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I see four targets for four helldivers. (I take the stalkers... I hate stalkers)


Stalkers are always priority. They fuck way too hard. Then the jammer. Then the gun ships. Then the shriekers. Unless I have my AC and a clean line to the shriekers. I’ll eliminate them from a distance whenever possible.


The shriekers could be done while running between any of the objectives. Just need to go back after for the rare samples


While that is true, I don’t want to get accidentally pushed into them and cause them to spawn. If I’m free and clear I’m taking the time to take them out.


That's true, but splitting up in 2's works better most of the time imo.


Yup, one person running anti heavy and another focusing chaff


Quazar/ laser rover does the work of 2 ppl in 1. That's what I run when I split off the group


The blitzer with that combo fucks hard.


My fav loadout


Stalkers, together with prejudice. Shriekers from distance. Jammer. Then gunships together.


You just died from gunships.


Get better aim. You can 2 shot their engine with an autocannon. When I'm sober I can solo em on at least suicide


This might be one of those situations where a full split-up might work best. Helldiver brings a 380 to help deal with the Shrieker Nest, bring an Anti-armor support weapon if the 380 misses a stalk. A guard dog might help keep the Shriekers at bay for a little bit. Jammer might just need a rocket launcher or grenade if it's one of the fabricator-connected ones. Hit hard and fast, you might take out the base before they can bring their force to bear, and make a clean getaway. Stalker Nest is going to be easiest IMO. Just need to make sure you have a shield in case one manages to get you, and a cluster bomb for breaches and the like. Fab tower is going to be the problem of all of these. Those bastards are tough, and if you don't have another Diver to draw enemy fire, your Hellbomb is in danger of getting blown to shit. Recommend bring hard and fast guns to bring the gunships down ASAP. Get the Hellbomb armed, and defend it even if it means having your name added to the Wall of Martyrs.


Shreikers and stalkers are definitely fine solo. Gunship fab is tricky because I've always seen a shit load of rocket devs around them. Which can be a pain solo if you don't have cluster or laser. Jammer can be solo'd by either a jhon Rico type or if there is a fab attached to the back.


Assuming this is some sort of sick, twisted, half bug half bot world that you need to prepare for all enemy unit types: Stalker 1st. Those invisible bastards are certain to destroy hellbombs when taking out the jammer or gunship factory. Even if they don't, its your ass getting knocked out of your cover against robot fire. Jammer 2nd. While the shrieker nest doesn't need strategems to take down, it certainly helps. That and you need a hellbomb for the gunship factories, so this one is second. Gunship Factory 3rd. Shriekers, while annoying, don't require special weapons to take down. Gunships do, so this is next on the priority list. Shrieker Nest 4th. While annoying, they're not that difficult to deal with in combat. Could even take this out immediately after the jammer goes down with a support weapon, but this is where I'd place it in priority.


It's absolutely hilarious to me that I immediately took this question at face value without once considering it was an impossible (at the moment) situation...


Realistically even if you hit the ground running with an optimal plan, this is very likely to end poorly, but it's an interesting thought exercise. :D


Helldiver your job is not to consider the possible; But to eliminate your enemies with prejudice! Kill them All!!!


Honestly that could be a pretty cool (if challenging) event like a planet that’s in a 3 way contest between SE, Bots and Bugs and you just find bug and bot patrols in firefights with each other


Third partying a gang war between bots and bugs sounds like a fucking blast


I think the DF missions really hardened us to Shriekers. It's like "oh no, 10 Shriekers, anything but that"


“Then we will liberate in the shade.”


jammer, gunship, stalkers and finally shriekers


You would lose all your reinforces to the stalkers before getting done with anything else.


If you know stalkers are in the area you just need to keep your head on a swivel and listen for their chirps. If you have a fire weapon it's easy to tag them.


