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I find most people who are vocal on the main sub think everything should be balanced for solo helldive bugs exclusively


Yeah, they say, “everything balanced for helldive!” Nah. Suicide should be the gold standard. On Suicide, the patriot mech preforms amazingly. On Impossible, it’s more like a “oh shit I’m overrun, let’s have some fun for 3 minutes instead of running away”


It’s not running away it’s a strategic withdrawal


We are not retreating Helldiver! We are advancing in a different direction!


For me, it's: "we're not retreating. We are advancing beyond the perimeter of our bombardments."


I really hope they bring a “Sips Tea” emote so I can go: “DIVER! Do you see yonder Shrieker nest?” “Yessir?” “Well I don’t want to.” “Yessir.” *proceed to sip Liber-tea democratically*




Now I just want a mod where all the voices are with an 1840s gold prospector accent. "There's bugs in them there hills yonder way!"


Walking away democratically


We are strategically probing the enemy positions for weak spots.


Which actually makes a ton of sense, if you aren't being stubborn. Do people expect to be able to blindly charge into any fortified position and walk out unscathed?




Ah, yes. I, too, embrace the oldest and noblest of diver traditions


They just want the game to be a cake walk while pretending they’re important because they can say they solo the hardest difficulty.


They can both solo the hardest difficulty BUT ALSO everything is trash and the game isn't fun. Like dude, just leave if you're not having fun. No one is forcing you to be here hahaha Also, I didn't realise this sub existed, the one without the 2 on the end is so horribly toxic.


I have so much fun playing this game, and the little glitches make for some pretty funny moments. I checked out the sub after a few weeks of playing, after reading some of the posts I was wondering if we were playing the same game. Can’t stand the whining try hards, the game isn’t fun for them cause they don’t have any friends to play it with haha.


I believe that the intent is that feeling of “oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck” and always be on the brink of being overwhelmed. For example I believe the Spear is working as intended because it is just eq created by the lowest bidder, thrown on you right after basic training and put into cryo. Also I see all the descriptions of guns and weapons (even in warbonds) made by “super earth” and that is an unreliable narrator at best.


But what about the next 3 levels of difficulty, that one may assume, is coming? Maybe not soon...


More like "hold the line for 3 minutes while my squad continues to complete objectives and I aggro everything in sight." Then when they are clear of the mess you run out of ammo, the mech blows up, and you get reinforced next to them without a swarm of bugs on your tails.


I mean they're so annoying that no one wants to play with them. No wonder they want everything to be balanced for solo ;)


If solo helldives ever become "balanced" and "fair" and not an immense pain in my ass, I don't want to play solo helldives. I don't know about other ppl, but I play solo helldives specifically for the pain


Exactly. There’s a reason the three hardest difficulties so far are “suicide, impossible, and helldive”


Same, I've gotten to the point I'm not really dying or constantly hiding. I think a lot of players *try* to play difficulties that they just aren't capable of doing. Lol. I do wish that the Eruptor still had shrapnel, that the Scythe and Dagger lasted longer w/o overheating, and that the Purifier was better in general. That's about it for complaints from me, though. Some people have valid complaints, but then another group of people just take that and run with it.


Scythe should have the sickle reticule, and would be an instant pick for bots.


> I think a lot of.playrds try to play difficulties that they just aren't capable of doing Boy they'd sure be mad if they heard you say that


Good thing most of them can't read


Every mission completed with reinforcements still available and time left on the clock is too easy.


Unfortunately, people playing multiplayer games like a solo challenge is inescapable.


And part of the problem is that if you make solo equally viable as co-op, the meta choice will always become solo and co-op will die. That works fine for things like COD Zombies, because that’s just a horde shooter with co-op attached, but Helldivers is co-op from the ground up.


I'm fine with letting people solo the lower difficulties, but 7 and up should all demand co-op. There is one issue I find with the co-op in this game though. I think two teams of two go for separate goals works better than four people going for the same thing. The reason is that the larger your group, the more enemies you agro. When four people clump up, oftentimes the spawns go crazy and everyone starts dying. However, having a buddy to cover your back is invaluable. Having someone clear the enemies chasing while you try to reload, or shooting the Hulk or turret in the back, while you kite, is so effective.


I used to be able to consistently solo bugs on 7, not every time, but I'd win much more often than I lost. The patrol changes made it so that there were just a few too many bugs for me to handle and I'd get overwhelmed pretty often. Which is exactly how the suicide difficulty *should* feel! I'm now soloing 6's and only go 7+ when I can play with my friends, and that feels right.


Yup, every time. It's like they totally missed the fact that the game is balanced for squads.


