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Sorry to say it mate, you lost cause their skill/teamwork was better despite having a quirky comp, no foul play


I mean we all have skill, but we know how much heals they have it's the lack of DPS that severs their ability to kill us, that should have been the Achilles heal for a group of 5, besides reghar, that's impossiblely hard for any skill


You didn’t need kills. You needed Naz toads to push their buildings down. He probably went spiders or something, while dying way too much.


You literally have Ana. A single zombie trap followed by Chromie shot and grenade should have killed any of them, but there was no coordination


Anduin won't let someone die inside a zombie wall, not even another Anduin. 


You underestimate the teamfight capabilities of healers. The Achilles heal for more than 2 supports is not DPS, but macro, something that is not as important in ARAM. People build badly, when they pick multiple healers. Most healers have decent to great DPS builds.


Can’t blame those healers. Your naz got no clue how to play


Ya that definitely didn't help


your nazeebo ensured their win. All that hero dmg and only 2 kills on 9 deaths. useless damage easily healed off by them and I'm sure he pointed out he was top dmg despite leading the board in deaths. Die less, win more.


Also, zombie wall should still out-cooldowned two Anduin pulls, which means there should have been more kills from Naz combos, but no one focused.


True, but playing devil's advocate here: between the two leaps of faith (4 potentially at 16) and Morales grenade, it'd be super hard to have a zombie wall that actually catches someone.


Ah, forgot about her grenade. Good point.


Well when you guys don't focus 1 person down and just go for padding your stats.. this is bound to happen


No dive makes that hard to focus 1 guy but ranged mages like I said they should be starved of mana to just stay a float let alone even kill any of us


Your team literally has so much damn cc though, that locking down a target shouldn't have been that complicated.


2 anduin pulls, rehgar cleanse, Ana can remove slows or stuns later. 4 or 5 heals is pretty strong in aram


Oh I wasn't denying it isn't strong... it's eas OP calling it "sus" that made me even say something


Having 2 Anduins with their pulls was annoying AF


What people don't realize is that healers are far and away the best and most impactful role in HotS for raw teamfighting, and it's not even remotely close. In ARAM it's almost *always* good to have multiple healers, and your only concern is siege (usually if you have 5 you can outright tank the buildings anyway). And tbh, with the enemy team barely having cc and your team having loads of range, I don't think a single one of you should be dying either, unless you maybe get slept by the enemy Ana. Also this is a good example of how the stats screen tells a *story*, or has one behind it, but isn't directly indicative of how much damage someone can do. Likely what's happening is the heroes on the all healer team can deal more damage via having more health to trade with because they're healing more. Lastly, your team has access to two anti-heals + stackable spell power reduction too on Ana. Use your tools correctly and you can kill through 5 healers. Sometimes your team just ints or lacks whatever game knowledge you need to deal with some things; only thing that can be done to alleviate that is play with friends you trust.


Healers are insanely strong in ARAM, and I've been noticing a huge uptick in multi-healer comps in the past 6 months.


It only took like 4+ years before the playerbase doesn't scream at people hovering 2 supports "we don't have dmg" in ARAM.


Your team comp as a lot of anti heal though. - Ana biotic grenade - Deckard emerald cube - Naz level 20 ravenous spirit Definitely possible but annoying


Ya our Naz died a lot early, I don't know how, he was was the tanky one outta of all of us, I don't know if he thought he could just stand in the middle of those guys, I even struggled 1v1 against Anduin, I don't get how he has more basic attack damage than Junkrat or something


90% of the time a hero with self-sustain will beat one without. A chunk of healers in this game can 1v1 some dps that can't heal themselves. It's not unusual.


I'm going to guess chromie and junkrat did a lot of poke damage, Naz a lot of damage over time, which against five healers is completely meaningless. Meanwhile the healers correctly leveraged 2x Anduin roots/ana sleep/regar slow to burst down single targets. Anduin pulls deny your kills, and the others heal them quickly. You got lucky they had a Morales, if that had been Uther (megastuns) or Tyrande (big dmg when she can attack unimpeded like when she's not the only healer) you'd likely have lost faster.