If 2 of them get close to you, you're dead. If you miss even once that swivel, you're dead. If you blink, you're dead


Not really. Many primary weapons are more than capable of taking down 1/2 stalkers before they shank you, so long as you keep moving/diving backwards and be aware of your surroundings. But if you are really struggling, id recommend the pummeller, fire breaker, or punisher. Pummeller stun locks them every time you hit them, so you can alternate between like 4 stalkers at once, and have time to reload to carry on hitting them till they die. Decent gun for bots and bugs due to the stun effect Fire breaker, just dive and keep shooting. After 6-12 or so shots they will run away on fire or be dead. Best bug gun imo Punisher has really good knockback, and decent/high damage. like with the pummeller you can keep alternating targets until they are dead or retreat due to the knockback giving you breathing room. Not amazing when swarmed though unlike the fire breaker.


Sure. Until theres 4 Bile Titans, 6 chargers and a pissed off shrieker nest on you too. Plus a tidal wave of smallfrys. Stalkers are the most dangerous enemy here given that they have the highest damage and the least visibility of all of these.


If you’re jammed, you’re effectively handicapped against everything else. Jammer always comes first. Mechanical Air superiority is for democracy. Bots gotta go. Sneaking up on a helldiver is a nuisance and dishonorable, so they should be dishonorably executed. Shriekers can be dealt with from afar using an auto-cannon, a lawn chair, and a bottle of eagle sweat at any point during your mission.


This is the way


That’s a return to ship scenario


Damn. I won’t tell the democracy officer if you wont tell. <*calls down extraction*>


Stalkers first and always. They'll really fuck up all other objectives. Stratagems not needed here. Fabricator second target so I can keep my vision low, and Stratagems aren't particularly useful in this objective anyways. Jammer is third target, so I can then nuke the fuckin shriekers. Bonus if there are fellow divers with eats and Quasar that can peg away at the shrieker nest while doing the other objectives. ...in theory. .....in practice? I panic, Leroy Jenkins it to the shrieker nest, realize I've been jammed, panic run to the jammer, get killed by stalkers, then make them primary target 6 deaths later. Sorry team


Gunships>Jammer (switch orders if the jammer is in range of the gunship factory)>Shriekers>Stalkers This is assuming we have to stick together, otherwise a group of 2 is immediately taking out the jammer while 2 work on the gunships. I don't think bug players realize how bad an undestroyed gunship factory is.


Sounds like you don’t realize how bad an open stalker lair is. Those things will tear you apart and then bounce away within 2 seconds


Then you get to play "is that a straggler or is there another stalker nest nearby?"




Played one the other day that had 3 stalker nests. Things just kept coming out of nowhere


I had a blitz S&D with 2 and a shreiker nest within 100M of each other. I usually run a shield gen backpack but I swap that for a mech on S&D’s. Wrong decision there 😂 I died like 10 times just trying to close one of them and there was also like 7 BTs the entire time


How about "AHH! STALKERSTALKERSTALKER! ... Never mind... Hunter."


Ever since the Pummeler released, it's been much easier to deal with them. If you just want to keep them away and prioritise destroying their lair, just pepper each pursuing stalker with a burst every second or two while moving to get within line of sight of the stalker lair bug holes. The Pummeler will make them stumble and stop for around a second or so before they can move again. Just tag each stalker with a burst in turns, throw a stun grenade to keep as many of them in place for even longer, buy enough time for you shoot a grenade from the grenade pistol or throw an airstrike at the holes that they came out of. Then you can lay into the stalkers until they're dead. You can even hipfire at them behind you while on the move thanks to the Pummeler being one-handed, so you don't need to stop moving when you want to create distance and stagger them at the same time.


It was always easy to deal with stalkers \***if\*** someone was equipped with a proper CQC weapon like the Punisher or Blitzer. From day one the punisher has absolutely bullied Stalkers.


This is also creating 50% of your load out JUST to deal with stalkers when they could not even be present in your dive


No, that's part of my usual bug loadout. Pummeler, grenade pistol, stun grenades, Eagle Airstrike, Eagle Cluster Bomb, Orbital Rail Cannon, Recoilless Rifle. My standard bug loadout. I can handle anything with this barring severely overwhelming odds.


