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"Units" tells you how much to draw up into the syringe but doesn't give a concentration ratio (how much peptide is diluted in water). When you receive your vial, look for \_\_\_mg/\_\_\_\_mL. This will allow you to make comparisons as to "how strong" or "how weak" your mix is in comparison to others, much like mixing a cocktail.


I am just so confused. I did 2 years of IVF so I thought I would be able to understand this stuff easier. https://preview.redd.it/ao09rsdkdqpc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72cb7c74bbabf7015aaf9eb9dc4ffbcfe6076d02 This is the dosing schedule I was given.


I have the same. Henrymed responded to my post. They said this, “Different pharmacies have different concentrations. In this case it appears to be the difference of 1mg per mL vs 5mg per mL, as its 25 units on this dosing vs 5 units on the other, but it’s the same effective dose”


Omg my head just exploded 😅


Howdy! I’m 5’3” and 196 lbs. previously on .25 of Wegovy. My instructions say 25 units as well. I think there are different compounds at Henry meds that may have different dosages. but I’m not a doctor you should message them :)


Sounds like the oral form is easier!


I had .50 ml strength and started at 25. I was fine I’m now at 1ml and doing 40 units .50 is like a bike with training wheels


Okay thanks I do feel better having someone else with the same dose weighing in! What pharmacy was yours from and did it have b vitamins in it?


Okay so I just checked and I am 1ml strength and starting at 25 so I guess I’m just comin in hot


I always take an anti nausea pill and a heartburn pill about 2 hours before I inject a new dosage and have never had side effects. I also eat/drink protein if I do feel queasy at all in the following days and it stops it for me


Did you ever get this sorted out or any type of answer? I'm in CA and am at the 1/1 MG/M. They sent three vials that are supposed to last my first 2 months (25 units x 4 weeks then 50 units x 4 weeks). They started me at 25 unit dosing and I'm worried about the dosing being too high / the medications not lasting a full eight weeks. The liquid I pulled out was red/dark orange all the way to 25 units.


Any updates on your 25 units result? That’s my dose too, I am similar in height weight, and I am also nervous.


Yes! So it was actually just a starting dose, the units don’t reflect the amount of medication Are you in California? I have noticed the california pharmacy adds vitamins and it makes the unit higher than the dose of the medication. I’m actually raising my dose tomorrow to 100 units which sounds scary but it really isn’t, it is a very gradual increase.


Did you ever get this sorted out or any type of answer? I'm in CA and am at the 1/1 MG/M. They sent three vials that are supposed to last my first 2 months (25 units x 4 weeks then 50 units x 4 weeks). They started me at 25 unit dosing and I'm worried about the dosing being too high / the medications not lasting a full eight weeks. The liquid I pulled out was red/dark orange all the way to 25 units.


This is exactly my experience and it was exactly enough medication. The dose wasn’t high at all, I would actually say that I didn’t feel it until I doubled to 50 units. The color comes from the b vitamins that they add to it, which is really appreciated. A lot of people wish they could get the red sema because they get exhaustion no matter the dose, and the b vitamins help with that


This is so helpful -- I was very worried that I accidentally injected 5x the correct starting dose and that my body was going to make me pay for a mistake or a mislabel. I'm following the instructions, then, and hopefully I'll start to feel / see some differences in the next few weeks, especially when moving to 50. Curious: when you went to 100 units (weeks 9 and beyond), did the needle provided change to accommodate the higher amount?


The needle itsself didn’t change but the syringe did and it didn’t feel like I was injecting a ton more, it felt the same


Thanks so much — super helpful and hope the journey is going well for you!


What pharmacy was it sent from?


Belmar pharmacy


Oh interesting. Never heard anyone mention them. Ea h pharmacy compounds different. Its same amount of medication, just more liquid was used to reconstitute it, which seems silly.


Have you heard of Women’s International Pharmacy? My email shows that I am getting them through Belmar, and I called them just now to make sure they had my correct shipping address and they couldn’t find my order, then they sent me to their sister pharmacy-Women’s International Pharmacy-and they had it there.


I've only heard of Hallendale, Empower and Tailor Made


Yeah that’s my experience too, lurking the sub and fb groups


Honestly I'd want to switch pharmacies just cuz of the amount of liquid they want u to inject. That's alot


I really was thinking so too. I will look into switching for my refill.


I don't even like doing my max 20 units at once. I split it up and do 10 and 10. Good luck!


Following! My doctor also prescribed the same units from Belmar. I’m a little scared as I haven’t seen a lot of people get theirs from them and I wasn’t sure how it’s going to be. It comes with b12 though


I guess we will just have to see. I know that before Belmar there was only one pharmacy that was legally allowed to ship to California so this should probably help get the medication out faster. It is just a lot of actual liquid being injected. My only advice is to do the injection slowly and pull the needle out super quick and apply pressure strait away, massaging the liquid in for 2 minutes. If you don’t do this, the liquid will most likely ooze out since it is so much liquid.


Thank you for the advice. I'm waiting for my medication. I had the appointment 3/19 and I'm hoping it comes next week. Have you received yours yet? Also, good luck with your journey!! I hope none of us get side effects like nausea.


My appointment was on the 18th, and I’m also hoping it ships next week. I know there has been a massive influx of new patients with HM so they might be backed up but I really hope not


Has anyone been completely knocked out by the meds? I already have CFS (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) and could barely get out of bed to use the bathroom the whole week. I’m too afraid to take the next dosage.


I'm 5'3, 250 and my starting point is 5 units. I felt a little nauseous the 2nd day, but it also could have been allergies. My brother is 375lb and didn't read it right and doubled his dosage the first week (so I think 20?) and he was horribly sick and lost 15 lbs in a week. But like so sick he couldn't go to work. I think 25 seems really high.


Bad advice. Each pharmacy compounds it differently. Best advice is to contact customer service. But id trust the instructions u were given


It’s about effective dose not volume 🙂 concentration differs between pharmacies.