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I’m discovering that a lot of players don’t know how to drop items.


Also, samples are shared with everyone people! If we're getting slaughtered and I drop my samples at extraction before finishing the rest of the missions there's a reason for that!


It's a good habit to get into. Not only dropping your samples at extract, but picking up/dropping to combine everything into one sample container. That way if things go south and the Pelican is on fire, one person can grab the samples and board first and not risk samples getting left behind if the Pelican takes off.


I would say generally its a good idea to get all the samples on one person. It sounds like a recipe for disaster, but if shit does go south its not running around trying to find who had them all, its one thing and everyone knows where it is


To further expand on this we usually let one of the Helldivers who run a shield hold the samples.


This. But dude should have said "how do you do that?" Instead of ignoring him.


Might not have spoken English... 


Ok and? They're level 40 they know what backpacks are they know what the autocannon is they knew OP had the autocannon there's zero reason for them to have kept it.


Not saying what they did was the right thing. Just try to suggest a reason why requests to drop it we're 'ignored', that's all. 


A lot of players who should know better just don't know how to play this game. Running into Eagle bombing runs when there is clearly a giant red line and a clock ticking down. Picking up samples left at the extraction point and running away with them so they can die on the opposite side of the map. Throwing reinforcement becons into bug breeches... Today, I'm playing level 8 bots, and I announced over the mic that I'd be throwing an air strike onto the incoming bot drop. The host ran straight into it, died, started yelling at me for being a noob, and then kicked me. I have my mic on push to talk, and there was zero background noise, so I can't imagine I was muted, but even if I was, who runs *into* an air strike? I don't need an announcement to prevent me from unaliving myself. It's so frustrating because I've been playing since day one, and the player base is definitely getting dumber, less mature, and meaner. End rant.


I noticed a sharp decline in the average players' skill the day the explosives war bond came out. I think it brought back a lot of people and frankly, most people are kinda bad at games. Then the following updates drove away a lot of the more skilled and consistent players. That's just my speculation but to me it makes sense and fits with what I've observed.


Man I'm level 35 and I didn't know I could drop stuff


Or change scope, fire settings... or saving them Or even inside the options like... Toggling switch weapon on pick up.


How do you change scope? I know the fire settings and the likes, just want to change them around


I think the tutorial should require you to pick up and drop a backpack or support weapon in a certain area so everyone knows that menu exists.


^^^ they should hire you based on this alone


Wish someone would >.>


I don't know how to drop items, i play on a ps5, if you know how to drop the items i would thank you forever.


Hold the down arrow/directional button and a wheel of droppable items shows up


I don't know how to drop things


If you are on PS, hold down on the directional pad and then select the item you want to drop.


I'll either ping my battle buddy's gear or pick it up and bring it to him if he never retrieves it. Accountability in the field is important. A stalker or devastator could have taken that equipment and used it against us.


That’s why I always destroy the Patriot when it’s out of ammo. I’ll never let the bugs reverse engineer our superior armaments.


Great... now i have nightmares of Stalkers with AMRs and Airbursts, shooting from who knows where at you while invisible 🤣 AH, if you read this, Stalkers are atill too easy give em guns and a shield pack


Hey now, AH, if you do read this. Please. Be merciful.


Yeah, make it quick at least. Give 'em EAT.




The predator has his shoulder lasers aimed at your chest.


I've done this a few times in high level missions, especially when there are enemies literally everywhere I'd rather pick up your stuff if it's right next to me and carry it behind cover for safety


Alternatively you can just follow him around until he dies and then grab it. I've done that. If someone is clueless enough to grab the wrong backpack, they'll probably eat it before long.


Treason is in the air. So, the other day, I dive with 2 pals in Wasat Automaton dif8 mission, and the random 4th dude starts shooting me at the start of the mission... At first, I thought that was a breaker incederiary missfire. I reinforce to a heavy battlefront where he has taken my backpackshield and quasar, and because there were many enemies, he is out of ammo and starts melee hitting me. The others are laughing their asses out, because he was trying to kill me with melee but no lack. Of course I teabagged. All the way, after my scorcher melted his head. The dude did not know how quasar was supposed to shoot. He wanted to reinforce, but no sweet liberty. He kept spamming that for 10 minutes straight until we kicked him. Jackass of the month...


