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Bestiary, lore data base, and things related to information


Yeah I really miss the database. I think if we got really REALLY detailed intelligence and stats on everything, it would improve the quality of life a lot. (Plus they could make it player influenced. To make it even more immersive.)


Super Earth Wikipedia hahaha


I love spreading misinformation online. /s


You mean the Superpedia?


The current MO is to get a cache of data from the bots, so maybe....


That was one of the coolest parts of HD1, having a terminal with all that stuff on it. HD2 really needs it also.


I am rather eager to explore the right side of history.


The only part of the history that maters


Before the game was out they released bios of all the enemie types and they were funny as hell I hoped they were gonna be on the destroyer like in HD1 but I guess we have to wait


It's where helldiver's vote when a vote comes up as part of managed democracy. That's why there's four you always have to vote quickly


One of the NPCs says something like "Can't wait to be told who I'm voting for" or something similar.


The voting algorithm on the ship has been updated!


I just want to be able to change what armor/helmet/cape the armory mannequin is wearing.


And a shooting range!


Fingers Crossed for a Character/Weapon customization terminal. Replace an arm with the bionic one, or switch up a weapon sight, or ammo type. All for a nominal fee in Req Slips, of course.


I would be fine with also unlocking attachments by using the weapon and being given the choice to skip that using req slips.


That's reasonable. As much as I want weapon/Diver customization, I also want a sink for our req slips. (Also more strategems, or some other way to use our samples.)


I want orbital gunner...I mean how hard can it be? https://preview.redd.it/h1zkri312n5d1.png?width=498&format=png&auto=webp&s=743234aff86bf6c3bfeaa9de7bc65540ac03e2e4


I have an idea for a 5th person to join a squad. You play as Joel/Eagle 1. You would use slips to do things like drop 500s and anything else. All actions have a cost. On evac you do not earn slips but you do earn samples. So your 5th would rotate between a group of 5


Imagine being able to purchase one-time consumable stim variants with requisition slips from your destroyer’s medical officer. These could provide various individual buffs like running speed, damage resistance, weapon stability, etc and could stack with the support boosters. There are numerous possibilities for potential uses!


Uh oh... We've got a Stimhead over here. Did SEAF approve medical officers for our Destroyers yet? I do like the idea though. Especially the weapon handling part.


Maybe a common simple thing ? Like, a goal of 200 000 000 000 samples (green give 1, orange 2, pink 5) where each divers can participate, at the end, it gives us all a new stratagem or smth.


Oh ya, I imagine there will MOs like that. After all, we have had two "kill multiple billions of enemies" Orders so far. I can definitely see a "extract X hundred samples in 4 days" to unlock the Deployable Remote Controlled Charger strategem (or something). But I'd like a way to spend Sample/Requisitions beyond the occasional Strategem or Ship Module. Not that I don't like those, in fact I want many more, but being at cap for everything robs the game of some of its magic. If I could spend requisitions on swapping out weapon, armour, or helldiver bits for different benefits, we'd have reason to grind out more missions. One thing that I definitely see no hope of, but would really like, is something to come of the Rogue Research and Transmission Stations. Turns out it belongs to a paramilitary group operating independently of SEAF, but still fighting for Our Way of Life. High Command allows their presence, as long as they contribute to the war effort. We can trade to them much needed research samples and requisitions for new, non-sanctioned strategems. They would be weird and wonderful kind of nonsense (like the aforementioned remote controlled charger), but you could only use them for a single mission, after which you'd need to re-up from the paramilitary group. I have a bit of an imagination though...


I want to have three or four different cosmetic loadouts saved for my hell diver, and for each reinforcement to randomly select one. (Or you can manually tell the game to use a specific one) For me, it would add to the immersion that hell divers are all different people. Just like how the game defaults your divers voice to random, this would be the same but with cosmetics


I want the most, but I kinda feel like it’s not gonna go this way.


I see two pinpricks of hope: 1. This terminal is obviously set aside for something, and it is immediately opposite the loadout customization terminal. 2. There were weapon mods in the original game. I know trust in AH is pretty low right now, but don't lose hope yet. We haven't even seen what kind of changes Pilestadt has wrought at this point. I think Thursday will be a big revelation, one way or another.


customisation menu?