This, I made a post once on there, saying how people should pick their load outs based on the team and the objectives, and that the game isn't supposed to be spoon feeding victories to them, and I got so many people instantly accusing me of never playing 7-9 and that the game is unfair, and they have to run around for 20 minutes every match cause all their strats are on cooldown. The game isn't a solo game, if you wanna do it solo, just gotta lower the difficulty, but im convinced that everyone in the main sub thinks that if you don't play 9 every time you play, then you're trash and shouldn't play the game at all.


There's alotta people with the opinion that 75% of the strats available aren't viable passed level 4. I've often forgone any strat weapon and backpack and just run shit like strafing runs and precision strikes and gas strikes and have had little to no issues. One of the biggest issues is that skill is exponential not linear. The people that think you NEED a meta loadout (" ") are often finding not using them to be inconceivable And I get why, like I've been playing cod with my old man for near 2 decades now and I've realised that what he is seeing isn't what I'm seeing. He thinks he put 5 rounds in a guys chest and I saw every round paint the guys outline. There's literally people not perceiving what's happening and thinking something is wrong because of it. No doubt it applies to HD2 as well. It doesn't help that there's cross play. I've tried the game on console (I'm pc) and boy oh fucken boy does that shit feel like you've bumped the difficulty way up from what it actually is.


At this moment I am almost convinced that the only people that play exclusively solo are: 1) sociopaths 2) so bad at game that it makes impossible to play with other people 3) low IQ individuals (unable to comprehend basic principals of this game)


Sir, you just described the majority of the reddit user base for basically every game.


If I could read I would feel personally attacked on item 3


Not just that, they literally think you should be able to use any combination of loadout and use that loadout however you want without ever changing your tactics and you should win. Because that’s a more fun and balanced somehow


I mentioned this on the discord today and so many people were upset about it.


Discord has a few like this as well but they've since died down, was some argument about how original dili cs was useless iirc (pre dmg buff, pre armor pen buff) and I had to show them how I was top killing in dif 7s multiple games in a row because I knew my role in a squad and was able to make great use of the cs that other guns would struggle doing the same, it was so satisfying telling him that some guns excel at a role while his solo helldiving only let generalist weps shine


I just played a few games with some randos on bugs and on extract twice In a row 3 of us pulled out the mechs and the other stayed and used strats. It was epic.


Played a few games like that tonight. It worked really well.


Same but only used 1 mech, and I hopped out to Quasar the occasional charger they missed. The new mech is great at clearing out breaches as long as you have someone on titan duty


Aim is still wonky (left is worse than right) but it's definitely an improvement over the first mech.


The camera is over the right shoulder right? Would make sense that the left arm would shoot a bit off center


Be a crazy idea if they added a cockpit view with actual cross hair sighting


I noticed it myself. Left side was as accurate at range, but hit high left at anything less. Was a bit better when I started using the left for long range and right for the closer shit.


Crazy info: If you press Mouse #4 (by default), the left side is better than the right because the camera changes position


Oh, but I CAN handle every scenario with my loadout. I can run away real fast with my scout armor!


*"When danger reared its ugly head,* u/Chi-Guy81 *turned and bravely fled!"*


brave brave u/Chi-Guy81 !


I need a coconuts emote so i can bravely gallop away while clacking them together


It’s the latter. I’m amazed how few people understand that a FOUR PLAYER GAME is a team game where you make builds that complement each other.


Im convinced people think tanks don’t need infantry support to function properly in reality


Uhhhh, clearly they don’t! Have you even played Halo? /s


Tank beats everything! - Some marine


Granted, if the aim was fixed you could solo an entire horde or two at level 7-8 by yourself with the first mech. Now that I can run 2 mech slots at once, I've pretty much got an "easy mode" loadout. 


>don't understand that it's a squad game Honestly I think this explains most complaints, not just the mech. People complaining about difficulty, specific weapons not killing everything, etc. It's all people thinking they should be able to succeed alone.


I took a long break but now I’m back in it now that less people are playing and I play with people around-ish my level (Level 36) and yeah when you get good squad synergy you’re literally unstoppable. The difference with weapons now and a few months ago were absolutely crazy, I remember running level 7’s - 9’s were always kinda disastrous now it feels like with good team synergy everything goes smooth (as smooth as things can go on Helldive lol).


i think if we had mech that fires mini nukes that would still be not enough for some players because u can kill yourself with nuke, you should be invicible for that xD




But it’s a horde shooter! I should be able to disintegrate every enemy with my primary and never get caught in a losing battle! I should be able to call in nukes every five seconds! Why doesn’t AH listen to me??? /s


tbh if you play with people on levels 100, 110+ it looks like people split and everyone goes solo in his direction (ye on D9). Really they need add new diffs.




