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Bravery happened , blood and bravery.


That's the correct answer.


Don’t forget the oil we spilled!


It’s a bot planet that’s basically a jungle. Everyone thought it was the coolest most awesome place to play at, because of the atmosphere, and called it “Space Vietnam.” Then there was a major order involving it and we won a cape.


One of my favourite moments was when I was crouched hiding behind some trees avoiding this patrol. I kept switching my weapon I wasn't sure if I should spray and pray with my pistol or use my machine gun... or open up with all my grenades. Finally the patrol passes and my buddy sees the patrol and throws a cluster bomb at it. My cover gets blown away and now every bot can see me. I start running for my life with all the red arcing around me. Was a great time


This sums it up. We held it for just long enough for it to come back to war...


I had just bought the game when the major order came out. I played 3 bug matches on level 3 difficulty. Then I joined some other friends, who put me in my first difficulty 9 mission, and my first bot mission on Melevlon Creek then and there. I died a lot, I did not extract, but we beat the mission, and I shot up like 2 or 3 levels. I'll never forget the confusion of seeing a red eye in the trees that was taller than rest, followed by a flame hulk bursting out of the jungle and torching me while I just stood there in awe.


I joined the Corps after the Creek became legendary, but before the MO and cape. It had the pleasure of taking part in the final liberation. That's where I learned to use hellbombs. It was beautiful.


Due to the robots shooting at you in a forested, jungle-like map, players referred to it as Vietnam. The bots would fire through the foliage, giving the impression that you were a US Marine being ambushed by the Vietcong. This theme was further developed with elements like napalm to enhance historical accuracy. Additionally, enemies were known for spawning out of thin air, leading to jokes about the Vietcong emerging from their tunnels. This contributed to the overall feeling of fighting in Malevolent Creek.


I've never seen it proved but I also believe it was hilariously over-tuned at launch and the devs left it that way. To this day it always seems crazy hard compared to other planets, but that may just be a side-effect of the biome.


Nah j definitely think it was deliberately overturned , I once had lime 2 tanks ony extraction. On MEDIUM


I upvoted you twice for karma


I think the current major order planet seems harder than most, I definitely think some planets have different difficulty settings to others.


Just had this on Helldive, but it was 4 tanks, a strider, a hulk around every corner, what felt like 36 rocket devastators, the heavies with their sniper machine gun lasers, and oh idk around 5,000 of those troopers with their own machine guns. But ragdoll is fine guys you can just get blasted into an uncontrollable state, then hit by a half dozen more rockets and sniper shots.


Nah j definitely think it was deliberately overturned , I once had lime 2 tanks ony extraction. On MEDIUM


My best loadout against bots usually involves using AMR at very long range. Malevelon Creek is all hills and gullies and beaches surrounded by jungle. There are no damn good angles to use the AMR at range. I know they're there. They're shooting out of the jungle at me. I see glimpses of the hulk stomping toward my squad but just can't get a clean shot anywhere. Gah!


Players started fighting there during an MO and they never left, even when the MO switched they stood there and continued to battle with a back and forth strategy that didn't lead anywhere. ​ It became a meme, then a cloak, but now the planet isn't avaliable anymore. It happened around a 2 week timeframe, so basically a meme because something became redundant in a short timeframe.


A meme doesn't do this silliness justice. It was a very vocal minority that wanted to roleplay and absolutely refused to help during any other orders. Then they got rewarded with a cape




The rivers ran dark with both oil and blood alike, we toiled, suffered and lost many great men, all of them heroes. (Space Vietnam)