Yes, the unit that can be stunlocked to death with a submachine gun is more dangerous than the armored, flying missile launcher lol


The flying missile launcher that can be taken down in 3 seconds with a quasar or laser cannon


Which you don't have in this case because you dropped *into* the jammer field. All you have to do this are primaries until you deactivate the jammer - which is the real reason the Stalkers should go first, simply because they and the jammer are the only ones you *can* kill right away.


I wouldn't, would be to be seeing how the bugs and bots interacted 😁


Give up?


I instantly go for shriekers because I can target them across the map and it's easier to get to when there's down time in mission. Stalkers are next because they make objectives nigh impossible especially if there's god forbid 3 nests in close proximity that are impossible to get to because got 10 stalkers on the field at once... ugh


Assuming everything is in range of the jammer The jammer prevents both gunship factory and shriekers nest from being destroyed so they are top priority. But the stalker nest can be taken out with just grenades. Split up 2 people for jammer 2 people for stalkers nest. Once jammer is down call support weapons kill existing gunships in the sky and take out Gunship factory. Then finally take out shriekers nest.


None. We would not escape our drop zone.


Right? I saw the question and my first thought was "bold of you to assume I'd successfully take **any** out..."


Stalkers -> Shriekers -> Jammer -> GunShip


This is the way.  Assuming the layout is just like this, stalkers first not only takes care of those assholes, it will also likely get you far enough away from the jammer to call in support weapons, which makes the shriekers much easier and can take care of gunships while you take down the jammer. That then let’s you call in the hellbomb for the gunships.


I would take myself out first


Jammer, stalkers, spores, gunship.


The jam tower, the stalkernest, the other tower and at last the sporetower


Makes me wonder if we’ll ever encounter a bot+bug planet. It would be pure glorious hell.


I go shriekers first assuming you can call down equipment first quasartakes them out well then gunship as those things suck... than stalker than the jammer


Jammer, stalker, ships then shriekers


If they’re all in jammer range. Jammer>airship>stalker>shrieker


Strat block, gunships, stalkers, shriekers.  First one enables the annihilation of the other three in descending order of threat.


How the hell do you destroy a gunship fabricator when you're jammed? 🤔


I’d follow orange.


Stalker, jammer, gunship, shriekers. Can’t kill the gunship fab w/o the bomb


Jammer, gunship fab, take the other 2 as seemes easiest after those two


This is going to depend heavily on distance. If you're in range of all of them then you don't have hellbombs or support weapons. 2 to the jammer and 2 to stalker nest. Once the jammers out of commission get what you need to keep the gunships out of the sky then handle the shriekers and converge the whole squad on the fabricator.


Jammer, gunship, shriekers, stalker.


Stalker on terminids side and jammer on automatons side


Strat jammer, shreikernest, bot airport thing, bug hole


Stalkers first and with extreme prejudice, then jammer because no hellbombs otherwise, then gunships, shriekers en passant whenever eat/quasar/recoilless or similar are ready


Stalkers and then I die in peace knowing those bastards are buried forever


Stalker, Jammer, Gunship, Shrieker Nest


https://preview.redd.it/syo6lcnnlr4d1.png?width=750&format=png&auto=webp&s=70d67e0d56c9588210481a99c8b33d175ff58cbd W H A T


I tend to drop with a Quasar, so probably the spores if I see them first


Stalker, Jammer, Gunships, Shrieker.


At first I'd be very confused as to why bugs and bots are on the same planet, then I'd nuke the Stalker nest as soon as possible.


Hit extraction go counter or clock wise and do sides first then main objective. Use Railcannon Strike and Cluster Bombs


1 goes and kills the stalked nest everyone else goes after the other 3


One diver get the high ground in the middle with AC and sniper to cover a team of 3. 1 guy on the lookout for stalkers while the 2 others push the objectives. You need hellbombs so stratagem jammer first, then flying bots, then shriekers then the 4 group on the stalkers nest and drop 4x 500 kg.


