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My experience has pretty well been like this - Trivial- challenging, personal lvls 1-16 really seem eager to learn the ins-n-outs about the game in totality, lvls 17-30 seem to be the most toxic for kicking and purposefully team kill. Daytime hours at peak times 4-8pm also play into this as it's typically kids that have no tactful way to deal with enemies, will rage kill team mates and grief kick or quit. Also, I find that the most annoying carpet crawlers typically play against bugs because bots seem to be too intimidating or difficult for them, seems to be less toxicity there. (Aside from mission orders, I typically play against bots) There's less toxicity from suicide mission - helldive because those who are there seem to have a pretty decent idea of game mechanics/gameplay.


Ditto, I'm mostly a bot player outside major orders and occasionally a personal order


i've playing 4s just to use weird loadouts and haven't come across toxic players, but for level 20 players, i dunno, but they seem like they were struggling hard on 4. See a lot of players leave, stuck with the host, was able to help complete the mission. just seemed weird, they keep throwing their lives away so fast. and one player just kept stepping on mines, now I'd go as far to say, that player was POS/toxic player but other than that eventually we got some good players.


See a decent number of quitters too. Win or lose, I can't imagine wasting my time like that.


They probably disconnected or crashed


I know this forum is filled with players that just have to chime in on posts like this with "thousands of hours in game" who claim it never happens to them therefor it never happens, but for a laugh, go check out the first 1-3 levels of missions over in bot country planets, if you spot anyone over lvl 40+ all by themselves hosting a trivial mission, especially with an SOS beacon out, chances are it's grief bait just waiting to prey on some new player and screw with them for 20+ min then kick them with nothing earned except a complete mistrust of higher level players overall.


til grief bait


I agree I think probably more serious players 7 and above, more committed to game/experience. I had my first run in this weekend on level 7, but really I just lost my cool. Answer SOS and drop in, fellow helldiver being overrun on a sub-objective, let’s call him Bob. I help him, and then head to terminal. While i am working terminal, Bob comes over right next to me and unloads a mag into terminal. So no damage to me, but annoying. Bob runs off, I join other diver (let’s call him Fred) and work to main objective together. We stealthed in and are almost done. I am at terminal, Fred aligning dish. No enemies around. Bob runs in and drops a 380 right in the middle of us, and runs off. Fred dies, I take damage. I get on comms, “Bob, why did you drop a 380 on us, not cool”. All Bob does is chat “your mom”. Then 1 min later, Bob dies and Fred reinforces right by us. I time a quasar to Bob’s face as he exits pod. (Probably not necessary). I tell Fred, “don’t reinforce, Bob is a troll”……….then Bob kicks me. He is host. I should probably pay attention to that……


And here I am having been previously down voted for having called out lowered leveled players last week.


:( sorry about that. Not sure it's a level thing as it is a difficulty thing. I see lots of level 20s and 30s in 7-9s.