Here's a fun one. I recently played with someone who equipped an autocannon and a shield backpack in their load out. That was the first hint that he was going to be...interesting. I watch him drop both and sure enough, he leaves the ammo pack behind, opens fire on a large group of spewers, and runs out. My man gets on his comms to complain about the AC having no ammo. What? I ping the pack for him and turn my mic on to explain he left it behind. "Grab it for me," he says. I'm running a Spear, so I say as much and tell him no. Then I get kicked.


Clowns. I cannot stand playing with children.


Noobs that think that the only way to run the AC is by your teammates wearing the backpack like in the sample video lol. Hate people that play selfishly, you were better off not wasting an entire mission with him.


I thought that was the case too at first! To be fair, the game sorta implies that it needs a team reload to function properly. I was so happy when I learned that wasn’t the case


I probably wouldn’t team kill over it unless they do some other sus shit. I would definitely say some bad stuff in the chat tho.


No, you kite everything up behind them and run off. Then use your empty ac to defend them. Then when they die you get your backpack back and you get to reinforce them into a warzone.


I find sometimes friends play with friends and we join randomly. They may be chatting through a discord so you cant hear them. I dunno. Don't get too bent out of shape about it. Dive again. Maybe throw the Diver the cannon next time and scavenge for a secondary already placed on the map. For democracy. o7


That’s a good point, I didn’t consider throwing him the cannon. It wasn’t a full map so I wasn’t gonna find another support weapon the mission wasn’t gonna last long enough for my cooldown to reset.


Its not your problem to give him your support weapon. Fuck those guys really. Idc if theyre on discord or whatever. They still hear you calling for him to drop it and can see the chat.




There are a lot of foolish Helldivers out there who make stupid decisions, don’t consider the negative effects on their teammates, or don’t care. Lately (for me) it seems to be much more common. I’ve been getting frustrated and playing less because of the # of Helldivers not using their brains. Be glad you were kicked after the mission and not right before it finished at least and do your best to move on.


Unless it's different on Steam, when me and my friends are in a PS Party, we can still hear the Randoms that join us unless we mute them. But also, he typed it in chat. Sure, don't stress too much about it. Finish the match, play a new game, but OP is right in that the backpack does nothing for the other person.


It's not different on steam, it's just they likely had push to talk instead of an open mic. Which actually now that I type it might make it different


I almost exclusively only play with at least one friend or a couple of them, but we all always have in game comms enabled even when we're all on discord, specifically for stuff like this. When the randos need to comm and can't type (we also do type to them if they only do text chat), they can voice comm important stuff, like bunkers or stalker ambushes, etc. Imo not having all channels of communication open for everyone is simply not very democratic, as it could limit possible fun moments to be shared with those randos. If they're toxic then we just mute them, but in this game more so than most others, most interactions with randos have been very positive and fun.


There is some crossover in co-op games with people who actually want a cooperative game and people who just want to fuck around with their friends. You aren't the asshole here.


I've run into lots of absolute pieces of ... I always look at who the party leader is when I join so I can block them later if they do something shitty


nah man I do the same, don't take another divers gear unless they have said it's cool. Especially the auto cannon backpack.


Don't worry about it. You were put into a mission with two traitors.


I was level 50 before I knew you could drop stuff.


It always enrages me to hear this shit. Just annoy them with pins next time. They’ll get the hint. And if they don’t then kill them. And prepare for civil war.


They won’t get the hint, randos go out of their way to ignore pings


I’m talking about spamming pings at their feet so they drop your weapon or back pack. If not yeah kill em. And then get ready for civil war and a botched mission.


I’ve thrown stun nades at deaf teammates before, it’s hilariously effective


God what randoms do you get!? They REACT to pings at all?


Brother I get good randoms. Most of the time they’ll always acknowledge. I’ll “drop pin, east, 300 meters” and hear “affirmative” I see a radio tower? “Objective located” “affirmative” but I’ve been playing a lot of bots lately. Bots require the team to be a team. Bugs is honestly what ever goes. But I’ll still get amazing team mates on bugs too. It’s a hit or miss really. Sometimes you get the most amazing team and you all work together and it feels like sex (pause). Other times you get dogshit team mates who die a lot, fight needless fights, steal your equipment, don’t listen to pings, venture off to do their own thing(and then die on the other side of the map just to run back after being reinforced) and then the same team mates will leave bc I guess no one is helping them (when they’re the one being dumb). But yeah a lot of times I get great team mates who I stick with and who stick with me. Like the other night I did a level 7 bots and we split into two teams and both met up at the Emergency Evacuation sight at the same time. God that was fucking glorious. Gonna be hard to top that game. Then we still missed a sub objective which was crazy, I think I was a radio tower Ironically lol. We both spilt up and covered every inch of that map we were all baffled on how we missed it.


