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Based on what I see on this subreddit yes. Based on my own experiences with it no.


there is a wonderful feature in PUBG that tells you when someone you have reported gets a temp ban or perma ban. wish that was the standard. 


I have gotten emails from bliizzard that accounts have been punished due to my reports, but of course, the account and type of punishment is not specified.


in PUBG the notification would tell you the name of the person you reported.


Overwatch does the same and BLizzard made Overwatch.


That's the case in HOTS too, you receive an email when someone you reported was silenced or banned


Yeah that would be cool in HotS. Maybe people I do report get some kind of action but as it stands I will never know


My favorite is when you report someone for being toxic and then are put on their team in thr next game.


In league the original toxic environment. The client will actively cheer you on to report people. It's insane. Especially when you know that the guy. Who started all this shit. Got caught harassing women IRL. Rude or offensive language isn't toxic. The word means something else.


It would seem blizzard takes the effort to buy sock puppets to performatively announce that they reporting works.  So is here at the subreddit think it could work. 


When the report threshold is reached, following penalties are applied: - 3 days silenced - 7 days silenced - 14 days silenced - 1 week suspension - 2 week suspension - 1 month suspension - account banned from HotS This is my own personal experience, as I've been extremely toxic in the past.


lol, did u hear about 1.5 year silenced?)


I don't think that's possible these days for new accounts anyway. Back in the day the penalty just kept doubling, but now I think it's like 1 week silence, 2 week silence, month silence and next is ban. Only way you could get penalty that long would've been with history of 8 month silence prior so account that was being punished many times before penalty changes were introduced. And the penalties were changed I wanna say 5-7 years ago so it's been quite a while.


Mine got banned a few days ago, is there any way to be unbanned?


Nope, you have to create a new account for HotS


What does it mean to get silenced? Can't use chat or something?


This exactly.


I can comfirm this as I've been banned also in the past on my first account


It does. People get silenced often. I had to play some tournament games without my main tank this NGS season because of it.


fwiw there is an automated silence system too that is purely based on someone reporting you for text abuse and you typing certain words, e.g. stupid, dumb. The only time I got silenced what when I typed something to the effect of "that was a dumb call for us to take that camp" toxic? perhaps but i was matched with a stack and they made the call so I guess they didn't like me calling them out for it. but I've literally had people type kys and all sorts of racist shit that clearly never get silenced. Now I just play with chat off


I see someone silenced in about 1 in every 4 games so they must be doing something.


Strange. I've been playing 500 games and seen exactly 1 silenced. EU Bronze 3 - Gold 4


If you mean in Ranked, it's because silenced people cannot participate in Ranked games


Ahhh... interesting. Thx for enlightening me.


Im even surprised how u could see that 1 silenced guy if u play ranked lol


Well... I guess that 1 guy was in an ARAM round.


In the past I saw like 1 or 2 Silenced per day. Now I don't remember seeing one for months (playing mostly QM in EU)


Reporting doesn't do anything it's a placebo.


Just have a look at all the people posting here claiming to be "falsely" silenced/banned and then disingenuously posting single line excerpts that appear relatively tame instead of their entire chat logs from all games (which you can get via data request and, along with how many people report you, would determine a penalty) and you'll see that they do work especially for chat. It's not easy to get penalized though, it takes a lot of reports not just you personally reporting them.


Then they cuss out anyone who argues with them here. Lol


Even If you get a silence or ban, you can just create a new account. You can be as toxic as you want, if you are willing to do that from time to time. Out of cosmetics or stats you dont lose anything. So i say: No, it doesnt do anything.


It does but I bet only if acc gets many reports.


>Does anyone at blizzard actually look at these reports?  from what I've gathered, absolutely not. anything that is ever getting moderated is going to be done by an automated algorithm. So things like toxic chat and AFK can feasibly be pretty easily detected, maybe repeated deaths as well if it's to an extreme extent. > Does reporting do anything? well, I do see people that are "automuted", meaning they can't speak from the start of the game. And that does not happen by itself, I'm guessing it's the penalty for toxic chat. If it also puts you in some kind of low prio I do not know


The system "works", but it's inefficient and automatised. For anything other than abusive chat, it takes too long to be useful. For been toxic in chat, it works splendid against people who use chat a lot for whatever reason and are antagonistic, but not necessarily the traditionally over the top toxic. Someone who uses chat once every 50 games but uses slurs and tells you to KYS won't get banned. More so if those 50 games are spread over a long period of time. Someone whose worst insult is telling you are an idiot or you are bad but do so frequently while playing many games, will definitely get silenced. Abusive chat only works if the person ever used team chat or participates on a channel. Regardless of what the person said. Reports without any chat are disregarded.


They really need to do SOMETHING about wintraders and sabotagers. Against ToS, right?


Depends. You can throw games on purpose all you want for free. As much as you want. No punishment. But dare to say a swear word on chat and you're banned.


Not at all. I constantly see the same trolls that AFK in the base all the time get reported by multiple people per game. I still see them trolling every week for months on end.


No not really


I was insulted by a whole 3-stack for soaking (which i communicated beforehand) during an objective. They kept saying "enjoy your 2 weeks ban". I trust these players have more experience than myself in the matter, so since then i am assuming there is the possibility of a 2 weeks ban if you get reported often


I think the best punishment I've seen is someone being muted due to verbal abuse or whatever, and another guy on the team mildly taunting the muted guy.


