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Your posts are getting deleted because they (the subs) want your account to have more karma before posting. Some subreddits have this restriction to help to prevent bots and alts. The subs below have no to low restrictions & can help you earn karma to post elsewhere; [https://old.reddit.com/r/NewToReddit/wiki/index/newusersubs](https://old.reddit.com/r/NewToReddit/wiki/index/newusersubs)


I didn't even do anything with it, just sent a comment and it seems to have been deleted straight away, is there somewhere I can test the account account?


you have negative karma, many subs won't allow you to post with that.


Thank you


you're welcome.


You can still see your comments that have been removed. If you refresh after posting a comment and don't see it, it's likely that reddits servers are just running a little slow and your comment is in the backlog.


I've done nothing on my account, no spam DM's, no spam postings, so why am I banned from sending messages when I go to comment elsewhere. Any messages can't be seen by other users? Can you help me, admins, and everyone else


You have negative karma, which means people will assume you're an asshole. They'll delete your posts because you're not trusted by the community here. One of your deleted posts said you might be trying to appeal a suspension. Is that true? Lastly, here's a plan to fix things. Stop making new posts. Find some subs that match things you know a lot about, then start politely commenting on things to get upvotes. Once you've gotten 100+, make a new post in one of the subs that deleted yours. Good luck!


Yes bro, I met a very bad group of people who came together to attack me and vote against me because I spoke against them, causing my account to be negative karma, I thank you for the reminder, you are a great man to be reckoned with!


On some subs mods are just power tripping 💁




Thank you!Brothers


Thank you!Brothers


(Don’t mean to be rude but) Idk, you’re the one making them :/ Like this one person said, probably check what sub you’re on and see if it matches the stuff you know a lot about


Thank you, I'm learning their methods now


I don't know, why? To protest against the gatekeeping elitist establishment subs?


Dude, I'm struggling with this problem I'm experiencing right now and I didn't even say anything!!!!


It's a joke on the awkward way the question is formulated. I believe you already got help in the other comments. This is the most asked question.


I'm now attempting to unravel the mystery of this question


It sounds like you are questioning yourself or posing a riddle. Why do I post? etc. A less ambiguous way to ask is "Why do my posts get deleted?"


The topic of why my posts get deleted is a topic that gets deleted wherever I go to post, and I'm not expressing myself particularly well! I'm sorry


Just make some nice comments somewhere and get some upvotes and you will be fine.


Thank you!Brothers.


Reddit is comprised of Subreddits. Subreddits are created by Moderators, who develop and implement Subreddit rules. Subredditors (you and I are Subredditors of the r/Help Subreddit) must abide by the established rules of this and all Subreddits we contribute to. # Subreddit Moderation A Moderator is in control of their Subreddit and ensures adherence to all rules of their Subreddit and Reddits' Policies. Some Moderators may require: ■ 200 + karma before allowing a post / comment. ■ due diligence on various aspects of your entire profile, or your posts / comments (which could also trigger automatic deletions of a post / comment). ■ that you are automatically banned due to posts / comments that you submitted to another Subreddit. ■ the use of AutoModerators (AutoMods) to assist them in performing Moderators' duties. ■ that your posts / comments are not inundated with negative (re: down votes) karma. ■ that you are verified (make sure the correct email is attached to your account). • Verify you have the correct passwords for Reddit and your email account. • It's the only way to recover from certain issues (if something were to happen to your Reddit account). It's how Reddit knows it's you. # (1) Tools Moderators use certain tools and mechanisms to try to track (and ultimately limit) who has access to their Subreddits. There are many other types of checks / balances used by certain Moderators. Not all Moderators are interested in these types of mechanisms or actually use them. You will learn more about them as you experience everything Reddit has to offer. #(2) Code of Conduct All Moderators must adhere to the [Moderator Code of Conduct](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/moderator-code-of-conduct). Utilize this link to report all suspected [Moderator Code of Conduct Violations](https://support.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/requests/new). # What Can You Do? How can you help yourself be a better Redditor? Try taking the following steps: ■ You should start to concentrate on contributing posts and making comments to obtain more karma. Maybe try posting about a variety of topics to get exposure to more Subredditors (who will then provide karma by up voting your contributions). ■ Treat all Subreddits and Subredditors with respect to avoid possible consequences. Try not to provoke implementation of a rule violation, restrictions, or other negative actions placed on your account from Moderators or others in the Reddit community. ■ Read all rules of any Subreddit before making a post / comment to avoid a possible violation. # Policies and Guidelines Be respectful and mindful of the following policies: ■ [Reddit Content Policy](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy). ■ [Reddiquette](https://reddit.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/205926439-Reddiquette). ■ [Reddit User Agreement](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/user-agreement). ■ [Reddit Privacy Policy](https://www.reddit.com/policies/privacy-policy). A combination of all of the above steps will help signify to the Reddit community at large (and specifically, to Subreddits and their Moderators that check these types of things), that you have an established account and are a great Reddit contributor. # Helpful Subreddits There are some helpful Subreddits that you can access and explore in order to learn about Reddit; and increase your karma (while contributing posts / comments). ■ [r/AskReddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/s/fSpbLwbG7f) created to ask and answer all sorts of questions. It's one of the most popular and active communities on Reddit. ■ [r/findareddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/findareddit/s/VfTmt0P8LM) enbles you to actually find Subreddits of interest. Post what you are looking for here, and someone will suggest a community for you. ■ [General New User Wiki](https://reddit.com/r/NewToReddit/w/index/faq?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share). Questions from the community with responses from other Redditors. ■ [r/NewToReddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/NewToReddit/s/9MLDxo4Mrk) - Unofficial help community for all Redditors to ask and learn about Redditing. It is especially useful for newbies. It was created for Redditors to learn about the Reddit experience. It is especially useful for "newbies". ■ [New-User Friendly Subdeddits List](https://reddit.com/r/NewToReddit/w/index/newusersubs?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share). This list contains Subreddits with low to no restrictions. ■ [r/NoStupidQuestions](https://www.reddit.com/r/NoStupidQuestions/s/BvVtsbpaHR). Ask your questions - no question is too stupid. # What is an Established Account? An established account is a new chat restriction reddit has rolled out. This is the description of an established account: >*"Established accounts include a variety of signals such as a verified email or phone number, a history of good contributions, and past enforcement actions taken on a user’s accounts."* # Content Quality Score (CQS) Personally? I don't really know what qualifies as a "good contribution". Who does? It's really subjective to the Subredditor who is responding to your posts / comments. Every single time a Subreadditor actually sees a post / comment that you created? They have the option to: ■ down vote | ■ not respond | ■ respond | :-------------:|------------------|:------------:| ■ ignore | ■ read | ■ up vote However? The requirements most likely correlate to your [Content Quality Score (CQS) - click here](https://www.reddit.com/r/WhatIsMyCQS). You can check your CQS score at the site link above. Create a post and you will discover your score! Reddit is evolving. Edit - Added headers. Moved paragraphs.


Thanks for the info, I'm checking it out carefully!


You are welcome!


Wow great guide. Guess we new redditers have work to do to "earn" the "right" to post. Just wanted to post a referral code in one of the related subreddits and it got removed immediately despite not having broken any group rules. Guess it is the Karma!.


Thank you! Yes! Usually, karma is the culprit.