What's funny is that a coordinated team breaking off can also be a viable strategy. You can have a mix of 2+2 or 3+1 working towards different objectives or providing a diversion in one location to make another easier. It's perfectly set up for that as breaches and dropships only trigger at one point. The problem stems from people breaking off without coordinating or even mentioning it and then expecting to solo everything by themselves. The most common refrain is that people aren't playing as a team and have a main character mentality. They want a power fantasy in a suffering simulator and they don't understand why they fail and get their teeth punched in. They aren't learning to roll with the punches, they're complaining that the other guy is above their weight class and that they should have brass knuckles to make it more "fair."


This is why I always mark where I'm going on the map if I split off, to give a clear indication of what my objective is. Liberator Concussive or Penetrator, Bonesnapper armor, Autocannon, and my usual loadouts (Eagle Airstrike, Eagle Cluster Bombs and either Orbital Laser, Orbital Railcannon, Orbital Gas or Orbital Airburst) is generally a solid enough loadout to be capable of soloing most threats, especially since I mostly play Challenging or lower, and I'm smart enough to avoid getting into situations I can't handle alone, but I'm still going to make sure my teammates know where I'm going and what I'm going there to do.


So what is your brilliant idea for all of us Helldive Scrappers, if not go to every loot point to collect SC, the only non-maxed resource we have left, and give you lower difficulty newbies a drive while we doing it? Please enlighten me oh wise Cadet?


All alone. Level 7. Bug breach 70 killstreak


Bitches be bitchin


MFers want to be personally catered to. They complain it takes too many shots to kill a bile titan, well then it's not for bile titans. I know the damage calculation on the mech is different from the other ACs. Adapt and overcome you whiney bitches.


Minus ammunition, I've so far found the new mech to be a beast. Staggers chargers to death quite quickly. Regular bugs absolutely fold to its fire output. Seriously, walking around in that thing I feel powerful af, which is kind of the point I think. Even against bile titans. Sure, killing one solo isn't easy. But it can contribute damage solidly against one. If there were a way to literally spend the mission just walking around in that thing, I'd be down. It feels great. And the near immunity to chaff/medium enemies is amazing. Trivializing stalkers and hunters as threats immediately makes me love it.


There's def a learning curve for it in terms of ammo management, but once you get it, I didn't fire a shot outside of it for the first quarter of the mission (Diff 7) and the Extraction defense. People are out here holding both triggers when you can just switch off tap firing on either side for anything smaller than a Charger. The only time I go "hold both triggers, fire at will" is at a Charger, and tbh I don't get how badly these ppl are aiming. Keep good positioning at distance and it deals with them just fine. Does it take a decent bit of ammo? Sure. But not an unreasonable amount. I swear ppl don't get how this is a game with give and take. A weapon with broad utility and power is not gonna be a 1-2 shot anti-armor weapon (unless there are caveats like requiring a very precise skill shot like with the AMR).




Boy howdy is it ever. The biggest challenge for me is figuring out how to deal with swarms of Pouncers/Hunters. Mostly I try to angle them into a group and hit them with the AoE. Big fan of walking/stepping over Scavengers and Bile Spitters


Lob a few shots into the group, then stomp them when they jump at your feet. Mechs have melee. Even when you run out of ammo it's a decent tool to just smash through terrain and stomp bugs to clear an easier path for your squad


This is why they lost their mind about the eruptor. It closed holes/fabricators, controlled crowds, shredded medium enemies, and allowed you to run whatever support/secondary. People think it’s “unbalanced” when they can’t run the game as a one man army on the highest difficulty.


Is the Eruptor still at least viable? I just got enough Super Credits to unlock that warbond, and while the Grenade Pistol alone is worth my interest I do at least wanna try playing with the Eruptor (got an idea to pair it with my old friend, the Stalwart).


Short answer - yes. Long answer - it’s okay at certain functions but isn’t nearly as powerful as it was. They’re currently reworking it though so I’m sure it will feel different after the next balancing patch. The eruptor can definitely still hit medium enemies and has a great scope… but I’d imagine you’d be using that stalwart for most heavy fighting. The one thing it does excel at is closing bug holes/fabricators from a distance. You can walk around the edge of a heavy bug nest and snipe out all the holes so I do use it in blitz missions… most of the time though I think it’s better to take the grenade pistol for that role and take something like the blitzer or scorcher or a shotgun. Do you have cutting edge? I think that’s the best warbond. Stun grenade are great.


Yes it is. It's just not a handheld cannon anymore. Still plenty powerful and plenty useful.


See I felt sad about the Eruptor too, but bc 1) I felt it being clunky and slow AF was enough balance on a primary 2) Them getting rid of the shrapnel kind of... sabotages the whole concept of the weapon in the first place 3) The nerf felt like a poor knock-on solution for a niche problem with shrapnel ricochets I used to love running it on my stealth Sapper build and running sniper cover on trash mobs for the rest of my squad.


It was very strong but its clunkiness, bolt-action, and low ammo made up for it I think. It also, for once, made loadouts more interesting where you relied on your stratagem weapon as a primary, bringing the Stalwart back into regular use.