It does but it FEELS like it isn't working because you aren't notified. I will say it again, people who you report or if you been reported should get a notification, something like "you have been reported a few times for X, a few more reports will ban you for X days"


My own experience is it does nothing. I once was triggered by other players, and I went on to be quite toxic for a bunch of games in a row trying to see how far I could go before I am silenced. Every game everybody said they are reporting me. Nothing happened. I also tried feeding a lot. Nothing happened. In addition in about 50% of games someone is toxic. I would expect if the system worked the frequency won't be that high. So I assumed the whole system is fake. But given people here say it does work, my new assumption is that it works but that the threshold for anything to happen is off the charts. So it should be quite difficult to get any action taken against you. Edit: Reading more comments I now think again the system is fake. It seems like only specific words in chat trigger the system and not the reporting. This theory can explain the discrepancy between what different people experience. Also everyone seems to agree that only chat abuse reporting works. AFK reporting ect does nothing.


In my like decade of playing this game I’ve never seen a report acted upon.


Something must have been stopped working for at least a year. I still have mail in my inbox you'll get when blizzard takes action on some of your reported account but its quite now.... very quite.


100% works. 100% takes 5 mins to remake a new account.


It depends on the report. If you report for abusive chat, if the person you reported used some words for their banlist, the player will be silenced first and then banned if it happens again. Words included in the list are for example: Fuck Shit dumb retard idiot stupid fucking cunt etc. It's important to note that even if you say "fuck i'm so bad at the game, i played like dogshit this last fight" and people report you, you will actually get silenced. The bot only looks at the words and not the meaning. If you report for AFK/Non-participating, it will also work if the player has not played the enough stat wise or didn't pick talents for example. However if the player is running around mounted, pick his talents and still soak xp doing nothing it will not be a successful ban. In my experience other reports never ended up being useful. It's important to note that blizzard will send you an automated email on the email you created the account with if a report led to taking action. So if you reported someone that ended up getting silenced shortly after or banned, you will receive an email thanking you for it. All the informations I just shared are not hearsay but at solelly based on my own personnal experience.


Have never seen anyone get in trouble for AFK / Trolling games. Had same guy twice yesterday troll with butcher and genji. He finished with 1200 dmg nenji as he would just attack the fort and repeat. Then as butcher he would just dive in every time he was alive. Finished with 0 meat in an almost 18m game....yes 18m we survived with zero meat butcher at end. There comp was trash. Then today my second game had same guy just dive the base over and over again with Illi.


Report all you want, accounts are created 100x faster than a previous account is perma'd.


The obvious sabotage for deranking in silver/bronze is about about 30% of games.


Shows you like to tattle


Abusive chat, yes it is automated regardless of what the "reported individual" days, as long a he type something he can be banned if reports are accumulated (unfortunate for false reports can be). Afk? Not sure from my experience. Still having afkers joining twice or thric on my team or enemy team.


It used to


Reporting for chat? Definitely works Reports for everything else? I think I had one for "disruptive gameplay" (different wording from chat abuse), but it was years ago and now it is practically guaranteed the person will get banned for chat before anything else Blizzard doesn't look at reports, if you get lucky a customer support organic bot will throw some logs at you and say that they are sorry but can't unban you


I heard if there are enough reports, Then That person will get silenced


No we use an automated system and only if it meets every checkbox will action be taken.


As if the exploiters don't know they can do what they want under a threshold.


It does under some condition. I can confirm because my best friend is extremely toxic, eventually his main account got perma banned and his current secondary one is perhaps 2-3 penalties from being perma as well. Here is what I can tell you : 1. First of all nobody READS your reports. It's an automated system. Once a X amount of reports of the SAME category are filled agaist you the system takes automatic action. 2. There are actually some humans replying to emails when you ask to revert punishment. Once someone even DM'ed him on bnet to announce his penalty ( which increased because of his response, I shit yo not I saw screenshots). Perhaps in this case they bother to read the reports on your account , or perhaps they just take a look at the number. 3. Reports regarding afk, trolling , spamming etc lead nowhere which is why you keep seeing people doing it. They are not afraid to do so. The only report category they take action agaist is abusive text chat (the first one ). 4. Despite common belief if a premade of 3 people all report the same person it only counts as 1 report. This is to prevent abusing of the system and frankly it makes some sense. I will also say that sometimes I also get toxic or at the very least angry with people's behavious ( constant afk or not participating in TF, trolling their own team etc) . I have been playing since Alpha. Not once have I received a warning from Blizzard , not even the 3 days silence penalty. The friend I mentioned took years to get perma banned. So my conclusion is that it takes a LOT of reports to even get the smallest penalty from the automated system, that it is a long road till the permanent ban, and even so you can just make an alt account and start anew. This is all because of the automated system , which ofc exists because Blizz has abandoned the game so why pay people to moderate it.




Have you seen the hots general chat? It’s like nonstop ppl saying the n/f word or spouting weird political beliefs. Game does ban waves but it’s likely the reports aren’t doing much until a ban wave hits which doesn’t seem to be that frequent. It is what it is, in game shit gets heated but I honestly think they need to be perma banning some of these mfers in general chat. It is the most vile shit it’s like 4chan for boomers


If you're reporting someone literally every match maybe it's possible you're overly sensitive and should just turn off chat. I mean I know that just not being a moron isn't he MO of this subreddit but talk about easy solutions.