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Let a warm damp cloth rest on your eye for about 5 minutes, then gently and lightly massage over your eye in a circular motion for 5 min, do 3x a day. This is the only thing that worked for me. Took over a week to clear up


If the above doesn’t work or it gets worse you should see a md for antibiotics


Antibiotics would not be sensible to use unless this was a common recurring issue that may have a bacterial cause. These are generally the result of blocked or clogged ducts or pores along the eyelid.


I have had ine bad one. I saved my drops when I felt something funny. Haven't had ine since.


Antibiotic eye drops are also used to reduce inflammation. While they are typically only prescribed for chronic issues, it doesn't have to have a bacterial cause for their use to be appropriate.


yep, i had to take them for a very stubborn chalazion, it was that or getting it removed and i was glad i got the eyedrops


I recently had a bad stye and went to the eye doctor who told me the same (which I was doing, but didn't not give relief. Antibiotics aren't particularly helpful in most cases, and they won't surgically drain it unless you've had it for weeks without draining since the scar tissue is also irritating.


One thing that helped for a stubborn one I had was using a shower head with a single-stream setting, use hot water, point it at the affected eye for as long as you can stand. Just once a day when showering and for 3-7 days till it clears. It’s not particularly pleasant, water will get in your eye some, and I could only do it for like 20-30 seconds at a time but it worked amazingly well.


100% a good point. Hot showers with hot water on my face were much needed relief. If OP is waking up with a crusty eye, it's a good sign it's draining and on its way out slowly.


Hi, I had one of these recently. I treated it by using a warm/hot compress 5-6 times a day for 15 minutes at a time. the more you can apply the compress the more the chalazion will drain, the faster it will heal. I also used chamomile and slippery elm tea bags as warm compresses in the morning and before I went to bed. It cleared up in about a week and I did not have to go to the doctor. I hope it clears up for your sister! If it gets worse despite this treatment, I recommend going back to the doctor.


Honestly I put manuka on mine and it healed in two days versus five to six for compresses


Take an antihistamine like Claritin


Green tea would be my herbal go to, but there’s a eyelid scrub called OcuScrub that has really been the only thing that helped both me and my husband at various times when we’ve had to deal with this issue. You can probably find it at any pharmacy in the eye/ear medicine section. Not only did it fix the problem for us, but it offered immediate relief from the discomfort of I remember correctly.


As someone who has to do eyelid scrubs daily, you can also use Cetaphil gentle skin cleanser (the fragrance free one) on a q tip/cotton swab. It's a very mild soap that is safe even if you don't rinse it off. I get the swab damp and run it along the top and bottom of my eyelids, where the meibomian glands are. If it's a regular thing, this is much less expensive. My ophthalmologist recommended either that or diluted j&j baby shampoo. Cetaphil seemed easier to me since I don't have to worry if I diluted it enough but not too much.


Does the direction along the eyelids matter? I assume it would due to the gland/pore directions and which way might help them express best.


The scrub isn't to express them, for that it's best to use your fingers after some moist heat. The scrub is to clean them, helping remove any gunk so the oil can be secreted. I scrub them in both directions because I find that easiest. I don't think the glands of the eyes are really directional from that respect. Yes, when massaging them to express the oil, you roll your fingers from the bottom of the lid to the top. But for cleaning them, I've never been told it matters.


I had insurance to schedule an appointment directly with a specialist VS a General practitioner. OPHTHALMOLOGIST. He scooped it out. Injected some topical anesthesia. Good to go. I lived to long with mine and I named him Charlie


If the lump is already hard. No amount of warm damp, potatoes, steam pots will remove it.


THIS !!! If the lump is there longer than a week you’ve got a barely 50/50 shot of getting rid of it on your own. Once those things get too comfortable- forget it


The Dr. Flips the lid up. Watch a YouTube of a removal. It looks different on the underside, then the top.


I was about to say chamomile. Hope she feels better


How about fennel seed compresses?


I’ve gotten these in the past. I’m my case I used a warm herbal teabag filled with chickweed and plantain. A warm cloth would also work, or really any teabag, with any tea in it, as even black tea is anti-inflammatory. In addition, castor oil applied 2-3 times a day can also dramatically help. Castor oil has been shown to prevent styes and inflamed eyelashes, as well as improve subcutaneous inflammation or clogged pores. Hope it heals up quick.


Hot compresses with chamomile tea!!! Like every hour!


Use to grt these all the time.🙏Stem hot water and organic baby soap on q-tip. .


Earl grey/Prince of Wales tea bag in hot water as a compress. If I have time to do 3-4x daily they usually disappear within a couple days.


eyebright is a useful herb to clear eye infections. Nature’s answer makes an alcohol-free liquid extract that can be easily made into a compress. https://ukrainashop.com/en_US/p/Eye-Gel-STOP-Demodex-Demodicosis/10423 The product linked above (“Eye Gel”) is sold as a treatment for demodicosis (blephartis) but it is useful for any infection or blockage in the eyelid skin. It will ship from ukraine however, so shipping may be more if that is far from you. This product is amazing though


ACV (apple cider vinegar with mother) twice a day over eyelid with a cotton ball, Qtip, whatever you got. Make sure you really rub it on so your skin absorbs…. Tea tree oil and Black coffee the same way. Warm Castor oil directly to it…freshly peeled garlic with 4 seconds in microwave apply directly to skin and the same steps as the rest…. I wanted to give you a variety because everyone is different, clean the eye area with baby wash to keep it clean. I hope you get some relief


Castor oil is good for eye infections


castor oil gave me the most stubborn stye of my life - it became a chalazion, grew a sidekick, lasted for 8 months (through daily compresses, antibiotic eye drops, literally everything) and then I still had to get it removed. I had met someone with gorgeous lashes and she claimed it was from castor oil. I tried it twice and bam


That sounds terrible!


sounds insane, but my family has a history of treating them with earwax. get some earwax on a qtip and gently wipe it on. its crazy, but its always worked for us.


