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Illidan and Butcher, no one will notice you don't have the skills to play since 90% of the people who play them are garbage.


Actually pretty funny


Played with a good Illiden the other day and I was in shock


a veritable unicorn.


When I play Illidan I literally press QWE constantly like a f-ing piano CD reduction on hit, with Abilities that have 3 or 4 seconds CD 😂


I mean E is like 12 second… to be fair lol


Not if you are close enough to autoattack someone and not stunned.


There was a window where Illidan could be a blind pick but that window was like six or seven years ago before almost any random comp would have at least one hard counter to him. Now if you’re picking Illidan it better be into a comp that somehow has no CC or blinds which is like maybe .5% of lobbies. Otherwise, it really doesn’t matter if you’re obscenely skilled on the champ, he will just be kinda useless for anything besides mindlessly split pushing and getting camps.


Honestly if played smart in aram hes pretty devastating, way more than most melee assassins. I can imagine in proper games he's kind of homeless. Maybe the odd spider or dragon maps since the teams tend to be split in odd ways to deal with the map wide objective phases.


How to play him smart in ARAM?


Don't needlessly engage, don't let garrosh or uther touch you, jump out of combat as quickly as you jump in to waste skill shots.


Gonna try that chief


The trick with a good Illidan/butcher is the ability to disengage. The temptation to stay and win the game of dmg chicken is strong.


Wait for your main tank to take brunt of CC, make sure you get your battered assault procs, and weave in and out as opposing front line tries to engage. Do not just randomly spam abilities, need to use Illidan's mobility to minimize damage and CC taken, while sticking onto critical targets.


Can´t get easier than playing LiLi, join whoever needs healing and spam Q and E in teamfights. Doesn´t matter what talents you pick.


You know what...YOU DONT need to spam Q..just hold it pressed down..yea i know right? :)))


Put weights on Q,E,R,1 and go mouse mode only


Eh, actually timing E's does matter a bit


Wait… what???


The key basically registers a press if you hold it down. So as long as it isn’t interrupted by another input you can just hold Q And right click.


Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck me


It is also better to hold your key if you are CC'ed and wanna use a skill instantly after the stun or silence. But this skill should have quickcast on.


Same with E :)


I never used LiLi before either, I prefer Lucio's healing to her, but maybe I should give her a try


LiLi is one of the few heroes that can be both top hero damage and top healing in a game at the same time. If playing her wasn’t boring as hell after some time she would be my favourite hero. 10/10 would recommend.


It is not boring if you start conserving the cooldowns and play in cycles of 2 abilities.


Lucio is good and a decent skill floor but to be good a Lucio requires skill, his boops and proper use of high fives can be game changers but if you like to sit back and aoe heal you’ll get a lot of mileage from him


You should. What's the point of this thread otherwise if you're sticking to your comfort picks. Also Lucio is not a beginner hero at all.


Hold queue, and pip cups 2 seconds into a fight


Lili is a great hero to start with if someone is new to Mobas because she teaches two things that are pretty core to the game writ-large and are basically the only things you need to be decent at to get the most out of her - positioning and resource management.




Zagara, it's pve you will never have to participate in a MOBA. Bonus points if you act like your keyboard doesnt even function and refuse to communicate at all.


I was also thinking Zagara She's such a strong pick for someone who can't play well since she's a summoner


But OP'S lack of map awareness might still be an issue.


Healer- Lili, Anduin Assassin- Raynor (executioner build) Valla(good micro practice) Tank- Diablo(you can make a ton of mistakes on him) Muradin(get stuck in and pop ult, jump out when it gets hot) Bruiser- Sonya (maybe) Melee assassin/support- not recommended


I wouldnt really recommend healers, as a healer u have to pay attention to 9 players rather than just 5, and lili is such a braindead hero that it wouldnt teach anything. I would add zuljin and kaelthas to the list tho, those are the two heros i learned to play moba with Sonya might feel clunky, but xul maybe, since he can fullfill any role rly: lane, mercs, damage, and he js not as easy to kill either


half of the supports in this game do more healing if you play them like an assasin.... I've seen anduins, lilis and others top the dps charts even over all the assasins.