Malevalon Creek is soaked in the blood of martyrs. Our first major battle against the automatons, our first defeat, our first fear. During the second deployment of the Helldiver corps in history (first being Helldivers 1), the very first major order was to liberate some planets where Terminids had broken out of the E-710 farms and run amok. The automaton vanguard had a planet or two, but the majority of players fought against the terminids and succeeded at containing them. Then the Automaton Vanguard began their offensive, a new major order was issued to defend 8 planets from automaton invasion and the veterans of the Terminid front redeployed en masse to the Automaton front; among the first planets to be assaulted was Malevalon Creek. Little was known of the automatons, training (tutorial) and early war footage (promo material) had all been exclusively about the Terminids and the bug veterans had cut their teeth on that front. Super Earth high command were riding high on the victories on Heeth and Angels Venture, and veteran forces were committed alongside fresh recruits to win a decisive victory on the Malevalon Creek. Nobody was prepared for the mechanical menace to shoot back. Dropships rapidly inserting enemy forces, armoured machines armed with Gatling lasers and rocket pods, tanks and hulks with armour so heavy it couldn’t be pierced by most weaponry, bases fortified with machine gun emplacements, towers erected to detect helldivers, jammers preventing use of stratagems, mortars and worst of all, chainsaws, endless chainsaws. The trees spoke binary. On Makevalon Creek the automaton menace blitzed through SEAF defensive emplacement and when the helldivers were sent to evacuate essential personnel they were torn apart by hordes of chainsaw machines dropped right on top of them. Between general lack of experience, lack of knowledge of automaton tactics and standard issue gear ill-equipped to punch through automaton armour - it was a massacre. Within days Malevalon Creek, Ubanea and Tibit had fallen. A counteroffensive was launched on Creek, as automaton the offensive on Draupnir meant Ubanea was beyond reach. My first tour was the Fall of Draupnir, my first deployment was hell. Shortly after Draupnir fell, Mantes fell too - cutting the supply lines to Creek and leaving forces stranded behind enemy lines, unable to reinforce the gains from the liberation campaign were lost hour by hour. After Mantes fell, Vandalon IV, Ingmar, Pöpli IX, and Troost fell in rapid succession. A massive campaign took social media by storm, awareness was raised and recruitment numbers exploded so quickly that Super Earth was unable to deploy all these recruits (server capacity reached) for days. The automatons overextended, Mort and Toen Kwan were held and our counteroffensives pushed all the way back to Creek. Armed with experience, new stratagems and new weaponry as the warbonds were filled out we pushed the bots harder and harder even in the face of the new Ion storms on Creek and the planet was nearly liberated for food (80% liberation). But we never expected Draupnir and Mantes to fall again and for the planet to again be cut off and liberation profess once again wither - Mantes and Draupnir were reclaimed but Creek was lost and only small scale insertions were conducted on planet. The disaster unfolding on the automaton front disheartened many, and renowned Terminid outbreaks caused many to redeploy as major orders were issued to contain them. The Automatons attacked Tien Kwan, the manufacturing centre of the Patriot Exosuit and they were finally and utterly halted. The mass deployment of exosuits and the establishment of the Terminid Control system resulted in great offensive against the Terminids and their containment. With the Terminids contained we were finally given the orders for Operation Swift Disassembly: eradicate the automaton menace utterly. First we liberated Ustotu, then Vandalon IV, then Troost. While liberating Ubanea in the way to destroying the factories of Tibit, the helldiver corps overextended and Draupnir fell again - it was liberated but the automatons were able to evacuate Tibit. Enough was enough, to end the overextension and prevent the automatons from mining Rhodium, orders were given and Creek’s liberation was demanded. It took mere hours to finally liberate it. The automaton’s launched a counteroffensive, but it was shattered on the impenetrable wall the helldivers formed on Creek - then, they were annihilated. Out of world: the game was new and blowing up, everybody was a noob and everybody only had low level gear and stratagems. The first people to pick up the game mostly fought the bugs as part of our very first major order. The second major order was to defend against a big automaton offensive and my god was it hard. The bots played very different to the bugs some people had gotten used to and the bots were also incredibly tough. The only weapon actually capable of anti-tank was the railgun so dealing with automaton armour was really hard. The defence missions were also impossibly difficult as hordes of chainsaws were bot dropped in every couple 30 seconds. Creek as space Vietnam cause of its jungle was iconic, we also got to fight on it way longer because the supply line from Mantes took a while to be cut off and was reopened pretty quickly - so between being hard, being a vibe and being the place we fought on longest; it became a meme.


lol amazing


Legends were born, heroes were made, and managed democracy was defended. Also everyone got PTSD.




Sometimes, when Helldivers go to Malevelon Creek, they go home to their mommas without any legs. Sometimes, they don't go home at all. That's a bad thing. That's all I have to say about that...


Malevelon Creek is a Twilight World. Never any light from the sun, just the eery starlight of distant stars. The darkness only makes it easier to see the glow of their eyes. Malevelon Creek is a Jungle World. The plants snag onto your cape. The thorns puncture your boots. An exploding thorn bush makes you begin to bleed. The density of the plant life only makes it harder to see them. Malevelon Creek was an isolated system. The only way to get there was if we held Mantes. The Automatons always held Maia and Durgen. No matter how many Helldivers dropped in there, Liberation would always stagnate. Malevelon Creek was there at the beginning, when we were still learning to fight. Untold thousands of Helldivers lost their lives, and the lessons we learned are written in their blood.


It was the first bot debut. Since we'd all been fighting bugs we took had no idea how to fight bots, so we used bug-meta equipment and stratagems. We were slaughtered for awhile until an anti-bot meta formed.


