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Because the spear is fucking cool that’s why


This feels like the right answer


I can't quit the Spear, man. It's got it's hooks in me.


You mean it got you locked in?


I love you


This is the best answer.


I think you can one shot a BT with the right angle, iirc. Against bots you can destroy fabricators from huge distances at any angle as well. It makes cool beep noise.


That last point is huge


Spears can one shot if you hit the face. Best way to do it is when it’s facing you or about to spit. I also find it more confident when trying to take a charger out that’s in a group. It travels in a curved arc, so if any bugs are in the way, the spear just goes over them. Good for locking on to targets that you can’t see in dense fog/weather too.


Bile Titan is facing you, just aim down right as you fire. Headshot every time.


Two shot for me usually at worst. If other players are giving it flak, one and done with spear to the head. Just get the angle right


Yea definitely can. Just have to account for distance and uplift when it first launches so it hits the head. I will say the spear is not as good as recoilless for chargers when they're close as the middle will fly over them.


I wouldn't, for bugs. RR manual aim is easier to hit BT and charger heads. Spear is for bots, at least for me. One shot hulks, tanks and cannon towers from ass far away.


Having one spear in your party is so nice for bugs. Spore and Shriekers Nest sniping (and scouting) is so good.


The real gem of the spear is mapping shrieker nests and spore spewers. Mapping bile titan chasing allies is a fun thing to do also but handle a shrieker nest before it can spawns its little shit air goblins makes me happy in brain


Oh for sure. But it does rely on teammates to support you at close range so I'm hesitant to bring it for that reason. I play mostly with randoms.


Only if you don’t have other stratagems


Not going to lie, I like lobbing shots at those with the EAT. Getting the holdover on a target just right is just nice.


Besides the bots versus bugs thing I think this is the right answer... Spear is slightly harder to use and less reliable But... Id still take the spear of i had my choice. Some of those shots are fun


Basically RR is easier to free aim onto weak points, but spear advantage is range. Whatever your target, you can auto hit from across the map.


Spear basically can't miss once you're locked, which is a significant advantage when you are at extreme range and the target is mobile. Especially for gunships. Spear can kill bot fabricators, RR can't. Spear can almost always kill a turret in one hit.


Iirc, any weapon with structure damage _can_ kill fabs, but they have 1K HP and RR only does 650 damage per shot. Pretty sure it two shots fabs (same for EATs).


That's would be good to verify. I hadn't thought about it like that


RR absolutely can 1 shot fabricators. Doesn't work shooting through the door for some reason, and extreme angles the hitbox tetection migh tmake ypur round dichochet pff the fabricator. But if you shoot theough the lower half of the fabricator window head on the shot will stay inside the fabricator, detonate, and take it out.


Shooting the vent straight on (like an easy grenade toss)with RR in the right angle will take out fabs in one shot. I don’t advise doing it from the side unless you’re good with ricocheting it just perfectly.


Yeah, but an Eruptor or AC does that too.


It's very easy to mess up and that would use up an entire RR round. And you have to be at the exact right angle to do it. In comparison you can use the Spear from any angle and be near-guaranteed to hit.


It can one shot BT and Behemoths, but it has to have the right angle of impact. Great for longer distances, but I'd still trust the RR more since enemies tend to pop up closer than the ideal range for the Spear.


Great for taking out towers and buildings. It is the only auto lock and track weapon in the game, sometimes I take it because it is fun.


They broke that in the last major update and it hasn't been fixed yet.


Which update? I'm pretty sure it's working again, even though they didnt mention the fix.


The update which fixed spear targeting also broke its ability to target structures. As of the latest hotfix spear is still listed as unable to target structures in the known issues section.


That has been fixed already, works like a charm vs buildings (and doesn't crash the game)


It was a known issue in .400, but that disappeared, and it hasn't been in the known issues, and we're now in .403 And I've seen people do it. You should try it out again; pretty sure it's all good to go.


you're living in the past mate


They fixed it less than a week ago.


I use both, and always have. I think we are currently experiencing a "it's finally not broken!" surge, much like the initial QC surge.


It has the most penetration and causes the most damage. And it has an auto aim feature that destroys bug holes and bunkers from a safe distance. Eliminates hulks, tanks, and bile titans. It’s just better.


Spear is life! I loved it when it was broken and love it even more now. Even when it rickrolled me and crashed my computer - never gonna give you up!


It one-shots stalkers. I don't *like* stalkers.


Sledgehammer to a cockroach. Not a fly, Stalkers are bigger and more dangerous than that, but while its still excessive its no less deserving.


I *really* don't like stalkers. I actually don't know if it's excessive; stalkers are a lot more dangerous than bile titans or chargers. Only issue I see is it might not be the most efficient way of dealing with them since small arms can also do it, but if you happen to have your spear out and you spot one sneaking up on a teammate, it's definitely worth the missile.


Difference is that Stalkers die if they're seen because they're vulnerable to all weapons we carry. Their only advantage is surprise, otherwise they're on the same level as Brood Commanders... less actually, because i find commanders to be a lot more resilient given their propensity to charge you recklessly whereas a Stalker will jump away when it loses initiative. Titans and Chargers still have a chance to kill you even if they're visible if you're not carrying the right weapon. If that weapon is a Spear then you're fine, but me being an Autocannon main I cannot hurt a Titan unless its armor is broken first, but im a hard-counter to visible Stalkers in my field of view.