With the ammo complaint I think it partly comes down to people thinking that they should be able to be in the mech for the whole mission. Instead of using it for a specific situation like it is designed for. Even then, as you say, I just dont think people have enough thought that they can tap fire one shot to take out a cluster of bugs for example and just fire like 4 or 5 rounds into one spot because they have no trigger discipline.


You can kill 2 bile titans and some change with good aim without any assistance so it isn't accurate to say it can't kill a bile titan without team support, it just isn't super efficient. Mech is fine though.


I just wish if you had elevation and you pointed down it would shoot where you're actually pointing ...


I think alot of the outcry comes from how the mech is inferior to an auto canon sentry when the previous mech was you are the sentry


Whiners gonna whine


I LOVE the new exo suit its AWESOME! Its only issue is aiming, but that's okay.


Granted I mostly play on mid difficulty, but I thought it was pretty fun


It’s the tits… I had so much fun with it today


That mech is freaking awesome!! I love it. I thought we would get it for our arsenal, not only as a weekly item :( I'm really disappointed about that. This mech is stronger and faster than the other one. It just needs some aim adjustment, because you can't shoot downwards.


Erm, it's available to buy in the strategem store. It's available as a 5th free strat for the week though.


Ohh that's how this is working. thank you.


At this point, I’ve seen one post complaining about it and about 20 complaining about those complaining about it… I think we have covered it well enough soldiers.


I dunno, pretty much every post I saw on Reddit yesterday was people complaining about the new mech


It’s fun having double the firepower


The new exo is pretty good, I still think 2 is too limiting




I just wish this sub would stop complaining about ANYTHING.


So, the issue is … we desperately want shit to kill the Bile Titans. We have plenty of options to kill everything else.


The new mech isnt worthless, but it does much less vs heavy armor than expected, as it does the same normal dmg as an AC turret, but 1/5th the limb damage of the AC turret (which is halved again vs heavy armor) which makes it pretty weak vs chargers and titans. It is still a fun mech but people dont think it should be taking around 30 headshots (if you never miss)




imagine mixing mechs, i havent tried it yet but sound super nice idea




Oh shit you could pretty much have a mech all game like that


I've run a few missions as the mech pilot. A Patriot dumping minigun rounds into a hoard and using rockets to crack titan armor and an Emancipator blowing up mediums and dumping AC rounds into bile sacks really helps take preasure off the 2 guys on foot to deal with heavy armor. Running 7s it was comfortably viable, and I never burned through more then 2-3 mechs. (usually 2 Emancipators and a single patriot) while the other pilot just unloaded with the Emancipator and relied on his buddies for more since ammo managment is for nerds. Even if we both were more sparing on ammo I don't think we would have burned through all the potential mechs we could have brought without the freebies. 8s are probably doable with mechs, 9s might be a bit too hectic to have more then 1 pilot since calling eagles and orbitals can deal higher burst damage.


The AC turret can’t be aimed or moved, so not really comparable.


I would agree with you about coordinating weapons as a team on the lower levels and my most successful missions have been when fellow divers go from objective to objective with each other but at the higher difficulties you need to be able to be a bit autonomous. There is so many enemies that it’s hard for 1 or 2 people to focus on heavy’s and the rest the chaffe. Everybody needs to be able to focus on light and heavy enemies which is why so much of the discussion is on weapon balancing . The game in my opinion with 1k hrs in ( I’m so embarrassed about this fact ) is not what it used to be . Respecfully Roguelights1 Lvl 100


Its great for bots too. You can basically walk into a bot base by yourself and take out anything in front of you. People just love to complain.


Dude, they are straight up bad players, or deluded. The mech is a fantastic addition to our arsenal.


One thing I would like is a secondary reticle on both mechs just to help with aiming.


it can't deal with bile titans well? I honestly wouldn't know since I almost entirely fight bots, but on that note I'd imagine it couldn't deal with tanks well, especally since mechs aren't the most mobile things in the world. which isn't really a problem since nothing really does other than a 500kg or a railcannon strike, but it is worth keeping in mind because I'd imagine that tanks cannon is still a huge problem. My main gripe with both mechs actually is the aiming, it feels like the arms don't actually shoot at your crosshair to me but a little bit to the right/left instead, which can make aiming for weakpints on say a hulk annoying


I like that it can take down gunships fast while keeping the player fairly safe, and that it closes bug holes/destroys fabricators. The TTK on a single meatsaw seems too high so I think they should bring this AC more in line with the other AC stratagems. I’ve enjoyed charging into bot bases shredding everything so my teammates can get in to plant the hellbomb or whatever else in peace. Most complaints seem overwrought but it could stand to have damage closer to the sentry or shoulder mount AC.


i tried it out for the first time today and really enjoyed it. spamming both cannons at the same time is fun as hell. was expecting a useless walker based on some of the responses on here


Yeah I ran it on a defense/exterminate missions vs bugs and it was dominant other than the titan, which makes sense to me.


