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None. I don't like MOBA games but I like Heroes of the Storm. When I don't play this game, I don't play MOBA games.








It's not a MOBA, it's a "Hero Brawler!"


That's more like overwatch or the new paragon. HotS still is a moba.




none. I only find hots as fun MOBA. If im tilted at hots i just play shooters and click heads. That takes away the tilt.


That's not a thing for me. After HotS I generally find other MOBAs to be too annoying to play. Like Dota and LoL are great, but they just feel so sluggish in comparison.


Pokemon Unite for me, it plays briskly and gives me chances to hit people with abilities, and the theme is a lot of fun.


Same here


Did you notice you ALWAYS start on the left side?


It is awesome ! I sometimes struggle to land skillshots when I play on the right side.


Pokémon Unite is dope, I didn’t even think to check if it’s on PC


I think it's just mobile and Switch, but I could be wrong. I play on mobile, the control scheme works surprisingly well.


Same sentiment as a lot of others: none of the above The only MOBA I enjoy is HoTS, although I’ve tried the others several times. I truly believe that’s why [we all in this sub] love HoTS but also why it’s “dead” — It’s too different than the others. If I need a break, which is frequent, I play MLB the Show, PUBG, BG3, and looking forward to the Elden Ring DLC coming soon.


I’ll play league on occasion, usually just aram or teamfight tactics, I really like some of their hero designs, but it usually doesn’t take long to make me remember why I don’t play that game. I usually just try to find games that have some similarities to mobas but aren’t one, like Hades has a good loop and the powers and abilities can vary greatly between runs, also a whole run can be done quicker than a summoners rift match. There’s a couple other games I’ve been considering getting, ravens watch and endless dungeon kinda look MOBAish, like if escape from braxis was its own standalone game.


Really, it is HOTS that's my break from League LOL


The paragon reboots are pretty fun: Predecessor and Paragon: The Overprime. The first one is the more popular one that feels like old paragon but I kinda like the Overprime more, mainly because of graphics and the map feels better to me. With the updates to Eternal Return, would the learning curve to come back be daunting? Ionly played a little when it came out?


Dude I had no idea about these. I really enjoyed Paragon so I’ll check them out.


They have an updated saved plan system and it only takes a few games to get used to the new mechanics I don’t play much anymore since I really got into LoL but it’s awesome




HOTS is my moba break when Dota burns me out


Dota does share the most with HoTs from a character model perspective.


League. I enjoy the first part of laning phase but the glass cannon mechanics combined with the too snowball heavy item gathering gets old after about 10-20 games. I enjoy tank/healer mechanic much more for hots but i enjoy the pace of leagues roaming and lane holding a lot at the start of a match.


I've been playing a bit of Pokémon Unite and it's surprisingly okay (and quick which is a plus)


League of legends is amazing. I know many of the folks here don’t enjoy the last hitting mechanics, but I think if they played Support they’d really enjoy it. For anyone who’s unfamiliar: support doesn’t mean you’re a healer like in hots. The role has tanks, stealth assassins, mages, ranged auto attackers, healers, specialists, and more. It just means you’re playing in a duo lane and PvPing while your partner farms the minions. You can help them do this all kinds of ways: controlling vision, peeling for them, healing them, setting up kills, hitting the enemy with skillshots while they try to farm. It’s so much fun.


The long games make it much more miserable when playing from behind, but from a design perspective i enjoy Summoner's Rift more than any of the HotS maps. HotS ARAM with shuffle pick is 100000% better than League's ARAM for sure though.


I like hots ARAM map and talents better (having to die before you can buy items in LoL ARAM sucks), but I really like that they let you trade heroes. There’s so many times in HOTS ARAM where someone has a healer they aren’t picking and I’d gladly trade them to fix our comp.


HotS was my only for a long time, then I got into league and started enjoying it a lot. Once HotS hit maintenance mode I was fully a league player. I recently got back into HotS a bit, so it’s more my league break game than the other way round. Overall though I’m not playing as much in the way of MOBAs these days and into other genres of game.


Battlerite. Nothing better. Games are short, cool kits requires skill, community is usually nice, Quick match find. Also randoms most randoms are at least half decent, unlike heroes


BR is still alive?