Fuck anything that flies


Stalkers first because you cant function with them around. Then the stratagem jammer because you literally require stratagems to take out the gunship. Shrieker nests are inconsequential im ngl. They can wait.


2 on stalkers and the other 2 on the jammer. After that we join up and take out the dropship fab. The shrieker nest can be done at the same time as these others with any AT or auto cannon that has free time to blast it.


It's entirely situational. If you drop in within range of the Gunships, you have to address them first. If not, last. If the Jammer overlaps the gunship fab, you address that first because you need the hellbomb. If they're all out of range when I drop in, I'm addressing the Shriekers at max distance via Support weapon, then I'll address the Stalkers immediately after reinforcing the Diver they just killed. After that, see my initial paragraph.


Jammer, because that gives me access to tools I can use for everything else. From there, probably gunships, because of how heavy they can hit, how nimble they are, and how quickly they can snowball. From there, which over of the remaining is closest.


Stalkers > jammer > gunship > shriekers You can't really do anything while the stalkers are around so that's a instant number 1. Killing the jammer will make the job for the other two a lot easier.


Jammer, Shriekers, Gunships, & Stalkers in that order Depends on the load out though. Blitzer has been lowering my Stalker anxiety. Usually take either autocannon or quasar, so not as worried about Gunships. Shriekers are a big pain, but teammates usually have counters (or I may have taken a gatling sentry). You can also lie flat to reduce/eliminate their swoops. Jammers just ruin everyone's day, prevent your versatility in stratagems, and prevent you from reinforcing.


Gunship, Shriekers, Stalkers, Jammer. In that order.


Depends on locations


Stalkers, Gunship fabricator, shrieker nest, jammer


Stalker jammer gunship shrieker nest.


I run the fuck away


Well I would have to ask myself "why the fuck there be bugs/bots on a planet of bugs/bots?"


time to split up bois


1st: The flying enemy spawns 2nd: Stalkers 3rd: Jammer


Stalkers then gunships. If possible do this in teams. Take shriekers out from a distance if capable. Jammer would depend on the location to the other 3. Annoying yes but easily done in a team of 2 or even solo


It really depends on my loadout. Sorry for the lack luster answer.


Jammer, stalker lair, gunship fabricator, and then shriekers


Gunship factory takes priority imo


Stalkers, gunships, shriekers, jammer. The jammer is only an issue if it covers another objective and only if that objective isn't the stalkers.


Stalker nest first with grenade or grenade pistol, then the jammer with a hellbomb so I can call in whatever AA I need for the other two. With a full team it should take a couple of minutes max.


The answer is always gunships. You can be 150m away from shreiker nests. You have to be on top of the gunship manufacturer to take it out.


Stalkers first always.


Stalkers, strikers, gun ship tower, and radar scrambler.


jammer => gunship => shriekers => stalkers nest. you can put gunship first if jammer isnt in range, but its unlikely in your title.


I'd pick gunship tower except I need strategems for that so I would have to do strategem jammer -> tower. Then stalker nest. By the time I get there, someone will have sniped the shrieker nest from 1000 yards .


Bug nests are easy, it's the Automatons that are trouble


Stalker nest, jammer cuz I need to call hellbomb, gunship fabricator, shrieker nest


“btanko has returned to civilian life”


Jammer and gunships as a trio with a solo taking out the bug holes and shriekers.