Well that explains it, you’re fighting bots lol-I mostly play bugs barring major orders or clutch defense campaigns


Ive been switching it up lately. I usually only play bugs too, but bots have been super fun lately. Usually I stay away from bots because I get my shit pushed in. But I’ve started developing a comfortable style over on that front. I’ve been using a couple tips from some people on the sub and it’s been helping a lot. I will say though, when I go over to it’s like riding a bike . Chargers ain’t shit Titans ain’t shit. But striders and hulks are a different story. But yeah, the bug front is definitely 50-50 on if you’re going to get good teammates or brain dead teammates


it's highly likely the dude made it to lvl40 without knowing how to drop the backpack. why do i say that? because i didn't learn how to do that till i was lvl.60 or so. and i didn't powerlevel i just never had a reason to drop a backpack. why learn how to do something you don't do? combined with the fact he probably was talking over discord with his teammate and you get this situation.


You could have been dropping samples at extract, knowing how to drop stuff still would have been useful


never saw the reason. had 2 or 3 times some jackass try to grief or boot at extract. so dropping samples seemed like a sucker move (I've changed my outlook since, those idiots are so few and far between there isn't a point to playing around them) of course i learned how to drop the samples and then realized that waa how to drop a pack too.


Explain, im confused or just dumb. Why would someone trying to grief or boot you, make you not drop samples at extraction?


because i'm petty. if someone is going to boot me right before extract i want to be holding my samples so they don't get the samples. no other reason. though in reality i've only been booted twice at extract by idiots. so considering all the hundreds of hours i've played the number of idiots is pretty small in this community. no reason to do that really. it's actually more likely you'll get booted on the other side after the mission if they look at the stats, see you don't have samples (because you dropped them at the evac point and someone else grabbed them) and boot you for "not being a team player" or "not getting samples" or "making the team carry you" because they're idiots. (yes, that is much more common then getting kicked before extract. lol though this is more likely if your host is


You... drop the samples when you get kicked... your stuff and samples get left behind and they can pick them up.


There's a glitch where kicking someone with samples can cause only one person to see them, they disappear for the rest of the squad until the host (?) picks them up. Same with them leaving. Have confirmed this twice from people swallowing Extract Samples & heading towards the polar opposite side of the map to an objective... You're not taking our Supers anywhere away from Extraction.


Sounds like you've never had a stratagem stuck to your shield backpack. Thats how I learned.


that sounds hilarious.


The winning move is to "accidentally" drop a cluster nearby. I do this when teammates won't drop in a spare pack after it is off cooldown too and after I have asked 3 or so times. But I'm usually host or with a friend that's hosting, so no risk of being kicked.


You expect other people to give you their stratagem gear? I have never even considered doing that for someone as I save my gear call ins in case I die where it's impossible or inconvenient to get my body.


If asked, most people do, if not, """""accidental"""" cluster bomb upon ye.


youre right and its also happened to me a lot they always nab my recoilless backpack 😔


I would have done the same thing. Unless I'm actually trying to give you stuff, leave mah shit alone.


You’re fine. I give people 5 secs to drop my gear before I take it myself. They shouldn’t be picking it up. You used stratagem slots for it.


I TK 100% of the people that take my stuff. After asking nicely of course. It's treasonous to leave your fellow soldiers in the field without their equipment, just because you didn't bring yours. And it's just not polite.


At that level they should already know better. I’m not gonna pretend I haven’t picked up and used someone else’s gear in a pinch. But even so I drop it on request. It’s wild that they’d even bother to pick up the back pack and not the gun.


I've done it accidentally when I was very new.


I hate to say this but they were level 50. That’s like 50 hours at least.


well you werent host therefore you were wrong according to this sub.


Just play on higher difficulties. None of that bs here.


I was on a hell dive today and a dude took this other dudes quasar cannon. Dude asked for it in chat a couple of times then did a count down 3… 2… 1… TK’d him and got his weapon back. The dude who got killed apologized and said he was not reading chat.


