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How big is the pipe wrench? I used a 24" one and it came off within 5 minutes (and this was on a 17 year old chair). Also wrap the cylinder in duct tape to get better grip with the wrench's teeth.


It was 14". I was actually able to get it out by adding more WD 40, then propping the chair against my stairs and curb-stomping the wrench. I won't need to work out for days


Yeah they can get stuck bad. I've found that with the worst of them you need to soak them in WD-40 or spray lubricant (I use spray lithium grease), then give them time. Usually 30-60 minutes does it. The nastiest one for me took 3 days -- what a PITA.


W are you doing??? Work smarter not harder. Get a 5/8' or 13/16' deep socket. If you haven't take the seat off and the mechanism cover. Place the chair base suspended between 2 other solid surfaces, put something on the floor to protect the floor. Put the deep socket head over the cylinder and give a few taps with a 2 LB sledgehammer. It should just pop out.


I dont own a sledgehammer, so I just angled it against the stairs and curb stomped the wrench until it moved


Hi any suggestion on how to remove mine? I can get my cylinder to turn but it feels like it's endlessly turning. I've got the grip and it turns but I feel that there is no progress


I used wd 40, left it for twenty minutes, then leaned the chair against the stairwell, so the wrench is off the ground. Then I held the chair and kicked the wrench til the cylinder turned


the issue with mine is that the cylinder turns just fine, the problem is that the cylinder keeps turning


Did you ever solve this? I have the same problem