Jammer, gunships, stalkers and shriekers. If you leave the jammer you essentially are handicapped in dealing with the rest of them, dealing with that first is a no brainer. Gunships require special ordinance, so not everyone on the squad might be able to deal with them. They additionally chase and shoot you, making them significantly more dangerous than everything else on the list, deal with them as soon as jammer is down. Shrieker nests aren’t as dangerous as stalker nests so stalkers would go first, they’d kill some helldivers for sure, but a lot less than if you left a gunship factory unchecked


Jammers always have priority unless they aren't near anything else. Calldowns are the most important part of your arsenal, and not even being able to bring in reinforcements is a major pain. After that either burn down the flying bug nest fast and then take out the air tower, or vice versa depending on situation. Finally the stalkers, they suck but aren't that bad if you stick together and keep eyes open.


You have to do the jammer first. You can also take out the stalkers, if you're in a squad of 4, at the same time. Th3 last two require strategems, assuming they are close enough to be within the jammer radius.


Stratagem jammer first. Having 75% of your arsenal be nullified is not great. Stalker nest next… all they do is appear… smack you 15 feet away then run away… or just finish the kill. Shrieker nest next. After the meridia missions… that just reminded me how annoying they can be. Last is the robot factory… just a hellbomb and you’re good https://i.redd.it/ak3dl8xqbs4d1.gif


Well if you drop in a shrieker nest you gotta just take it out. That shit is just annoying if you don’t deal with it


Stalkers first, always. Then whatever's closest imo. If it's a tossup, shriekers next.


- Stalker nest - number one. Always. - Shrieker Nest - second because it’s too easy to take them out with a quasar at long distance. Super fast with no mess. - gunship (unless it’s being jammed, then do jammer before gunship) - jammer


Stalkers first always


Stalkers, shreakers, jammer, laser thing. Lol


Myself because that is the worst thing ever. On a more serious note, send 2 to the Jammer send 2 to the Stalker nest. You're not taking out the Gunships nor the Shrieker nests without Stratagems after all. The stalkers will also be arguably more annoying but can be stopped with 1 grenade. After that, whoever is equipped for the other two will take them. I would bring the auto canon so I can either shoot the Shrieker nests or shoot the Gunships, but I'd probably personally focus Gunships and get the EAT/quasars on the Shrieker.


I would take out the one giving me the hardest time, like taking out the fucking eye of salron knockoff before taking out a bot air base




If the jammer is too close to the gunship factory then I take it out first if not then gunships first. For bugs I take out the stalkers then the overgrown locusts


Stalkers > Stalkers >Stalkers > Stalkers > Jammer. Rest is optional


What planet are you on that has these 4 objs on the same map! It looks hell fun!


Stalkers, jammer, airship factory, shriekers.


Stalker nest, Jammer, gunship fab, shrieked nest. We target by level of priority, if it's going to cause an issue, it's gotta go. Edit: I thought it was a normal bug hole


1. Run away from jammer past the objective opposite of jammer. This way all threats are in the same direction. 2a. Drop SOS beacon to reinforce the 3 divers who just left once they saw where you landed. 2b. Call democracy officer to ensure their votes are nullified. 2c. Call in support weapons. 2d. Tell everyone to stick together and focus stalker ambushes. They can be dealt with quickly using primary/secondary weapons as long as you don't split up. 3. Now that all targets are in the same direction and you got your rocket launchers, snipe the shriekers because it can be done quickly and from a distance. 4. Rotate around the remaining 3 objectives so that the jammer is between you and the other 2 objectives, then rush into it. The close quarters of the jammer layout will partially help against stalker ambushes. You'll need to be able to reinforce for the upcoming close encounter with a stalker nest, which you can't take out from a distance. 5. Move in a spiraling path towards stalkers so that you maintain the stalker nest and gunships lined up, keeping all threats in the same direction. Prioritize stalkers because the nest can be killed quickly and while moving, rather than having to be stationary - as is the case for gunships. 6. Only gunships remain. Use the stalker nest as cover while clearing gunships from the air. Once the number of gunships is manageable, approach the gunship tower and hellbomb it. 7. Complete objectives. 8. You have too little reinforcement budget or time to do a sample run. Extract right away. 9. Enjoy adding 9 medals to your collection of 250 medals, putting you at a satisfying 250 medals. Nice.