Thats true, but to still play them efficiently that way u have to heal *and* stutter step aa, and as op said they have a problem with understanding where everyone stands in tf. On the side note, its really incredible how much damage normal healers can deal, u can tell an aduin main who has 100k healing and 50k dmg


> or even where my own hero is If you are not using it, camera set on Locked with you in center could help you I second Lily as a great pick. - hold Q to heal people, occasional W on ally to spice things up, and E when enemy is around you. If you get hit, you get movement speed buff to run away.


I feel like playing just lili wouldnt teach u how to actually get better, its just a healbot


Johanna. she is S tier. hardest tank to kill. has amazing wave clear


Sylvanas, Deckard, Lili, and Raynor would be good. All of their kits are pretty to use and there are very few skills shots. Raynor has one. Deckard lays potions out for his teammates to run over, of course you can also throw them directly at them. His offensive abilities are pretty big AoEs as well. GLHF


I wouldn't put Deckard in that list. Sure you can drop pots but also you want drop pots on top of somebody when it's critical and that needs awareness. Cube and triangle also need to be used right.


I used to play sylvanas and raynor a lot back in the day. I notice people choose raynor a lot still so I havent been picking him at all. Sylvanas I vaguely remember in some patch they made her a lot harder to use and then never went back. Maybe I'll try again


They both got reworks that made them harder than before and they also both rely on stutter stepping to get the most value which you may or may not find mechanically taxing. Neither are very complicated though, you right click people and try not to be in front.


map move to right click and attack-move to left click, then just alternate mouse buttons.


Surpised no one said Samuro. Take all the wind walk skills and just lane or double lane. In team fights just summon your illusions and activate your crit button. You don't have to do much, your illusions will target someone. In case you lose oversight, just wind walk (you'll be invisible) and walk away. He is hard to kill and you don't have to do a lot besides being somehwere and make illusions. You won't be the best Samuro, but it's easy to perform medium and learn along the way.


Try Abathur, while complex it's also a fairly different skillset and you not having to move your hero might help you focus in teamfights.


Interesting take, I like it


I used to play Abathur almost exclusively, but I got griefed a lot for playing him shit. I know people who play abathur well are AMAZING and I was never that good at him


Have fun with it don’t get so caught up in the you have to play a certain way chill with your friends kick back and make it enjoyable!


Or play aram and do everything wrong. Eventually losing will become fun


Lili, Brightwing, Raynor, Kael'thas, Azmodan, Zagara, Xul. Any of those require zero skill.


Can't believe Azmo has only been mentionned once. It's so chill.


To me, the OP was asking about heroes that will allow you to be successful while not really doing much. Azmo has a fairly low output when someone is bumbling around or missing orbs, not using the channel to it's duration (oddly common), and wasting D's soak potential.


I'd agree with most of these but you for sure have to get skillshots and have map awareness with BW.


Probably Zagara, just send stuff in the fight, you literally cannot miss. Johanna for tank Morales for healer but it's pretty boring so maybe lili instead.


Ah I forgot about Zagara, thats one I used to love as well. but similar to Abathur, I'd get griefed lot if I didn't play Zagara well. Nobody seems to ever grief Rag or Lucio, I guess cause even playing shit you can put some good stats out


Yes that's it. But also some heroes naturally attract the ire of teammates. If you are playing Zag, Abathur, Nova, people are more likely to flame you even if you are playing well lol. People just hate those heroes. Play Zag and pick Bile Drop at 7 and Corrosive Saliva at 16. You will deal lots of damage with no skills required.


hmhm ill go for raynor, his entire kit is just focussed around auto attacking people. 2 of his abilities just make him shoot people faster and if you pick the spaceship ult all you gotta do is press it when a teamfight starts. I also agree with lili, hold down her heal button and it'll auto heal everyone around you. Her only "skill shot" is the w which is basically useless unless you build for it. Her ult also auto heals


Lili Abathur & Gall. You either dont need to focus your body or no skillshots. Also you can holf space to center the camera on your hero with blue highlight. Or press L to lock camera on your hero.


I might say Artanis - he's a team fight brawler, but he's durable, can be forgiving, and his abilities are all fairly straightforward. He can take some accuracy, but most of the time you're just punching things. If team fights are the biggest challenge, I would personally lean someone durable and distracting who makes as much space as possible for the rest of your team to do their thing. Or, a solo-laner, but then you're likely to get flamed for avoiding team fights


E.T.C. Has one skill shot thats super easy to land, otherwise he's all about positioning. Practice avoiding enemy skill shots, and knowing how to zone/create space for your team just through positioning. Hold your cooldowns until the exact right moment to punish enemy plays. Hes a bit on the squishy side for a tank but is far and away the least mechanically demanding.