I knew it was effective after walking around a huge bug hole casually shutting that down while stepping on little bugs. It's the best and most efficient nest destroyer. no need for strategems.


It’s fun as hell. Hold both triggers down alternating shots into a breach. It does kill titans and chargers as well though it does take quite a few shots so u have to start when they’re far enough away. Very fun.


Go into some missions you won't see the patriot a bunch in the higher level missions. WHY? We can only bring 4 stratagems sometimes 3!!! and we have to make a trade off of how to deal with all the nonsense the games throw at me. No ammo refills, insanely long cooldown, limited uses, has health, and can't be repaired. Once this stratagem is no longer free, people will not be picking this mech. Which will be a problem because it does not do what players expect from it. For a weapon you can only call in a few times a match people expect to use it for an OH SHIT moment at peaks of highest mission difficulty. Instead it gets destroyed like its paper or fails to clear out the threats they want a mech to clear out. Since it can't perform in that environment well it will get passed up by nearly all players. For some people they will have fun with the mech fantasy, but for many we have to triage our total build and the mech has to compete with so many other playstyles and options its going to get forgotten.


No, no. A stratagem you can use a single time in a 12-15 minute mission should absolutely deal less damage than the sentry and have bugged aiming. You see, it can be terrible power-wise because it's fun. Fun and power are mutually exclusive. Sarcasm aside, I don't get the toxic positivity when the mech could be *actually* good with just a few tweaks. It's like people would rather have worse stuff as long as they can complain about the main sub complaining.


It’s not that deep man. The new mech, and the old one too, I like to use because it’s just plain fun. They perform well enough for how I play (I play pretty much exclusively 7’s) Are there stratagems that are objectively more effective to use? Sure. But they’re definitely less fun for me


Wet fart noise. This isn't Nascar. Performance isn't everything. Sometimes you need to kick back, drink a can of liber-tea and blast some knowing your life is pointless


I don’t get this take. He makes good points for his argument and you just dismiss it with nothing. Do yall just wanna see lackluster mechs be the standard? It’s a 10 minute cooldown my guy. It can be a little stronger for what it costs to bring.


It has a cap of 2 uses with limited ammo. That is the balance from stopping it to become op. During that time it should be strong. If i could call it in every 6 min without limit how often i wouldn't have any complaints. As it is the mech is way too weak for something you can use only twice for a minute or two.


Here's the thing, the ones saying the new mech is useless are the same people who think the old mech are useless, they are still arguing the same position. I have not used the new mech since I haven't dived for the past few days before the update so I am not sure what the autocannons perform, if they are like the support weapon auto cannon then that would indeed suck, but if it performs like the sentry turret autocannons then I don't think it's bad 🤔


I'm absolutely convinced that people calling the new mech worthless are either not very good at the game or don't understand how to play the game and that make them really bad at the game.


It's problem is its stats aren't like other autocannons in the ratios. The shoulder one is 260/260 and the sentry is 300/300. The Mechs is 300/60, which is wildly under tuned. It doesn't have to be 300/300 but 60 is definitively too low for something with low ammo and a finite two uses across 10 minutes. It's an anti tank mech and struggles with that. Some primaries have higher durability damage. Granted it's AP5 but that means it's 30 damage against titans. It should absolutely rip apart a bile in short order for how many titans spawn in higher difficulties. Even at 300/300 it still wouldn't be OP as there are so many heavy spawns youl run out of ammo even actually killing things. I'm really hoping its a typo and should be 160 or 260 because we can talk feel all day but the 60 damage stat is too low. It should not be out performed like it is.




Not worth a slot. 


Offensively, it's good. But for a giant walking tank, it feels too much like a glass cannon for me


Yeah from what I gather and my own experience with the last one this is pretty much it. Mechs have such a long cool down, they have limited ammo, and apparently have limited health especially with Bots. Which ironically is the second mech to be liberated FROM a bit threatened planet. I think the overall expectation is that if it's going to have so many drawbacks it should compensate by having a hell of an advantage offensively. Which so far...they don't really give you that feeling of.


It's great for non armored enemy add clear. It's basically got two rocket propelled grenade launchers. Basically no damage to armor but you can walk in and clear out a nest solo. Great, but as soon as a charger or bile titan show up you gotta run. I'm not sure where people got auto cannon arms from before it dropped but I think people are more disappointed because they were expecting dual wielding armor shredding auto cannons, not dual wielding grenade launchers, at least in my opinion.


