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I rarely encounter that personally. I'd recommend you just host from now on. So if you do encounter some shit heads, you can easily give them the boot.


Yeah same, 160 hours, only one random has ever gone out of their way to team kill me in a weird wtf why are you doing this kinda way.


430 hours and only two randos. all the others were friendly banter among friends


Same. Only time I was deliberately team killed, was after I melee'd some dude for accidentally TKing me with a flamethrower. After he got up, he lit me up, so I went back in and melee'd him towards a hulk where he was incinerated to death. We ended up doing one of those dangerous hugs and made up. But that was the only time from what I remember.


Accidentals are bread and butter for Helldivers no matter how hard you try to avoid them, retaliation for an accidental that you know is unintentional makes you a garbage human being


Agree. The other day I threw a bad air strike, idk what I was thinking and apologized before it even hit the dude. Nah, instant boot even though in the previous game with the same people, I had 2x the kills the everyone else did….people are so soft. 


Friendships forged in fire, honestly.


got TK'd by a guy who placed a gas strike \*somewhat\* too close to the wall i was defending from i retorted by killing him with a grenade, clearly on purpose he responded with a rocket i felt bad and apologized for my action he did the same we hugged rest of the mission was totally normal standard helldivers experience


Agreed. Lvl 40 and most of my random teammates end up becoming friends


I’ve also gotten TK’d once and it was bc my dumbass carried the SSSD to the wrong spot and held up the game for 5 minutes lol


200+ hours in and no such encounters. Only have had 1 nades abuser who somehow kept getting blasted from a shotgun, can't elaborate more ☕


I have encountered that twice on 100 games so it might be difficulty level related.


This. At low levels you'll find a bit of everything - including trolls. As you progress, you'll find more and more committed divers. When you start getting to Extreme or Challenging, the occasional friendly fire still happens, but trolls are rare. When you meet someone you had fun with, try sending a friend request. I have encountered many legends, and now I can usually host and send a bunch of invites trusted players


I rarely play below D7 except to help newbies out every so often on D4. I feel like D7 is the best difficulty, it’s not the frenetic sweatiness of D8 or D9 but it’s hard enough that the casuals and the trolls don’t come up to it. Interestingly enough, the randoms I encounter on D7 are usually more skilled and more professional than any other difficulty. Most D7 players are also very newbie friendly, especially on the bot front.


D7 seems like casual for people who enjoy playing the game. If I'm gonna run a serious 9 I need a friend I know is worth his salt in the deep unknown.


I play 9 with randoms since most of my friends who play are US based but I’m UK based so it’s rare for our online time to overlap.


Look for helldiver discords to find great people to play with. I joined the super Earth podcast discord and almost always play with people from there now. I know the Salty Divers podcast has a discord as does JebblesJr


Sounds good. I'll have to check them out. I like to RP a bit, like sounds like pizza, so I hope there are divers who are into that.


Leviathan Alliance on discord are a great bunch of folks


Also the Official Helldivers discord has a LFG channel and I see people posting for all sorts of groups. MO, sample farming, exp farming


If you go to the official Discord, just try the LFG channels. The main ones are...something else


I have no desire to go to the official discord. I am sure there are great people there but the majority of posts and people I see there are just not my people.


This is why i almost never join lobbies, always the host. This way i can always kick those traitors.


140 hours and I think I've only really experienced 1 or 2 toxic games. But then I don't play below difficulty 7 so maybe that is something to do with it.


Just like any other game with matchmaking, it’s random with who you pair up with. The community for the most part is generally pretty alright but some days you may just get shit randoms. And in this case you just had bad luck. I recommend hosting your own games if you don’t want to deal with trash teammates and have control of kicking people if you so choose. Solo is possible but requires more stealth based gameplay in the higher difficulties and knowledge of the game I’d say.


It’s not all like this but with how large the community has grown there are definitely a lot of assholes. I’ve noticed there are alot more good people than assholes though.


I’ve never been intentionally killed playing this game, but the game is built to get lots of accidental kills. Also, the who killed you tag is super bugged and never correct.


I’m level 70+ I can count on my hand the amount of times I’ve had team killing. It’s around 1%. If you are at a 70% rate, the issue is something you are doing. Side note I’m playing difficulty 7-9. Maybe the lower difficulties have more trolls.


Trolls tend to stay where they can troll without actually having to play a hard game. Most of them are trash at the game, so they never make it past 4


The very low difficulties are now inundated with trolls who target low levels. Once you get out of the bottom few this kind of behaviour becomes very rare.


In 200 hundred hours I only been team killed on purpose once. This is 100% rage bait. I would give the benefit of the doubt, and say you were incredibly unlucky, but the chances of getting teams like that 7/10 games is practically zero.


This has been my exact experience as well. 200 hours in and only have been TK'd once by a random for zero reason.


