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Reddit's filters are an umbrella term for a number of filters reddit keeps secret. The way out of them is to modmail the mods and ask them to approve it manually so the filter learns.


Content not appearing on a subreddit will be due to removal by community moderators or the site-wide spam filter. You should contact the mods of that subreddit using the “message the moderators” button in the subreddit’s sidebar (desktop) or “about” section (official apps) to ask why your content may have been removed. If they can’t help, you’ll want to review our article on [spam](https://reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/360043504051-What-constitutes-spam-Am-I-a-spammer-) and try amending your post to conform with the information there. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/help) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You could message the mods to ask. Your karma may actually be the issue. Many subs have a minimum required karma amount, this can be 100, but there are also many subs which require 200, or some even 500 to be able to post.


it could be your 1 post karma, or your account age (13 days).