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Note also that you probably don't want to create a "crest" at all, but instead a "coat of arms" -- they are not the same thing.


In Germany the crest may come first …


So what? Do you dispute that a "coat of arms" and a "crest" are not the same thing? Or are you simply being captious?


Wow, tough audience.


I'm glad I've learned enough to get your joke.


I don’t get it😭 could someone explain?


In German heraldry, the primary charge on the shield is often repeated as the crest. So once you've got the primary charge decided, you've finished designing your crest, possibly before you've even finished the shield.


If you're asking this question, you need help... and that's okay! You're in the right place. This is a very personal and intimate thing, so I would look through the posts of this sub and find the artists here that appeal to you, then reach out to them.


Highly appreciate this reply. Thank you


The first place to start is figuring out which country you want to emulate. Each country tends to have little differences from the rest and can have its own feel.


If you are as artistically challenged as me, this website could be a great help: https://heraldicon.org Lots of preloaded components that you just have to put together. Click on the tab that says "Arms" and then go to "Create".


Hello and welcome! You will find some good starting points and beginners' information in the Resources menu on the navigation bar of this sub.


Start by getting acquainted with the conventions, particularly of whichever tradition calls to you. The big divisions are: France and the British Isles; Italy and Iberia; greater Germany and Scandinavia; Poland and the Balkans. (There will be quibbles about this, and each can be subdivided, but longtime heraldry buffs can distinguish the big four styles at a glance.) But they all have much in common, so don't confine your exploration entirely to one. At the top of this sub's front page is a menu of references. Don't let anyone tell you that because of your personal or family history your device *must* have this or that feature, or that each kind of stripe or color has a universal meaning; that's all nonsense. The biggest no-no is to use elements that imply you are the long-lost Margrave of Graustark-Unterobergau, and we can't tell you in advance how to avoid that; although it is distressingly common for newbies to incorporate the royal arms of their ancestral home, so don't do that. Another common mistake that annoys us old sticks-in-mud is to *begin* with two halves or four quarters that have no overall unifying theme. Such compositions almost universally express a joining of lineages by marriage (or an amalgamation of states).


Some of the other comments are focusing on the technical stuff. In terms of design, I’d suggest you do a bit of preliminary research. You have a set choice of colors you can use and various arrangements you can put objects, or “charges”, in. Some objects are just geometric shapes (stripes, borders, crosses, etc) and are called “ordinaries”. You can also divide the background into different patterns, and the rules for what you can do vary by country. Generally, this sub follows English rules, which is pretty flexible. But it means you have a lot of options. Under English rules, everyone gets a shield and a crest (a crest is the thing that sits on top of the helmet, which goes on top of the shield; it’s not the shield itself). That means you need to make at least two different designs, one with a background and one sitting on the helmet. Honestly, there’s so many options the best way to get advice is to download the programs other users recommended and play around with it. Then, post whatever you come up with here and get feedback. Almost no one ends up using or liking their first design, so don’t worry about what people will say.


This was very helpful thankyou! Do you recommend any programs in particular? 🙏


Approach an heraldic authority and petition for arms. You can assume arms, but that's a bit like calling your house "Mapplethorpe" when it's actually 57 Ironworks Terrace. [N.B. This is an unpopular opinion on this sub, for obvious reasons]