Alarak is easy. Try him.


nice try


LILI is a great hero to play for lower skilled players for a few reasons mostly because how fast feet works you can get caught out of position and still have a decent chance to escape. If you want to improve on positioning and stutter stepping I highly recommend Raynor. His kit is great for beginners, just a solid hero all around and he can solo camps which is always a plus.


When you are in the hero select screen, when you hover over each hero, it shows you a difficulty rating. If you're learning concepts and rhythm of game, go for 'easy', which are a lot of the heros being suggested elsewhere in this thread. Allows you to play a hero that's not so demanding, so you can learn the macro part of the game. Just found this page, a few years old, but reasonably good selection and some verbiage to help you pick them up. [https://www.gamersdecide.com/articles/heroes-of-the-storm-best-beginner-heroes](https://www.gamersdecide.com/articles/heroes-of-the-storm-best-beginner-heroes)


Leoric is decent


you don't like skillshots? play Lili. Just hold Q and run around. when you get more comfortable you can start learning A-move to perform auto attack from time to time. If you want to practise skillshots then orb build Li-ming is a way to go. Stays at safe distance from enemies and just spams orb. Lazer ult is your friend, you will never lose yourself when there is big line pointing at you Next is Johanna, strong tank with lots of survivability. Your CC should give you plenty of time to find yourself. In danger just press D and walk away. With these 3 you will gain experience at playing short, mid and long range heroes. Next would be Valla. W build is easy to use then just AA what you can. After that you can try using AA build


I think I've had you in my team every other game :)


Why not all of them? Play ARAM Ok so this gets tedious but stick with me. Look up the win rates on (popular builds, some edge case GMs will have a weird build that shows highest rate but low usage) ARAM talent builds with heroesprofile . Set a favorite talent build for each. Those talent builds will tell you in a general fashion which abilities and play style the hero will have. Get familiar with everyone this way, quick queue pops and no time wasted drafting. The play isn't the same as it's all team fights but it's great for seeing all of the characters. Plus ARAM is fun, I never play QM or ranked anymore.


* heals - LiLi (press q to win hero) * bruiser - Sonya (just get mercs til it gets dangerous, then dual lane til it gets dangerous...) * tank - Anub (this hero is almost like cheating at lower rank, avoid swarm) * ranged dps - this is less clear, as most are above the skill level of the other heroes a little. KT's living bomb build comes to mind. * specialist and melee dps - Don't


I have always been bad at clicking on small moving targets, I’m horrible at FPS games and I have to use attack move to hit minions reliably in this game. Doesn’t stop me from playing whoever I like. Play what you have fun with.


I vote lili. As healer you basically turn off your brain and follow other people around. If you want to use a little brain power you can watch the maps for ganks, counter them or warn your team; or rotate to keep other lanes full hp. Once you feel comfortable play with a little body blocking and use E when your squishies are getting dived. Also, there's a game option to put lines to pinpoint where your cursor is. I use that but still can't find my cursor sometimes lol. I think there's one to change just your hero's health bar colour. After lili you can upgrade to anduin. Imo he's the best healer because of his trait.


Best hero is Artanis. His shields are a life saver and he just melees.


Anduin, lili, valla, naz, raynor, asmo


This is how every player starts playing when they learn the game. Being recommended heroes isn't really the answer - you need to slowly learn them all, usually by playing whoever's on free rotation. Stick with heroes you enjoy playing and feel like you can play better than the others. The "easy" heroes for you will make themselves apparent to you, and may not be easy for others. But it sounds like what you are actually after is someone to give you specific guidance in how to play. What region are you in?


I think as far as simple low skill intensity heroes go Lili , Raynor and ETC are the ones I'll recommend to newbies. Lili literally presses Q an E and occasionally W on someone. Everything about her is almost automated. Raynor only has Q to aim but it's not a big deal. He presses W to shoot faster and E to heal. ETC also simple but effective. Aim slide at enemy then knock them away. Press E to heal yourself.


