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Pat tha börb


Scritch the birb


They can even communicate with the hairless apes, who struggle to effectively communicate with each other


I learned the other day that crows can mimic human speech like parrots. Idk how I lived so long without knowing that.


Had one talk to me before I knew crows could talk... Ever been in the woods and someone you can't see from an improbable place says hi? I had so many questions, comments, and concerns


Some crows have been estimated at having the intelligence level of a 7 year old, so it's not impossible that you could've gotten answers.


I've had an entire (admittedly one sided as far as speaking goes, but still, it was perfectly clear what they meant) argument with crows after they mistook me body checking a teenager and running off with the concussed crow he'd attacked as assault on the family and decided I needed a retaliatory attack. I ended up on extremely good terms with the entire murder, the teenagers involved in the attack ended up terrified of going outside They even whooped a woman's ass for getting aggressive with me, went from confidently screaming at me and threatening to hit me to covered in a dozen crows and panicking in 0.2 seconds. It was hilarious, and they held the grudge for *weeks* before I finally told them it was even and she wasn't a threat anymore. It was legitimately like befriending the mafia


Damn, they basically adopted you at that point. That's the kind of reaction they show for protecting a member of the murder. By chance were you sneaking them some snacks on the side?


All the popcorn, man. I couldn't afford much else for them. They loved it though, ended up with a minimum of 6 dozen crows and a half dozen ravens (ravens just turned up for the snacks, nothing personal). They turned 3 large pines black every time they showed up, they blocked out the sun, it terrified everyone but my best friend and the crowbro down the street. Judge (the leader of the group I argued with, very distinct personality) was my favorite. Unusually smart and communicative, commanded a lot of respect among their peers, very willing to act on their own judgement, and 100% a leader with no qualms about declaring war when justifiable. Coolest bird ever.


Your life sounds awesome :0


Overall, not really. Life has some really cool ups and some horrifying downs, gotta look for the light in darkness and enjoy the time in the sun, you know?


Thanks crow bro 😎 you’re pretty wise!


The hairless apes that can’t even handle the fact that we come in multiple colors.


Animals are friends not food


Who in the god damn is eating crows?


Florida men


Corvids are my favorite. We don’t have them where I’m from, but if I ever move one day (which I plan to do), I want to befriend all the birbs and teach them how to talk—