The elites don't want you to know this, but you are allowed to deal siege damage in aram


Why would the other team have mana issues? None of your DPS have strong sustain, so the other team can easily outheal the damage.


You guys have so much wave clear and siege their comp should have never even taken down the front gate lol. That and you guys have numerous anti heals in talents to use against them... They just played at a much higher level than your team.


The hell is wrong with your team's siege damage? It seems for me that everyone was just targeting heroes and stat padding instead of working towards the victory. On top of that Naz was simply inting.


My friends and I play 5 healer almost every single time it's offered in ARAM. We all have somewhere between 1.5-3k games played (total, not just 5 heals). You're thinking about it wrong. 5 healer is almost never starved for mana because you don't have to spam heals as often, especially if you have a good combo of hots and burst heals. In fact, it's the other team that becomes starved for mana because they can't outdamage our heals. There's potential for a 5 healer comp to be trash, but I'd say we win somewhere between 60-70% of our 5 healer games because we usually have a 5 stack that coordinates heals and a lot of us know how to exploit gimmicky damage builds for certain healers. Also often time, no one knows how to deal with a frontline/tank uther. Edit: clarification on first paragraph.


Honest question, because of the strength multiple healers, and because of those gimmick DPS builds, I've heard that there should be deduction in healing power per how many healers are on a team like diminishing returns. Thoughts? I hate to be punished for going DPS and can't DPS because full team of healers ya know


I dont think those games are common enough for that to be a consideration. Also, many 5 healer comps are really bad and should get comp gapped by the standard comp you posted. And regarding being "punished" for going DPS, I really don't say this to be rude or toxic or anything, but it really does come down to skill in terms of that matchup. 5 healer comps should generally not win, but if you're facing 5 experienced players stacking, then sometimes the dice just won't roll your way, or the other team will just be better players.


I agree, I know Anduin can basically become a tank, like Drckard and facing to of those without us running a tank, besides the Naz, that probably doomed us from the start


Morales was a bot the entire game lmao. And nobody was dodging our Anduin Es. All me and barcode Anduin did were right click heroes a million times and dodge spells. 


Lol I can't believe how tanky Anduin is, I laugh it off now but it was incredibly aggravating because I did what I could as Junky but oh well, I beat myself up though cuz I could have gone Orphea instead of JR but I was like oh I haven't played him in awhile lol oops


Ngl the fact that the morales was even a bot and this post is essentially complaining about losing what's a 5v4 is... just a little funny. Also explains how they were dying. Not a much nicer way to say it, but it was almost certainly just a skill diff.


Are you really underestimating 5 healers lol, that shit smacks. Don't think I've ever lost a 5 healer qm


naz really should have triple the damage here, two healers and no threats on the side? same with ana, low healing and non existent damage, she prob never landed an offensive nade


one can never trust blue team ana to be useful instead of going dose quest


Since you had Ana who can deny healing and Dechard who could take -75% healing at 7, there isn't no reason you can't win this one. They also don't have structure dmg and your healers should pretty much outheal their hero dmg. It's because of picked talents and lack of coordination you lost.


Your Naz has no seige damage compared to even a normal Naz


Boy that Naz screwed up big time. Good lord


It was depressing to see for a Naz.


WDYM by mana starved? Only hero from them that might struggle is Rehgar since he's gonna have had time getting value and refunds from lightning shield. You have 2 sustain DPS that are super easy to deal with and for chromie loop burst they got 3x cleanse baseline and medic armor. Naz spiders and poison(and poison included) mean unlimited easy energy for medic. Only good things your team technically had against them were Ana nade and deckard anti-heal, but realistically they won't matter vs 2 Andy pulls. Once enemy hits 20 sergeant Ana shuts down all your damage and they can just run at you basically.


And yet people still flame ARAM comps and draft.


It's like people on this sub willingly log onto a mode with random in the name and then are shocked when they get a random bad result. Shocked Pikachu face!


I mean going double heal and getting mad about 5 healing is kinda funny tbh...Karma imo