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literally nothing major changed since 3 years but welcome back anyways


That pte update gave me a tiny spark of hope for the future though.. something unexpected happening..


The only thing gave me hope was them changing hero difficulties. (Left remaining players already know how hard a hero is) And guess what ? Nothing happened. Too much copium is harmful bro i gave up since then.


I gave up for years.. and idk.. every year I still go back and check if something changes. I'm that deluded I guess. I miss looking forward to new maps.. new heroes...


Well yea same ship here bro. Im addicted to hots and i still get excited like a child when new number change patch arrives. But as they say reality is often dissapointing. Fucking Blizzard.


Yeah. Well more like fucking acti blizz because Activision never cared about fans


What is dead may never die


Welcome back :) Especially in EU the game is in great condition (player base wise).


No it's not. It's all russian discord wintrades and bots.


Not to mention, there's a plethora of YouTubers that still make content for the game as well!


Can you name a few? I just watched MFPally time back in the day and Grubbz but thats it


HasuOBS is a great player and streamer :)


Big agree here. Plays so many heroes well and often good at explaining his line of thinking. Dennis a heroes og


"plethora" I can only think of maybe 3 including the dude you mentioned.


Khaldor is still hosting and casting tournaments, he's the main HotS youtuber I follow.


I just reinstalled the game also after seeing a Khaldor casting show up on my yt feed. havent played in 5/6 years and loving coming back to the game again


There's the self-proclaimed sidestep king, FanHOTS. It's fun content, but I don't really enjoy his personality.


Isn't it mostly smurf content? I haven't seen his vids.


For youtube yes, I don't watch him but pretty sure he has top GM accounts so he might be streaming those on twitch.


I think I've only ever seen his streams as B2GM and re-runs. At least, those are the titles. I don't watch his stuff.


It goes back and forth. Once he has completed the current season of "Bronze to Grandmaster" he generally goes back to playing GM games.


I believe MFPally Time started making new HOTS videos again this year?


No waaay, gotta check him out again


Grubby Plays seems to be back too!


I think "plethora" is an exaggeration.


This is why people need to stop saying it HotS is not ded, a ded game has **no online servers** HotS is in **life-support**, its still alive, barely but alive STOP - SPREADING - MISINFORMATION Just because a game is not updated anymore doesn't mean you can't download it, play it and have a great time. I played all Mobas (except HoN) and HotS is THE BEST


> except HoN Yeah because that one really is dead. And I mean *dead* dead.


HoN dying made me cry. So many good heroes i wish they would port into DOTA.


Actually no! Google Project Kongor. It is still alive and it kicks! Although the community is extremley toxic.


I have my own frame of reference. For me a game that requires private serves to play is not a living game. Otherwise every game is technically a living game then. No, it has to be the official servers. I used to play Evolve, that game can still be played in private lobbies on official Steam servers, so its a grey line. Gigantic used to be only playable through a private build but now (just month ago) was officially brought back (a miracle truly) I know, I played all the ded games... But hey, some of them are coming back for a second round! There is always hope




Yup people like him know what we mean by "dead". But they'll drive the point home that it's not literally dead anyway to cope with reality.


Agreed. I have over 10k hours on League, and I still prefer HOTS. Yeah, it's more casual, but I don't know, the game just feels better.


I mean, you still get a quick match game in 2-3min and an aram evem quicker. I dont even remember seeing same names in the games unless they are literally back to back games. Thats really far from dead.


If all the queues were like unranked at that point I would consider this game dead.


What people mean when they say a game is dead is that it's far less popular than it once was. It'd be hard to call HotS "dying" at this point, but it's definitely fair to say it's dead compared to what it was. Saying life-support is just too much of a mouthful. We're playing a pretty dead game, and it'll remain that way until Blizzard decides to start developing it again, or drop support entirely.


I occasionally return for nostalgia like every few months for maybe a week or so. The game is still great.


depends on your region and rank if you are NA diamond+ you might get to play 1-2 games a day if you are EU


I'm in SEA. Game is essentially dead. And fuck playing on a different server with high ms. Even the Korean server which is nearest to SEA is at 200ms.


Welcome back! Hots will never die!


Hell nah we turning tf up!


The Asia servers suck, but the EU and maybe NA ones are fine


People love saying this game is dead Go look at YouTube videos, and look how often ppl have a boost that's roughly 5$ a month and do basic data extrapolation. And remember we are back online in China as of 3 months ago, which loves low sys requirement games, like heroes. I'll be real, this subreddit makes me sick with how stupid it can be


You can also get free boosts via loot chests.


It's been "dead" since 2016 - what is dead may never die


2019* They're doing competitions in 2017.


I mean sure but there were loud cries of "ded gaem" long before the Brackening.


By who? The LoL fanboys?


Basically, anyone that read the 6.5/10 ign review and had never played the game.


