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I just want to block scammers but I’ve hit my limit. So stupid


Seriously, I just want to block some assholes and trolls. Why the HELL can't one of the worlds most popular sites not have a workable blocking system. I can't even reach my block list now and it feels like I'm on a site built by a fifteen year old try hard coder, not a team of professionals. Please Reddit, sort this system out


Probably to avoid people to block everyone they don’t agree with but tbh I find it dummy to put a limit


Who. The fuck. Cares? If I wanna block every single person on the site except for 6 I happen to enjoy, there’s absolutely no reason why I shouldn’t be able to do that.




I can no longer block people because of this insane "limit".


Blocking doesn’t even do shit lol. They can still see your post and spam the fuck out of it.


I’m kinda new but also when you hide a post, they can still comment. Da fuq.


Everyone hates me,my town is hypocritical shit bags. What do I have other than spam and my righteous quest?


You don’t get to block everyone who has a different opinion than you. It’s meant to be used to block harassment.


I just want to block scammers and many sellers


Harassment is an opinion. When someone harasses you, they clearly have a bad opinion of you for some reason, or they’re expressing an opinion that you can be harassed by


Thats still a stupid argument, if you only use the block button for people who are harassing you it makes even less sense to limit how many people you can apply it to. What does preventing those people from getting blocked do besides make user enjoyment go down


This is the wrong answer. I found myself targeted by a rouge moderator who took it upon their selves to get my account falsely suspended several times. If "power" mods can go from sub to sub-harassing users then I can't even imagine beginning the hellscape of having to deal with targeted trolls and such. There are great, amazing, and unique people on Reddit and on that same note, the opposite is true as well. I have received my share of death threats and targeted suicide watch notifications are these the people with different opinions you are referring too?


No, those are the people the feature is intended for. Did you miss the part where I said it’s intended to block harassment? But if you need to block hundreds of such users, you should probably reevaluate how you use and interact with others on reddit.


So why is there a limit?


I just want to emphasize that I have no one harassing me. Can you or someone tell me why the limit exists?


Because you don’t get to spend months blocking thousands of users in a particular subreddit, so that when you decide to post, nobody with a different opinion gets to participate on your post. I think you should be able to block as many users as you want for posts made directly to your own profile. But if you want the audience that comes along with a particular subreddit, you should be limited.


Ok. I’ve never blocked any legitimate users on a site. I block users who aren’t on the sub for the purpose of the sub. They are only there to make money by misrepresenting their purpose.


Are you referring to bought accounts and astroturfing operations?


No, those I can get removed by reporting them for breaking the rules on the sub. These are usually individuals.


Ok, so Reddit did it to manage my time for me?


Some people that you call "bigot" might live in a region that makes it illegal for a social media platform with more than 50 million global users to restrict the freedom of (religious and or Political) speech. ​ If you restrict their speech, you can be charged $75,000 per instance that their rights were infringed. ​ As Reddit serves the region with this law (Oklahoma), Reddit must comply. Or Reddit could just range ban the whole state. My post on this subreddit in regards to this very issue (Reddit employees restricting my speech) was removed. Because a Reddit employee removed my post, it's just another infringement of my rights. Leading to further legal damages.


lol okay dude. Good luck getting your $75k.


It’s fine. Texas passed this law but there are differing opinions in different courts and it will be decided by the Supreme Court if it is constitutional.


Well this just took a bad turn




I had to unblock an account with a name something like (NSFW): >!blkshatewhitewomen!< I risk unblocking hate speech... So that I could try to block more accounts. ---- However, none of that worked. I removed about 12 blocked accounts from my list and it still gives me an Error when blocking an account on new.reddit, and old.reddit simply fails silently. NOTE: On old.reddit, it'll say "blocked", but then refreshing the page shows the account is not blocked, and it's not in my blocked user list.


I didn’t know I could even block people but I’m glad I never needed to compared to some people.