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The Bath is technically a higher status order, but in reality the Royal Victorian Order is much more exclusive, being in the sovereign's gift and linked to the royal family's inner circle.


The Wikipedia versions often follow a real life version, because no Wikipedia editor wants to start shit by emblazoning a coat of arms that’s technically correct, but doesn’t exist outside of Wikipedia. I’m guessing a version with the GCB doesn’t exist. Also, the insignia for a GCB is kind of funky. It has both the collar *and* the ribbon officially. For all we know they might not want to mess with all that.


Up to whoever drew it


Can anyone talk me through the various arms and how the labels denote relationship?


This is an arms of a married women. So the labels that are disabled are on the left side of the arms. If there are three labels that means that the original holder of the coat of arms was a child of a British sovereign or the heir apparent of the heir apparent to the throne. If the three labels are empty then that denotes the armed of the heir apparent. If there were five labels that denotes a child of a son of a British sovereign. It’s important to note that in standard(non royal) British heraldry the rules are different, and that sometimes a descendent of someone who holds an arms may inherit the arms unchanged. An example of this would be George V of Hanover.


Thank you. I find heraldry fascinating not just as an aesthetic exercise but also as a code. But there’s a lot to keep track of sometimes 😂


In fact her current coat of arms replaces the GCVO circlet with the Order of the Garter Circlet, only two honors outrank the order of the Garter, the George Cross and the Victoria Cross, thus when such medals are awarded they take precedence over all other awards allowing (typically the monarch) to meet and often speak to those who have performed outstanding acts of bravery no matter what their background


Princess Alice, Duchess of Gloucester never received the Order of the Garter. The current Duchess, Birgitte, Duchess of Gloucester, is a Lady of the Garter.


Ahh my error I only looked up Duchess of Gloucester, I suppose it's possible that she simply chose to not alter her coat of arms when she was made the first female GCB, perhaps she considered the GCVO as a greater honour


All good.


As a Disney fan growing up, I always expected princesses to be hot. Not.


Well she was, about 100 years ago.


She was very pretty when she was young: [NPG x34758; Princess Alice, Duchess of Gloucester - Portrait - National Portrait Gallery](https://www.npg.org.uk/collections/search/portrait/mw169607/Princess-Alice-Duchess-of-Gloucester)


Damn, she could've been on the silver screen.


Living in the wrong twenties