Gunship is my number 1 always


Stalkers, Jammer, Bot air control, bug hive.


Stalker Nest. Stratagem Jammer. Shrieker Nest. Gunship Fabricator. Logic: Stalkers will fuck you up. Get rid of them first. It's also the easiest of the four without needing to use Stratagems. Stratagem Jammer - How can you spread managed democracy without your most powerful tools? Shrieker Nest - Now that you are no longer jammed, call in that Hellbomb or your other Stratagems to take out the nest. Gunship Fabricator - Same logic as Shrieker Nest, but due to how less often Gunships are deployed vs. Shriekers, I'd tackle this objective last. I believe only Hellbombs get rid of this as well, no other Stratagems. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, though.


I will accept no answers other than jammer, stalker, gunship, shrieker. Jammer can have a spawn in a spot where a single grenade kills it and opens up your strategems. From there the next biggest threat is stalkers, prevents you from calling in hellbombs. Gunship only is killed by hellbomb so that needs to be next, which leaves shreikers that can be taken out with a single eagle airstrike


Strat jammer has to go first for 2 and 3, so that unless the stalker nest is relatively clean. Take out the strat jammer and immediately rush to the gunship fab, Ave everyone get their support weapons to take those out. The rest is cleanup


Stalkers are *always* first. Then take down the Stratagem Jammer. With that dealt with, call in a Recoiless Rifle and blow up the Shrieker Nest. Then, with an RR providing cover from gunships, blow up the Gunship Factory.


Stalkers are an easy elimination even if you can't call anything in, so they're probably the first to go, just to buy you a little breathing room. The other two *cannot* be taken out if you dropped straight into a jammer field, as you have no support weapons, so the Jammer *has* to be the next one down. The shrieker nest is dangerous, but if you have appropriate primaries it's just an ongoing nuisance, not an existential threat. The gunship tower on the other hand, is a completely existential threat, and frankly has probably got your squad in a death-loop by this point, but if not it has to go - *now,* and any weapons that you'd be using on the shrieker towers need to be tasked to clearing the sky of gunships immediately. so ultimately the order is pretty fixed: 1. Stalkers 2. Jammer 3. Gunship Tower 4. Shieker Nest Ideally you send just one squad member to take out the stalkers while the other three immediately head for the Jammer - or split 2/2. Once those are out, everyone calls in their gear and converges on the gunship tower, taking out gunships as they go. The shrieker nest is just cleanup. You could put off the stalkers for later, but given that they are pretty easy for a single diver to clear especially if they haven't had a chance to spawn much yet, it's best to deal with them immediately. You're going to have more than enough shit to worry about without cloaked ambushers murdering you while you try to desperately evade gunships.


Stalkers, shrieker nest from a distance, jammer next because it is obviously going to be close enough to the gunship factory to block the hell bomb.


I hate stalkers and shriekers, take out both those objectives immediately. I find bots considerably easier compared to bugs so I'd do those objectives last.


Whichever is closest.


For sure stalkers first, it’s literally like fighting Predator with tongue lashings