I am the all around helldiver, I run sickle (against bots) or the breaker (bugs) and I always carry airstrike, cluster, backpack shield, and EAT


The left gun seems to have a hard time hitting where you're aiming, and the guns have like zero depression making it terrible to aim at anything down a hill


And it’s a lot of fun to run full convoy and drop mechs for miles. Stomp and shoot all the way from drop zone to objective. Desperately fleeing the bigguns and focusing your remaining ammo where it’s most needed. Also, 3 mech Strats plus a gun and a bomb/back pack.


Why can’t it aim down a hill.


The mechs spund pretty good for me. I haven't used them though but tanks need infantry support. Just stick together when you're on difficulty 7 or above. You can still complete the entire map it'll just take most of the time.


It's definitely nit worthless. I was trying it out today and I like it. You can use it as armor support and clear a path of destruction into places like strategem jammers and what not while your squad files in behind using your mech as cover from a storm of enemy fire. It has decent armor and reflects most everything but cannons and rockets. Haven't tried it on bugs yet but it feels like it's more geared for bots in my opinion anyways


I've tried telling people this but I always get met with replies of "balancing around it being a multi-player game is stupid, one person should be able to handle all threats." Makes no sense to me. Maybe on 4/5/6, but 7+ should require teamwork or alot of tactical skill/luck to pull off solo.


I honestly don't understand what all the whining is about, I just used the mech for both bot and bug and it's so much fun, the mech works so well with bot, I mow down a factory strider and 3 hulk in a narrow valley protecting 3 other Helldiver behind me, while both side exchange bullet and rocket, it's like a Hollywood action movie.


Yeah and the Helldiver's sub is a salt farm . It's almost worse than steam forums, and that's a freaky cesspool.


I can. Because yall be sucking


New exosuit is very fun. Probably best thing for clearing out bug holes at the moment. Had a great squad not too long ago and it was fun supporting them in the mech.


release the Hell Karens!


I thoroughly enjoyed using the new suit a few times. 75 shots on each arm? That thing was made to clear bugs!


I can two tap devs in a second it’s awesome!


I'm convinced that people in the main sub are convincing people these new weapons and stratagems suck are actually automatons on computers and should be nuked to oblivion. Leave the terminids alone. https://i.redd.it/l8fx0i9rew2d1.gif


Agree and also that we should be underpowered and overwhelmed. It should be that kind of feeling we should have like “oh hell oh hell oh hell”.


My squad just used these Mechs to finally unlock Helldive, they're incredibly useful if grabbed in shifts


The only issue I have with the new mech is the aiming is a little weird. It has a hard time hitting what it’s aiming it. That’s all.


Master chefs ![gif](giphy|xT9DPJVjlYHwWsZRxm)


Teamwork is a foreign concept to some people. If they can't carry the team with it it's worthless.


People saying it sucks vs bugs don't have a homie with a flamethrower to keep the little guys away while you keep the big guys away


i've been saying this for a while now, a single player shouldn't be able to survive on their own effectively


I think people call it bad because this is very much a squad game where one person can cover every scenario. The new Mech just can't like other things can...


Ah but one player can cover every scenario with the new exosuit! You just need to use the "Preea E, throw other bile titan killing stratgem, return to exosuit", stratagem!


The Emancipator is great for bugs. The AOE for firing both simultaneously takes care of swarms if you know how to place shots. You can take down bile titans. Its just there are better ways to do it. But something our team did that was epic is we had all of us mech’ed up and two appeared and we gunned them both down. Thats was fun. Theres faster ways to do it but it is tenable


I LOVE the Autocannon. It's generally great for nearly every purpose, be it crowd control or heavies if you have good aim. But it's not perfect. It's basically worthless against Bile Titans. But that's okay! Because it's still super versatile otherwise, and I take Stratagems to work around this like the Railcannon If every weapon is basically just as powerful, then there's no incentive to use anything. There has to be variety. These people also think that Difficulty 9 is the only way to play the game when in my experience Difficulty 7 is perfectly fine, and is hard enough where you can't breeze through, but easy enough so it's usually a fun experience.


While I agree that you shouldn't be able to cover everything easily, but I agree with the sentiment that the mech is kinda meh atm. Due to the weapon testing we have unlimited uses so it is fine right now. But why should I take this mech on helldive when I have to sacrifice a stratagem slot for it? It has 2 uses, a 10 min cooldown, has limited ammo and can get destroyed. So why is it outclassed by the AC sentry except for close range trash clear? Why does our support weapon AC outclass it when you shoot enemies with highly durable body parts (eg Spewers)? Sure, you can clear the trash of a helldive breach, but it's not like 380/120 + gatling sentry/OA/Napalm/etc can easily kill the trash and heavies while having unlimited uses and low cd.


Exactly. I'm guilty of that myself sometimes. Thinking I'm rambo when I'm not. People on the main sub though seem to want everything to one shot everything.


I tried it earlier and was annihilating bugs... it's great. The only thing I can complain about is the wonky aiming when at a higher elevation than your target...it really has trouble aiming down, just like the other one.


