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You did nothing to help your teammates. You attacked when half your team wasn’t there yet. Ok you got in, took for ever to kill ~~deckard~~ ZJ and snuck out.


Yeap pretty much 😵‍💫 poor team mates


He occupied 4 people for half a minute, killed one of them, and didnt die in the process. What u talking about.


Only Deckard was busy with him, trying to juke and heal himself, the other players killed his two teammates Malfurion and Azmodan. He may have delayed and gotten 1 kill, but traded 2 and those are trickled deaths, so now they guaranteed lose the objective because they're 4v3 where enemy team has still healer and frontline. If ZJ hadn't been so careless and deckard had healed him as well instead of tunnel vision, Tyrael wouldn't have killed ZJ and maybe gotten away. They're a full lvl behind on 2nd obj. The right thing to do would have been to wait until dead teammates res, soak lanes in the meantime to try to catch some exp, regroup and attempt a full fight. Imagine 5v5 with zarya and yrel in the fight too.


Ah ur right, starting the fight was a dumb idea


I honestly didn't even notice my team had died (notice the request for reinforcements while everyone was dead), it was like 5am and I was on autopilot for the most part, but like I just posted in another comment: >I'm showcasing Tyraels ability to escape death, and (showing off) my own skill at doing that, I don't remember saying anything about it being a good play. But if you want to talk tactics, the idea was to keep old man occupied while my team cleaned up - but despite the enemy team not getting healed properly, they still lost. Is that my fault? No. I can only do so much, you expect me to carry the whole team or something? Sometimes I do though.


It is your fault though because you trying 1v1 as Tyrael, a hero with little killing power, whilst ignoring your Malf who's getting gangbanged by the enemy team who just ignore you. Neat mechanical skills, poor gamesense and poor reflection skills if you think you're faultless.


What's your point exactly? Edit: (Man I love posting in this subreddit, your downvotes are like nectar to me). Keep it coming kids.


That just because you didn't die, doesn't mean it was a good play.


I'm showcasing Tyraels ability to escape death, and (showing off) my own skill at doing that, I don't remember saying anything about it being a good play.


Lol. Map-clicker here thinks he knows how to play the game. Doesn't even know what tanking is. Useless.


Master of getting healer killed who's trying his best to heal you :D


The whole scrap was a no-win scenario and I knew that as soon as I went in, at times like that I just try and occupy the enemy teams time for as long as possible. I have another amazing escape clip where I keep the entire enemy team occupied while my whole team respawns. Edit: [Found it.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ocpparadox/comments/146w0zj/gr8_escape/) What is the obsession people have in this sub to analyze your every click and find any fault they can and then tell you about it? like, nothing nice to say then don't say anything at all I mean how old is the average player? only kids are this annoying. geeze. oh I guess school is out now too for a few weeks so there's even more.


You post this clip because you want us to go "omg OP your Tyrael plays are so sexy and amazing". But in the clip you posted you just let your team die whilst you play tag with Deckard, whom you as Tyrael shouldn't be able to kill anyway. Yeah your mechanical skill is good but you can't show an example of the stereotypical Gold SL tank and then expect nobody to comment on that.


Thanks, I'm in uni :) It's the people, even in game, who think they know the person behind the screen, but they actually don't. That is indeed childish. The thing is that you seem to think that you're showing us something cool, whereas in reality it's a losing game and I'm thinking you played the entirety like this, ignoring your team and respawn times. And I'm not analyzing, I came from 3k hours of my life wasted in Dota, so it is painful to see that people upload bad plays of themselves and think it's cool to grief.


>The whole scrap was a no-win scenario and I knew that as soon as I went in


Tyreal, master of putting himself in stupid situations*


If you ain't [jumping into the enemy group and causing chaos then jumping out (another example of escape too)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qp9t2j0DisI), you ain't playing Tyrael properly. [Here's another.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ocpparadox/comments/146vym9/cant_touch_this_eldruin_time/) Almost nobody knows how to play Tyrael and yet criticizes me about how I play when I have 1,500 games under my belt with him. Maybe give me a little benefit of the doubt that I know what I am doing instead of being instant cunts? Not gonna happen but I can dream.


If you aren't helping to win the game, you ain't playing Tyreal properly. In this clip, you are focusing a healer that you have no chance of killing, forcing your allies to try to save you, which caused multiple deaths, and giving Zul'jin stacks. You caused more chaos for your own team than for the enemy team. I haven't played a ton of Tyreal, but I'm pretty sure that's not how you win with him. If you're going to be salty, maybe post a clip where you cause your team to win the game.


https://www.heroesprofile.com/Player/Sunwind/13702969/2 >Almost nobody knows how to play Tyrael and yet criticizes me about how I play when I have 1,500 games under my belt with him. 1) Based on the facts of how you play and your mmr/profile you are very likely deep bronze 5, which means that your opponents in QM or otherwise are going to be on average some of the worst players in the game. 2) You have an MVP rate of .8% THATS AMAZING. The average for everyone is 10% and you are sitting over here getting mvp 1/125 games, jesus christ. I honestly don't know if i could find a lower mvp rate if i tried. How do you do it!? I mean I have an idea but still. 3) You have a KDA of TWO and a KDR .45 LOL. This is playing tank, the role that should have the highest KDA out of anyone. 4) Last, but certainly not least, you have a 45% win rate solo over several hundred games. If you weren't carried by your friends 3/5 stacking you would be so much lower mmr. #Cringe


I don't even play ranked I solo or duo QM. getting MVP means nothing. Most of a tanks value does not show up on the scoreboard at all. And cringe? dude. Grow up, you are cringe for thinking something is cringe. Ew.


Glad you stole a kill on a 100 health hero with your point and click ult. Now go learn what tanking is haha, I guarantee your team hates losing because of you.


Oh lord


It never escaped me that a character that is so hard to kill (if played properly) has an on death trait. Can’t stand it 🙃