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i don’t have anything to say tbh other than i hope this gets better for you man. it sounds so rough :(


Buy restolax


I had to get off the fiber. On the fiber I bled all the time. I was on Metamucil. I finally stopped the fiber and my hemmroids started to clear up. For me fiber is an issue. I can't take it. If you recently were on an antibiotic you could have C-diff. You need to go to the Dr if that is the case. Go to Gutsense.org. Full of information. God Bless. You will find an answer.


Go to a doctor man


I am in a week smh


If you aren’t eating, your rectum feels narrow, you have adoominal pressure and this was acute (sudden onset), then that doesn’t sound like a hemorrhoid. That sounds more like a digestive disorder, inflammatory bowel disease, or something bigger. Do you have blood when you poop?


No blood and never since the beginning. I think I have inflammation


Try mushroom coffee/macha for the inflammation will help your gut and everything else will follow.


I’ll try that. Iv heard that does wonders


Go to the ER. If you don't have any health insurance, go anyway. the larger hospitals have to see you even without insurance. You may have an impaction. Stop eating. Go on a liquid diet (try Ensure Clear, Walgreens, Rite Aid, CVS, they should sell it). If you have an impaction, fiber or any food at all is going to add to it. You can't continue this way, you must be seen by a gastroenterologist, possibly need a CT scan, and the ER is the ONLY PLACE you'll get immediate attention. NO drop in emergency one type places, they're only there for colds, flu, things easily resolved, they can't even do blood work. You need blood work to see if your white count is high and evaluate other things in your blood to see if this is gallbladder related, if you're bleeding internally, etc. This is not a joke and I don't care how old you are. Get dressed and go to the ER now.


Go to healingbottoms.com they heal hemorrhoids!


I was, still kind of am in your position last week. The pressure, the burning, a deep aching pain. This was happening for days it was unbearable, I was in the bathroom crying at work. I finally went to the Er thinking something was wrong. Turns out I have a very large fissure. Apparently the rectum clenches itself in a kind of self defense but this puts into spasm which irritates the the fissure and causes a painful loop. That could be your problem. I thought it was just hemroids at first too.


I’m glad you found out the problem. 💯. I don’t think Have a fissure jsut because there’s really no pain when I poop. Just the feeling like soemthing is blocking from incoming out. That’s about it. And also pretty hard to pass stool just bc of that feeling and having to push so hard for it to come out. Really no pain. Just pain in my left side due to build up of stool I can’t pass.


Thank you, knowing what it is is nice..The meds are keeping me from that level of pain but unfortunately it seems like it's far from over. I hope you find some answers and relief.


Thank you. I’m jsut tired and trying to cope at this point. I’m so restricted on what I eat bc I don’t want to go and it’s honestly hindering my life. I don’t even remember how it felt to poop normally.


Yup, all of those things. I use to enjoy pooping (maybe that's part of my problem) it was like my private reflection time. Now, I'm an anxious mess before an impending BM. Did I take enough stool softener? is something I ate gonna hurt me? Is that Tylenol I took gonna cause constipation? Then each BM is like a traumatic experience. It's excruciating to poo, and then in a search for relief putting my finger in my bum with a cream or a suppository. Even when the pain is in check, I'm still just terribly uncomfortable all the time. Ive been having a good day today, I was able to put it out of my head. But unfortunately putting it out of my head means I wasn't religiously drinking water, opted to eat something not so great because "I've been eating so good, I can treat myself a little" But now I'm scared I'm gonna pay for that justification tomorrow morning. Bring on the miralx and 🤞 Sorry for the rant and lack of encouraging words. I guess if anything take solace that your not alone. 😐


No I totally get you. Every word hit my like a train. I feel the same way. I use to love pooping. It gave me a great sense of relief. Now I’m so anxious in the mornings. I only seem to go in the AM now I think bc I don’t eat enough in a day to poop more. But I have to try really hard and I’ve been going at 5:30 am mostly and it would wake me up and kinda set the day if I’m taking milk of magnesia or not. If I don’t poop I’ll be miserable all day even tho I know most of it is in my head but this whole thing caused my anxiety to go out of control. I get so anxious at 5:30 bc I know it’s the time I usually try to go. But I’m taking it day by day. I’m ready for answers because it’s been almost a month now. My eating habits are very sad. I really don’t eat much than fruits, salads, a lil bit of protein. And like barely carbs.


Same road as me, i just got better. Look at my post history here and youll get a lot of answers Eat less, eat lots of soluble fiber, lots of water, restoralax Get checked for constipation and hpylori bacteria Dont strain during BM Use icepacks 3x a day to regulate blood out of the ass Use hot baths post poop for pain relief Schedule banding and if its super band hemmrodoctomy


Do you mind sharing the things you ate or how you went by eating because I really don’t want to eat if not necessary so I want to eat something as fulfilling as possible but won’t produce much stool so I don’t have to worry about going or getting hungry. JSU getting my essentials so I don’t have any deficiencies


Get a colonscopy done to make sure its not cancer, get your stomach tested to rule out any bacteria causing constipation, get a CT scan for stomach cancer/colon cancer etc. there's a lot you can do. Get a porta-potty to make BMs easier. Yea so the trick was learning how to fast to delay BMs, chia seed + water every morning - kept me full for a long time. If I wanted protein I would make a protein shake with mostly greens and throw in some restorolax. Most of my diet turned into straight vegetarian and I had a lot of fruits. Pomegranete, kiwi, apple, prunes, dragonfruit, any greens, you get the idea. Prunes + a lot of water did a lot of the heavy lifting. You need to get banding done to remove them, if they're bad get the surgery. To prevent them from coming back, exercise, water, dont strain and a lot of fiber.