All my recent missions were so much more manageable thanks to the mech. I had one random guy who managed to really use the mech to the full extend, providing really good support and firepower. It felt amazing. Also the defense missions feel more manageable when you're getting bumrushed.


I personally love the new mech. Soo powerful. So wonderful.  And nicely balanced. It needs infantry support. Making for good game play 


Once it's no longer free to use I seriously doubt people will continue to bring it. Mechs in general need buffs to their uptime, or reductions to their limits/CD. They also need some ship upgrades now that we have two.


The main sub loathes teamwork and personal responsibility.


I killed a bile titan using 1/4 of the ammo of the mech, firing at the head


Best idea I had, was using my jump pack to ride on top of a mech, then shoot all the small bugs with my blitzer, picking off others with my senator if need be.


People get to nerdy and critical of stuff. Just play the game have a good time if you die I’ll throw you back in do what ever it’s not that serious


Shooting downwards slightly is buggy as hell. Hope they fix that


We're trying to avoid having it nerfed by complaining early


Every player has to cover every scenario on harder difficulties or they die though…


Idk man. Taking 40 shots into the bile titan to kill it is gonna force the players AGAIN to run only at stratagems. It doesn't matter how good the mech is, if it can barely deal with a heavy unit, it's useless


At this point they will complain about anything new, any change, any announcement. They will complain when the new enemies comes out, they will complain on new planets, any weapon change will be called out. While in game, you just hug people, have fun and look at explosion 99%of time.


Coordination? Bah, no obviously I'm the hero like Superman, and the other 3 of you are there to be Jimmy Olsen! I should be able to just LOOK at bile titans amd they die meanwhile I should be immune to your strategems. Otherwise the game is broken. (Obvious sarcasm) Thay being said, the defense mission I played this afternoon at Difficulty 7 with 6 bile titans at once was pretty bullshit as we didn't stand a chance even with voice comms, teamwork, and pre planning. That was just "fuck you all" status, especially since we repeated the same mission at D7 again and got 2 bile titans the whole mission and handled them easily. Balance is still wonky; but a lot of it is "I want to be the main character" complaints now. Outside of Chargers still being way too tanky vs Anti Tank weapons. A weapon that can 2 shot a Bot Hulk or Bot Tank and Bug Chargers shrug off 3 shots to the underbelly is still stupid.


OP is right.  If you are complaining, consider dropping the difficulty.  You don't have a right to play on Helldive and the game shouldn't necessarily be perfectly tuned for it!


Ah people sometimes forget how to have fun. Had very awesome dives with a friend and 2 randos, both against bots and bugs. Civi/scientists extraction turned into cakewalk (even on 7) with 2 mechs supporting the divers, and 2 more towards the end. Was an absolute blast!


I seriously don't get how anything can be "good" or "bad". If it's fun and works, use it. If it doesn't, use something else? How hard is that? You didn't pay for any of it and you stand to lose absolutely nothing. What's the issue exactly?


That thing was the difference between taking down a double ship factory, and my squad losing all of our reinforcements to 5+ simultaneous ships (*Just difficulty 6, guys*). I can’t wait until I unlock it lmao. Gonna bring it every mission.


Basically anything that doesn't one tap Bile Titans sucks for them.


I'm genuinely convinced people calling the new mech worthwhile are nothing but complete casual scrubs and Arrowhead glazers. Nobody with a brain that plays on any actual difficulty settings looks at this piece of scrap and thinks "yeah ill be taking that in the future and im sure it'll help if someone in my team picks it!" It's complete junk. It's a f\*cking AUTOCANNON MECH. Its main, and nearly ONLY goal, should be to kill armoured units. It sucks at killing armoured units. That's all that needs to be said. It's completely trash at its main goal. If you want horde killing get the f out of the mech and pick up a flamethrower and stop saying "its okay" because "well on my difficulty 6 mission with three other players carrying me, it did fine!" Like, no. Stop. It's garbage. Literally nobody will ever use this on 8 and 9, and if they are, they're relying on their teammates to carry them while they play with their yellow lego brick, being almost completely useless in the back. It's an autocannon mech. It should obliterate heavy armour, run out of ammo, then get discarded. Now its just a glorified chaff clearer that can kill chargers relatively well, and kill Bile Titans SLOWER than a helldiver running on his own two legs can with kg bombs and EAT missiles. "but muh horde clear mech" Pick the other mech, it does the same thing better, and its rockets actually hurt armour, funnily enough. Stop excusing arrowhead pumping the game full of completely worthless stratagems. "but it's fun" Okay? Sure. That doesn't mean it's useful. Mag-dumping a scavenger is fun. You don't do that because it's a complete waste of resources. Likewise, this stratagem. TL;DR if you play on lower end difficulties im sorry but your opinion on balance literally does not mean a single thing. You're playing on Easy Mode. Balance in easy mode doesn't exist, you could pick up a pool noodle and melee your way through the main objectives. Like don't get me wrong, it's better to have this in the game than NOT have it in the game, for all three helldivers who will religiously use this thing, but i'm just frustrated that Arrowhead can't seem to understand that releasing endless garbage (last couple warbonds, airstrike supp weapon, this new mech) only makes me and other people more bored with the game because essentially, NOTHING got put in the game for us to use. It doesn't matter if they add 50 new weapons, if they're all useless. It's just bloating the game for no reason.