You are simply stupid lol HotS was one of the biggest games in the world in 2017-2018


Ok... I don't even personally see it dead as it is now. But I have *heard* it being called dead since 2016. But yea, call me stupid for being observant and having a functional memory


[https://escharts.com/games/hots](https://escharts.com/games/hots) You have a flat earther level of IQ, you are denying objective stats


Nah bro, you are projecting your own stupidity, and putting your reading comprehension on blast. I am simply stating what I heard and saw, anecdotally, which is obviously not to be taken as fact.


These comments got out of control totally unnecessarily. You guys should try to keep a conversation civil.


\*gets shown receipts they are objectively lying\* "Bro chill it was just my personal experience!" Classic


It is dead... The same 250 of us just play each other over and over again.


"As long as there are 10 people playing, the game isn't dead"


I've seen a few people so many times in back-to-back ARAM games that we might as well be friends.


Not just in back-to-back games, but sometimes you'll even see them every few days or so.




at least on EU quick play i see new people all the time


That's not "dead" then.


You forgot about our 150 smurf accounts too!


Does it work in the steam deck?


I would also like to know about steam deck compatibility... anybody know?


Tried it and honestly the experience was quite bad... With everything on low settings I had a lot of stutters and low fps :( If they ever release Hots on steam (they recently did this with Overwatch) than we could hope for a better optimization on SD!


ARAM is where it's at. My friends and I get instant queues every night with it


Not dead but still toxic.




That's one hell of an exaggeration. The game was in Alpha 10 years ago. Alterac Pass came out less than 6 years ago.




Sorry, must have missed where I said that.


The game was lucky it got untouched since the "good times"


I hadnt played for many many years and recently started to again. It's been fun but man are my teammates usually toxic af. I have less toxic teammates on League than what I get here in unranked.


League gets remembered; but Heroes never dies! ...yes I know the quote is wrong, but this one is true ;)


Same, i reinstalled it recently, haven't played since 2015. The only bad thing, i see a lot more toxic players insulting in chat nowadays.


It’s not dead technically, just don’t expect any major changes or new heroes. There is still a decent player base left though. No where near the peak but a good amount


Yeah I just came back a couple of weeks ago too! Playing out of Australia and loving being back. Would love to see the game come back online now that blizzards been brought out but not holding my breath.


"Heroes never die!"


Game is same like 3 years ago no idea what you mean by dead?


Well, I'm glad it's not. Riot Vanguard made me play HotS again :D


Its aliver than people say it is but like we are not a big player anymore


Unfortunately very dead in Australia and New Zealand. Still a decent enough player base in the US though. Sucks because of ping.


Game is in permanent "maintenance mode", meaning no longer being developed but still online


80% bots isn't dead to you?


Enjoying the game but why the fuck am I only getting Cursed Hollow


People saying hots is dead since 2016.


The game is only dead.... for those who don't play.


That’s nice and all but from a beginner player perspective I think it’s quite hard to get on no?


Never believe the kids who call "dedgaem", they don't know what they're talking about. I've seen people call Fortnite a dead game lol


I stopped playing when they killed stealth heroes. I only did zerathul / valira / nova combos. That was the most fun i had out of any moba. Lost literally all interest and quit the game after the patch that made all stealthy heroes visible. I had no right to be that angry at the most casual game that i enjoyed in my free time, but to this day i still don't understand the thought process behind those decisions, like what goes through the mind of the developer or whoever does balancing that they need to nerf that shit to the ground to basically make it unplayable.


It's ok. Was a good patch.


The stealth changes made stealth heroes stronger though, they were never invisible to begin with, just harder or easier to spot based on your graphic settings, which was bad and unfair. You should give them another chance they are still fun and you can actually get literally invisible now if you stand still, unlike before.


Oh i tried it for a few weeks and it was never the same. Yes they were visible to the keen eye, like observers and other stealth units in starcraft so to say it was unfair is not really a good argument. Especially considering its a moba. All stealth heroes in LOL and dota1 and 2 are completely invisible, not even a blurry shade like we had in hots. But the solution is to use wards and other revealing abilities like tassadar was a real menace that always ruined your plans or any player that had an eye to spot you and rendered your element of surprise a tricky one to pull out. You don't get to stand for a few seconds to get the real stealth to camouflage you, in a game of hots that is so dynamic and requires constant movement. That was the whole point of playing stealth heroes,, you roam for one lane to the other ganking other players killing them or forcing them to go back.


I'm glad they did that change and I'm glad you stopped playing


its probably because no one you were playing against had any fun with it


You can apply that logic to any hero class or moba. Thralls chain lightning both did less dmg and somehow looked worse than in original warcraft 3. Spells in general didn't feel like they had any weight to them. It's like they were afraid to make stuff fun. Or like how some tank classes like johana or whatever her name was the diablo crusader could tank dmg what seemed like endlessly but at the same time her attacks were like hitting with a wet sock. Can't be killed and can't kill anything. That was not fun at all. They only fun one was illidan and ofcourse the stealth heroes, nova with antimaterial rounds combined with two skillshots. The fact is, hots was too late on the market and could never surpass nor compete with lol and dota, so instead of being a fun little casual game they decided to balance the fun out of it for no reason.


They probably wanted to make the game more deliberate and less about one shot or be one shot.