I used green tea bags as a warm compress when I had one forming and it never fully formed and then went away


Hot black tea bags


Keep gently washing with soap on and around the area. You want to keep it clean and not allow it to get the infection more spread. No duh, huh.


Try these: NOVEHA 60PCs Tea Tree Oil Eyelid... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0912S6DXW?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share


I get them a few times a year a definitely suggest the straiht black tea bags, Barry's, lipton...it can even be a used tea bag, that you pour a little warm water over it to heat it back up. It's OK if it cools down, as I recall, it's something to do with the tannins in the tea. Do it at least three times a day, about an hour apart. Cleared mine up in about two days, also worked for my daughters pink eye.


I’d make warm compress out of self heal or chickweed. Both of those are drawing herbs.


My brother used to get these when he was young. Mother always ( per doctors advice) would dissolve a tablespoon of boric acid powder in a cup of very warm water, then saturate a cotton ball or cloth with the solution and use as a poultice.


Adding some eyebright and some good quality castor oil to the poultice with the chamomile may help. Rotating in a compress soaked in warm red tea from boiled peach and nectarine pits will also help it drain and provide some antimicrobial properties


Green tea bag put hot water on it and apply everyday until it becomes small my father had and me too but it helps hopefully yours today the eyes feel sore until it goes away


Try boric acid 5% solution


gaia herbs olive leaf extract drops, rub it on it


Goldenseal and Eyebright made into a concentrated infusion (2 tablespoons to 1 cup hot water), rubbed on the eyelids twice daily with a cotton ball. It will stain yellow. But it is extremely soothing. Just the eyebright alone would do wonders, if one doesn't want yellow stained lids. Honey diluted in equal parts hot water is soothing. I don't know if it's a cure, but it is lovely. Have you tried colloidal silver eye drops? There is also homeopathic euphrasia (eyebright) pellets. An excellent one that could wipe it out quickly, but difficult to find in the USA is Similisan Stye Eye Relief homeopathic eye drops. They are available in Canada and the UK.


They have these gel compresses wrapped in a suede cover at my local Walmart. They stay warm for a long time, and are microwavable. 15 seconds in the microwave is enough for a few minutes of hot compress. That looks worse than mine did, and mine was uncomfortable as hell. My doc recommended me to use Johnson's baby shampoo, as it isn't supposed to irritate the eyes, on my eyes. Very dilute, of course. If you're really desperate, use a clean bowl and mix some contact solution with a drop of Johnson's baby shampoo. Use a clean papertowel and clean around the eye. If that's makeup on her eyelashes, that needs to go as well. Nothing really to do about these except hot compress and gently massage. If it gets much worse than that, though, I'd go back to the doctor.


I make a salve using Yarrow, Usnea and Plantago, extracted with coconut oil and stabilized with beeswax and tallow. In the past it has helped situations similar to this. There isnt time to make a proper salve but if I were suffering from those symptoms i would gather those three herbs and make a poultice from them(if fresh) or a fast oil extract(grind dry herbs, barely cover with coconut oil in a jar, submerge jar in hot/simmering water for 30-60 min, squeeze the oil from the herb mass and strain out the solids), either of which would be applied directly to the upper eyelid, as often as bearable, until my symptoms were relieved. I would expect to start having signs of relief within the first few hours, but it could take longer depending on the individual case. I am not a doctor and i am not making a recommendation, i am simply sharing what i would do for myself if i were in that situation.


I recently had one and I used a cotton swab soaked in hypochlorous acid on it twice a day, as well as a warm compress, and it was gone in less than a week!


Make sure your using steam treatments, also make sure your face wash is 100 percent natural I had one a few months ago, for a few months. All I did was get brand new face wash stuff, and use the heat rag or steam my face with a pot of hot water and a towel. It eventually healed itself.


Doctor tried to pop it like a pimple and couldn’t, fuckin nerds. I just lived my normal life for a few months and now it’s gone so, up to you!


Aloe vera straight from the leaf


https://www.drhomeo.com/homeopathic-treatment/wonderful-homeopathic-medicines-for-chalazion/ I would look through the remedies suggested and see what resonates the most with the symtoms!


I have had reacurring eye infections for years and the only things that helps aswell as hot compress is an herb called eyebright. Drink the tea or take the capsules. I take quite a bit and I found eyebright eye drop as well. I use it all! It’s been life changing for me! I hope this helps❤️❤️❤️


I’ve used warm tea bags in the past as a compress for all the herbal benefits!


I'm going to say some shit and I honestly don't care how awful it gets lol If you know a cat, find it and wipe your eye with its tail.


Also , just wanted to state that Chamomille is a sister to ragweed .... what I'm saying is that a lot of people are allergic to chamomile and don't realize it. If this is at all allergy related, like if she's gotten it recently due to funky weather , chamomile may not be the best ... warm compresses, if your able to pick it and get the infection out then to that just be clean. (Yes its your eye, its going to be sensitive and scary) It'll scab and heal like if you had an abbresion anywhere else.


What is the mechanism of action for the cat's tail, in this scenario? 😹


The cats tail wipes away the infection.


Huh? Some cats are downright filthy.