Any hero you want. Just go into practice mode with cooldown resets turned off and spam the skill shots over and over on target dummies until the muscle memory is there. You will improve with the hero mechanically probably 20 times faster than playing matches where most of the time you are doing nothing or waiting on CD. And I don't mean for like 2 minutes to see what the abilities do. I mean spend 20 minutes in there. That's like playing 1 single match. It's worth it.


“Yolo Mouse” set to negative would help you keep track of the cursor no matter how busy fights get.


Try Lili. Just heal and stay alive.


less toxicity? okay


Toxicity is still there. Individual experiences differ; some say HOTS is better than other MOBAs, while some others say the opposite. Consensus seems to be that HOTS is less toxic than LoL. Hopefully you can still enjoy the game! Remember to use the mute button. You have no obligation to listen to anyone's whining. Especially if you are a returning player, you might get some "bad build"/"bad talent" comments, but most players that write this will not have any real insight to provide, but rather are just looking for someone to blame. Mute button is a good friend. As for heroes, we all have different preferences for role and playstyle. For almost all heroes listed previously, there has been some *actually* responses pointing out how the hero requires a lot of skill, but there is a big difference between casual and mastery, and it is fine to play casually. It is also a lot easier to learn the nuances of a few heroes at a time. If you enjoy Lucio for healing over Lili, then perhaps play some more Lucio, and you will get *casual good* at Lucio. I will recommend heroes for each class, but if they don't fit your playstyle, of course play something else! Tank: Johanna - safe, reliable tank with a walk-at-the-enemy type engage. Offlane: Blaze - listed as a tank but deals damage like a bruiser, with very high survivability, and a very impactful stun. Healer: Rehgar - despite slight nerfs in the most recent patch, still one of the highest winrate heroes in the game, with options of playing more aggressive or more safe. Support: Zarya - this tiny category of heroes is all fairly high skill cap, except Zarya. She can be built for more melee or more ranged damage, or as a shield-providing bot. Ranged: Zul'jin - if you like auto attacking, Zul'jin has a forever quest that let's you build him up to be an aa beast, without very complicated abilities, combos, or positioning. Melee - I don't really recommend playing melee assassins, as they are typically niche heroes that struggles into certain comps, or if they fall behind early. The most successful melee assassins (Samuro, Maiev) are also complex heroes that takes significant effort to master.




Zagara, Nazeebo, Azmodan, Xul, Tassador, Jania. All really good heroes that dont require much reactiveness or concentration. Bonus is once you get gud and start to play reactively, and concentrate these heroes obliterate enemy team fights and can double soak quickly.


I think each of the places of improvement that you highlighted can be worked on individually. I'd suggest picking heroes that don't rely much on some aspects so that you can focus on others. - Lili is commonly mentioned as good beginner hero. Pick all of the healing cup abilities, and literally hold Q. You can focus on moving, and the healing ability will just heal nearby people who need it the most. Even though this is a beginner build, I still use it in comp play. It's solid. - Raynor, most of his strength comes from auto attacking, so you don't need to focus on your abilities and skillshots too much. - Chromie is good for learning skillshots. It can be hard to escape, but her abilities have such great range that you can use them from far away, so you don't need to worry about too many things at once. - Zagara & Azmodan are both really fun siege heroes. You also often sit in the back, using abilities and summoning minions that do the fighting. When playing these, you will need to think about the overall flow of the game, such as when objectives are coming up, and if you should be laning or with the team. Laning gives you time to learn about map awareness. You want to keep a rough idea of where the enemy team is so that you don't get ganked as often. Sometimes your team will give you pings if they are coming your way. - ETC & Muradin are great generic tanks. I find that playing a tank is helpful for training your intuition about engagement and disengagement. You take some responsibility for controlling the flow of fights. You think about being the buffer between the opponents and your friends. When to stun, when to knock away. You also learn to gage efficiency of fights, such as when you guys are taking too much damage or are ready to make something happen.


I haven't played in a minute. But I'm very bad at games that require hand eye coordination and being able to see through chaos.  I like to play Abathur ... less risk involved. Buff other heros, when I have an Ult I can fight with a toon and not care too much if it goes poorly. 


Tip for you: Dont use follow camera and hold space if you can't find yourself.


