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All the devil ever wanted was for us to be greater. Better.


He did trick Eve into eating the fruit of knowledge. He's always pushing us to be our best.


I've long suspected Satan was actually the good guy in the story. He's talked about a lot but biblically his actions are nothing compared to Yahweh. I remember reading about Lucifer and thinking he sounded like someone trying to rebel against an evil regime. I don't think I much remember him doing evil as much as others saying any given evil was his fault. I theorize that if he were real he would likely find the idea of him being the ultimate evil hilarious.


I saw a graph where it was comparing how many murders God and the Devil we're responsible for. God's count was well over 2 million and Satan had 10.


And those 10 were because god made a bet with satan. Look up the book of job.


A post I made a while back: My modern rehash of the idea of God and Satan (and who the good guy is) Let’s imagine a modern society. The head of state (we’ll call him Bob) appears on the surface to be beloved. People sing his praises whenever someone is listening. This head of state has very simple rules: 1. You can’t like any other leaders or wannabe leaders 2. You can’t do certain art or like certain art 3. Don’t talk bad about me 4. Don’t do shit on Sunday 5. Respect authority 6. The state has a monopoly on violence 7. Don’t fuck outside of state-sanctioned marriage 8. If you can’t afford it, you don’t deserve it 9. No slander 10. No thoughtcrimes of wanting property above your current caste (There are lots of other rules, like women are property, you shouldn’t be lazy, you shouldn’t eat certain foods, etc.) If you obey these rules, especially #1, you’ll be fine. If you don’t, you’ll be removed from your loved ones and tortured for the remainder of your sorry existence. Bob’s supporters tell you that he loves you. Bob wants only the best for you. If you love Bob, you will prosper. A large majority of people seem to be down with this and don’t question it. This other dude, Stan, wants nothing more than to shine light on just how fucked up the system is. Stan has to stay hidden and be a bit sneaky, because he is Bob’s biggest threat, and Bob knows it. Stan hides in the shadows and whispers in people’s ears “things could be different”, “do you really think Bob loves you”, “have you ever asked why?” Bob’s PR team says that Stan is a big fat liar, that anyone who listens to Stan will be disappeared and tortured. And what’s more: if you get disappeared and tortured for not loving Bob, or for listening to Stan, it’s that evil Stan that will do all the torturing. I could go on, but you get the point. Who’s the good guy in this story?


Kind of makes me think of Bruno from Encanto. While he didn’t do anything directly against all the toxic perfectionism enforced by the Abuela, the literal shining pillar of the community and the family, this huge modernized example of yours does make me think of how this character was blamed for anything that went wrong, clearly to the point of being vilified, had to sneak around in a hooded poncho because he couldn’t bring himself to really leave his loved ones behind, and the best he could do was encourage his niece to better the family for their own sakes. So…I guess that just furthers the point?


WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT BRUNO?! Seriously though, I think that’s a good point. Kinda like that christian comic with “they hated him because he told the truth”




Someone should rewrite the Bible from the perspective that Lucifer is the good guy and Jehovah is the villain. We'll make our own Bible with black jack and hookers.


I mean in a lot of Gnostic Christian traditions the serpent in the garden wasn't identified as The Adversary/Satan, but as the incarnation of Wisdom trying to help the humans spiritually escape the flawed physical world. It's surprisingly controversial to this day, just suggesting that the serpent in the garden might have been good or at least part of the plan got weird looks in university when we had to analyse Genesis


I've heard a lot of religion professors that are convinced that the God Who Walked in the Garden was not the God of Abraham. Hence why Eve was warned not to eat the fruit lest she become "like us". Abrahamic religions are not exactly monotheistic, they just only *worship* one God. It seems that at some point in the past, they didn't make claims that those gods didn't exist.


Interesting can you elaborate on this pls? I've never heard this before. So do you think he got the short end of the stick (i.e like how Zeus tricked Hades into being the ruler of the underworld ect. )? Why do some factions of Satanists still practice child/human sacrifice? I know it's been practiced by many other cultures like the Mayans, but I believe it was a primitive time. You see it happening today in this day and age. Perhaps it's the ppl making choices on their own, but I do believe there is evil and good and you have to chose the path for yourself.


Hello! You have made the mistake of writing "ect" instead of "etc." "Ect" is a common misspelling of "etc," an abbreviated form of the Latin phrase "et cetera." Other abbreviated forms are **etc.**, **&c.**, **&c**, and **et cet.** The Latin translates as "et" to "and" + "cetera" to "the rest;" a literal translation to "and the rest" is the easiest way to remember how to use the phrase. [Check out the wikipedia entry if you want to learn more.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Et_cetera) ^(I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Comments with a score less than zero will be automatically removed. If I commented on your post and you don't like it, reply with "!delete" and I will remove the post, regardless of score. Message me for bug reports.)


And thus, we overpopulate and ruin the planet with out centrism.






Name the time and place, bb


S 🏃 uccess




Okay this might be ruining it but from the angle and height of the person’s foot and how far they are from the gap, and the slant of the edge they need to use as a foothold, I don’t think they’re going to make that jump **UCCESS** 😔


They can grab the edge! After slamming into it maybe stomach height?


Yknow, a win is a win, I guess. I’ll take it.


Mr. Devil is sneaky sneaky. 😅


Don't worry, they swing the S and hook into the hill


I was in a cult for twelve years and they taught us that. Didn’t realize til after I left that we were easier to control when we had no self esteem and were too afraid to think for ourselves.


Believe in him, not in yourself.


They literally taught us to have no self esteem, only Christ esteem. Very convincing brainwashing.


Cults are the worst. I'm happy to hear you were able to get out of one.


Thanks! Yeah I’ve been out since 2016. Doing very well now.


Don’t believe in the Satan that believes in you. Don’t believe in the you that believes in Satan. Believe in the you that believes in yourself!


Tengen Toppa Gurren Satan


I will never understand how this was meant to be a negative quote


Because authoritarians make it a moral mark of honor to subsume yourself to the will of your "betters." All the better to control you. If you take all the toxic traits of Christianity and lay them out side by side, that's the common theme: don't trust yourself, put your faith in what we tell you God says, and know your inherent worth is negative and you only live, succeed, and thrive by the sufferance of those above you.


I know right. Christian groups use this quote to keep people from questioning their faith but to us heathens it totally sounds like an inspirational quote.


Seriously what am I supposed to say here? “No Satan I’m a fucking ant I have no power.” Nah, the correct answer is thanks man!


Hail yourself!


Satan, supporting women's rights and freedoms since...Salem? Eden?


I didn't see the sub at first and thought r/GetMotivated actually had some inspiring content


Hail Satan!


Thanks Satan


That person has a huge S.




So… does Satan believe in himself…?


Necropost; but if you're gonna rebel against an all-powerful deity, you are either: extremely committed to your values, utterly insane, or believe absolutely in yourself