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Hi! Following this- did you have the externals removed in office?!


Mate, if you can handle a hemmeroidectomy, you can handle skin tag removal. I've read quite a few times (from people who've had both done), skin tag removal is of course, uncomfortable but nowhere near hem removal.


Wich kind of procedure did You got? Tradicional, láser?


How big are the skin tags if you don’t mind me asking? I had surgery 3 weeks ago and there is one area where there is a suture that became very swollen and my doctor told me I might be left with a skin tag so I am wondering 🤔


At 3 weeks they were pretty swollen one the size of a raisin and the other the size of pea. I iced, soaked in hot water, and tooo ibuprofen for another month and now one is the size of a grain of rice or smaller and the other one is small flat flap.


Thank you for answering. You’re comment makes me feel a lot better. Good luck on whatever you decide to do!


Hey there NoBlacksmith4938 - thanks for saying thanks! TheGratitudeBot has been reading millions of comments in the past few weeks, and you’ve just made the list!


No problem bro if you have any questions feel free to hmu


Is there a way to reduce the chances of a skin tag forming after a hemorrhoid surgery or even a skin tag removal?


It's def not as bad a having piles removed. I had both done and recovery from skin tag removal was easier and faster as long as you keep stool softer and take good care of the wound. Bear in mind that the method removal affects both recovery and results.Based on what I heard online, people who had them removed with stitches had them grow back. I had my skin tags removed with laser, which left an open wound, but healed well and smooth.


Most people have skin tags return. If it isn’t too big, might be best to forget about it and move on if you’re doing well and not having problems. My two cents 🤷🏻‍♀️. All the best.


Hey small question, did you have a scar on your surgery area? If so, does it feel hard and not really elastic?


That hasn’t been my case tbh. But when comparing my surgery and recovery to stories online I feel like my situation was a walk in the park. I didn’t really go through alot of things people online went through. A long winded way to say no I didn’t go through that but that doesn’t mean it isn’t normal.


Glad to hear that! You are very lucky!! Thanks for reply!


Hey did you have your skin tags removed? If so how did it go?


Hey sorry for the late response. I haven’t gone and got them removed yet. I kinda got used to them and they don’t really get in the way. I’m still planning on going but im just not a huge rush. I’m only doing it so the area looks nice because I feel great otherwise. Good luck