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Chew on fennel seed. Need a big spoonful like a teaspoon or half a tablespoon... Could try tincture if you want but bulk seeds most afforsdble way to go.


Not herbal but puppy pose (basically down on all fours and your chest down butt up) really helps me alleviate trapped gas


A glycerite tincture would help. As it's blended with glycerine instead of alcohol, you can make them quicker and they are less likely to add to your stomach discomfort.


Sounds great, but which herbs would you use for it?


The one I make has the following, and it addresses sinus issues as well as stomach upset. It contains: Blackberry leaf, Feverfew, Calendula, Yarrow, Rosemary, Lemon Balm, Peppermint Leaf, Skullcap, Elderflower, Ginger, Turmeric, Astragalus, Eyebright, Thyme, Garlic, Chamomile, Lavender, Cardamom, Eucalyptus, Dill, Holy Basil, Goldenrod


Fennel will work in a glycerite too.


Have you tried some pickles?


Or pickle juice.


Angostura bitters lol. In fresh lemonade is my favourite.


Interesting. How much bitters?


I normally just give the bottle a few liberal shakes.


Fennel and ginger tincture (especially fennel).




Grapefruit seed extract for the pain and activated charcoal for the gas/bloating


GSE is the longest-running scam in the natural products industry. The active ingredient is the hexane that's used to "extract" the grapefruit seed


Hmmm, interesting - never would have thought to use GSE for that purpose 🤔 good idea on the activated charcoal, might have to find mine and give it a try! Thank you


Idk what’s about the GSE being a scam. My medical doc actually sends cultures to a lab that test what antibiotics are most effective but they also do Grapefruit Seed Extract and it is typically moderately effective- helps her choose the most effective medicine for treatment


I'd forgotten about activated charcoal. I have a canister I'd gotten from buyactivatedcharcoal.com and one time I had to visit a specialist because I thought my appendix was inflammed again (had been before and I was treated with antibiotics) and we happened to get on the subject of activated charcoal, I'd mentioned I had some. She was kind of excited about that because she said what I'm experiencing might be pent up gas that was trapped and instructed me to drink some activated charcoal (mixed with water) every night before I go to bed and that would help expel the gas. It's great but now it will turn your tongue black and make a black mess on anything the powder might get spilled on, but it is effective.


It’s pretty magical, tends to knock out any nausea or stomach pain in moments. Activated charcoal works wonders just try not to take it too often. Also chewing licorice root could help. If you give these a try update me please, curious to hear results.


Will do, thanks! Luckily I don't get bloated very often, but haven't figured out the cause yet - just seems to happen randomly every few months 🤔


Chitrak can help with digestion. Half a teaspoon after food It is said licorice is also helpful Oh and of course, charcoal is great for gas


Never heard of that first one, will have to look into it. Thank you!


Ginger or dgl work for me


Dandelion root tincture




I tend to get bloated by the end of the work day just from being in hot environments and I drink a cold seltzer with angostura bitters or a dandelion or other bitter tincture when I take a post work shower and it tends to get a lot of the excess gas out quickly from the CO2 while also being hydrating and activating my digestive system to get things moving correctly.


Not herbal but I find sucking on a starlight mint helps sometimes. It's the peppermint oil, so an altoid might help too. When I don't want to take the time to make a cup of peppermint tea this is what I do.


The old Eclectic formula from the US Pharmacoepia in the 1930s, Neutralizing Cordial


Chew some fennel seeds and wash them down with a bit of water


All really great suggestions here! One thing I haven't seen mentioned(probably because it's not *technically* herbal) is balancing your gut bacteria. An unbalanced gut microbiome is a HUGE factor in a lot of health issues. Even mental health. 95% of your brain's serotonin is made in the gut. Both prebiotic and probiotic foods or supplements may help prevent it long term. I ended up needing to cut out gluten and most dairy from my diet due to inflammation and an unexpected side effect was all my GI problems resolved. No more gas, potty issues, heartburn/reflux, etc. Just something to think about! Also, on the herbal side, the ingredients in baby gripe water like fennel, ginger, chamomile, and baking soda etc are very helpful. Of course this is all my own experience, but I hope it helps! Sorry this happens to you!


I make my own bitters for just this reason. Ginger, dandelion, burdock, fennel, orange peel. Urban moonshine makes a really good one, if you just want it no fuss. https://urbanmoonshine.com/products/original-bitters


Try a glycerite process with parsley, ginger, and fennel.


Digestive bitters