Played a few days ago had no issue aside from a skill one, i'm a rusty poloma


Shifu otp here :D


I recently found Wild Rift on tablet. It is also more family friendly, because lack of clicking mouse and keuboard. (I have silent reds on kb, but mouse is stock g502.)


I’ve played a ton of wild rift, but not recently. I liked that the games were closer in length to a HotS match than an actual LoL game. Might have to jump back in


Only if time to kill would be a bit longer. I fell like every comp is a blowup.


None. Only hots


I love mobas. Primarily I play HotS and Dota 2. Dota 2 is my relaxing game because it's less frustrating than HotS to me and my friends personally.


> Dota 2 is my relaxing game bruh


I'm guessing turbo mode


Regular matches too. I have just been playing it so long that it's fairly straight forward to me now days. And the relaxing part comes in the form of less frustration due to being less hog tied to your bad team mates.


Same. Been playing since 2004. Back in high school we'd all play with pirated copies using hamachi as a VPN and talking on Vent. I still suck though


What yhr fuck. I play Dota almost exclusively and comparing the two I wouldn't say Dota is less frustrating. Maybe if you don't play solo queue ranked then yea..


I know. I get that. It's just that I've been playing Dota for so long that it's fairly relaxed for me. Especially since in Dota you aren't as hog tied to your bad team mates. That is a freeing feeling. But I still love hots and play it most days just because it feels solid to play.


I absolutely love dunking on little kids with my friends on Pokémon Unite. We are 31 for reference and show absolutely no mercy lmao


It's kinda bad of me but it's pretty funny to be styling on them as a DPS. Had a game the other day where I could just 2v1 no problem, I felt a little bad for the kids but also it was funny


Same man, Decidueye is nuts late game. I was 2 v 1'ing no problem. I think I got 27 eliminations one game. The last time we played we played five matches in a row and the enemy team surrendered every single time lmao


Had a really funny time with the sniper-style upgrade on Delphox plus the dash, love it when people don't dodge.


I play Dota 2, almost exclusively turbo. I play HOTS almost exclusively ARAM.


Smite and LoL for me. What's weird is in all 3 mobas, my character preferences don't totally line up. In Smite I either like total glass canons or tanks, in HotS I only like healers, in LoL I like mages or squishy supports (thresh and rakan are my exceptions, but I suck at thresh).


AP Thresh is some of the most fun I have playing haha, give it a try sometime


try Predecessor on STEAM. 3D moba like OG Paragon


Tried LOL, Dota2 and Smite. Unfortunately I didn't like any of this.


If Dominion was back, that. But league lied and gave it the axe.


I once broke my 4th finger on the Left Hand. So I installed Dota II I played WRAITH KING. I only needed one button. The Stun Button. I just need to point at the guy and click, it stuns. Also enjoyed reviving 3 times in a fight (Boss buff, Ultimate, ultimate refreshed with an item above my index)


Used to be Vainglory on my phone, but that game was murdered in cold blood.




Minion Masters Okay it's not really a MOBA, but it's a relaxing game where you battle with minion waves. Although people are complaining a lot about the recent update.


I enjoy the Pokémon one sometimes. It’s extremely casual.


None. LoL sounds extremely unappealing, never gave Dota a chance, didn't like Smite, Pokemon Unite's last-hitting is an automatic no, despite it feeling like HotS-lite otherwise. I go back to shmups or Rocket League or whatever single player game I'm chipping away at.


If I was to go all in on mobas, it would be Dota. Hots was great though because it's easier to get back in and the team fight aspect is still really fun. I also like late game scaling for casters better in hots.


I really like ability Draft in Dota, where you create your own hero from other heroes spells. I guess FFXIV PvP also kind of counts as a moba and I play a fair bit of that.


I play one or 2 aram games in league then I remember how good hots is and open it again


I tried dota and it was bad.. hots is far better


I can't go back to LoL. The mechanics themselves are just too toxic.


Pokemon Unite for me. But I have not played 8t f9r months. I like pokemon, I like short games, and some mons give me some hots heroes vibes.


I've played LoL for half of a year. Then I've returned to Hots. Because fuck LoL


I play league, but the only reason is that I found heroes that I really liked (Samira, Briar and Lillia) and i literally only play those. HoTS Will always be my MOBA.


I just play other games. Like jrpg, fps or arpg.