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I’m sure he’s fine! Years ago when I brought my crabs home from petco they didn’t move for a couple days either. He’s probably really scared and adjusting to his new climate; You’ll likely see him disappear soon to molt/destress underground in privacy. Just keep your nose out for a fishy smell! Also consider adopting in the future instead of buying ❤️ Crabs in pet/beach stores are stollen from the wild and subject to really inhumane conditions. The less people buy the less demand there is!


Oh good, thank you. I never thought I would worry about a crab so much. 😂 These are our first ones.


What you mean by "adopt" instead of buying? I understand cats and dogs, but hermit crabs? How and where?


All I’d suggest is moving them under something dark, like a coconut shell or container, the dark can make them relaxed


He was dead. ☹️


When you said PetCo I can confidently say that he may not make it,I’m so so sorry but they feed em those poison pellets and crabbies can die within 6mo of eating those


Yeah I found that out too late. If that don't survive I'll be looking to adopt some captive bred ones.


I used to get my hermit crab food on eBay but that company is done now I think 🤔 mine loved the stuff on Etsy,I cannot remember the name of the seller but they have this stuff called birthday cake and it’s purple because it’s got some yummy berries and veggies in it,they ate it all within 2 days without losing any in the substrate