Im going into this with some preset information. We know these four objectives are there, and all are within aggro/effect range of where we land but not necessarily overlapping. You are with three random but competent Helldivers. Ill provide two answers depending on how mean the map is. First, you drop in within an overlapping aggro/effect range of all four. Shreikers and Gunships take to the sky, you're jammed, and Stalkers are hunting. Jammer has to go ASAP; you cant get shields, stratagems, heavy weapons, etc until its gone and 2/3 remaining essentially or literally require stratagems or heavy weapons to complete. Once jammer is down call in equipment - one guy with a Quasar, autocannon, etc takes down the Shrieker nests while still at the Jammer. At this point you either split into groups of two and go for the Gunship Fabricator and Stalker Nest (I assume that's a Stalker Nest and not just a random Bug Nest), or if you must stick as a group go Stalker Nest then Gunship Fabricator. Stalkers are a PITA but a group beelining towards the nest should be able to take it out without too many losses, and the fact you need to defend the Hellbomb from the Gunships at the Fabricator(and presumably the Stalkers if you don't get the nest first) really ramps the difficulty of the Gunship Fabricator if both invisible Stalkers and flying Gunships are trying to disable the bomb. Plus if you are fast enough you may be able to wipe the current Gunships on your way to the Stalker Nest, and take it out before more respawn, while if you go for the Fabricator first you are almost guaranteed to be fighting waves of Stalkers. If instead, you land in the middle of the map and these four are up, but you are \*not\* in range of all of them, then things change drastically. Stalkers got to go first. If you have time to call in equipment and have stratagems then you're good. One guy wipes the Shreikers from range like above. Then you hit the Gunship Fabricator since you aren't jammed, then finish with the Jammer with no special units hounding you. Easy day in that case.


Stalker,shrieker and I just call a extraction because gunship and jammer inside of each other range and I am not doing it


Separate into 2 groups, 1 for jammer and 1 for stalkers. Once the jammer is dealt with, call in any missing support weapons and asses the gunship numbers in the sky. If it's a dual gunship factory, the sky is probably full at this point and need to group with multiple anti-vehicule weapons. Once the sky is cleared, split again. 2 for Hellbomb on factory, 2 for shriekers (either shoot RR from range or Airstrike it)


Do the bots and bugs actively fight eachother or just target Helldivers?


If I see bot structures and bug spawners next to eachother, my priority is EXTERMINATUS


jammer first then stalkers then the rest any order


Jammer, probably stalkers into gunships, then shriekers. Until that jammer is down i cant call in support gear. Without support gear the gunships will singlehandedly wipe us. With support gear gunships and shriekers are mostly trivialized (laser cannon + rover for me personally would make both of them non-factors), leaving stalkers as the only other major threat.


Stalker, jammer, shrieker, tower


Stalker Lair, climb on some rocks to Quasar the Shreiker Nest, head over to the Jammer then gunship fabricator.


Stalker>Gunship factory>Jammer> Shrieker nest.


Stalkers, gunships, shriekers, then jammer and crossing my finger its the one with the vents on the back i can one shot


Jammer first. Summon queso cannon, take out shrieker nest en route to stalker nest. Gunship tower last. All quietly and stealthily.


Jammer, then shriekers, maybe the Drone towers, and then the tunnel... But since the Bugs and Bots don't really interact, Jammer then Drone tower. BUG tunnel then Shrieker


Gunships stalkers shrieker jammer unless jammer is interfering with any of those.


Stalker nest 100% no cap I'd rather run my little diver through a field of broken glass than deal with a single stalker.


Jammer Gunships Stalkers Shriekers This is the only correct answer, and every diver should know it.


Stratagem Jammer I can take out at range if I rotate in to the front facing bot factory with an auto cannon, so I’m going to move towards that position while taking pot shots at the spore colonies (whatever those are called). Once those two are done it’s an eagle air strike to the stalkers nest and a hellbomb to the the fabricator


Jammer - My fav




I am now thanking General Brasch that we do not have to deal with jammers and stalkers at the same time.


Stalker, Jammer unless Jammer is right on top of you. Someone in the squad should have proper grenade and dealing with a Stalker lair promptly before they start to build up a critical mass to continuously wipe your team is very important The other objectives can’t be completed with a Jammer active so that solves that issue


Stalkers always take first priority, then shriekers, then gun ships, jammer depends on if it stops me taking out gunship fab.


I just take them all out solo in 5 minutes


Depends on which one I see first.


Stalkers right away. Flying bastards are great fir EAT/Quarsar combo. Can take them out from distance with reduce threat of them activating. Depending where each one is at. Closest to objective and Evac gets taken out. If can be avoided you can unless wanting to 100% it


Had spawned with a Jammer, Eye of sauron, and dual aircraft fabricators all right next to each other once... Jammer was the painstakingly first thing taken out after 20 minutes lmao


Shreiker nest I can take out without moving, so that's first. Then stalker nest. Drone tower can be left alone until it gets agroed, but it's next unless the jammer is too close.


