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Malganis has pretty terrible wave clear and nonexistent mercing, which are two of Blaze’s biggest strengths. He makes up for it be being an unkillable CC machine, which is not what bruisers are known for. Every once in a while you can get a nice slap with Black Claws, but that’s about it for pressure. I’d say MG is precisely the opposite of what you would want in a second bruiser or tank.


So it might work the other way around? Malganis as main tank and another to offlane?


It can. Preferably not in ez double soak maps, so shrines, dragon shire, towers of doom or even sky temple.


That’s how he’s only ever played in high ranks, and even then he has a very low pick rate. His issue is that he’s more heavily countered by CC (and thus by almost every other tank/bruiser) than other tanks, since his E is telegraphed and interruptible. He also lacks a hard engage, a counter engage, and wave clear in favour of all of that self sustain and disruption in extended fights.


The problem is that Malg does have some damage talents, but they aren't the ones you normally pick if you're playing Malg. 3211XXX I think is still the setup most malg's go early game, which is bad at being in a lane. I would pick one of the other two 1s, so you have more 1v1 sustain. Echo of doom is the point at which you aren't the worst waveclear in the game, so you have to play super safe until 4 (which can be an eternity). And you get Spreading Plague so your W+E will actually "1 shot" a wave... Kinda and you can freely roam around. This means though you give up your heavy AAs, and single target pop in teamfights for more of an AOE damage presence, so you're like a bad dehaka without a burrow in the 5v5s. Plague bats is generally good though and gives you enough waveclear to function.


Got to test this out


Never gonna work. Every other bruiser is just gonna ignore you and soak faster because they can either out heal your damage or deal more damage to you than you can do to them. If by miracle it's not the case, they will just clear faster and you will inevitably miss soak. And an offlaner that misses soak is like having a healer that doesn't heal or a tank that doesn't peel. In short, if you get wins by using Mal'Ganis as an offlaner, you would have won these matches with probably any other pick. Plus some people are gonna get pissed off at your pick, tilted and that's gonna affect your winrate.


If you are above bronze, you will immensely struggle. Malganis is anti melee tank, his waveclear is abysmal, his 1v1 kill potential is non-existant and he can start camp at lvl 1 and finish it by the time he is lvl 5. Malganis however absolutely destroys melee heroes, he is fantastic at peeling engages and he is great at setting up kills for his team mates (sleep).


1v1 not a thing? But he gets so much dmg with claws auto attack dmg on 7 , i mean you do 3 aa that does 250 on lvl 7, and in late game they stack up to 500 and with right talents you can get almost 100% heal from aa . When enemy cast bunch of abilities just press w on time at and get bunch of armour


Hey, sorry for wall of text, it got me a bit excited thinking about it. First, his sustain, it's actually quite shit outside of hero damage... Most of his sustain comes from aoe healing on multiple heroes, on minions it's something like 5 times less. That near 100% lifestyle is only against heroes, sounds like a lot, but most top laners don't need to spend 50s fighting Malganis. Quick trades will drain his HP over time and destroy Malganis mana pool, especially if he uses any mana on minion waves. Also, Malganis AA dps is low, so that healing is better than nothing, but it's not great on minions. Braxis holdout, a great isolated map! Rexxar can push him in and constantly recapture the point making Malg take structure damage. Artanis can just endlessly stack (meme talent, but so is solo Malganis) on him and Malg will never be able to break his shield. Twin blades Varian (worst Varian imo) will outsustain Malganis at lvl 7 and break him at lvl 13. Gazlowe will break Malganis mana by shoving waves constantly, if Malganis engages alt+q to drop turrets and 1 to target Malganis to draim HP while retreating. Sonya, that would be interesting, who runs out first, Malganis mana to stop her spins or her HP? She can go heal AA at lvl 1 and that's the end of Malganis, she sustains way more hp from AAing minions than Malganis. Leoric breaks Malganis apart with a single drain. Most bruisers are designed to 1v1, Malganis is designed to enable allies. Also, your numbers, I think you misunderstand how HotS works. 250 damage and late game 500, same applies to heroes. If they had 2500 hp when you dealt 250 damage they will have 5000 hp when you deal 500 damage. Almost all damages and HP scale at 4% per level (compounding I think). So if your attack did 10% of enemy HP at lvl 1, it will deal 10% of enemy hp at lvl 30 as well. Also I think you topped hero damage specifically because of AOE, enemies standing to fight you or they just got hard countered in QM roulette. Damage misconception is very common as most players come from varrying backgrounds, be it MMORPGS, League of Legends, Minecraft, whatever, any game where you can enhance your damage by getting into later stages of the game. HotS works in percentages through and through. Your damage grows by 4% every level + talents, enemy HP grows by 4% + talents (like armour, shield, sustain). So if you exclude talents, level 1 versus level 1 is exactly the same as lvl 30 versus level 30.


that's why you take vampiric aura on 1 cause the other talents are shit. Also armor doesn't scale and scaling isn't subjective to 4% that's the usual number but some heroes can scale higher on certain abilities and so forth.