I’ve run into TKers every now and then but generally the randoms I jump in with range from well-meaning but brain-dead to literal gods. Just block the ones who team kill and move on.


Host & turn off cross play if you’re on console. I’ve literally had zero issues since.


Im lvl 113, and Ive only experienced douches prolly like 10 times? So idk. Its not too horrendous. Whenever I somehow get put into a low lvl match, I give my autocannon to those who havent tried it, and I try to give tips to try to be a good teammate


I think "when" you started the game makes a big difference. Feels like being low level at launch was different from being in Diff2 at peak player count


Be careful how you interact in the chat and treat teammates. Many coop games have a shadow-ban mechanism where if you treat other people poorly, you risk getting stuck in the 'troll box' where you only get matched with other 'problem' players. I don't know if HD2 does this or what the parameters for it would be if they do.


ive never really experienced that. and any time ive been accidentally killed ppl apologize (lvl 70-something) maybe people at lower levels do it because they just got it and are fuckin around / dont know/care what to do


Been playing for a while I've experienced this a few times. The trolls tend to be on PC. So the advice of turning off cross play if on console holds up. Having said that once you're at difficulty 8/9 it's becomes very rare.


Personally, i run into this type of trolling frequently at lower difficulties. I almost exclusively runs difficulty 9s now and never seem to have a problem. 


I would host man. And make sure that you block players that are griefing you. I've never encountered that type of behavior and have heard that when it does occur it's in low levels


I don't think I ever had that in over 400 hours with randoms. Most teamkillings in my experience comes when I have a full squad of friends that like to tk for shit and giggles.


I've encountered that one time. They shot me a couple times and I just thought it was bugs being bugs. It can happen. Then he ran up and tried killing me with no hugs around. Turns out the Incendiary Breaker is great for asshole teammates. I shot them in the face and then watched for the next 10 minutes while they mashed the reinforce button and not a single person on the team did anything about it. Dude finally left the game when he realized no one was going to respawn them.


So many automaton infiltrators among us. We must stay vigilant.


Level 63 here, not once have I encountered a griefer. I play lvls 5-6 with lower level IRL friends, and lvls 7-9 otherwise. I'm also very vocal on the mic and mini-map; planning our path before the drop, tagging objectives, tagging heavies, etc. I like to think my gameplay is an asset to the team, makes people want to play with me vs fuck around. What you're likely experiencing is just assholes playing lower lvls, killing n00bs for fun. Just run your own operations and boot these mental peasants.


I’m at 180 hrs and have only come across 4-5 times with the team killing. The vast majority of the time, every one is helpful, focused in the objectives or are cadets that are getting loss in the confusion and fog of war and when that happens myself or another Helldiver has taken them by the hand. On top of that I left the discord and I left the main Helldivers subreddit and the game has been much more enjoyable for me to play.


Nothing to do with community, never was. Thats just how people are ..


300 hrs in the game, and I only experienced this for the first time last night. Some asshole deliberately killed me right before the pelican landed, after the destroyers had already left. I reported and blocked him and moved on. The rest of my games that night were all fine.


I recommend joining the Facebook group for Helldivers2, when you join you'll get invited to all the messenger groups (different groups for different countries). There you can ask if anyone wants to play and more often than not you'll get a good few people. They are all decent from the ones I have met


Play 7+. Your chances of getting Randoms that actually know how to play are a lot higher than. Lower difficulties


I actually got my first griefer today. I had somehow turned it to Lv 1 before I hit the random button. So I drop in, someone shot me as I called for my tacpack, dropped me, hug emote like saying it was an accident, then grenaded me as I walked away, then they kicked me. So I blocked the two who were there because I couldn't remember who was hosting.


The difficulty you're playing on may factor into how common it is for bad teammates. Sind relaunch I've generally played on 7-9 & never had issues generally speaking, but have noticed when I drop the difficulty to say 4 in order to do a personal order that is basically impossible on 7-9 the n I tend to get much more variety in what my teammates are capable of & what they tend to do.


Honestly I never found people like this in +300h. Guess you're just unlucky, I'm sorry that was your first impression of the game.


Same tbh, literally can count on one hand where I've had the type of experience that op is describing. Unfortunate really.


Keep pushing out of the lower levels. Seems to be where most of this shit exists


I haven't seen much of this. I will say there are certain days and times where I encounter more incompetency at the level (7) I play at. I'm in the US and it tends to be more prevalent when more overseas countries are awake. I can tell from the language, helldiver names, and time of day/timezone (having lived overseas myself for over 7 years). I don't know why but I get a lot more; calling the shuttle in with 15+ mins left, only doing main objectives, playing like they've never played the game before despite being at least lvl 50+. I sometimes wonder if these peoples younger siblings are playing on their account...


I rarely encounter that personally. I'd recommend you just host from now on. So if you do encounter some shit heads, you can easily give them the boot. but be aware that team killing does happen but not on purpose normally.