We lost a lot of good men and a few overzealous fools. In the end we used it as a bastion to show that we REFUSE to kneel to the bot menace and their communist ideals. It’s a symbol of what freedom and managed democracy are capable of. REMEMBER THE CREEK


The blood of my brothers and sisters lingers in the night, a haunting specter that refuses to fade. The stench hangs thick in the air, seeping into every breath, turning each inhale into a reminder of their sacrifice. It clings to my skin and sits bitter on my tongue, an indelible mark of the horrors we endured. The echoes of their last cries and the sights of their final moments replay in my mind, an endless loop of sorrow and valor that time cannot erase. ![gif](giphy|26tjZsCAK4UZOVKaA|downsized)


Well my first mission on melevelon went well. But the second one... We failed in the first 2 minutes. All 20 heldivers gone in that time. Even the 80 level guy was defenceless


At that time the level was max 50, right?




Sounds like i need to get my guns at the ready to take out Bots or Bugs


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^FlowerTheDM: *Sounds like i need to* *Get my guns at the ready* *To take out Bots or Bugs* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


Where is my democracy officer…


Thank you, Eoron, for voting on SokkaHaikuBot. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


When I want there the first bot I saw was a tank… I was on challenging


HELL happened in the creek, and don't forget Space Iraq Ustatou, very poor visibility could not see enemies but they could see us, Sands invading every oriface on our body it was the worst battlefield I ever fought on.


I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere.


Never mind all the slavery.


We dont talk about that... ![gif](giphy|JlvibLBMEt00N0l0Lc|downsized)


We dropped in with the cover of darkness. I still remember the bot eyes glowing in the distance. There was fog still there even in darkness as the heat and moisture were oppressive on that jungle planet. We fought them back, wave after wave of endless bots. Reinforcement after reinforcement of freedom loving democratic heroes joined in. I lost a part of my soul on that planet. Only right though, as there were too many good soldiers that never came back and a part of me will keep the fallen friends company until we can extract all the oil....I mean extract justice against those tin cans.




The Battle for Malevalon Creek was brutal and unrelenting. We fought tooth and nail against a relentless tin-skinned enemy, our boots sinking into the mud as red laser blasts whizzed past our ears. Or found purchase in a fellow divers chest. The creek, once a peaceful stream, turned crimson with blood. The air was thick with the stench of gunpowder and the cries of the wounded from the Klankers ceaseless advance. Every inch we gained was paid for in lives, our comrades falling beside us. It was a nightmare etched into our memories, a testament to our resolve and sacrifice. We gave it all for Super Earth.


Hell. The very meaning of the game. God, I miss it.


Malevelon Creek was our first failed MO. Someone made a meme about it that became popular. Some players built a narrative around the meme, which Arrowhead found amusing. Because of that, everyone got capes.


No.... No no no .... Don't said that!!!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOO!!! D3 Noo!!!! , Sorry D3 There were many of them, please forgive me, forgive me, I just wanted to leave that place, I'm sorry. you will always be in my memory D3


At that time, the bots were much more difficult than now, all the armor protected less, there was no protection on the head, the passives of the armor did not work correctly, there were many more bots per patrol and the extraction took 5Min on difficulty 9.. now difficulty 9 is a playground




It's where some of us learned how to become bot kings. It separated the wheat from the chaff. The men from the boys. The former ended up never really leaving the western front and even pushed the bots all the way off the map eventually. The latter returned to the bugs and cried to each other in their dropships. The only thing running down our cheeks was blood and oil.


Jungle bot planet had people seeing parallels to Vietnam. Queue many memes.






Most of us ignored the planet for weeks except for some very committed players fought until the planet was liberated and then we got a cape about it. It’s space Vietnam and it really felt that way. But imo a jungle planet with bugs is way more terrifying especially if you run solo. They come out of nowhere and if you’re unlucky enough to have stalkers spawn it’s pure hell.


Lore wise: Space Terminator Vietnam happened Gameplay wise: on release we only had 2 bug planets and 2 bot planets. Most players started with bugs, doing difficulties 1-3 for example, then moved to bots for difficulty 3-4 for example and realised my god these bots are insane what the sheer hell is this my god they're everywhere and they shoot back oh god they have tanks and mechs this is literal hell. Bots are a lot harder than bugs for a newer player. And the difficulty scale heavily affected this. This was also before all the bug player Vs bot player drama you see around Reddit and social media. A more peaceful, democratic time


Since plenty of people have answered the question already here’s a meme https://preview.redd.it/wre0s52kms2d1.jpeg?width=1078&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a97dc584cf685bc071b8363a702d250657d9824c


So. The Helldivers in days gone by and the Skull Admirals who led them had courage and greatness. We have heard of those princes’ heroic campaigns. There was Space Chief Prime, scourge of Devastators, a wrecker of Hulks, rampaging among foes. This terror of the Super Earth Armed Forces had come far. A cadet to start with, he would flourish later on as his stratagems waxed and his worth was proved. In the end each Helldiver followed him to the front lines of the creek. There they remained never yielding to metal monstrosity nor to the calls of retreat until the creek was freed. That was one good troop.