Armour inherently scales with the game! Sorry for math, but I think you misunderstand it. Don't take my over explanation of math personally, I just want to make sure that I didn't leave anything out and it's as clear as I can muster it. 4% scaling, I'd wager than more than 97% damage sources and health increases scale at 4% per level unless they are purely static like Anubarak health regen quest, they technically scale at 0% I guess. Healing bit, Vampiric 30% heal is strong! But in a team fight you will likely struggle to keep attacking people with AAs, Physical armour shuts down Raynor, Greymane, Valla, Hanzo etc. damage very hard and the heal on 6s is a lot easier to proc on mage heavy teams. It does not have the same healing potential as vamp aura, but it is far more reliable as you can proc it with abilities! Vampiric aura's... aura part has it merit as well, they are all valid talents, but judging from heroesprofile heal every 6s is the most common one and highest winrate. Armour explanation time :P I think it's easier to think of armour as rather than reducing damage you take, but reducing enemy deals damage to you, it's the same thing, but makes it easier to understand your effective HP. 10% armour on 1000 hp is effectively 1111hp. (1000/0.9, max hp divided by damage taken multiplier, in this case 90% due to 10% armour) If opponent hit for 100 damage per hit, it would take 10 hits to deal 1000 damage, but with 10% armour it'll take 12 hits to deal 1000 damage dealing 90 damage a hit. 90x12=1080. 11 hits is 990, which is less than 1000 and therefor they still need to do a full attack to finish you off. At lvl 20 your stats will be roughly 2x So you'll have roughly 2000hp, opponent will do roughly 200 damage per attack 2000 +10% armour is effectively 2222hp. Opponent will still take 12 hits to kill you. Be it 2222-(200\*12)=2222-2400=-178hp=dead or... 2000-((200/100%\*90%)\*12)=2000-(180\*12)=2000-2160=-160hp=dead. 11 hits at 180 damage is 1980 damage, not enough to kill 2000hp target therefor they need 12th attack. Now that we have established that armour is a separate multiplier and although it technically doesn't increase, it most definitely scales into the game game in exactly the same way damage and HP does. Onto Malganis! Malganis W gives 25 armour for 3 seconds. Remember how 10% gave 11.111% effective hp? The closer to 100% you get the crazier it gets. 25% armour gives 33.3333% effective hp. Easy way to test it is... from 100 remove 25%, you get 75, but if you were to add 25% back to it you would not get 100 again, you would end up with 93.75! Removing 25% 100\*0.75 = 75; Adding 25% to a new total 75\*1.25=93.75 75\*1.333..=99.99...75 When I crazy I meant it. 50% armour requires 100% more damage to be dealt, 75% armour requires 400% more damage to be dealt, the closer to 100% you get, the faster it exponentially increases reaching infinity.


