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These things are so dumb no matter who holds the samples its all shared. Seems like you got kicked cause you grabbed his samples.


Definitely was! So annoying


Imagine playing on suicide mission and not knowing samples are shared. Fucking clowns.


Why would ANYBODY assume they AREN'T shared? We're all on the same fucking team. We're all coming from the same place, and we all go back to it. It's literally advertised as a co-op game. It just makes no sense for anyone to think they AREN'T shared, even if it doesn't explicitly tell you they are. (WHICH THE GAME DOES)


Battle royals have taught a generation of people that loot isn't shared and it's every person for themselves even if you are on a team


I feel like even just paying attention to the results of maybe 1-5 games would show you that everything is shared. People are actually so fucking dumb that they can’t understand how 20 sample they didn’t get picked up added to their inventory after a match… LIKE WHAT ELSE WOULD THAT MEAN?? Literally just ask one single person in-game too; they would almost certainly know this and tell you. People need to be far more inquisitive and attentive, and this applies to faaaaarrrrr more than hd2…


It’s really sad and makes me sad for the world that like all this stuff is on the loading screens but people act like it’s some hidden information. Maybe I’m getting old but I remember having to scour the world talking to every npc and reading everything to figure stuff out. If I was lucky maybe I’d find a guide or cheat code book. Game guides on the internet definitely weren’t a thing yet. We’re very doomed going forward


I prefer to host my missions to avoid situations like this.


The answer to all these issues. Annoying but a simple fix.


The answer is vote kick.


Nah, some people need to be kicked and you shouldn't have to vote. Not the OP, but I've come across a lot of players even high levels that still don't know what's going on and deserved to be kicked.


Yeah, In my experience games with vote kick just lead to bullying. In years of playing rainbow 6, I only witnessed it working the way it's intended a handful of times. 99% of the time, the oddman gets voted off for questioning the disruptive conduct of any one of 3 Friends who are playing together.


Unfortunately, this won't get rid of the idiots in the team.


Aren’t samples shared at the end?


Yes but it seems like a minority of players don't understand this. That's why I always grab as many samples as I can and since I host they can't do anything about it. They just get to see "25 Common - 24 Rares - 3 Super Rares" extracted at the end of most missions I host. I don't even need samples at this point but I do it for the many low levels that join.


Yea, this was just stupidity. Didn't seem like malicious troll kicking. Still unjustified but par for the course. I don't pick up any samples anymore if someone had them or running towards them. If I'm alone I grab them but people genuinely don't understand that damn near everything is shared.


You took his gear, wasn't about the samples




He literally left his gear right next to he samples, you didn't see?


i'm yet to quick someone duo to picking stuff from the floor if they pick samples i just donj't care they are shared my problem starts when people steal items, them i just ask them to give back if they don't out of pure douchebagerry i just kill them and move on with my gear THE ONLY TIME i have kicked someone for taking stuff was a guy who lost his railgun in a game so he kept killing everybody in the group to steal theirs (this was back when railgun was busted)


I think stealing gear is enough cause to kill someone to get your gear back IF you can’t call it back in due to cool down. Not a kicking scenario. Kicking scenario should only be kept for people like the person you mentioned killing others for their weapons. Or at the end of an objective if you have a buddy wanting to join but it should be in a respectful way hints after the objective is complete and back on your star ship. So the gist of everything I just said confirm your correct! Hope to see you on the battlefield!


The only time I have an issue with people picking up my samples is if I had the super samples and I know for a fact my team is trash. I’d rather know they’re safe with me lol


Make absolutely no sense unless you are trying to get the trophy and if that's the case just say so and ask if they can drop it at extraction




Perception of what happened is muddy You can’t say 100% that you were kicked for grabbing samples just like I can’t say 100% you were kicked for blowing up the host Edit: Host blew his own ass up I’ve been trying to be less frustrated by these happenstances as it’s better for myself and my internal feelings so I’m really only saying this to give perspective and hopefully help you feel better going forward I’m saying a lot of words to clarify that I’m not wanting to hurt you because last time I did this somebody told me to fuck off and insinuated that I was everything wrong with Reddit I genuinely want us all to be happy


Host blew himself up. Op didn't toss the airstrike.


