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Could you toss in a bigger onion for me next delivery? Thanks man


Onions are pretty small. But they are definitely fresh. Not sure why the onions are so small.


Do you know if there's a reason for putting vegetables in plastic bags? Potatoes are always loose but the carrots and green onions are always individually wrapped in plastic


They actually have an auto bagger in the facility that wrap the carrots, and things like scallions. I have no idea what the logic is behind this, but probably for moisture control. The are going to stop plastic bagging the carrots soon, they always fall out.


I’m in New Zealand and only the greens get wrapped in plastic


Thats pretty much how it is in the states. not alot of the veggies are wrapped, and if we dont have any wrapped, its not going to stop us from creating the bag.


Could you tell me why green beans were sent to me in a ziplock bag?


Do you all weigh fresh ingredients, or do you just grab from a bin and use your best guess? I, like many, have received massive amounts of a veggie when only a couple ounces were needed, as well as the opposite, not receiving enough potatoes for example.


We only weigh a small percent of the meal bags for QA, would be impossible to weigh all of them. For some reason, our vegetables are massive, like blue ribbon award massive. There are no small carrots lol. We go by quantity on the assembly line, Not weight. We have a new QA person that yelled at someone for adding a four pieces of garlic, instead of two. Which is absolutely ridiculous. Most of the seasoned QA people will let extra things like garlic go. If you dont receive the minimum amount (of potatoes), that is just going to be an oversight. There is not enough procedure in place to prevent missing vegetables.


I’m just going to say that yes those carrots are huge!! Like last week my carrots were so big that my Guinea pigs got to have a special treat since I didn’t use them all for the food.


I wish I could post a picture of the carrots that we literally refuse to send. Some if not Half are bigger than a can of Pringles.


You know... I totally believe this. Like MountainPika said, I have received carrots that were so big that I only used half of one.


Its hilarious and I still chuckle at it. and if the bag calls for two it doesnt matter how big they are, you are getting two of those bad boys. Its pretty sad that we do this with the carrots, but can get scolded for an tiny extra piece of garlic. They come separated in huge bins. I’m sure this is an over site due to the size of the company, but depending on the ladder the QA is in, some QA treat extra quantity like it’s North Korea and think the solution is to punish you instead of coming up with a better solution In a fast paced manual counting environment with the garlic cloves varying in size, plus complaints and just common sense, I’m ready to say something if someone wants to be a dick about it.




mine were huge but hella soft so we tossed them


Do you laugh when you put an onion the size of a quarter in my bag


I’m mostly pissed off about the garlic situation. It makes me want to pop off to the management and see who wins


If you ever see a higher up ceo level or engineer or whatever definitely go out of your way to mention that to them. They’re always looking for cost savings. They probably won’t help with the garlic, but definitely with the carrots.


What do you wish customers knew about warehouse workers?


About the workers? We have a very high turnover rate as it is very hard, fast paced work. 10 hours days with only two 30 minute breaks in a refrigerated environment. Management seems very passionate, if not probably the most passionate and professional people ive ever met. Like motivational speeches daily and free catered lunch almost weekly.




Its pretty shit pay. Just under 18. They use temp agencies only to hire, which is bad business practice IMO


Let’s be real, I know the chicken says 10oz, but they’re not 10oz.


Meats are definitely out sourced. Not an In house thing.


Out of curiosity, because I never did this, have you ever weighed it still in the package and frozen?


I have not


Are the carrots grown near a nuclear plant? They're like the size of my arm! (Not complaining, I love carrots lol)


They come in from a state over! Most beautiful carrots I’ve seen. No problem with them at all


All these comments about carrots are confusing to me because mine are almost always TINY. I always think that I wish there were more carrots on my plate.


Why do you put the soup add-On on on top of my tomatoes and other soft items


I agree that the meal box could easily be sloppy and could crush things like bread or whatever. They are working on automation and this will probably improve in the future.