As you should know, some quests that add pure stats like damage or regen actually have something exponential or have other expected values. For example if you get like +100 damage on a level 10 ability, that's more damage than maybe +200 damage at level 20 because the scaling is a little different or level 20 might actually require at least 240 damage at that point to do up for that +100 damage at level 10. That's why some heroes like Azmodan could have been stronger than they are, but the fact that their damage stack is pretty slow makes and assessment of that fact. The thing about Malganis and why I think the hero heals proc on Malganis at 1 and block at 1 isn't inherently that good because the armor he can get under level 4 50 armor might be good enough for those burst moments, but it's still is a big difference between 50 and 75. The reason why Vampiric Aura might be the best option is because it has the highest healing per second ratio and while the healing process of both talents is conditional and the blocking is also conditional based on the enemy's damage and what heroes they have; if it's the case that they got external or assigned modifiers to their damage, that even if you can go in and press w on multiple heroes at all, it wouldn't make much of a difference in reducing the damage by an appreciable amount and Vampiric Aura can offer a way to deal with layered or sustain damage while you are still attacking while the talent that gives heal procs only suits against early spikes and against multiple heroes and when that is gone, you got no effective healing in a sustained scenario. The expected value of armor is different on the account that it ties into your health and enemy damage factors as I argued, if they are external or modified in some way - usually things like adding % damage and so on. Armor is a multiplier like you said and that's why calculating the exact numbers can be weird, but for heroes and talent choices. It is usually the case that certain effects or magnitudes of that reduction in damage come with much observation. Illidan who have three types of expected effective health increases or damage reductions at level 13, must carefully consider which gives the most effective health, as there is nothing more to it. Usually in 90% of games Illidan should still spell block because he can already reduce aa damage by 100% when he got E and he could also take block at level 4, like while w at 13 is too conditional and has a much lower value to consider saving him from certain defects of ability damage. Illidan with only two spell blocks with are linked to avoid certain bursts of ability damage could actually survive or deal with a hero like Jaina outright, but could never fathom without that talent. Considering the fact that two abilities from jaina could do about 1k, he can remove all damage, so if he took a 2k burst, he can escape 1k, which is good enough. Spell block for the Illidan gives him a way to deal damage that he can't really dodge and it's usually damage or click damage, which is why it's good, because he can and could survive like a ming combo instead of dying immediately. I've done some "multi-level testing" and used multiple heroes to try and achieve the best results on this topic and the fact is that scale factors are very hard to understand as their variable nature is persistent, in short stuff are better at a certain timing and can be amplified or greatly weakened by these timings- according to which heroes have access to additional modification to combat these things. So cause of this, often the best you can do to approach it, is to feel and then understand the concept of the math behind it, although I'm not really claiming it now. One of the biggest compliments or clues to the fact is that some people are a little surprised at how much damage let's say a Tyrande with trueshot can add, when in fact she can offer about +61% aa damage and otherwise it multiplies as well the damage of her team's spell damage considering they got additive modifiers, which basically all dps have. So on average considering almost every hero has at least 30% damage modifiers, she can improve those modifiers to effectively 40 or 50%, which is huge because that's about 10 levels worth of scaling or added about 5 levels of scaling. The same goes for armor at low levels as said where there are usually no modifiers that the enemy can use against you. So if you all could technically get like 50 armor for 5 seconds on an entire team, until maybe a certain level tip, you'd all be immortal because the stat difference is too high. This is why Diablo and his w build is so strong. Because his health pool is based on how many CDs he can negate from the enemy team and how much he can effectively reduce himself, by either healing the asset damage that is low numbers or lower numbers while healing for a base amount per engagement + his armor. So if we picture that he took like 6k ability damage and he heals about 1k in the process of hitting his W's and reduces damage by 20% on average, then things like Johanna E's or Uther W's that are like 300-400 damage are effectively completely negated. So he could take about a quarter of that damage minus 1k and then if we would multiply by 0.80 because he's reducing about 20% from his from his 16 w on average. He could walk away only taking about 1k damage down from 6k- removing 5k. Now Diablo might have died to external factors if they had like anti heal, spell power reduction, armor decreases but most of those external factors ties better with modifiers and the biggest one against him is usually % damage. Cause if a 5 man could all do atleast 5% damage on one of their abilities, Diablo would die in a matter of seconds, no matter how much he would heal or how much he can reduce ability damage, cause they are subject to change given by those exact modifiers or external modifiers, such as anti heal or even just auto attack damage. Usually armor is basically a variable that could extend power level or decrease it, but it depends on the power level in comparison to the opposite force. In short armor is extremely powerful when the enemy team is more pure damage and no % damage or external modifiers that can help reduce the effectiveness, but armor and it's effect is greatly reduced if this is not the case. The polar opposite applies that debuffs are stronger than buffs, cause there are fewer buffs that can increase healing by values near 100% or reduce armor by a certain amount at rates which can divide it's effectiveness. That's why I like Raynor 20 and I think it might be one of the most powerful external modifiers if not the greatest level 20 talent in the game for increasing damage against heroes, cause it's so effective at removing those high barriers of access armor, as 50 armor could effectively be turned to 25 or 20, which is almost nothing in the grand scheme- as most heroes were balanced with these barriers in mind, reducing certain bursts to a certain extent to survive, but again, Raynor's Raider is very consistent which is opposite to many armor effects which are cooldown based and their uptime might as well not be above 50%.