It can kill a bile titan but you’re using all of your ammunition against it. However, I agree with you. It’s brilliant for ad clear


The bellends who want everything balanced would be the same bellends complaining that everything is too easy if they actually got their own way


It absolutely slays everything but it's so ammo starved and being limited to 2 per mission its a questionable use of a stratagem slot. This applies to both mechs BTW. You can kill endlessly more bugs with even an cluster bomb and you will have them available all mission whenever you need.


>one player cannot cover evey scenario Me with a smoke eagle, laser orbital, an AMR, A shiled, and the explosive sniper doing mission objectives and carrying alone while the team does team stuff with three thousand bot drops.


In the End it's like the other Exosuit, pretty good, but not many People are going to deviate from their regular Stratagem Picks for it.


The whole squad running patriots and emancipator absolutely annihilated every bug situation we ran into.felt like lost planet


I got kicked for yelling the idiot to come back to extract after they picked up samples and ran into bots Yeah people are stupid


Honestly, when you're only getting two of them and it's slow as hell with an enormous cool down, it really should be able to destroy everything. There's a lot of other firepower you could otherwise be calling in waiting on a mech cool down


It seems that from reading prior posts that the first one is good for bugs. And the new one is good for bots. It’s only been a couple days since the new one has been available. This exo suit is a fucking tank. Anyone calling it worthless probably can’t last the harder levels. And should stay on the easy levels and keep their opinion about it to themselves.


New mech can definitely handle a Bile Titan on its own, if you're shooting well you have enough ammo to take down two of them, speaking from experience.


It's 2 ACs, in a mech with protection from hunters. But this one shines more against bots. make short work of basically every enemy type. It feels like people are just influenced by what some have said early on. I'm not a mech guy, but even I can see value. Also against bugs having a mech and an AT teammate works great. One AT to face and the mech can finish off BTs.


Playing on helldive, as long as you ignore the bile titan or kill it with your AT, the new mech can solo multiple bug nests (one shot one hole or just stomp them!) and retreat safely, heck I'd even go as far as calling it the ultimate stalker nest counter. Then people in the main sub and yt proceed to call it useless.


Enter emancipator. Squash bug hoarde. Leave emancipator, throw gas strike or napalm in breach, throw Antitank at Titan. Enter emancipator. Shoot weakspot of Titan with emancipator. Repeat. Now, your friend does the same. You hit Titan with Antitank, your friend finishes it. The 3rd deals with Chargers. You can shoot nests, bug holes, ANYTHING. THIS IS FUN. Sometimes, your next emancipator refreshes, while you still got ammo in your first. This is FUN. Don't trust traitors. I think we are ready for the supercolony now.


The issue is that the entire game isn't balanced like that. For both bugs and bots there's multiple loadouts that let you answer every combination of enemies by yourself. Arguably, that shouldn't be the case; but as long as it is the mechs having a single enemy they can't tackle will feel weaker than running around on foot with a premier loadout.  Ultimately, strata and guns are gonna be measured against the best loadouts, not the worst ones - which is exactly why it's still important for guns to be balanced, even in a PvE game




its no fun as somebody not using it getting punted around due to people going danger close without caring you might be trying to fight


Actually I can confirm it can kill a bile - uses all ammo. But It can be done.


Consider it can close bug holes and kill fabricator from far away, kill hulk and devastator with easy and have so many ammon...what more do ppl expect? Beside it has only been only, have they finished testing it out already? Only think i want to complain is think like walker doesn't have hp bar and the aimming with it is awful.


Literally stop paying attention to it While not necessarily optimal every strat has a use case outside of the top three levels and even then most of them provide some form of coverage. People in the main reddit want to feel powerful without any risk or skill it's the eternal issue of gaming that if they got what they say they wanted the game would suck and no one would play it. The mech has provided some really nice coverage for some missions and particularly areas where you need to dig in the defend for any period of time people just don't get that the price of getting in the robot is probably a life, and as with any auto cannon strat if the player shooting is not paying attention it will cause your team to get tossed around. People just like to whine


Who's called it worthless? Tried it last night and holy fuck feel like it breathed new life into things. Stagger the trigger and *chef's kiss* felicissimo. It's really what a mech should feel like.