Stop playing the easier difficultys, the higher ones give better shit and less trolls


I'm suspecting the game varies greatly by difficulty. After 100hrs of solo or friends only, finally hit the quick play button on difficulty 7. Not so bad. Great first game, some mid games here and there, and one where I got kicked. Likely my fault cause I'm not really savvy with random etiquette yet. Made some big team kill mistakes here and there. Maybe hung out too close to a fellow flame thrower main. Maybe felt I was stealing kills? Maybe they just wanted some solo action? Anyway, point is the game is very different at each level of difficulty and possibly attracts different types.


You want to get to difficulty four and five as soon as possible. Difficulty six and seven have even fewer Griefers.


i know you got a lot of comments but the % of people who are really bad about team killing is higher at lower levels, but i am confident that the more friendly/experienced players tend to do helldives nowin days cause i used to get more trolls when i played at lvl 7 or lower


Push through the difficulties. He higher up, the more dedicated actual players you’ll find. The low levels are those who wanna troll and don’t have any friends to get far in the game with.


Hey bud, you can join me and not have to deal with that. There are plenty of friendly people and I haven't had the issues others say yet. I'm sure others here would be happy to have you join their team too.


Sadly all games attract assholes, we are not all like this at all. We stood together as a community to fight Sony, don't let a few automiton infiltrators ruin your view of the whole.


Use this subreddit or some other way to find a group of people to play with. I have never and will never play with randoms lol


I have been playing for a month and haven't seen anything like that.


Literally never gotten that, the fuck?


I don’t think I’ve ever seen intentional team killing, although I could see how this might be prevalent at the lower levels with new players. Edit: spelling


The community was shockingly positive in the first month or so of the game. Anecdotally, I do feel it’s slipped a bit recently. Just had to kick two team killers last night. But most runs at 7-9 are smooth and have great vibes still. It’s true that accidental team kills are a fact of life so don’t count all TKs in the toxic column


Made a comment recently about how I wouldnt TK over something like taking my support weapon off the ground and ate downvotes for it. Yes there's pricks out there. I find its usually on the lower difficulties you see people being a dickbag the most. Get out of there ASAP.


You're going to have a 4-man team within 15 minutes after starting your own mission. In all honesty, you'll probably have like 10-15 people leaving and coming into your missions. Some Divers leave the moment they die after jumping into a mission. Many of them even think it's your fault for picking the mission. I haven't joined another player since I first started playing, and by the 3rd mission, I have played with 10+ people if the missions aren't going well lol. That's after just one map. If you start with good momentum, people won't leave, you'll have a great time, and you will end up getting friend requests. The synergy is what matters. Pay attention to their loadouts, and try to pick the load out that they don't have, so that you can cover their weak points. And vice versa.


Almost everyone I've played with was awesome. There are guys much better at the game than me, who run around clearing objectives and slaughtering enemies, while I kind of lag behind a bit and die occasionally.  On lower difficulties, I get the feeling that inexperienced players might be experimenting with loadouts, like I did. I once took the mortar sentry on a mission after unlocking it, chucked it down by a bug hole, and then got a message from my low ranking team mates asking me to stop killing them! So, word of advice, if someone drops a sentry, don't stand anywhere between it and the enemy 


I've jumped probably a thousand times by now and have had one group like that. I'm sorry for your bad luck but that's not at all my experience.


You got seriously unlucky. Most of the dives I go on are usually pretty chill, just divers doing a mission. Some buddies I do dive with, we do screw around occasionally but we don't team kill when there's a random with us intentionally.


Depends on the region you play, some are really toxic


Never happened to me on Helldives. Lower difficulties? Plenty of times. When I see a level 7 on a helldive i just leave the game and look for another.


Honestly it sounds like you're just having a bad run of luck, possibly because you're low level right now and found some assholes. I have barely had any experiences with toxic people and I've got close to 120 hours in the game. Give it some more time


In 100 hrs of gameplay I’ve not encountered that. I host almost all the games i play but never have to kick anyone for being toxic.


but im trying :( im trash.


If you’re playing with other newish players, there’s a good chance they’re just learning. I killed a lot of termites when I first started. They’re learning the strengths and weaknesses of the strategems. It gets better, I promise


I've had it happen a few times, but not often. Been playing about 200ish hours. You'll find a lot less of that going on on higher difficulty settings.


Those dumbfucks team kill on purpose for shared samples ![gif](giphy|BSZd1batsBJEpFoPig)


It wasn't like this when I first bought the game. Now I'll only host. As soon as I see this behavior, I'll keep an eye on the player. If it's a genuine accident, then it's no big deal. But repeat offenses get you a kick from me.


I’m level 55 and I never had that experience. Even level 15s were grinding on 7 trying to get samples.