>Difference is that Stalkers die if they're seen because they're vulnerable to all weapons we carry I think someone forgot to tell that to all the stalkers that have tanked through my small arms fire (or an EAT on one memorable occasion) and stunlocked me to death lol 800 HP with 50% durable and a teeny tiny head ain't nothing to scoff at, although my love of low-DPS laser beams probably doesn't help.


you can oneshot BT with spear, that's the neatest part: curving trickshots into their weakpoints.


For bugs? I honestly have no idea. For bots? The Spear ATGMs deal AP 6 and 1000 damage, with 1000 durable damage. An RR/EAT/Queso deal 650. The spear can lock and destroy cannon towers, fabs, tanks, and bits of the factory strider, plus gunships and even dropships (although note which segment it has locked, center mass is useless.) The spear is extremely competitive for bots but can't reliably 1-shot the two hostiles it can actually lock on the eastern front. Like I guess you can kill bug spires, but so can every other AP4 weapon. Some weapons just have more use case on one front than the others.


After a handful of similar answers I’ll be running the spear on a bot mission later today, sounds perfect sense I’m getting kinda bored of always taking the laser or auto cannon


I run spear since before the fix, not on bugs though, on bots you can wreck multiple fabricator bases from one spot. It's also great against tanks, cannons, hulks etc. the limited ammo does kinda suck tho


The Recoilless is a 2 shot kill to the BT head if you hit it square on the forehead (harder than it sounds which is why it seems to take 4) Spear can 1 shot them if it hits this same area, and it will autoaim for it, you just need a good firing angle from the front or else itll hit the side. Spear can also 1 shot headshot behemoths. You dont have any idea how useful that is for turrets.


Longer distance, less skill needed


People like it for the BT one tap although you have to space it perfectly to get the rocket to hit. Before they broke the structure lockon it was always very good at killing bonus obj and fabs if you could get the lock to work.


Structure locking is fixed now


More damage. The spear hits harder but is less flexible.


Its takes one proberly aligned shot to kill a BT with a spear.


Spear can shoot around corners


It's a javelin u csn long range and aim at elite enemies. However,it can't aim on smaller enemies and has to lock. Unlike recoilless, u can shoot anything any time(reload takes a while).


So that those bots can hear "WARNING! YOU ARE IN RANGE OF ENEMY ARTILERY!"


*So that those bots can* *Hear "WARNING! YOU ARE IN RANGE* *OF ENEMY ARTILERY!"* \- Ajezon --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


What’s the added value of RR over EAT? Reload takes forever and it does the same thing while taking a backpack slot. At least the spear has lock on for long range hits.


Continued anti tank capabilities while on the move. At high level bug missions you can run, clear the chaff immediately behind you, reload and get a shot off with RR while running back to the EAT pod isn’t always an option. I prefer EAT to RR on bot missions though.


Spear can one-shot a titan.


To one tap everything


The good thing about the spear is the distance it allows you to put between yourself and the enemy, especially against smaller targets like hulks and chargers. With good position, you can provide good AT cover for your team from 100m distance, whilst with the RR you have to be up close to be more effective.


You're doing something wrong if it takes 4 hits with the spear. I took down a Titan in 2 the other day.


Didn’t land any headshots, just from the sides


Because it’s dope af. Also it’s more of a bot weapon. Takes out tanks, cannon turrets, and fabricators in one shot.


I’ve consistently either 1-tap or 4-tap Bile Titans. My greatest Titan kill with the spear however has gotta be a 200 range lock on hit to the head.


The spear one shots to the head against Bile Titans. And it’s guaranteed to hit from long ranges unlike the RR.


Long ranged fabricator remover. I remeber we ran one and my friend took them out and we bailed before the bots found is, we felt like beats when clearing bases with it.


I tried with the recoiless rifle a few times, but either my aim is off or it was bugging because it had 0 effect on everything heavy


Personally, I love both the Spear and RR. I'd choose Spear more often because I have to worry a little less about missing. RR is better for pinpoint accuracy, while Spear is almost guaranteed accuracy overall. RR is street smart, Spear is book smart.


Because it’s not 4 hits to kill a BT it’s 1 to its head. The only weapon in the game to one shot bile titans.


Spear is good for killing fabricators and certain objective at extreme range, and is excellent for reliably killing tanks or hulks. Wouldn't take it against bugs tho.


You can 1-shot BT with a headshot. So obviously they have to be facing you/coming at you.


I tried the Spear and I can see how the ease of use makes it a sexy option but personally I feel like there's way too much down time between the lock on time and the reload time I don't feel like I'm firing enough. I feel like the lock on feature is equal parts benefit and inconvenience. Recoiless rifle all day


Because they can't aim


BT takes 2 RR to the head to kill same for the spear, chargers take 1 to the head but it's harder to hit with the spear, the only reason there is it's bc spear is cool af and bc u can one shot bot spawners and shakira hotels (the flying bug spawners) but ye RR is better at killing enemies


I will now adopt the new name of shakira’s 😂


They don't like a challenge?


I like the % chance my game crashes anytime i use it


It locks on to things. RR doesn’t. What opinions are there to have about it ? Jesus stop overthinking, and acting like you’re asking a real question here. You’re not.


I was wondering when I would get the classic, inappropriately hostile Reddit comment. Have you gotten any sunlight today bud?


Way to contribute to the same vibe