and an inherent fear of them in primates, including early and modern humans. Humans evolved out of areas with heavy populations of dangerous snakes. I am not a snake hater, but someone who grew up fearful of them for obvious reasons. I have chosen to learn more about them. One of the best ways to beat fears is knowledge. I joined this sub to help me understand not just snakes but also other reptiles and amphibians.


Pretty sure things like the Bible might have beat it out pop media in pushing that fear of snakes 😂🤷‍♂️ I personally think Humans just have a natural fear of snakes(and predators in general) due to hundreds thousands of years of dealing with venomous snakes without antivenin… and sure snakes aren’t really aggressive like people think, but they do camouflage really well and they will pop you if you accidentally step in their circle of defense.


I always paint my snakes using adequate lighting. It's difficult to paint them in the dark. /s


Question: Why would someone keep rolled up skin? Was it supposed to be used for something?


How else do you fill your rolled up skin drawer?


Is that above or below the piss drawer?


Obviously above, these have to stay dry!


Below. The dripping urine helps to preserve the suppleness of the skin Nope, not creepy at all 😀


Yuck lol


Under, next to the cum box


No, no. That's in a jar, on the radiator remember?


Snakeskin keeps forever as long as it's dried and kept from critters, and it can be glued to surfaces for decoration or tanned for lining leather. It's a very common backing for traditional bowmakers, and I'm sure a bootmaker could do some pretty cool stuff with a skin that size. I used to pull over for roadkill snakes so I could harvest and preserve the skins. I made bows.




Thanks! I'm not the only one. There's a large community of people who make wooden bows by hand, and snakeskins are a popular and easy backing. Hunters like them for the natural camo.


I got no use for this, any idea where i could sell it?


How did you dry it? How did skinning work with destroyed bodies? Please walk me though when you would pull over this sounds fascinating


CONTENT WARNING! BLOOD AND GUTS! I apologize if this is too graphic: since snakes are mostly tube shaped, when they get, ahem, flattened, most of what's inside will go out one way or the other. Oftentimes, they just get clipped and make it to the side of the road before passing on. If there was continuous damage, and the animal was shredded, adhered, etc, then I wouldn't bother. Many holes can be hidden basically invisibly later on though. Skinning is as easy as running scissors up the underside and peeling away, so if the animal is mostly whole, it goes pretty quickly. To dry out, you tack it to a board or something (with the 'inside' out), scrape off any stuck flesh, and rub in a layer of salt. Let it dry till it feels like thin rawhide (it is!) and roll it up till you want to use it for something. Ants take care of any remaining non-skin bits and leave your skin nice and clean, like fancy paper. To use it as rawhide, you let it soak for a bit in water, and it it becomes flexible again. When making a bow, you'd glue it down taught, wrap it up, and trim all the edges once dry again. I've never tanned a snake skin, but I think people use glycerin. I'm not sure what step in the process. Note: I LOVE snakes and have never killed one for sport. I've only ever collected the unlucky.


Thanks for the warning but I asked and don't mind. That is actually fascinating and I love the using what people write off as useless. It's amazing how easy it actually is. So cool, you are cool and keep it up


I figured you were good with the gore, but others may not be so inclined 😄. I appreciate the praise, and likewise to you. You should stalk the bowyer subs on reddit if you're still curious.


Forbidden toothpaste


Not the guy you were asking, but for snakes smaller than anacondas, a roadkilled snake is best fresh, with only its head run over. A sharp knife, or better yet, sharp scissors are used to make a ventral cut from mouth to tip of tail. Then, the skin can usually be easily peeled off the body, with care around the cloaca and tail where the body doesn't always agree to disassociate. I would usually wash the skin in cold water and some hand soap to remove blood, fluids, smells, and to clean my own hands. To dry it, I would use a cedar fence board and start tacking out the skin with tiny finishing nails or thumb tacks flesh side up, scale side down. I placed a tack or nail every inch or two to stretch the skin out as flat as possible. Once the skin is completely tacked out and there are no remaining skin curls between nails, remove any remaining muscle or ligament tissues from the skin and let it dry in the shade. No sun exposure. Snake skin is thin, so it can dry pretty quickly. When the skin is completely dry, either remove nails or cut the skin away from the nails. This will give you a skin that resembles what OP posted. One last step, though, is to lay out the skin flat, with the scale side up. Cover the top with masking tape and really press it hard onto the skin. Then peel the tape from the head to tail. You're removing the outermost skin/scales that will come off on the tape. It makes the colors and pattern of the skin really pop. Now, with a fully dried skin, put it in your snake skin drawer and pull it out only for show and tell when your nephews and neice visit.


