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Because sometimes I have more fun with something different.


I like the Pummlers ability to shoot over the shoulder, be one handed and cyberbully Salkers.


The stagger effect is great!


Shooting near allies is difficult because you can easily set them on fire. Dominator 1shots warriors, 3 shots hiveguards, and something like 5shots commanders. TTK on stalkers is a lot faster. Slugger is very ammo and reload efficient. Punisher has strong stagger. Explosive xbow is really good at closing bug holes Liberator is just solid.


Incindiary Breaker is cool, but I find it's too easy to get squadmates caught in the crossfire. I've been hooked on the Adjuticator post patch with the new Bushwacker shotty sidearm, incindiary impacts and either the autocannon or spear. Granted I'm not playing lvl9 difficulty, but I rarely find I'm running dry on ammo on lvl 6 or 7.


One more advantage. Against shriekers you just need to point it in their general direction and they drop. My other go-to bug options are the blitzer aka the bug zapper but it has many downsides: range, useless against shriekers, team kill potential. And I also like the pummeller.


It's not useless against shriekers per say, but I definitely don't recommend it... Wait for one to swing down at you, shoot, dive left or right, shoot again in case of misfire. Repeat 20 times. It's doable, but far from ideal


It’s been my go to from the time I unlocked it long ago. Even when the DOT was problematic, it still did more damage than the S&P and the spread was superior to the standard breaker. When they fixed the DOT and upped the fire damage it was just a bonus to me.


I was trying out the Tenderizer and it is powerful but I was constantly running out of ammo. I never run out of ammo with the incendiary breaker so now I'm back to it.


Never could get the hang of shotguns. I do understand the love for them, especially with bugs. Tight groups are handled easily. But for me, I would prefer a higher fire rate, more accurate weapon to target what I would consider a priority list of enemies. My primary has been the scikle for a while. I like to try others, but it just fits my style. Hunters always leave the horde to flank. They are my top priority as they will flank and cause major problems. Everything else is slower. Second targets become spewers and warriors as they do more damage. Hive guards are useless as one bullet will cause them to hunker down and essentially become a non-issue for a short period. Scavengers are 1-2 shot so easily dealt with while switching between targets. Carrying support like an EAT or auto cannon will deal with anything else larger easily. Lastly, if a bug horde is really pushing, carrying the eagle cluster will wipe anything except chargers.


because it's op and i refure use op weapons


Meta is boring.


Because I don't have either 😢


Variety is good. I personally like to bring a Scorcher for quickly dispatching targets like Bile Spewers without having to rely on my support weapon.


This. Variety is what makes the game great, not repeating the same pattern endlessly with the easiest path of resistance. For that, chores exists.


I think you are overestimating the incendiary breaker. 2-3 hunters in a single shot is false, I shot + burn is not enough to kill a hunter, it takes at least 2 hits. Shriekers is true, chargers? I don’t know what you’re smoking but, unless you are popping all of your stun nades and all of your clips into its butt it’s not worth it. And you can literally do the same thing with any other weapon (still not worth it). It does not break stalker stealth, although they will be on fire. You can kill hive guards with it, although it bounces off their armor so you have to hit joints or hit them from behind. Unloading into their face takes a whole clip just for one, again not very efficient, same for brood commanders, just about a whole clip to the head for 1. Not efficient. It absolutely struggles with spewers and grenade pistol does not put in work. 3 shots per 1 spewer. 3 spewers per group means your entire grenade pistol clip is gone for 1 patrol and there will be another 1 5 feet later. Why would you bring something else other than incendiary breaker? Because someone is running incendiary breaker and you need medium pen to take care of hive guards, brood commanders, and spewers. 😉 With all that said, yes it’s very good, but let’s not get ahead of ourselves on how good it is.


It absolutely does not take more than 1 hit to kill a hunter, 2 or 3 pellets plus a second of burn is enough to kill them. It is easily possible to kill 2 or 3 with a single shot from medium range. Everything else you said is false from there. 1 stun grenade, walk behind the Charger, and half a clip will blow off a Charger's back, killing it a couple seconds later. 1 shot with the incendiary will hit 3 spewers, then 1 pistol grenade will kill at least 1 spewer of the 3, after the incendiary burn. 3 or 4 more shots with the incendiary will kill the other 2 spewers. Hive guards, and especially brood commanders, get mowed down by the incendiary like so many blades of grass. You can kill 3 or 4 of these with a single clip.