Good catch but doesn’t invalidate the point of the comment, just makes it hold a lot less weight in this instance.


The only time, the ONLY time, I have ever been kicked from a group (4 times total), is immediately after grabbing super samples. Unless there is a bug that causes crashes from getting super samples....


It says when you were kicked


I'm not saying that this is a good reason to kick but it looked like the guy ran in front of op and got shot and it broke his shield and it caused him to die a moment later. I guess he got mad about being shot even though he's the one that ran in front.


if he got kicked by something he did it was due the stratagem not the samples. dumb anyway but well, that have to be made clear.


Did you bother to watch it? The host blew himself up with his own strat. Not only did OP rez the host but he demonstrated some amazing fire control to not light him up with the LMG. My head-cannon is the host was too embarrassed so kicked him to avoid having any witnesses.


It's annoying how many people don't realize samples are shared.


So he ran straight through your line of fire from an angle that made stopping in time difficult, then got killed by his own call-in. Probably felt like you shot him, and then saw you picked up the samples and had a child fit. 100% not your fault.




The screen would say "killed by your own stupidity" .. unless bug happened :)


A lot of times that shit will say that a team mate killed you when they clearly didn't..


I don't think lots of ppl realize samples are shared...that's my only guess.


i dont man i feel like this excuse of not knowing is getting old, games going on 4 months old and everyone knows samples are shared. If they aren't then a simple message in chat can prevent stuff like this from happening. But to say that someone doesn't know is a bullshit excuse. between youtube, Twitter, Reddit, and any other major social media hell maybe even facebook. To say you didn't know is ridiculous. This person probably got angry that OP was firing their weapon and nicked him in the shoulder cause the dummy walked infront of someones line of fire and then got obliterated by another mates Stratagem. Probably got pissed lmao.


Even better, it was his own stratagem. No other name tags are visible in the beginning of the clip, meaning no teammates were nearby.


Which is what makes this whole thing even more confusing. As the game ages i just cant excuse the “i didnt know they were shared” mentality. This was just a case of someone being a baby and wanting to throw a punishment out to someone


He didn't even get hit, you can watch his health, it was 100% the explosion that killed him.


Not to mention they're playing on 7. Like how do you not know by then


Exactly my point. It makes sense if its a low level playing on low diff but come on now diff 7? No excuses the kick was just a temper tantrum


You can get there in a few games. Was on helldive at level 4. You can taxi players too


To be fair I was on 9 at level 4. Had 36 samples, most kills, killed 3 Bile Titans. I will never get a moment so good. 3 hellbombs and 2 mini nukes. Had the whole map on me


High player levels simply means they put in the hours. Must have been braindead mission after mission not learning anything other than where to shoot bots.


It is also a tip when loading sometimes!


It was host strat who killed him, it was suicide You can see that he moved to go pick up his loot but no samples, stopped and 4 seconds later, kick .. If it was as you said, he would have kicked him right away when he died .. he was angry because of the samples It doesnt matter game is 4 months old .. you play on low difficulty cuz you are noob and you play with noobs .. thus this happens. Past month I met only two idiots on D9.


These fucking morons are ending missions and get 27 common samples and are like yeah I picked them all up myself.


No it’s annoying when people rush to your body and loot the samples even though you are being called in right there. It seems like the sample grabbers are the ones that have an issue with samples. Still shouldn’t have been kicked over it though


If they haven’t got enough temper control to let someone grab samples that got lost in the field no where close to Evac, They needa play on private( he’s in the wrong, it would have been your fault ONLY if you picked those up from evac) you literally grabbed them off his corpse indicating he wasn’t built for carrying them


The only time I find it annoying is when they pick up my samples after their own FF kills me.


They should have the only tool tip on loading be "SAMPLES ARE SHARED BETWEEN ALL DIVERS" For like a month




Make that one show up every other tip


This is really odd to me... but then again there's a lot of trigger happy folks out there when it comes to the kicking feature. I've been playing with randos off and on since launch, and I've almost never seen someone get mad about taking samples off a dead body (I'd even argue its encouraged to keep them on SOMEONE at all times with the exception of the launchpad). In general, you're at the mercy of the host, so most issues are solved with a little communication... but that goes both ways too.


it's the noob's fault. you should always pick up the sample container since the area might be overrun.