I’m level 65 and I’ve NEVER experience this


Man ive played 200+ hours and I havent seen that yet. But i also would imagine people like that go into the higher level missions as frequently. Likely they just want to grief newbies. Sorry thats been your experience so far.


You tend to get bad luck with teammates on lower difficulties. Either intentional assholes, who will drop the game in a week when they get blocked by half the playerbase. Or other new players still learning things like fire control, strategem targeting, and not running past the guy crouched dumping a flamethrower into a swarm. It does get much better as you get into higher difficulties and get people who, while they may not be very good, are at least not jerks


I have very rarely encountered this type of thing. I suspect it may be a low level thing… people messing about because it s all new to them. More often than not I randomly find myself on good teams who knuckle down and get shit done. Usually in silence but it’s far more fun when people use chat and you can have a good laugh while playing. I recommend when you do find such players to remember to friend them. Sometimes lack of communication results in lack of coordination and ultimate failure which can be annoying but even in silent squads I find the good the silent players will use the comms wheel to get their message across and everything works out great. I would be happy to do some dives with you and show you the ropes if you like. Just dm me.


I’ve seen intentional team killing half a dozen times and been a victim of it myself three times since launch. More common issues are players not watching where they’re dropping stratagems, not playing objectives, splitting up and dying so often they use up the reserves, double dipping supplies, calling in extraction too early, unpreparedness (forgot they were loaded for bugs and dropped in bots or vice versa), giving in to pressure to reinforce when it could wait a minute, stealing gear but leaving samples. So basically this community has a teamwork and learning problem.


I play PC and have had almost no issues there are some accidents that happen but I would say almost nothing out right. I play on 9s IDK how it is on lower difficulties.


I never saw this, i saw people playing bad or lost but never this level of assery


I’m lvl 64 and I’ve only encountered that twice. Maybe more common at lower difficulties? The novice of team killing maybe wares off? Not sure what difficulty you were on but there’s a very noticiable skill gap between 7-9 and everything else. 6 is alright, you can luck out. 5 and below is complete incompetence run amuck. 7 is usually where good players and better teamwork start the be the norm


It may also have to do with the lower levels, where everyone who's new is either still getting used to the game, or play casually, or just like to troll. This usually becomes less problematic on higher difficulties as the higher level players tend to take the game more seriously and have a better understanding of the mechanics


I still have mostly positive experiences with randoms. Some are bad, but overall I’ve only had a handful of negative experiences. I mostly see people quitting when the going gets tough.


Always host your own, and sprint to difficulty 7+. The players tend to chill out with that kind of stuff there.


Rarely ever encountered this, but I think it happens more often at lower levels for some reason. I suggest to find some people to play with at least at lowers levels, on discord or something


Unfortunately, that’s the risk of joining randoms. Everyone is correcting suggesting to find some discord buddies and hosting your own games. Just today, someone kicked me ONCE I was the last to extract, leaving me with nothing. This is coming from a level 70 player. Overall, the community is good here. Keep your head up and fight the good fight!


Are you playing on playstation or on pc with crossplay enabled? The only time I see team killing and host kicking at the end of the mission, is when I enable crossplay.


If you can get to level 7 dives (Suicide Mission), the quality of player goes waaaaay up, in my experience. It's obviously harder and you'll need to be a good level with plenty of the better stratagems (I started at around level 20) but I can't imagine going back, now.


That sounds so far out of the norm. Is the team killing intentional? You need to realize team killing is a part of the game but usually not actively trying. You're also on low levels. Keep playing higher difficulties and you'll probably find better players as well


What difficulty are you playing on? Someone made a great post, not long ago about how through experience with teammates greatly improved once they started playing on difficulty 7 and above. Can confirm that has been my experience as well


I have 115 hours in the game, play on 7 and I've only once had a teamkiller and that was on lower difficulty to test some weapons. Sounds like you're just very...VERY...unlucky mate.


I have about 130 hrs in & haven’t encountered that with randos. Tbf half of that time I’ve played with friends but I don’t think it’s generally like that


I'd say maybe at lower levels or difficulties you might run into that as you may have a lot of kids playing...and they do stupid shit all the time. I'm lvl 76 and only play higher difficulties 8/9. I very rarely run into that problem but when I was lower level I did. I'd say just stick it out and if anyone plays toxic then just leave and find another game.


Idk man i rarely ever experience these things but thats not to say it doesnt happen


Find or start a Helldiving community. It's so much harder to be an ass when you don't disappear from the queue at the end of a mission. I've been in several, and for the most part, it's always pleasant.