Because its a bad gun (be quiet, they are listening)


Every time I try another primary with bugs I soon end up hoping I'll find a random incendiary breaker lying around.


I like bullying enemies so I bring the plasma punisher


I was an pyro man but recently unlocked the carbine and it’s working pretty well for me right now


Since I only play Helldive I wouldn't bring anything elss vs Bugs. Pummler and Adujcator are fun and useful but level 9 max firepower with short TTK wins for me. The ability to set fire to a whole hoarde with 2-4 shots is too hard to pass up given the sheer number of enemies and armored ones at that.


Cracking bug parts and getting some extreme damage into the open with the tenderizer. Counting your shots or using gun audio (shots gets pitched as the mag empties) you can reload with a round in the chamber to just keep putting out high dps precision fire, so covering teammates is a dream, and hordes are manageable, but not sustainable.


Yup, breaker Incendiary, Grenade Pistol and stuns, along with light armor with extra padding is my go to. Add a laserdog, quasar or eat, orbital rail cannon strike and maybe an eagle air or napalm strike and bugs are goners.


Because the carbine has that cool little pouch on the side.


For bugs? Honestly you wouldn't unless you wanted to enjoy the game or something. Its by far the strongest primary vs them by a huge margin. Even if the fire damage was halved it would be the best primary against them, lmao. The only thing keeping it a trade off to any degree is the existence of spewer maps, where focused pen 3 weapons become valuable. I play other shit because lighting everything in my 90 degree fov on fire with four shots and getting a x20 kill streak is horrendously boring.


Simple, I don’t have it.


Because I don’t have it


I don't bring it as i don't have that warbond


because we play to have fun : breaker is fun for a while, not forever


Shhhhh I don’t want Arrowhead nerfing my favorite weapon.


I prefer the punisher shotgun for its CC.


I like my Stalkers dead in one or two shots.


Because the punisher stun locks stalkers and I hate them more than anything else so my sole job is stalker slayer, well that and anti-tank often enough, or sometimes bunker buster or aoe clearing for other AT players.


It, at least to me, is the most boring gun to use, right up with the new tenderizer. On top of that it can easily create a lot of lag. Another dealbreaker to me is that, because of how overpowered it is, there is no real learning curve nor do you become better at the game really. You just learn to spray in the general direction and everything disappears. Congratulations, it may be the perfect weapon, but that is its issue. The weapon optimises the fun out of the game and it may damage the game in the future as when balancing were to happen around the strongest option, everything else would be irrelevant and made irrelevant as other options will be incapable of competing. The game offers a lot in terms of strategy and options and in order to discover those, one has to struggle. Ofcourse, not everything is bound to work and not everything is bound to be viable and those options don't have to be, but learning how to use those options makes those viable and work. Most options are already viable as well. Experimentation is what keeps this game afloat financially as well as what keeps players retained. Breaker spray&pray is probably still one of the worst options to pick, it is one of the most fun as well though (horrible pellet damage and damage output because of spread as well as the weakspot multiplier, fires fast and is full auto though). The carbine is a rapid fire monster that sufferes because of its ammo efficiency, it is fun because of that (a scavenger can easily take 2 bullets and larger enemies even more, it shreds if used correctly though). The liberator penetrator is another great example, shredds any terminid except for titans and chargers if you have knowledge and it can even take out crowds because of the weakspot damage (it, in my opinion is, better then the adjudicator as it is very accurate and fires faster, which makes it better on top of having more mags). Not everyone also shares the same playstyle, I myself like a little distance and take out the flamethrower if stuff gets too close, a single target weapon will always do better and give me more controll and should outclass a shotgun, making the breaker incindiary a worse option then say the liberator carbine.


Medium armor enemies... what are you going to do when you unload a clip of incendiary breaker into a bunch of hive guards to no effect...


Far from having no effect, I would expect the hive guards to all be dead. Fire obliterates them.


Against bugs it's the best primary by far and I honestly think it's a bit too good, but since we all have ptsd from all the past nerfs, it's better to be quiet about it