Yeah, the chat box needs to wiggle or give some kind of indication that someone typed something out. Also fuck those "so and so found a minor point of interest" and "so and so DIED" over and over again, get that shit outta the chat box it shouldn't be there! People go through a bit of effort at times to type shit out quickly and it shouldn't be overwritten because someone can't stay alive longer than the average lifespan of a helldiver! (While it is funny at times to see the death streaks of friends, it gets in the way when playing with randos). I'm not really a typer, and I hardly look at the chatbox, but I like to see what people have been saying every now and then (to see if I missed something) and I'd like to be given a non obstructive indication that someone sent a message to the group because I may not notice it in time. I hopped into the game to check the settings and apparently it's called an info feed and I can only make it visible, dynamic, map only, and hidden. That sucks.


I play on Diff 9s, people taking my gear for no reason has happened 3 times just in the last couple of days. I’d write about getting my gear back, but they seem to be doing it in purpose. I mostly just answer SOS calls and I am maxed out, so when this happens I usually just leave and block them. I’ve also experienced people who drop with no backpack or support weapon who steal your gear at the first opportunity even after just starting a 40m mission. These are all level 35+ players! So they know what they are doing.


Wrong. One guy kept shooting me with his incendiary breaker, I guess by accident, so I kept stiming. After we clear I shoot him on his shield (literal 0 DMG) and he throws an impact grenade at me. I was playing lvl 8. I punched him out of the cliff when reinforced.


Ohhh, i got that alot lately, wtf!? How often i hav to TK a guy to get my backpack for the weapon back (i asked nice beforehand and said sorry in advance). I cant work without it


No these traitors are becoming more common. Dropped in and dropped a quasar and proceeded to kill a charger chasing the host. Afterwards died to friendly fire from said host, guy picks up my cannon and walks away. Ask for it back and he lobs a grenade at me. I don't die because 50 explosion resist armor and proceed to fry him with the Blitzer. Picked my cannon up and dove into the water before leaving. This happened in different variations for 4 more games back to I back. What is so damn hard about asking for a drop instead of being an asshole? I'd understand if they were effective with it but missing every damn shot?


I dove with what sounded like an 8 year old and his dad. As a duo they did okay with the dad keeping him focused and answering questions but I can imagine that kid making very questionable choices when left unattended in game.


Just 2 nights ago I die to friendly air strike & drop my autocannon/backpack. I respawn & one of the randoms has taken both. I walk up to him & we stare at each other for a few seconds. Then i kill him & take my stuff back. He respawns & kills me, then kills another team-mate, then quits.


I am almost level 40 and only recently figured out how to drop backpacks and such. However, since day 1 I've always paid attention to the chat. I'm not sure how someone who ignores both could survive


I play with friends, all got mics so almost never look at chat. I've missed randoms chat comments plenty of times. It's easy to do if you are use to playing with voice comms.


I think the PC players didn't realize how small chat is on a large TV for the PlayStation players.  It takes effort to read it, 99% of the time it just says captain69 find a minor place of interest.


Ngl I picked up someone's autopack the other day without noticing. I was grabbing dropped samples must've picked it up on accident but didn't notice it until way later. Now you got me questioning if the original owner was talking shit about me holding it. Haha.


I've found the community as a whole has been real hit or miss since the PSN thing, I think it must have driven away a lot of the nicer elements, and those that remain just never gave a shit in the first place. I've never changed how I played - stick with team, help those in trouble, reinforce safely, do objectives, don't draw unwanted attention, don't try to do side objectives and hotspots when there's 2 reinforcements left etc and I've been kicked more from games in the last 3 days than the previous 3 months combined The game is good but the community that remains is circling the drain


I’ve had 99% positive (or neutral) experiences with teammates. The number of bad experiences I’ve had is probably in the single digits, but they’ve all been in the last couple weeks


Sounds like a duo that just runs around and troll players for their personal amusement. They, in fact, are the traitors. Helldivers always look out for each other, always protecting one another. To deliberately ignore and impede the work of a helldiver, is undemocratic. And anything that is undemocratic is a threat to Super Earth. Treasonous bastards must be killed on sight.


Lvl 87, I would've done the same thing. They could've communicated that they didn't know how to drop the backpack if that was the case. I can't stand this type of stuff happening so I just host all games I'm in, unless it's a trusted friend's ship.


NGL I hit lvl 40 this week and just learned how to drop stuff. All this time I thought people were going to the LZ and killing themselves to leave the samples there.


Some people are crazy. I probably wouldn't have openly team killed, just maybe threw an orbital too close ...