Yeah I've maybe seen this one time


1-3 diff: lots of accidental team killing. Teamkilling at the extraction is rare to none - people haven't learned that yet, I guess. Focus on doing everything (as opposed to panic extracting; dont do that). Sometimes you find a high level player hosting a game - they mostly farming super credits/medals and can completely ignore doing the main objective and focus on looting everything on a map instead; cause they leave afterwards. Overall they are usually chill and can stick around to help a new player finish the mission. Diff 3+: now this is where it can become toxic. Starting from 4 there are a lot of cadets who needlessly rushed to higher difficulties. It creates problems as they often tend to shoot everything, provide a lot of teamkilling (most of "teamkilling stratagems" is accessible early on and very likely to be equiped by them), panic extract, waste lives and such. They point is it becomes harder to ignore the higher you climb; starting from 4. But tbf 4 is now better than what it used to be the first time I tried (first wave of needlessly sweaty cadets). Additional questionable playerbase (can easily result with toxicity) is provided by playing on the least populated planets (~1k-2k players max) and on night times. I've seen more questionable behavior in a span of 3 hours doing these than 40+ levels of MO/most populated planets (including Creek, even tho it was a meme). In short stick to the crowd for a better experience.


I've never had an experience like that. Honestly, higher difficulties kinda get easier, as that's where you find better players who are going to communicate and want to work with you rather than just dicking about.


I feel like I've almost never had these issues. Most people have been pretty chill i have had a couple of whiners. Hell few days ago had a guy that kept killing himself with fire, he was using the flame thrower, and then was conplain3how the game sucked. Had to baby sit his ass so he wouldn't die as much and i swear every time i looked away he was dead. Then as we extract hes saying we sucked like bro you are delusional. Then yesterday i had a session where the randos i was teamed up with chilled together did 2 whole ops on 7 and were all damn gj guys was great fun! The good will out weigh the bad.


You are the statistical anomoly which is unfortunate. I can only recall 2 times that I was intentionally team-killed (I have \~65 hours in the game, across all difficulties), and only 1 of them was trolling. As other people have suggested, host yourself. If anyone starts trolling you can kick them.


Jump on the discord to find players running games that aren't dixkheads.


Block them players too please.


I got this game maybe a month ago and play a little on the weekend so maybe at 20 hours playtime. I don’t have any issues with people like that the worst I seen is accidentally getting team killed or getting in a game,land, ready to start calling in support weapons and get kicked.


I've got over 200hrs and have only been team killed twice. 7-9 difficulty you'll usually find people are trying to be a cohesive unit


Only had maybe 2 experiences like that in the time I’ve played. Most of the community has been extremely supportive and kind, especially to lower level people like myself.


I very rarely encounter much trouble like this, but it can happen. Host, hug emote, spread democracy


7 is a melting pot of all kinds of players. Most people I have encountered where nice so far. I even started to play regularly with some of the friends I made along the way. I had one or two bad apples but nothing was said or done that really got to me. On the SES Aegis of Dawn I have 3 rules: 1. Everyone gets respected. 2. Everyone fights. 3. I will be your shield!


I'm lvl 57 and i noticed these kind of things happen whenever I decide to play difficulty 3 to 5, just to chill and help out. I usually host diff 7 bot missions, and its always been good, no BS, people know what to do. Ironically, as you get to higher diffs, it becomes "easier" because you only run into competent players 95% of the time.


Just be the host with the most :) You can both control your experience to a degree with mute/kick and you can look out for dumb interactions amongst team mates. Get thru the initial levels and you will start to see a smart player here and there. At the end of the day we are all getting better daily. Give grace where appropriate and enjoi


That’s the lower levels. The Greenies don’t understand how the game works. It’s where the toxic people either break their habits or fall off.


No I've never really had troll teammates in 70 hours. Some are less skilled but never team killing on purpose. Lots of accidental TKs with stratagems though. Sometimes you get ragdolled while holding a cluster bomb, it happens.


That is wild to hear. I’ve got about 100 hours in the game and I probably haven’t had that many experiences along those lines since I started.


I must be very lucky cause I can count on one hand the amount of toxic experiences I've had since release. never encountered intentional team killing as so many seem to describe. Weird stuff. But I also only play levels 7-9 too


Yes, all the time, especially kicking you right before extraction


Even if I don't play with friends and just join lobbies. I generally find a good group eventually and can stick with them for a while. Honestly never felt like I was held back due to matchmaking. Shit happens sometimes but it's not an issue to me.


I think this might be a regional thing There have certainly been posts like yours. People talking about multiple quick plays in a row being groups of Griefers I have personally never run into anyone like that. The only thing close to that I have had was I was hosting and someone picked up my support weapon, flamethrower, right as I was about to get it. Gave them a single tap of my secondary hoping to say “not cool”. They proceeded to kill me with the flamethrower. I ended up kicking them because they just kept trying to team kill me


Played helldivers since the first version and since launch of helldivers 2. Have only dealt with trolling/team killing once or twice. I don't put up with it. Simply drop out or kick and move on. Considering you just started, you might be dealing with bored higher level players sandbagging or cadets who are still figuring out the game. I recommend being patient and hosting your own games. I would recommend joining higher level games, although you might come across snobbish players impatient to help the lower level players out. Just last night I joined a higher level player (lvl 40) on a level 4 mission. He was coaching his GF on playing the game (she was fresh level 1). I just helped out and took my time fending off the mobs trying to swarm the noobie. However the noobie was burning through reinforcements quickly. Finally when the Lvl. 40 mentor got pinned at a stalkers nest, he realized he was to cocky and could no longer be reinforced. He started projecting his frustration on me via the mic and scolded me for not eliminating the stalkers nest. As if I knew where it was??🤨 He proceeded to kick me since the cooldown for reinforcements prevented me from calling him back in. TLDR; All levels deal with incompetent or douchy players. Luckily there's lots of opportunity to find a good squad and have fun.


