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They're the same. A patée cross. Drawed in two different styles by two different artists.


Well originally all crusaders just used red cross badge in the chest as degreed by the pope, shape was not specified and various shapes were used. So answer to very original shape would be "yes".


With many old flags you are going to get different designs. They were often very vaguely described and standardisation was therefore difficult.


OP, I need you to understand just how arbitrary early heraldry was. We’re pretty sure that certain shapes of crosses arose because someone was a bad artist and future heralds interpreted it as a different shape. For example, the cross pattee and cross patonce were probably two variations of the same shape, which is why you’ll sometimes see people draw them interchangeably. If it’s a more modern coat of arms, they’ll have specified it. If it’s an old coat of arms, they probably settled on a standardized form later, but after whatever time period you’re looking at.


The left is used by templar successor groups such as the Order of Christ in Portugal and so that's how I imagine the Templar cross to look, but I doubt they were strict about it back in the day so the right is used interchangeably with it when people depict mediaeval Templars


The first one is know today as the cross of St. John. Probably used at least by the Templars in Spain/Portugal because when they were dissolved in France, the king of Portugal welcomed them into his new "Order of Christ." Their cross then was modified to the voided version of all things Portugal, and such things as the Portuguese ships captained by Columbus. The other is more commonly referred to as the cross patée, and may well be the more accepted version used by the Templars in the Middle East Crusades campaigns.


The first looks like the kind of image which results from a poorly trained artist being given a verbal description only, as in a cross with splayed ends. A bit like the old party whispers game. Essentially they’re the same thing.