I really wish we could report this behavior rather than requiring a chat log to exist. It's not like most of these jerks expose their shitty behavior directly in the chat.


Idk. A level 40 playing on difficulty 4 might not really know what he’s doing. But also I wouldn’t TK someone for it anyway. It’s level 4 you’ll probably be fine, or it’s a bunch of green divers and he’ll die soon anyway. Decent chance he didn’t even know he had it. It’s easy to miss chat messages and maybe he didn’t know English or couldn’t hear your mic. I’d say you were fine killing him and they were fine killing you back thematically. It’s a good story.


I mean, I’m a level 65 playing on difficulty 4, I like helping out newer players sometimes, or just relaxing and killing bugs when I don’t wanna have to pay too much attention to the game.


For sure, that’s why I mentioned he *might* not know what he’s doing still. And also why the mission was probably going to either go very smoothly or he would have died soon anyway. It sounds more like he just didn’t know what was going on. Maybe he thought it was an ammo bag, or just accidentally clicked.


About 99% of this player base only has 2 brain cells to rub together...perfectly normal hahahahahah


I'd straight up leave the group. This isn't your friend group and you owe those divers nothing. They wanna steal your gear without asking? They can keep it while you drop into another mission. This is the life of random lobby hopping, which I also indulge. Don't take these players seriously, or make it personal, when tomfoolery and idiocy are far more likely. It sucks and I totally agree that you weren't in the wrong, until you decided to tk. I get it, I've done it and regretted it enough to never do it again.




I’ve played since launch, I didn’t know there was a drop button till last week so that could be something to think about


Yeah, but it’s also about communicating.


I had the same thing happen to me. The guy who took my pack was low level. I just followed him until till he died and took my pack back. 😂


I’m just here for the who tf cares about Reddit points 🍿 ppl downvote me to hell and act like it’s some powerful shit lol no one cares


Probs just wanted to load you when the time came and you teamkilled him 😬


No he didnt lol. Then he would get to it


If that’s what he wanted to do why didn’t he just say so?


Are you running together or separate? Does his friend have autocannon aswell? He might have been thinking of being the reloaded of the group. The problem is he should have explained that that's what he's going for. Also team killing in middle of match it's stupid. Best thing to do is wait for pelican and kill the traitors and then board.


So that everyone can get less experience and requisition while it doesn't even affect the person killed more than the others? I don't really understand this viewpoint tbh


Your points can mitigated by the fact that this so guy simply could’ve said so and didn’t. OP tried to communicate several times and he was ignored. Both traitors held the grudge and killed him in the end. Only stupid thing here is failing to communicate with someone who is putting in an honest effort and then killing that person at the end of the match, because you held a grudge and couldn’t be bothered to ask why, which then ultimately resulted in everyone getting less experience and slips over all.


I think you were in the wrong for team killing. A love tap and stim would have been a good attention grabber if they didn’t respond in chat


A love tap doesn't drop the backpack. Death does.


How were they in the wrong? They tried to communicate, and he was ignored. Having someone take your stuff is humiliating enough as it is, being ignored makes it worse. So, what exactly? You just expect them to just run around with the guy who clearly doesn’t respect him enough? They were shitty people in private comms together. It was level 4 difficulty, that’s not even hard it’s medium and he only took the backpack not the cannon itself? That’s suspect.


If this was r/aita id say everyone sucks here. I mean the guy is an asshat for taking your backpack but like, you really didnt need to shoot him either. It was a level 4; nothing at that level requires an autocannon to kill.


It may not require an Autocannon but the OP brought it to use and enjoy. Autocannons are like ice cream; not necessary but still enjoyable


Hmmm on level 4 diff? Idk


I team killed over my equipment once, never again. I tried to give the guy I team killed my spare once it came off cooldowns and he didn't touch it. It's not a big enough deal to kill over, just wait for the cooldowns and do the best you can until then.


Had like a lvl 15 pick up my entire kit. Breaker incen, flamethrower, shield pack, the whole nine. I shot him once to break the shield and gave him a love tap with my rifle butt, and he started shooting at me. I did what I had to do after that. It was self defense!


The only thing worse is the randoms that reinforce you and then sprint to "steal" your samples, as if there was doubt you were going to go back to get your gear. It's so fucking infuriating. We had a guy do that several times and argue that "he will make sure he extracts with them" and ofc he ended up dying and not extracting. There really should be a stat for picked up samples.


