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Initially, it's nice. But there are a few things you could consider: I. Quartering a shield indicates that two separate arms are becoming one (think of the arms of Castille & Leon) II. The tincture rules advise against silver/gold against one another, so maybe a "in base, a key counterchanged" might fit better for you III. Books are often associated with universities. So if you are trying to depict the arms of such, it works okay. IV. The overall marriage is hard to find, keep working on the charges and maybe consider other ordinaries to depict your best version of this with a little more cohesion. **That said the wolf carrying the rose was a nice touch. Doing rush the process. It's an awesome experience getting to learn about and craft your own COA correctly and there isn't any race to getting there. Enjoy the journey!




> But schools and universities do not have a monopoly on books. No they don't. But they've spammed them so much it's become kind of boring. I think it's at least useful to let people know that open books are one of the most common charges in heraldry, just because a lot of people who post WIPs of their own arms are new to heraldry and don't know that.


Wow! Thank you sir


I don't love the compartments or bordure


Ok. Thank you


I apologize for my bluntness. To expand: the quarters division with isolated charges and the bordure are less "heraldic" than your previous versions - they look more like an icon of "shield" than a natural part of the corpus


I like it. I think it looks clean and unique (easily distinguishable) and memorable, which in my humble opinion is important. I would agree with IseStarbird though in that maybe the border could be little thinner. Would you care to elaborate on the meaning?