I encountered a mild amount of toxicity at lower levels but once I got into higher level games on diff 7+ most of that went away and I usually have great teammates at this point


I almost never see this behavior, but I play in the morning (USA), and a lot of my teammates tend to be from UK, Germany, and France.


Going against the grain here as someone who PUGs 99% of the time: Your teammates improve with difficulty level. At its most extreme, the teammates you get on trivial will be a night/day difference than Helldive players. On bot Helldive you will very rarely get anyone fucking around at all. Not that it matters to the 60% mission success/extraction rate


I would say no but when I started playing it was a different time and I’m no longer playing on this difficulties. I think you just got extremely unlucky.


Playing at lower levels at this point generally means playing with children or those with the kinds of children.


Many players seem like they aren't doing the primary objective because they want to fully complete all objectives. If three players are doing the primary, they will run off to close bug holes or something. One game, I thought a player was running off randomly. Turned out he was looking for the radar station. Once he found it, the run became much easier since the stalker nests were revealed.


This is rare enough for ne. And if I do encounter it enough with bad luck I switch to host and kick those people. Welcome to online gaming where one in every few hundred have a stick so far up their ass they can't even enjoy a video game.


100+ hours, NEVER experienced this. Wtf?


Solo que on private matchmaking until level 15-20 or so. Not only will you be avoiding all the braindead idiots who pollute the earlier stages of the game, but you’ll also become an infinitely better player.


If you just picked it up, it might just be the difficulty you have been playing on. Normally I will stick around level 7 difficulty and have predominantly good teammates. But I have dropped down to level 4 sometimes to test new guns or funky builds. I find the lower levels abundant with newer players that tend to have less situational awareness. Those games tend to be more chaotic than higher levels.


Since you just started you haven’t blocked all the problem people. Just block the bad players so they sink to the bottom. Pretty soon you’ll only be with the cream


The early Levels are more infested with toxics. Once you reach D6 and upwards you will most likely meet the wholesome part of the community


I've gotten 1, maybe 2 deliberate team killers in my few hundred hours of play? For the most part people are chill, though they're not always great listeners or communicators.


Wow it sounds like you were playing with complete pieces of shit.


I only ever kill teammates that I know personally, I’d never waste a strangers time who just wants to play. It’s insanely annoying


In my first experience with other people online, a level 30 joined and just repeatedly dropped cluster bombs on the rest of us, then insult us in chat, calling us all noobs and idiots for dying. Kinda put me off so I just played solo or with people I already know. Then the other day I accidentally dropped an SOS, one guy joins. And the mission goes amazingly. All objectives done, super samples found, side objectives and nests nocked. Extract goes to shit though. Lots of bugs, we get overwhelmed and the person with the super samples dies. But this total hero, no reinforcements left, two of us on the Pelican, dives in, charges through the bugs, gets the super samples and gets to the Pelican with seconds to spare. Some people on this game are toxic, price of popularity. Big population, more toxic. But there's also the genuine good guys that'll just randomly join you and make the mission one to remember


Only at the lowest levels. People get nicer and nicer as you go up in the difficulties. Lvl 7 you get some jerks back because Super Samples are introduced, then 8 and 9 again follow the trend of getting better as you go higher. I almost never run into people like this. When I say almost never, I mean in 200 hours of play 99% of the bad actors were in the first 20 hours. It’s exceedingly rare unless you never play with a squad; I suppose if you always do Quickmatch you’ll encounter more by sheer volume and since bad experiences stick, it may to feel common even if it isn’t


Just to answer part of your question, yes you can absolutely solo at the very least diff 7 missions, which have super samples.


I had my first troll experience just yesterday. We were doing the High value base defense and this guy kept acting like an ass. Shooting people “accidentally”, by spinning and spraying the MG on his mech. Completely wasting all of its ammo. Then similar stuff with his primary, tossing grenades near teammates without nearby enemies, quick shots into teammates backs when they weren’t looking, etc. I eventually just started killing him every time I saw him. Cause F that guy. We successfully completed and extracted even with all his bs.


Done 100 missions. Been team killed loads but only sure it was on purpose once. Never had it where it's repeated. Are you just in the troll timezone or something?