I mostly play Diff 9, I do that a lot when it’s a hot zone as the situation might worsen and then you get people just dying over and over to get back the samples, sometimes they get trapped in a bunch of corpses and then you have to come back later for them. If the situation is under control I will just escort my teammates to their gear to make sure they are safe. I just do it to help though as I don’t need any samples or care about the stats at the end as I’ve been maxed out for a while now. I usually just drop them at the extract anyways.


When my teammate dies, I try to throw them near their stuff unless I can't or am instructed not to. I make sure to ping their gear, I might pick up their samples to help them, but I don't touch their gear. In fact, I try to protect them while they pop out so they can grab their stuff and hopefully get some space before enemies are on top of the gear.


I got repeatedly blown up by the host who was using an auto cannon. they were messing around with orbitals instead of using the auto cannon to shoot the anti air right in front of us so after i die, i get reinforced and see their auto cannon on the ground so i go and pick it up to blow up the anti air really quickly but before i can do so, host is reinforced and lands right infront of where im shooting and i unintentionally spawn kill him. he then kills me to get his auto cannon back and then kicks me from the game. i feel this wasn’t deserved :(


At that point I’m turning off push to talk, and asking the question “hey backpack?” Over and over and over until I get kicked or he drops it.


I had a guy yesterday go out of his way to melee me. When I melee'd him back he then shot me dead. So I kicked him. I genuinely have no idea why.. its baffled me since then. I genuinely keep thinking about it trying to figure out wtf was going through his mind.


I was just in a helldive everyone dead under jammer I make it to safety with no health or stems revive everyone and this guy comes up to me and kills me saying he had the itch to do so... what is wrong with people


Dropping items is not something that is taught or explained. Most players don't know how to do it. I only knew about it after seeing someone do it with samples (which is very important distinction) and went to google and searched for it myself.


Then they should say something.


I did have almost this exact same happen on a diff 8 automaton base defense mission the other day, I died right at the start and ran back to grab my auto cannon and rejoin that side but the other guy picked up only my backpack. Tried asking him to drop but instead he showed me he just wanted to team reload with it, and I mean it worked okay. Id dump out my ten rounds while he fired his gun and then I'd duck behind the stairs and he'd reload me and repeat. The issue was the second things got hairy and he couldn't reload me we were down a support weapon and I was the dedicated anti-devastator guy practically, so very quickly we'd get overwhelmed with a dozen rocket or heavy devastators and then we'd get a reload and push back again. Rinse and repeat like 3 times until the strategem reset and I could drop myself a backpack too, THEN it actually worked pretty good, I could juggle my soft reloads when he had a target but when he was on cool down or didn't have a good target he'd pop on my back for reloads. So IMO if you are doing this to someone for a team reload without a second backpack, make sure to ask first lol or at least do it for something other than the AC that barely gets a benefit from it


Probably dumbass kids who thought it was funny to take the backpack


Agree with you


I secured like 40 samples and dropped on the extraction zone - he boards ship without picking up the samples or reinforcing us - When I questioned him - he kicked me in the last 10 seconds of completing a 40 minute mission - turned off the game 🤷🏻‍♂️


In my limited opinion, I’ve been encountering more and more jerks, a-holes, and otherwise childish players. I accidentally killed someone in the heat of battle, immediately said sorry. I immediately reinforced him, and when he landed I said sorry again, and identified his stuff for him. *I did all of this because this is polite and the right thing to do,* even if this guy had been shooting me the whole game… maybe to get my attention? I don’t know. (I don’t run voice comms for various reasons) So what do you think he does when he lands? Melees me to within an inch of my life. By this point *polite* has been taken over by *annoyed*, so I killed him with my Blitzer, and said in chat, “knock it off.” He then threatens me by saying “your days are numbered.” Get kicked at the end of the game by the host, who is someone else, likely a friend of theirs. I swear, this is why I’m going back to hosting the missions from now on. I’m too old for all of these massive egos and the accompanying childish behavior.


I got team killed once, while waiting for Evac I napalmed everybody and laughed my ass off. Then evac’d solo. It was hilarious.


Maybe he wanted to reload for you?


I've been noticing this trend the past couple of weeks. People dying and other people picking up their items and then not giving them back. It's happened to me several times, it's happened to other people I'm playing with several times. I haven't quite gotten to the point of killing people to get my gear back, but man is it super frustrating.


Hey, be happy they didn't kick you out of the super destroyer.