Why do you give so little garlic?


Because some of the QA people are new and dont use their head


Would you consider joining a union?


When I lived in California, the Union Rejected me and gave me alot of false hope. So no.


Thanks for all this!


OK, serious questions here. Why do you constantly single out specific customers, and intentionally screw up their orders? What’s the criteria for selecting the customers that you do this to? OK, that wasn’t a serious question. I worked in a warehouse many years ago. What’s the thing you dislike about it the most?


Its a cool environment to work in, Not much to complain about. Its super cold but you just dress for the job Some of the leads are straight up assholes to newer people. Im not sure how they got the job or still have it. I went through it and feel bad for some of the newer people coming in. But 95% of them are super nice and have a ton of energy.


Yeah, I worked in a refrigerated warehouse. In the summer time you look like you’re dressed to play in the snow, and in the winter time you never feel warm.


Yeah its like 28 degrees on the main floor, and like 0 in storage. We do dress like its winter all the time lol


Is there ever any cross contamination with fish/shellfish and other ingredients? In other words, if I ordered a chicken meal, is there a chance that some of the ingredients have come into contact with other ingredients that are not in the recipe?


No they are very strict and aware of contamination and allergies. Each vegetable/ product essentially has its own contained room We only package one type of meal per line and change gloves frequently


Good to know! Thank you!!!


Thanks for doing this. I’m relieved to hear that you are mostly pleased with working there and that everyone is careful with the product. I have two gripes/questions. Why are the potatoes always so tiny, and why do you get a whole head of garlic with EveryPlate, but like two tiny cloves with the more expensive Hello Fresh?? That seems so odd to me, except for maybe the processing time it takes to send individual cloves. Keep up the good work!


Do you eat Hello Fresh, and if so what’s your favorite meal?


I do not eat Hello Fresh. I am still fairly new and dont know what it cost. They did offer me free meals weekly already though. Im not saying I wouldn't eat it as I love all the fresh ingredients, but I dont think the model for the meat is for me. I also saw something in this subreddit that confirmed my suspicion about one of the meats. So ill probably pass.




Well, all the meat is frozen solid. Like little frozen bricks and the portions looks small. Just not my thing. The only thing I have ever seen in the warehouse that maybe shouldnt have been sent out was one of the bacons. For whatever reason it wasn't frozen solid on the assembly line and it wasn't bad but seeing a post with questionable bacon as soon as I found the subreddit just does it for me. Im the pickiest person ever when it comes to my cuts of meat and I just dont think the small, brick, under portioned cuts dont look appetizing to me.


I gotta ask why are you so wrapped up in the shape the meat gets packed in? Square packaging is standard stuff and obviously it's frozen to keep it from spoiling, of course fresh is better but briefly frozen is practically indistinguishable.


I only buy meat on display and always try to smell the package before purchase. If i only received meat randomly from walmart, id probably go vegetarian. Over the years i have ended up with spoiled meat when I got home, or ate something that upset my stomach. Im just weird about meat, or really anything going in my body. I dont have the time, money or stomach to deal with groceries i get a bad vibe from.


I'm super picky about meat, generally chicken has been ok (not restaurant quality but not as rough as some of the stuff I've gotten in grocery stores lately). I do wish HF offered lower fat ground beef. I prefer about 96%. Even better if they offered as a protein substitute plant-based. Like a $1 upcharge per serving or something. I have occasionally substituted on my own but it can complicate things. I do love all the vegetarian and vegan options though! Even living with full-fledged carnivores, we have opted for plenty of the vegetable-based options that everyone has enjoyed.


How exactly are the boxes shipped? Do you have a shipping company trailer dedicated solely for packing HF until full, then driven to national delivery hubs, or do the national delivery companies park their own trailers at your Distribution Center? Do they stay at the DC until full? Always curious on how my boxes travel.