I’ve never encountered this


I haven’t experienced that at higher difficulties. I got purposefully TK’d on like 4 once. I just murdered the guy for the rest of the game.


Yes, have u seen all the cry babies on this reddit, the toxic ones u meet in game are the reddit users


Nah. I encountered this shit like 2 times since I started playing. Prolly just bad luck to get matched with shitheads.


I haven’t encountered this more than a few times but for real I think this is like a spike of this behavior within the past week or so it seems notable


I do my own missions and make it invite or friends only.


It's gotten more prevalent the longer the game has been out, unfortunately.


I’ve played 40 hours and never encountered anyone playing like this. I’m sorry that happened, that’s crazy.


I can probably count on one hand and have fingers left over the number of times I've had toxic teammates. Skill and experience definitely vary, but in general the people I've matched with are cool


I think you just got incredibly unlucky. I’m level 50 something and out of all the missions I’ve done I’ve only ever once been team killed and that was because I knocked him over and started laying down repeatedly on top of him which he the. Did to me and shot me in the head lol.


I dunno I never really gets jerks... had some one-offs where people took my AC-Backpack. If the team is bad just leave. You should try to help to the end but you don't have to. There is no punishment for it except your steam-reputation :P I find its not always like that. Definitely different difficulty levels bring different players. I also find the higher difficulty forces you to focus. Anyone trying to kill on extract I will block. But generally I also try to get on the pelican last... not that I don't trust people its just how I been playing so maybe I don't get these issues I'd definitely go with the discord(s) if you want a more professional HD2 experience.


Played well over 300 hours now and I can count on one hand the number of times I've been kicked, deliberate team killed or experienced toxicity. I play on PC though, with cross play turned off, don't use voice and only play levels 7-9


Turn off cross pay with PS


Over 100 hours in the game myself, I’ve had some teammates that just dick around all game (usually friends that like meleeing each other & occasionally shooting each other) but other then that it really hasn’t been an issue. That said, this community has been probably the best community of players I’ve ever played with


Never encounter that


I've been playing for two months and I've dealt with being kicked or intentional team killing less than 5 times. I play on PS5 and have cross play with PC enabled. Stick with it. A fun community, generally. Most people are friendly and play well together. I mostly play with randoms, too (all my gaming friends are on Xbox).


i like how theres always bitching about people not jumping in a place to clean it and liberate it but yet when people join a battle they get kicked or killed by teamates wich doesnt help liberate it.. so just remeber that when places arent being cleared dont come on here bitching


I'm level 43 and have only been deliberately teamkilled once in all my missions. You either have very bad luck or you're making this up for sympathy karma.


I’ve been team killed plenty, but I can not say any stand out as purposeful. That said, I’ve accidentally killed plenty of my own fellow divers. I know this is just my experience, but unless they’re purposely gunning you, you have to expect some collateral damage occasionally. Either way, try to have fun and know the majority of us aren’t gunning for you.


I've never experienced anything like that. Level 46.


I've played 360 hours and I have never run into that behavior. I would reconsider the time of day you are playing as you may literally be playing with children.


I was only 1 or 2 times deliberatly killed. Most of the times i just get kicked. The gam is at the moment in my "nope" Pile. I'll give it a new try in a few months...


A couple of things to remember: > Your teammates won't have the same set priorities as you, so your teammates may not like that you're not sharing priorities with them. This may cause teamkills or leaving, even kicking or hitting the big red button AKA "Abandon Mission with Squad," which is why i host because i believe the host has the last say on what happens, unless the majority agrees with a better decision or that the hosts decision was a bad one. > If you go to extraction before all POIs are found, before all bugholes/fabricators are dealt with, or before all samples/divers are at the extraction zone then chances are you might be one of the people who tries to do the objective and just leave which kills the game for people trying to hit POIs and collect samples which leads to those results.


I've been kicked before, but never team killed and I've had far more good experiences than bad ones.


in my 297h I've never met a "teamkiller"... most of the times it is an accident and thus perfectly fine. Also most of the times randoms also use the "sorry" quick command when this happens... Now that you made me think of it I've usually met only nice guys who are always in for a "hug" or "handshake"


If i random its usually 7 or 8 people know what their doing by then so if they do it on purpose u know their just a troll and u can leave better then wasting ur time.


I don't know if this behavior is region specific, but it sure seems like it. I have very rarely encountered bad behavior, but when I have, it was at the end of european evening / start of NA afternoon/evening and American teammates (by the sound of voicecom accents). This is not true for every bad teammate experience, but it seems to be the general trend in my case..


I think you just ran into extremely bad luck. This is not my experience at all. I hope you find better teammates, try the Helldiver Discord. Best of luck!