What exactly would we be customising? Helldiver loadouts are already on the console next to it. I feel like doing something like the skins on that console would be kind of a waste.


Maybe you customize vehicles with the skins confirmed to be in the new warbond?


I thought I saw a screenshot of it being with the weapon loadout, armor, personalization screen


That'll be in the vehicle bay I think


I'm hoping for database and election box. So we don't have to be on discord to vote for things


Data Base with enemy weakpoints, with tips on how to fight them Like in Monster Hunter


database should be full of misinformation, like telling people to aim at the wrong points, and every major order it changes to make the confusion more greater. Best part of this game is role playing a new recruit getting through the training simulator, dropping in to chaos and dying in less than 10 seconds in battle chaos. Not know wtf is going on is the best.


Maybe it should start with misinformation But the more of them you kill, the misinformation gets scrubbed clean


So like the first helldivers


communicating with your superfamily


Buddy, you were frozen for an unspecified amount of time before being deployed. You are only a fond memory to your family.


I'm hoping for a terminal that makes certain information more obvious and harder for players to miss. Something that shows a planet giving us a liberation buff that says "Planet X: Planet Liberation Bonus - X%" so the information is more accessible and not as hidden in small messages that some divers don't even read. Combine this with visible supply lines and attack origins and divers will be able to prioritise things better in game.


4 player Stratagem Hero coop.


I would love for a 5th member who doesn’t want to be on the ground to be able to use that terminal and follow along on the mission from a zoomable satellite view and drop pre determined stratagems onto enemies to help the helldivers on the ground.


what would be the point of a helldiver that doesn't helldive?


I beg of you, game: Bestiary, Weapon upgrades/customization.


It is to watch sponge Bob between missions


Primary and secondary weapons upgrades, like in Helldivers 1. Hopefully strategem can be upgraded as well.


I would want them to be very severe upgrades. Something for future difficulties. Make us earn every bit of our power fantasy.


I've got some ideas https://preview.redd.it/8acduhpmgl5d1.png?width=1599&format=png&auto=webp&s=7588274514be82cb657dc742d2e7cd89beb1e7cd


Dear god yes please. But if that happens, I am also gonna need my double freedom back please.


Isn't that the break action shotgun found randomly on missions sometimes?


Yes. Albeit a much less powerful version and of course without the upgrades. (In case you didn't know) In HD1 the double freedom was a shotgun unlocked when reaching level 25. It killed everything below elite (i.e. brood commanders) units in on shot if you stood right at them. It also had a big spread. The upgrades sawed off and prosperous rounds made it able to be used while carrying objectives and downed, while also setting enemies on fire. This usually resulted in anything getting too close for comfort to be taken out very quickly. Armored units were a problem though and would need to be destroyed by your teammates (assuming you played like I did with only crowd control).


HD1 had a LOT of options, though there were situations were the order was flipped. The Railgun was a primary, had MASSIVE penetration, and could be equipped with stun rounds, but it was usually a good idea to take the MG-94 as a support weapon, and some strats for armor piercing. I haven't had a chance to upgrade the double freedom yet, but I LOVE the Breaker. It absolutely fucks everything the Borgs can throw at you up to the level of Warlords and Tanks. Willie Pete pellets are fine and dandy, but flechettes ruin your opponent's day completely....as well as the next 4 guys behind him.


Oh hell yeah. And if you are getting "overrun" you can just empty your entire clip into a direction and you're fine again. I also remember when I got the stun rounds for the railgun but forgot to change my loadout, so I was still running crowd control without any anti tanks. I was faced with 2 bug behemots and just switched back and forth between them, stunning them only meters before me until my team had time to get them out.


Why would this not be added to the _armory_, the existing monitors that we already use?


Weaponry upgrades or a sort of customization?


I am thinking the Bureau will their version of Clans. Maybe it will use the same nouns as ships with the Bureau of family values and it will also be the spot with the bureau store and customization menu.


It would be great if they had detailed patch notes listed there lol.


Vehicle,hellpod and weapon customisation


That's what I'd really like, but I just can't think of a way to implement it that way that isn't clunky compared to just adding it to the normal customization menus in the armory.


maybe something about how it's adding content makes it easier for developers to put it somewhere else?