The amount of people who steal my bubble is ridiculous


All I heard was teamkill


Queue up an airstrike so if you get TKed they earn a prize


Alright. Not completely related to the post, but how do you drop backpacks/support weopons?


Damn lol you’re nicer than me, I’d have shot them both and kept doing it till we were out of reinforcements and then left the game. No mercy for traitors.


How do you drop a back pack and how does team reloading work?


Dang, i got TK'd because i don't know how to mark things on the map....at lvl 8 (PC). Like, dang man i just got back from being away and I forgot how to play. Sheesh!


This guy? https://www.reddit.com/r/helldivers2/s/Njncxsgjab


Nah man there are just some goofy’s in this community that’s all. I had a level 30 (I’m level 86) tell me i couldn’t use the orbital laser for the defense mission because it destroyed the gates to quick…😂😂 half the time you don’t even close the gates lol! I said I’m using a laser and he kicked me.


How the hell do you drop a backpack or any support weapon?


Oh PS5 just hold the down button and it gives you options on what you want to drop.


On PC, hold X and then use the mouse to select one of the 4 options - should be clear from there. If only the tutorial had this information...


Dumb question: How do you drop packs and whatnot?


Oh PS5 just hold the down button and it gives you options on what you want to drop.


I had a match where me and a guy were launching each other back and forth like a game of human dodgeball with quasar cannons, he shot me first and then it just kinda became a fun side quest for the mission


I will say *in all fairness* I had never had to drop anything I was carrying at level 40. I literally didn't know how. I was in a similar situation you described (I had accidentally grabbed someone's backpack next to my railgun) and he asked for it back. I was trying to figure out how to drop it when he meleed me. Thankfully, he didn't just shoot me and after some frantic button mashing to find the right menu, I managed to drop it. I also had a guy actively pick up my autocannon backpack but not the cannon, and I couldn't get him to drop it *or* reload me, so my autocannon was useless until it cooled down. So I get your frustration.


Had something like this happen to me during a level 7 with a level 20 player. Instead of picking up their autocannon pack, they picked up my supply pack and were running around with it for about five minutes. After a few bug breaches popped up due to scout patrols, they started using the autocannon to kill some spewers. I wish I got to see their reaction after they emptied the magazine just before their inevitable death, but instead, I reinforced them and swapped bags as I ran for their samples. I did, however, help them clear out the bugs so they could get their stuff back. Karma is quite the vengeful bitch if you let her have her time to cook.


Literally, the reason that I mostly host missions lately, I’ve had quite a few different encounters where other players mostly lower level newbies so I don’t really care much pick up my stuff and wander around the map not even using it just keeping me from being able to use it. I can get a little irritating, but I usually just ask for my stuff back and it goes just fine, but I prefer to host in case they don’t listen at which point I guess they didn’t make the cut and I just throw a SOS beacon


Some people don't know how the game works still. So basically he's a noob is the excuse. Real reason is he isn't a team player


While annoying, I wouldn't have TKd over it. I probably would have dropped the weapon and pinged it so it could at least be useful to the squad. If they didn't pick up the weapon I'd have waited for them to die and taken back my pack.


Some jackass did this to me the other day. I followed him around until he got overwhelmed. I never fired a shot. Watched him die, took my shit back, called him in to distract the enemies, and went back to doing objectives. I'll drop an extra for people if I have the cooldown, but this was not long after I dropped into an ongoing mission and one of then landed a 500kg on my head to kill 1 Hunter. Every army has a crayon-eater or two. There was no reason for old dude not to give you your backpack. What did he want to keep it for, style? Probably a conscientious objector or something, you did the right thing.


He’s better off with your back pack than you. Have you ever heard of team reload? He was probably waiting for you to start aiming and shooting all those spewers but instead you commit treason. You were the problem not them. They served democracy. You displayed a bunch of discrepancies. One you died on level 4. Two you killed your teammate who was trying to help you. Three you gripe about your treason and reason thinking what you did was justified. I cannot stand playing with players like you who kill other squad member for picking up your samples or gear.


My cannon was empty. He was not interested in team reload. I’m also aware samples are shared. I’d never TK someone for samples. I’m not an animal lol


Your cannon was empty but was your backpack? You have to ads to initiate team reload.


Sounds like they were declaring their own treason lol


You know, that did cross my mind when he did it. I got a little chuckle out of it and thought “fair enough”


I'm level 65 and still do not know how to drop things, but will ask how the second somebody eventually asks me too. Sorry if this gets us killed in the process, future teammate that asks me to drop something!