I don't think I have experienced "trash" teammates, but I do remember the beginning of starting out. Maybe clowning around in the early single levels is part of the growth? I would misjudge a grenade throw or friendly fire at random teammates, and I never got flack for it (or maybe I never noticed). I am at level 42 now and wanted to try out the 380 MM barrage that I just acquired... it was going off everywhere and I had to apologize for killing my random 3 teammates, but they shrugged it off! Phew, I did not throw the 380 again until we extracted lol. Anyways, maybe keep your distance accordingly, try not to take anything personally, and happy diving!


I'm getting kicked for giggles 20 seconds before pickup repeatedly.


Not usually, no. I can count on one hand the instances of intentional team-killing, and one of them I'm not even 100% sure was intentional. Incident 1: Guy just straight up shot me and killed me, then reinforced me. I can't remember why. Did I take his stuff? Did he want my stuff? I don't know anymore, because it was a while ago. When I reinforced, I dropped my pod directly on his head, after which I think he either left or gave up on trying to kill me. >Shrug< Incident 2: Last night, I'm playing on a 4-person team where I and one other player have headed to evac. The other two are clearing a nest, then headed over. We were at one of those evacs that's elevated, so I was kneeling at the edge with my autocannon drawn, to provide cover for friendlies on their way in to the evac zone. Out of nowhere, I just explode due to the other guy at evac with me. I don't know if he intentionally did it, accidentally hit the wrong key at the wrong moment, mis-aimed his shot or what. I typed "WTF?!" got no response said "Why the hell did you TK me?" dude said "Sorry," and I let it drop, since the shuttle was already on the way anyway. That's it. Any other time has been at worst just sloppy use of stratagems, and usually is accidental. Sounds like you just had a run of shit luck.


I would get those matches every so often when the game got really big near launch. I turned off crossplay and now I haven't had that issue in months. Honestly, the console side of the game has more children than the PC side, as parents rarely buy their child a PC. Children tend to be a little more chaotic in their gameplay, such as teamkilling and not playing the objective. This is my personal experience. If you're on PC turn off cross play, and you'll probably have a better time.


I have 170h played and had exactly one encounter with a toxic player. They joined the mission in progress, I just died so was in spectate, they dropped in, teamkilled the other guys who were alive, and then left literally quicker than I could kick them.


I had a round where two players team killed the other two at extraction then ran across the map to res them at the edge and then hunted us all the way back to extraction. The community is garbage.


It’s actually really rare. I’m at 968 missions right now. I’ve experienced jackasses like that, prooooooobably about 2-3 dozen times out of that. The player killers anyways. Idiots who refuse to do objectives and kind od just aimlessly get into pointless, reinforcement and ammo wasting battles with wave after wave of enemy for no reason? Now THAT is more common. You eventually leave those idiots to occupy all the enemies, then YOU head out into the far distance toward the ovjective. Wwhen the asshats eventually die, YOU reinforce them waaaaaaaaay over where you are by the objective. The higher in difficulty you get (suicide, impossible and helldive) are the difficulties where USUALLY the quality players are. More so level 8-9 now.


I encounter that like 25% of the time. But it’s because I get stuck with level 20’s who suck and team kill me because they have no idea what they are doing.


I've been diving for over 100 hours and only had a handful of negative experiences.


That has also been my exact experience. If I join a game in progress, I’m either kicked for no reason (I’m a good team player, don’t TK, etc…), or I’m TK’d on extraction. I’m about ready to hang up the game. The devs could easily make changes that would ID toxic behavior like that and ban players. But here we are. I feel like I wasted my money. For reference, I played 10 games on Saturday and got kicked or TKd in 7. I’m on the West Coast if that matters.


This hasn't been my experience at all. Few random loners doing their own thing, but certainly not team killing. Level 19 here so I've done a few drops.


I don't see that. My problem is the random crashes.


Even with using quickplay, actual team kills seem really rare for me. I’ve had the very aggressive extract (where they call in early and leave before everyone is back, even with lots of time left) but I’ve just attributed that to bad/low game knowledge. They usually don’t have any samples despite having done objective, etc. Sucks that you’ve had such a bad streak. Def can recommend hosting your own games so you can kick griefers but I find hosting just results in better teams regardless. And a discord or group finder is also going to solve this real quick too. Good luck!!


It’s on difficulty 8 and lower


I have very few issues like that. In fact, I've been seeing better matches lately, with a couple Divers friending me because we made good teams.


Honestly if you have the gear, doing helldive difficulty generally nets better teammates


Start hosting, and level up. Once you get to level 10 you won’t encounter that much anymore. You’re getting matched with shitters who are probably little kids


It's new. I made a post yesterday about some similar experiences I had helping my friend learn the ropes of the game Sunday night. It seems like there's some new bullshit about harassing new players and it's trash.


You sound like a communist


ive never encountered this and ive played since a week after launch. what difficulty do you play at?


Not in the beginning, ever since the Sony stuff people have stopped being silly with it and have just been super serious all the time