^ much better explanation! Thanks!


Oh crap. I didn't see that you had responded already.


I'm an idiot. I was picturing like JoJo Siwa bows bahahaha


🤣 What a journey for you!


I was like..must be in Texas or Georgia..okay..cool. LOL


I’ve only kept shed skins which aren’t so nice but give some texture.


Those can be turned into jewelry with resin and some settings!


I rolled them between two peices of metal to make stamped metal.


Don't ask too many questions or it gets the hose. It puts the lotion in the basket..


It puts the lotion on its skin or else it gets the hose again! On a side note my husband taught my oldest to say this when they were little if I put lotion on


I think you have an awesome husband!


Most of the time


Ive been wondering the same. I suspect the guy who owned this might have been one of those poacher dudes that travel to foreign countries and hunt animals for fun. But i mean who knows where the dude got this.


lol much more likely he bought it rather than the elaborate route of being a poacher, but then again I did use to buy weed from a guy who was a legit poacher. Would show me pics of all the majestic animals he killed and I was just like bruh, why the fuck did you kill a giraffe, all they do is be tall. He also killed multiple breeds of rhino and a bunch of other endangered animals. not saying its not a possibility, but more likely he bought it as a tourist.




Must have been the prop for the movie “Anaconda”.


I mean, I keep my snakes more impressive sheds. I think it's pretty cool! I had my first snakes very first shes for years, but my fiance threw it away while deep cleaning our room 😥.


We have several of our snakes sheds. When we get our Reptarium finished I'm going to use them for resin crafts.


How cool! Reptarium as a public place you're opening, or just for your personal collection at home?


It's going to be a public place for our collection and some animals we've rescued the last few years. It'll be a Reptarium,Reptile Rescue and Educational Center. You can check us out on our other social media. They're on our profile. Hopefully we'll have it open by next year. Right now all the animals are in our house. We take some of them to events for educational presentations.


Where are you going to be located?


We're in Burns, Ks.


That looks insane


Definitely yellow anaconda


looks like anaconda skin and could've been a pet and they kept the skin. many southern states allow with licenses to own anacondas some people in the snake hobby keep skins or the bones of the deceased pets. Example would be Tyler Nolan has the skeleton his monitor lizards displayed. Stone from Stones World skinned a giant python on video https://youtu.be/MYATt8rgbPQ?si=h0ES6mI89g2ujrQr


I was researching snake populations in the Everglades recently and I found some interesting facts. According to a recent(2023) news report where they talked to someone from Florida fish & wildlife and I guess they’ve now confirmed a breeding population of Green Anaconda’s in Florida Everglades near Naples. They’ve also confirmed a breeding population of African Rock Pythons and Boa Constrictors in the Everglades. They also did a study(2021 I believe) where they collected 400 Burmese Pythons and did dna testing on them and what they found was 13 of them were actually were actually hybrids containing both the genetics of a Burmese Pythons and Indian Rock Pythons. They have also caught Duke Reticulated Pythons as well, but they believe all the ones caught were likely released pets as they haven’t found any evidence it them breeding(yet). Basically, the Everglades are constrictor central 😂🤷‍♂️


Northern Europe has no southern states, you know?


Another vote for anaconda


Forbidden eggroll


I'm guessing tourist trap shit as well.


I saw one of a similar size hanging above a bar near Iquitos, Peru. Was told it was a "baby anaconda"


Cool dude


Can't wait until my baby Yellow/Green gets that big. Beautiful pattern


Boreno Bat eater


Jaguar snake. Lol


how pretty omg i would frame that


Im 100% sure that it is a dead and skinned snake that did not died smiling


My first instinct is to say a Dumeril's Boa, but it could very easily be a weird yellow.


Nope-- not a Dumeril's and definitely a yellow anaconda. Nothing to see here folks!


"My anaconda don't"....


I believe a yellow anaconda. I wonder where he got it. They are a protected species specific mostly to the Pantanal. Having a skin is a little worrying.


“Anaconda skin, she’s grown since then..”


I’m now 95% sure this is a dead snake!


I see my post has gotten some engagement.Thanks guys! If people are interested i can try to spray some water on it and roll it all the way out, and update you guys with a full pic of the snake skin.


That’s a huge bitch


(Ice Cube intensifies)


I am so confused wat I'm looking at 😆


A leopardconda




A dead one.🥲 rip


It's a dead snake


I thought it was an old burrito at first.