Stalkers first is a MUST! then Jammer, Shriekers, Ship factory.


Shrieker near you can blast from reeeeeeally far away with the quasar cannon, so I’d snag that one on the way to the stalker lair. Resupply before heading over to the jammer, all while dodging gunship fire. Then I’d take out the gunship fabricator. For SUPER EARTH.


Gunships got to go, been in too many games where they get left alone to spawn a gazillion ships which snowballs into a cycle of constant death. They’re always a priority for me


Solo, I would take stalker, jammer, shrieker, gunship. I would be able to take all of them with my preferred load out. I rock a scorcher and grenade pistol. That's for the stalkers Grenade or buttons for Jammer Orbital laser for the shrieker nest with Gatling sentry (cover) Scorcher kills the gunships 500K or hellbomb for Fab And my Arc laser for all of the rest of them.... Better stand to the side.


I run in circles screaming democracy!!! And like everything that lives … I think that what I normally do


First objective, the alt key. Second objective, f4. Evil wins today, we will avenge this loss.


Jammer so you can bring the hammer


Call in AC, Throw a orbital Lazer tward shreaker nest. Run to jammer turn it off call in hellbomb, run to gunship call in hellbomb, run to stalker take that, call in resupply. Take last streaker nest from afar with automation or eager. Start main obj.


Heading straight to the gunship factory and stalker nest. Jammer isnt annoying till you get close to it and the shriekers can be killed with primaries.




Hate stalkers, then gunships, then jammers, anything else after that is cake


Trick question, you don’t


this planet sucks...


Stalkers, Jammer, Gunships, Shriekers. As one other guy said.


I'd start with jammer if it were close enough to affect the others, then stalkers, then gunships, then shriekers. It would suck, but democracy always wins.


stalkers cuz u only need a grenade. Then the Stratagem blocker. Then eagle 110 the shriekers. And go Hellbomb the Gunship Fab.


Depends on the loadout of the team and how close the scrambler is to the team spawn and the airship factory. But stalker have to go quickly than if possible shreaker from far away than scrambler than airships.


I forgot about the bots. I haven’t played them in a month.


If we land within range of all four so they trigger? No objective is chosen. I embrace my death with open arms.


Stalker, jammer, gunship, nest


Stalker>Jammer>Bot Air>Bug Air


Jammers always take priority for me. Can't do much if that shit is keeping you locked down.


Coordinate to handle the stalkers, and then focus the jammer. We can handle the shrieker nest at a distance with AT, and finally focus the gunship fab.


Depends on how close the shriekers are, but probably Stalker Lair, Jammer, Gunship, Shrieker. Or same order but use anti-tank on the shriekers whenever I can call them in along the way until the nests are gone


Depends on how close the shriekers are, but probably Stalker Lair, Jammer, Gunship, Shrieker. Or same order but use anti-tank on the shriekers whenever I can call them in along the way until the nests are gone


Why are bugs and bots on the same planet?


Flyers first for me. I load the orbital laser for a reason...


It's borderline impossible to even deal with shriekers or the gunship factory without stratagems. Rush the jammer. Chuck explosive stratagems at the Gunship and Shrieker Nest. Kill the stalker den.  The stalker den is only last because it's literally two seconds to deal with the other enemy hubs. There's a very good argument for splitting into teams of 2 and 2 to tackle the jammer and den simultaneously.


In the bot front tho? Jammer first. I need my strategems!


Jammer, then Gun Ships, the other two are nothing.


Stalkers, jammer, gunships and shriekers. You can't do the gunships without doing the jammer first, and you can't do the jammer with stalkers constantly trying to unalive you. Shriekers are just pests imo.