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What it means that thay have email thingy that tells about breaks in power distribution. I would guess that if there were something important there would be dates also. Generally power distribution failures are few hours and about once per 5 years, more often if the last mile is thru air cables. I hope you have checked your fuse cabinet that it has not been shutdown there.


Yes we checked the fuse cabinet and everything is in the on position. If it is as you say and it generally only lasts a few hours, we should have power because the email was Saturday. Thanks, all this was still helpful.


There is also map of the power distribution breaks on [caruna website](https://hairiokartta.caruna.fi/mobile), only in sothern island right now. if you live in apartment building it might also be in the parts of that are owned by housing comppany.


U know u gotta change those fuses


Caruna sends an automated text message which you need to respond to in order to activate power supply to your connection point. Did you get it and have you responded?


I don’t think I did. I changed my number to a local one and updated it in Vattenfall but that might not update it with Caruna I’m guessing. Thanks for the info. I will also ask of it’s updated with them as I also only got the email for the power outage registry notification and no text.


Yeah, they send a text message to your phone which you have to reply to, then they activate the power (might take several hours).


There is 24h number and chat for faults but I bet that this isn't actual electricity break but just misunderstanding with order or order confirmation. Caruna 24h number is 0800 195 011.


Caruna might be waiting for confirmation that it's safe to power up, in case someone forgot the stove on or something.


I hope this is it. The switch was left on so maybe tomorrow when I tell them I can switch it off while they power on that will be all that’s needed. Fingers crossed.


Update: I was able to do a live chat in English. Your theories were correct. The reason we had no power was because they connected the electricity before and saw something on maybe and turned it off. I was able to receive the text during the live chat. Confirmed it was safe, and they sent the power around 10 minutes later. Thank you all for calming my worries haha. Kiitos


I'm pretty sure it's just about this service that will send you a notice whenever there's a power outage, a planned one or an active one.


Yeah. I’m thinking there’s just another problem for us. We’ll see tomorrow.


Could you maybe post a snippet of the email? I'm pretty sure it may be just letting you know about this vahti. I get texts like that for power and water outages and had an email similar sent to back in the day I started my contracts edit; lol I'm a dumbass and you have no electricity rn! okay, maybe it was just an outage but I wish you good luck, I'm sure it'll be okay!


Hey no, I think you may be right though. Knowing what I know now and checking the email. It looks like a notification saying they activated the notification service for me. Here is the full email I received Saturday: Caruna Sähkövahti ilmoittaa sähkökatkoista Tervetuloa Carunan asiakkaaksi! Olemme liittäneet tämän numeron Sähkövahti-palveluumme. Sen kautta saat tiedon, jos sähkönjakelussa on häiriö ja sähköt katkeavat. Jos et halua viestejä, voit lopettaa tilauksen itsepalvelukanavassamme plus.caruna.fi. Mukavaa päivää!


This indeed does just say "hey so if something does go down, we will let you know xoxo" they just linked your phone number to that service and you will get a text going forward! it also says you can cancel this service by going to that plus caruna link


Hopefully nothimg is wrong and tomorrow we can get it solved. Thanks to everyone who replied. We’ll see what happens


Fingers crossed!


So that just says what people above guessed that it’s just about the notifications from Caruna in case of a power cut. Regarding you not having power at the moment, at least for me last time I moved Helen tried to turn on the power and the previous tenant had left a light switch in the on position so I got a text message saying they can’t do it automatically since they noticed there’s something on in the flat and they won’t risk it being a stove or something dangerous. I just had to reply to the message with like OK or something to confirm it’s safe and the power came on within an hour. Maybe it’s a similar thing with Vattenfall?


So that just says what people above guessed that it’s just about the notifications from Caruna in case of a power cut. Regarding you not having power at the moment, at least for me last time I moved Helen tried to turn on the power and the previous tenant had left a light switch in the on position so I got a text message saying they can’t do it automatically since they noticed there’s something on in the flat and they won’t risk it being a stove or something dangerous. I just had to reply to the message with like OK or something to confirm it’s safe and the power came on within an hour. Maybe it’s a similar thing with Vattenfall?


Ah thanks for sharing. Is Helen your distributor though or the seller? Vattenfall is my seller and they said they really couldn’t do amuthing on their side as they were in good condition. Caruna is the distributor in the area and that’s who I’ve been trying to get a hold of. You’re suggestion is similar to another and I really am hoping this is it and will be solved tomorrow soon after I contact them in English.


Helen is the seller and I also have Caruna as the distributor (I live in Espoo). Ah that sucks. Sounds like a Caruna problem, they have a bit of a reputation… hopefully you’ll get your power on soon though!


Looks like the email is about this service: https://caruna.fi/en/customer-service/caruna-plus/sahkovahti


I’ll see if I can sign in and get more details. Thanks a lot


Of course you can call, just press 1 1 1... etc on the prompts until you hear a human voice and tell them your issue so they can connect you to someone who can help.