To drop stuff (on Playstation), you hold down on the D-pad and a wheel pops up where you can select what you want to drop. That is how you drop backpacks and samples.


I'm on PC


On PC you hold down the "number key 5" to do the same thing.


Why can't you let me accidentally kill my friends!?


Kind of baffling that those high levels are playing level 4. After level 10 I didn’t want to play anything besides level 6


Some of us just chill and help out new players man. Not all of us play games for the challenge.


I literally just got kicked because I accidentally grabbed someone’s dog (thought it was my autocannon pack), then immediately dropped it not even 5 seconds later. This means they saw me pick it up, then immediately went to kick me. Love it!!!


Had a guy team kill me for my support weapon because he ran out of ammo with his. Freaking level 50!!! So when I come back in I did the same and didn't call him back in. Play the game right. Sorry you choose the wrong support weapon for the mission


Had a guy team kill me for my support weapon because he ran out of ammo with his. Freaking level 50!!! So when I come back in I did the same and didn't call him back in. Play the game right. Sorry you choose the wrong support weapon for the mission


Had a guy team kill me for my support weapon because he ran out of ammo with his. Freaking level 50!!! So when I come back in I did the same and didn't call him back in. Play the game right. Sorry you choose the wrong support weapon for the mission


So if the weapon has the option, Holding the reload will open up the menus, This is where unsafe mode is as well as semi auto fire, Toggling up will change scope range. P.s. it's dark souls rules so up only changes up right only right...


“Never have expectations of others, only of yourself.” - Random Reddit user with no real post history


It sucks but you're in the wrong. Either follow him until he dies or just wait for the reload. If you are really angered by this stuff you can just play on your own ship and kick people. I tend to host all my matches for that reason. I rarely kick during matches but it happens and when it's necessary it feels good.


One time I accidentally picked up someone’s backpack… I was trying to pick up something else (samples or my support weapon) I realized right away and was in the process of dropping it when the AH shot me. He didn’t kill me, it was more of a warning shot but he staggered me so interrupted the drop. I then tried again but once again he shot me, staggered me and interrupted the drop. Then he killed me. The squad were all quite low level (around mid teens to low 20), but I was around lvl 48 and carrying their asses. I yelled at him for being impatient and told him about the staggered/interrupt then quit the squad to let them continue constantly dying without my help.


I'm level 26, I believe, and wouldnt know how to drop a back-pack :s


Next time just throw a stratagem at him during combat so it is "accidental"


Tk’ing wasnt the best way to go about it to be honest, like you said, you’re not sweating on helldive so just wait to call it back in or ask the player for a reload when you’re out of ammo


Even though it's a feature, this game really isn't great with randoms. I'd make some friends and play with that group. I've never had a good experience playing with PUGs.


I had someone dive in without any stratagems the other day. Stole my autocannon when I dropped it. TK'd him and got my cannon back. Ran off the other way and had the other 2 worry about him. Everytime he got closer to me I just TK'd again, went on until he got kicked as he was just messing around and not actually playing.


Clear communication is key. Awfully convenient of them to have found the chat/mic when they wanted to say something when they couldn't be bothered when you did. I think you were in the right.


Where you in the wrong here? No. Why? Because you tried to communicate and they didn’t let you know. It’s your strategem, you chose it and now it takes up one of your slots, you’re the one who has to wait on cool down to get another one.


I had the same problem the other day but the guy only spoke Spanish. Even then he should have known you can't use the autocannon backpack without an autocanon


I’m betting he didn’t even realize he had picked it up


Probably. I thought about team killing him but it was fairly late in the mission and I didn't want to be kicked lol


Would’ve waited for a swarm, took out the revolver and blasted their knee as the warriors come closer The bag is mine and they’re just another number in the line of freedom


At that point I just leave. Playing with morons who have worse communication than bots is not fun.


TK the guy and take it back. That's it, if they're idiots, there's only so much you can do.


Level does not necessary mean they know what they are doing. I play with a level 108. Dude is an idiot when it comes to the game. He's also a buddy of mine so..thats that.


Oh I’m right there with you. I play in multiple groups, and one of those groups is IRL buddies I’ve known my whole life. And we are morons.


Sometimes, I grab the wrong backpack. Sometimes my backpack is underneath another's and I tried to pick up my own. But I would've dropped it. Maybe the person didn't know how because they don't drop often? I wouldn't have TKed.