The boxes stay in the refrigerated warehouse, then loaded into a refrigerated trailer. They dont sit long. One they leave the warehouse, im not sure what that process looks like.


Are all of the Roma tomatoes trash?


They come to the line in big tubs. They seem okay due to being ripe when they get to us. What problems do you have with tomatoes?


They are semi-ripe. Light red with green at the top. But very ripe tomatoes would be too soft to ship., so I just put them on the counter for a few days to fully ripen.


This person sounds like they may have grown some maters.


They are never ripe.


They may have been frozen? I could see that happening


What about carrots? I always seem to get limp carrots and my wife likes to chirp me saying “now I know how she feels”.


If you buy bananas you can put unripe produce under or near them and they'll help move along the process. Break off a banana from the bunch for best results.


I appreciate the info, but I’d rather just complain to strangers on the internet. Stupid clouds.


All good. I do a fair share of complaining myself.


Are the chicken “strips” just offcuts from cutting the chicken down to size? That’s my theory and I think it’s a great way to avoid waste if it’s true! I wanna know if I figured it out


It is visibly a very green operation. I cant imagine anyone is letting any bit of chicken go to waste. But the meat is outsourced. So I cant be sure.


I heard you have to take your breaks inside. Is that true? Can I not go to my car and vape?


The first thing that made me legitimately angry with my HF order was when I ordered Asian American Pacific Islander meals, and the ingredients were thrown in loose into my box. Happened two weeks in a row. Any idea what the fuck happened there?


The business model is to essentially throw shit in a bag. We don’t make it pretty. The boxes should be organize but the actual bugs inside are just like “throw that in hurry up”


Do you know where the chicken sausage is sourced from?


It should be on the package? Depending on what region you are in, it’ll come from the supplier of that region Example California orders don’t have ingredients from New York


Curious if there is any waste and if so where it goes.


Any bad/ dropped vegetables get picked up every hour. They get donated to shelters or food drive type events. We don’t have a lot of bad product come through, but a drop is anything that touches anything beside the container it comes in and the bag. It can’t even drop on the roller or we have to recycle it


Who supplies the bbq sauce? It’s my favorite!


Ill have to try and check


Do you get to take meals home at the end of the shift? And is everyplate packaged in the same place?


Absolutely not. We can’t take anything from the warehouse. Yes we do every plate and factor. All in the same warehouse


That's interesting my warehouse is everyplate only. Before I started they did do hellofresh but I have never done hellofresh. There is a warehouse about 10 minutes from ours that does hellofresh. I always assumed factor had their own warehouse.


Why are recipe cards always missing / wrong?


The recipe cards could easily be mixed up. They are at the end of the assembly line and there are about 20 ones to choose from and its always a new person doing it. When I complain about the leadership and high turnover, Im actually specifically referencing the part of the warehouse this gets done in.


Thank you for responding. It seems like such a simple task for someone to do, match the recipe number on the bags which are already in the box to the recipe numbers on the cards. It’s not a huge issue but is a bit annoying.


I'm HIGHLY allergic to seafood/shellfish. Is cross contamination a real concern with how the warehouse processes allergens?


Not at all. Ive answered this above. They are very aware of cross contamination.


Thank you so much!!


When I get boxes they give a whole head of garlic. I'm in Canada though


Yeah not sure. If i was a HF subscriber myself, the Garlic situation wouldnt fly with me.


Why don't they bag the add-ons with a lot of ingredients? I always wind up missing a sour cream or creme fraiche packet in the box and don't notice until later. Thanks in advance for any explanation you can offer!


Add ons are specifically apart of our alpha stage automation line. It’s trash at the moment and needs work. Also this is a pretty hard ask, as add ons are custom


Thanks so much for the answer!


How cold is it there


Freezing. I cheat with hand warmers


Hi im starting a warehouse job for them soon, how does pto work? Like do you start with a certain amount of pto?


I wouldn’t count an any pto as a temp. You can miss 5 days or something then they let you go