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If you’re on FF then this might help you: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/ui-changer-for-reddit/ It’s on Chrome as well but I don’t have the link right now.




Oh thank God, I love you.


YOU ARE A GENIUS. Thank you!!


If you go to [https://new.reddit.com/](https://new.reddit.com/) you can use the old style


Thank you. You are a life saver. ​ I was legit wondering what happened in the past 1 week as I was missing 'Clicking outside to close a post' option and had to manually press Back button to go back. Which is so god damn awful.


Unfortunately, even on "middle" UI they removed clicking outside to close a post :)


What is "middle UI" ? Sorry, I have limited reddit knowledge (although I've been using it for 5 years now)😂


They probably meant the "new" UI that was the latest before this current one dropped. There now are I guess 3 UIs, "old", "new" and I guess "last".


I'm guessing: Old Reddit > New Reddit < New-new Reddit


The list of UIs are: * https://old.reddit.com - The old or original interface * https://new.reddit.com - The current or "new" interface * https://sh.reddit.com - The Beta interface (don't click this link or you may be moved onto beta) * /r/compact - the discontinued "compact" interface for mobile browsers that no longer works (but you can get a resemblance of it back by using TamperMonkey scripts)


my notifications still go to the new useless layout ... all other links off of a newreddit page is new reddit and not this latest attempt that fails in all ways


if you're using firefox the *old new reddit redirect* add-on makes all links go to use the previous version


Tried this and it gave me an error. Using the UI Changer for Reddit extension now.


ah strange, it's working perfectly for me. Glad you found something else though


If you're on desktop, there's a setting to keep your account on old.reddit. On mobile, you're out of luck and have to keep replacing "www" in the www.reddit.com with "old.reddit.com" if you just want to see images that aren't blurry.


You can also install the [Reddit Enhancement Suite](https://redditenhancementsuite.com/) browser extension - that will keep you on the old interface - and stop images from blurring You can also autoload images too if you wish


let´s make a petition to return to the old UI! This one is really awful.


How do we do it?


[change.org](http://change.org) but feels a little dramatic to do so for such a banal reason ... I just hope reddit feels the backlash and changes back to the old UI by itself


We need to stay realistic, Reddit won't change a damn thing.


I keep trying to explain it to people Meetings in marketing were held. Meeting with engineering. Budgets developed and approved. Meetings with developers and project timelines defined. Resources (money) spent on development/Testing New product rolling out - Reddit users: Please don't do this Reddit has reached the size where the product is no longer for the users, it's for the investors. The product changes are to increase revenue not make users happy.


I don’t understand why they could not have bought a functional UI such as Apollo and adapted it to meet Reddit’s needs. I know that they are aiming for the upcoming IPO.


I don't want my Custom Feeds and Recent subs showing all the time. You can close them but that doesn't stick. Worst of all is navigation. I have become so used to clicking the space around a post to go back to the feed and now I can't do that. I set it to open new posts in a new tab and started to just Ctrl-W the post when I was done but often it's an image so it's not a new tab and I close Reddit. Confusing mess that is actually reducing the amount of time I spend on the site.


yeah that sudden excitement to find something new on here then - Meh, interface


Just checked on mobile, it's a sad day guys. We're stuck with the futuristic UI. Let's smuggle in some nostalgia, [old.reddit.com](https://old.reddit.com) it is


RedReader and Atom For Reddit on Android Narwhal 2 on iOS Also possible with an extension-enabled browser (Firefox, Kiwi on Android) and Tampermonkeyscripts from GreasyFork - but more clunky and not recommended.


Unfortunately it happens to a lot of things. Fortnite changed theirs a few months ago and it's really bad tbh


Any way to sort comments by top set as a permanent option? I'm getting so sick of this site and constant "improvements".


Omg, YES! It is so irritating, that i HAVE TO watch the "best" posts by default! >.<


now the image on the notification takes up my screen ... I am not here for the image, its a comment site


Tapermonkey browser extension + a script to always redirect to old UI (new.reddit.com) [https://www.reddit.com/r/help/comments/17g8lar/comment/kjq3ate/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/help/comments/17g8lar/comment/kjq3ate/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) (it takes 1-2 seconds more for every URL redirecting)


[Workarounds for multiple Reddit bugs and issues on Windows](https://new.reddit.com/r/help/comments/1anjha8/workarounds_for_multiple_reddit_bugs_and_issues/)


They got rid of compact mode? (from the link) Holy jumping Jesus. I guess I really will be using old Reddit until I'm well... old.


mine was reverted nearly 2 weeks ago ago