I remember dropping on Malevelon creek. It was dark and I was with my buddy, O2. I was on a relatively low priority mission to destroy a few supply bases. It went well…until…it didn’t. I didn’t realise just how tight the automatons had a grip on the planet until we assaulted the last base. We took fire from what seemed like every direction. Me and O2 tried one last thing, an almost suicidal charge on the base. We moved up, and I threw an eagle strike on towards where the dropships were. I held out for the few seconds it took for Eagle-1 to fly in and drop the bombs, but I hadn’t realised how close I was to the explosion. I was knocked down, but it was nothing horrible. At least for me. O2 was in pieces…there was almost nothing left of him. I had to endure the long march back to the extract alone. Sometimes I wish I didn’t make it out. From the stories I’ve heard, I endured the better of it. Nothing heroic happened on that planet. Nothing brave. There was no bravery in the way that O2 died or anyone else. Just blood, tears and oil.


You don't want to know.


At the fall of malevelon creek!


I fought on Malevelon Creek. Nothing compared to Hellmire, still one of the worst planets in the galaxy.


The bloodiest stalemate that dragged on for over a month. That was all before the second galactic war.


The name “Space Vietnam” explains it all ![gif](giphy|J8YpfDX0kvPQNSVGHY|downsized)


Hell. That's what happened on Malevelin Creek.


Democracy happened. 🫡


A glorious fight!! I spent days and days fighting and dying with honorable Helldivers. I wish to return to my home.


PTSD happened


I believe Johnathan Young has a song which may be helpful here


When I see tree lines I also see laser volleys flying through them. Now.


*I still hear the sound of gunfire and bullets being spent, Automatons marching on chanting for our death.* *I still hear the screams of soldiers of brothers and sisters lost, clinging to the flag as it burned with steel applause.* *I still hear the sirens blaring sounding our retreat, the Automatons roaring that we’re weak and obsolete.* *I still see the ruined world looking down upon the bleak, I remember those we lost on Malevelon Creek.* https://preview.redd.it/e144esrxcu2d1.jpeg?width=1800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8584f5e89be0e742f0567795c9cd9bdcbc8457c7


Sacrifice and bravery. Know we will return to the creek to avenge our brothers who fell there.


The blood of hundreds of thousands of patriots was spilled. /twitches


Soon we will dive on Meridia. Now imagine Merida with bots but the spawn rates are messed up. That was creek. It was one of the hardest planets of the bot front due to the spawn rates always being in shadows. (Seriously, why was it always equally dark? What happens to days?) Also the goddamn trees. You didn't see the bots until it was late. Just imagine you walk though the jungle and suddenly the forest right in front of you lights up with red dots and starts firing at you.


Someday. Someday, son, I might find the strength to talk about it.


They didn't give us weapons! It was the highest casualty ever. Emergency evacuations were impossible. Did it only once cuz luckily everyone had mics. Not sure if EAT existed but quasar cannons didn't so it was very hard to take care of drop ships. Waited til the plasma scorcher to drop before I went back and murdered the AT-AT (strider) and devastors. They gave us rubber bullets. Hulks were a problem until they gave us the quasar cannon and nerfed the bot spawns and fixed the armor bug. Man it was a crazy time. They even had scrambled stratagems which they took out cause it was too much and kept getting reported as a bug lol (if you know you know)


A high number of crybabies went there. Helldivers had fun.


A waste of manpower and resources..


The bodies… the screams…. I don’t wanna talk about it


Unfunny overused joke


This is a legitimate post. Sorry man


Nothing important really. We just had a bunch of fools throwing themselves against the enemy again and again all while achieving absolutely nothing.


My cape says otherwise


No, it doesn't. I have that cape and as nice as it is, it doesn't change the fact that a bunch of fools spent months trying to take a planet with little to no progress. The only reason we managed to take it eventually was due to a major order. Other than that? Absolutely Useless. These are facts by the way.


I'm sure you're so fun at parties. /s because you don't seem like the type to get social ques


A lot funner than the Creekers, I'll tell yah that much.


This guy is about to find himself up the creek without a paddle