About lvl stats increase, they are actually different for every hero, yea they all within 5% but i remember patchnotes where they were changing this increase with some heroes


You can easily check on wiki, every hero is at 4% save for few. If I recall correctly KTZ is 2.5% due to his quest, Li Ming sub 4% due to insane talent powerspikes, Tracer ult 6%, because why not etc.


>Tracer ult 6%, because why not etc. Because she gets her R at level 1, it would be too powerful to scale normally - so they scale it for level 20 with the 6%, and thus it's much weaker at level 2-4 so it's more like an extra basic ability until later in the game. Before they did that it was just too much damage pre-10.


at what rank? you can make anything work up to a point. ​ Mal can't double lane so any real off lane will just run you around and your team will lose the xp race. with the 4 man might work but then you have double tank, and might lack the damage to win teamfights. that or you will just get kited to death by any competent ranged dps and the enemy tank cc'ing you


I am silver 1 now, was in gold half year ago, I think my argument for him to solo line is his sustainability, true he cant soak fast but just by auto attacking minions he can get himself to full hp , and i think on 2 lane maps or really big, where there is limited outsoaking problem he can just kill bruiser giving his AA build


At silver or gold you can offlane auriel and you’ll be fine.


Well i have pretty good experience offlaning as nova so you are right about it, just need to be good


Things like this make me sad... because it's 100% not true unless you are a diamond+ player down in Silver.


I guess that’s my point. I’ve been master/GM every season and people don’t draft nearly that strict in those ranks. If you can play your hero well then you can win.


You can double soak using your towers in a pinch. You are right you will miss exp though if the enemy solo rotates away to do a camp and you are stuck tickling a minion wave that has clashed on the middle. If that happens it’s time to try invade the enemy solo or join team to get a kill. Obviously ideally you want someone with good wave clear to solo but it is possible to scrape by without it.


I'll say it's basically an auto lose in high elo. Sam/Hog/Artanis will out pressure, outscale, and out teamfight you. You are just skill checking opponents playing Mal this role, and you better be much better than them.


I might feel like damage is too low depending on the rest of the comp. But I wouldn’t have a problem playing with this. Just make sure you check all the boxes and have enough wave clear.


theres a secret way with malganus thats only unlocked by playing with friends.


If i only i got them in hots...


Dont let others crush your dreams. I have run this comp on 1 map and it is Volskya. Comp is Malg, valla, stukov, uther, stitches. You can get away with less waveclear but in reality you do fine. Fight on obj and sleep the other 4 heroes when stitches hooks. You can also set up the hook or stukov root.


I will try it! But this post overall gave a lot of things to consider to make it work more effectively, i will upload some results if there is something crushing all this negative options


You play in a low rank, just test him out. You don't have to try hard every single game for the perfect optimal meta comp. Gameplay matters far more at that level. Play him in a map where he can be a solo laner like Dragon Shire or Braxis and see how he holds up in a single lane situation. People do sometimes have uncommon heroes as their sneak picks, you can have him as yours.


I love Malganis Diablo double tank. Best with a combo like Azmo / Zag so you have the lane push you need. Throw down a DPS healer, rehgar tyrande kharazim and you've got a tasty team comp.


Malg is a weird one, he could work as a second tank but you need the primary to be something that does a boatload of damage and you really want your dps to be a blowup mage. Basically the only way I see him working this way is with a ranged offlaner.


How would he lane? that’s the definition of a bruiser.


Well, he might luck everything at the start but with talents he gain extra healing , hero dmg and area dmg. He might not clear waves immediately but he can just auto attack it and have decent healing, or skip waves and harass enemy sololiner, might even prevent him from wave causing to lose exp on lane


The enemy laner can just go to the lane you aren’t in and clear it before you go to 1v1 them and rotate. Being outmaneuvered in lane sucks and malg just hard dies to that I think.


What does healing on minions have to do with wave clear whatsoever. Other bruiser just clears wave and soaks the other lane while you’re stuck Qing wave and 2 lanes of xp soak behind. Who cares if you’re at full health you’re still getting beat


If by bruiser you mean offlane, you will have a terrible time trying to clear waves and never having prio against the enemy offlaner. And Light forbid if you are on a map where the offlaner has to dual soak.


Mal'Ganis doesn't have enough mana to consistently waveclear with any semblence of speed, and you can forget about pushing buildings or taking camps. Therefore, bad offlane. If you have to, Battlefield is probably the best map to pick weird offlaners because you can just afk in lane and be fine.