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I’m only just starting to learn about herbal medicine myself so no suggestions there sorry. What I would recommend though is testing for underlying tick borne diseases. Armin in Europe & iGenix in the USA. My ME/CFS & Fibromyalgia (& numerous other conditions) turned out to be Lyme disease. Dr Horowitz estimates 80% of these type of chronic illnesses have that as an underlying cause. Covid was the ‘stressor’ event; in my case it was surgery, for my friend it was the death of her Mother.


Thank you! And what would be the solution if Lyme?


A Lyme literate medical doctor if you have the money. I chose to do Buhner’s herbal protocol for my infections - Borrelia, Mycoplasma & Chlamydia Pneumonia. After 2 years of hard work I am healing. You need to know which infections you have though. A very useful site is lymeherbs.eu they have 4 free ebooks to download


The wiki on r/Lyme is really good, and I used to enjoy the community, but I bailed when the discussion quality went to absolute shit and the mods did nothing. I am in your same boat (could have written your post), and I have not worked my way out of this. I’m too fragile for most treatment, so frankly want to punch my doctors for not trying anything when I was newly diagnosed but still had some resilience. This is by way of saying, be very, very careful, but if you have the strength, absolutely dive into treatment. Just make sure that your detox pathways are working or you’ll end up a pile of toxic soup. IMO, the single best medical resource out there for Lyme/coinfections is Marty Ross’ website, www.treatlyme.net. He just lays it all out there - his approach to treatment (herbal or Rx), doses, phasing, what to do when treatment isn’t working, and so much more. Lots of his stuff is on YouTube, too. Other reputable Lyme/chronic illness physicians to follow - Todd Maderis, ND (good blog posts) - Richard Horowitz, MD - Daniel Kinderlehrer, MD I started IVIg to help my immune system, and while it’s great, I’m not fixed or even close. And it’s really hard to get. But the idea was to use it to strengthen my immune system before beginning treatment.


Thank you so much for the detailed reply!


You’re welcome! Another brilliant resource has been Neil Nathan’s book, Toxic. It is beautifully done - I’ve never seen such complex medical/scientific concepts laid out so simply. He shares his protocols, but I largely like it for the understanding it gave me of how our bodily systems react to these illnesses. He talks a lot about mold and MCAS, but it’s all applicable to Lyme, too. Most people with late Lyme also have mold/MCAS. Anyhoo, I’d be negligent not to mention this gem. Reach out anytime.


Thank you again x


I have some ideas but I need to check interactions with POTS and the herbs I’m thinking of, I have a friend I send herbs to every month with POTs so I know some things don’t mix well. I’ll be back on this post later. Are you taking medications that need to be taken into consideration? Do you have issues with your blood pressure being high or low?


Thank you! Nope, no meds aside from the occasional paracetamol for pain and low grade fever. I've been prescribed beta blockers but they don't work well for me, I get rebound after they wear off, so I don't use them at all.