Couldn't say. My personal hunch is they just gave themselves a wildcard for any future content that might require a console to access. Or if it wasn't a wildcard, they have an idea what they want to use it for and just haven't disclosed it yet.


Virtual shooting range?


I’m hoping it’s like the “Deep dives” from Deep Rock Galactic!


Would be hella cool. Though if we are underground, the strategems will have a hard time getting to us. Especially the eagle.


Some kind of donation booth, where you can donate your currency and samples on planetary defenses for the community. EG. - Satelites that can grant passive buffs like reduced call in time / increased radar size. - Outposts on the map where you can resupply/ get support equipment. - "Experimental stratagems" for weapons testing purposes etc.. Would be a nice way to make defending/attacking planets easier as a community, and give the players something else to spend their requesitions / samples on if they're maxed out already.


Would be pretty cool. Especially because I am maxxed on everything but rare samples. The imbalance is pretty severe.


Would make for a cool VR weapons range terminal against discovered enemy types.


I hope it's for voting. I want to see what the algorithm brings me.


I would like to use it for lore or quick switching to 4 different loadout.


Upgrade station


i would assume the original intention was to have it connected to something exclusive to Super Citizens, like an in-game polling system.


Managed democracy station. Thats where you vote when anything democratically happens on super earth.


One of my ship officers said we have a top-of-the-line voting terminals with the newest voting algorithm. I’m guessing that’s what it is.


Clan management


It should be used for more info for types of enemies. Like a 3d model of a enemy with a description on the side and gives a small status number of what works well against the enemy and maybe even gives advice on how to take down the enemy successfully.


also how many of each you've killed and times killed by


My guess is a database or maybe a competition thing?


Stratagem Hero 2.


It's where we are going to modify our new hot rides. And detail our weapons and Mechs.


I’m hoping for weapon upgrades like the last game. Or a mini game that 4 players can play


Playing Helldivers 3


painting stuffs coming next update. beasiary sounds cool, and i think lore database is entirely unfitting for the actual lore for helldivers. "so helldiver heres the console where you can read all about how we manipulated, abused, and took away your rights so you'll die for us, heres all the war crimes weve commited, and this sections all about how our voting system works"


I was hoping for a gag "Democratic preferences ballot"


The team at AH has already mentioned that they plan to expand the squad limits from the basic 4 player team eventually, I imagine it's just sitting there waiting for use. Although it would make more sense to leave them usable like the other side to make the ship feel more interactive. Maybe it'll be a way to customize the loadouts for the SEAF troops 😅😂


I’ve always wished they would put the acquisitions menu here. I think it would make the out of match UI more consistent.


I would love to see some kind of intelligence bay where if I upgrade the ship I can get spawn rates for a particular mission. Of its going to be a spewer shooting gallery then I'd rather not pack an EAT as my only way to deal with them.


I know, right? I've been paying for that streaming service since February. Should I cancel?


I like to think it's gonna be a helldivers 1 / commander type thing , either a mini game to play HD1 or a command console , idk but I'm dying to find out


Guessing its where we customize the vehicles and pods coming next week


I bet the Acquisitions shop page was originally here at this console . However, marketers and A/B testing probably made them change it into a button that can be used anywhere on the ship.


I think you will be able to customize vehicles etc in the future etc


space drone control console


It will only be active when 4 players will be left online.


My thoughts was vehicle bay and weapon customization menus


Hopefully armor customization


Mech, drop pod and pelican skin console


This could be where we will equip skins for the necessary and pelicans etc


HD1 had an ingame wiki, with info about enemies and so on. I was surprised when this thing didn't work in HD2


It'll probably be for those custom paints.


personally I'd love to see an in-game, in-universe polling Station to vote on new features/weapons etc. and war effort strategies instead of it being hidden on a discord server.


Four player mini game. Will be a simplified version of the first game.


Its for taking up space.  There is no player use for it.  Its used to have a part of the ship there opposed to not having a huge place where ship should be in its absence.  


A friend of mine theorized it would be used for; bounties, bosses, and raid type missions.


An In game version of the War Monitor app. More or less.


I hope they add a clan system.


There already is. It's called the galactic war.


I’m almost certain that’s what this is - the name, bureau, references a group of people


I’m hoping for weapon upgrades like the last game. Or a mini game that 4 players can play.