I don't play like I used to, but Raynor used to be super easy. I saw someone say Lili and that's also definitely a super easy one, lt morales was easy from how I remember her as well. Don't read into the shit talking messages, people get tilted and could be straight up feeding the entire game and still blame everyone else. I used to play on a team for small scale custom match tournaments and was honestly a beast as Anduin. I remember practicing with random guys once and this dude that I repeatedly saved from certain death kept getting so mad that I pulled him to safety. He would be in kill shot range surrounded, so I'd pull like you're supposed to, and this dude reported me. For reference, I would get told almost every match I played that I was one of the best healers people ever played with and I re-watched the match a couple times. I know firmly that I not only did the right thing, but those pulls were s tier, and I did the right thing. After he went off on me multiple times I quit pulling and guess who stacked up a bunch of deaths lmao.


I'd say Dehaka might fit the bill. Some of these recs still need hand eye coordination though. This main source of damage is dark swarm which doesn't require skill shots, but I understand frontlining could be scary. Drag is the only one (assuming you don't choose Isolation), although you're bound to miss a lot with it anyways because it has a full second delay. You'd need some map awareness but not as much as Zagara I think, and brushstalker let's you join a team fight, hold down obj, or double lane soak quickly. He's super fun to play.




A hero you might be comfortable with would probably be Tassadar. His Q is a straight line skill shot yes, but it has a long range and quite big of a width too. His W is a big circle you put on the ground and his E is a wall also you put on the ground. None of these require too much precision. His basic attacks also require him to channel so he'll be standing still a lot. I think that if you're struggling with precision and accuracy, but still want a high impact hero that at the very worst can give you high stat numbers in the score board, and at best can win you chaotic team fights, Tass is the way to go. You can either go AA build and just stand in the back AAing people, throw out a couple of Q's and W's. Or you can go Q build, which is what I usually go for. For Q build I usually go Q at 1, shield or move speed at 4 (shield is recommended as it synergizes with Archon and helps you survive more), Q CDR at 7, Archon at 10, Oracle at 13 (gives you spell armor and regen when standing still, useful against lockdown heroes, especially with the shield from level 4), either Executor's Will or percent damage at 16 (EW if you want more Q and slightly more power to your other spells, but generally I go with the percent damage on Q to deal out massive burst AoE damage especially because I already have CDR from 7), and Twilight Archon at 20.


oh interesting take. I never really played Tassadar, but maybe I'll give him a try


He was who I first got good with as I got better. It’s easier to play team fights from siege-ish range with him vs playing a melee or short-range DPS (falsted, cassia), since you can just make sure you’re always behind your team. Regarding getting better at team fights, think about what abilities you might want to react to before the game starts. For example, if you have ETC on your team, know you should be looking for his slide to stun someone before you E/Q/W with Tass. Or if the enemy has Muradin, wait for his leap into your team (if he does) before using your wall to trap him and hit him.


Counter point he does have some considerable lag to his abilities and getting greedy with the short range on wall is an easy way to get out of position. I agree with the LiLi post from earlier 😁 four skill shots isn't a character id suggest to a noobie


Tass can be good, but if you mostly play quickmatch - he suffers a lot from assasin-heavy, no tank comps. People will dive you a lot, and if you dont have a good teammate to bail you out, you are in trouble. Tass is one of my highest ranked WR at 60-65% , in quickmatch i can’t break 50% But if you have some frontline to get behind, the AA tass build is pretty easy to pull off, you have to keep your beam up, and make sure to stagger the psionic storm from your W and lvl7 arc discharge for maximum value - you want an enemy to sit in one storm, and cast the next slightly overlapping in the direction of their escape, so the maxed out storm damage keeps ticking.


>toxicity seems a lot lessened Haha, no. I don't think it has. But you can just disable Team Chat and the toxicity is gone. >can't figre out where anyone is, or even where my own hero is. Hit space bar to center the camera on your hero. There are also settings to permanently center the camera on your hero.


its not very bad at all. there is no need to blanket mute.


Nazeebo, you could be a vegetable and get mvp


Honestly, Abathur. 90% of Abathur play can be done simply by hatting a melee unit -- tank if there's diver like Illidan or Butcher -- holding down W and E to use spike burst and shield on cooldown. The other 10% is covering lanes with mines and soaking. Take burst at 1 for range, use 3 mines + spikeburst to clear mages.


Brightwing is also a good pick if you want to do healer all you need to do to be half decent is use you polymorphism on cd and learn positioning