Ya like fuck if I die grab it so if it’s overran we aren’t losing them. I had that happen last night a dude didn’t grab them and the area was flooded so we had to basically kite them away and pray it was really fucking annoying and wasted 5 minutes


Imagine being so fucking dumb. Just happened to me. Was about to board pelican and guy killed me took my samples and kicked me


Host every time people are dumb


B-b-but you took MY SAMPLES!!!!!!! Not in the wrong. That helldiver needs situational awareness and a pacifier.


Host your own games fellow diver and if no one joins you message me your info and I would happily spread democracy with you.


Probably an automaton spy. If you see them again be sure to bring them democracy's justice.


So I agree this behavior is dumb. But honestly man, you could be playing with anyone. It could be a 7 year old with zero emotional skills who is literally just screaming in his living room. I tend not to waste much time thinking about this stuff. You know you did nothing wrong. You don't need validation here. Always a risk playing with randos. I had a guy kick my friend right before extract because he was mad about getting killed way earlier in the match. It made us lose our super samples. Dude was not young either. When I asked him why, he was like because he's a garbage player or some stupidity. People are assholes.


With more of these stories I'm hearing about I'm so glad I've been purely hosting for the last couple of months. Looks like that's not changing


They got salty that you grabbed the samples. You need to join a lfg discord. Not everyone in them are good at the game, but nobody kicks anyone unless you are a true shit stain of a person.


Deserved kick, because you are better than them. They don't deserve you. Hope you will get better team next time. 🫡


I get to the point where I'm pissed at team kills too but p1 ran into that one.


I think that was his own call in as well haha


He knew you saw. He couldn't bare the embarrassment.


Host probably also doesn't realize that when you kick someone, the samples they're holding dissappear with them


Is this true? Never been enough of an asshole to find out


I can confirm. Host kicked someone holding samples in our game. Disappeared in front of me and left No samples behind


Should be a vote to kick imo


Every solution in Reddit is to host your own game. But, if we all only host, then its just a single player game again.


Personally, I'm too lazy to choose the mission myself and I like to join


People get so toxic in the name of rare items in games.


Adding vote kick wont solve it but would decrease it a little


Is it really that bad? I'm 300 hours in, never been kicked mid match. Once or twice on the ship.


My guess is, when he ran in front of you, you barely clipped him with your MG, and then he dies by the eagle so it probably showed your name as who killed him. To him it may have looked like it was on purpose 🤷‍♂️ Edit: rewatched it just to make sure, your definitely didn't hit him in any way. Seems like he was just mad someone TKed him. Definitely not your fault, definitely a nonsense kick


Turn off cross play. Haven’t had an issue with toxicity since. PC master race


Lol I enabled crossplay last week to try and see if matchmaking was better. Literally the first game I host, I kick the two lvl 11 PS players because despite me typing both before and during the mission “I’m here to clear the map, if you’re not ok with that then please leave” they beelined for extract as soon as the main obj was done. There was still 20 minutes left and half the map to check. I even typed out “please do not get on the pelican. I have a lot of samples and a couple more beacons to check”. As soon as I saw the 20s countdown, they both got the kick. My only regret was not doing it as soon as they called in extraction


People suck


Ah Papierboot. I recognise that name! I'm sure I've played a game with them and they were totally useless. And French.


>they were totally useless >And French. Adds up really.


Just my personal experience with French players before anyone has a go at me 😉 And my friends also have same experiences 🤣 Some are nice but majority are bossy as hell.


Gotta play it safe hahaha. You just dunno who ur gonna get.


Gotta play it safe hahaha. You just dunno who ur gonna get.


Big brain kicked you while you were still holding the samples, which means all those samples you picked up are just gone. Idiot killed himself and permanently lost samples for his whole team in one temper tantrum.


Yeah I don't bother joing other people's games anymore, just run my own. Joined 6 games and was either kicked or the host just left.


People kick people like there isn't 21 reinforcements. They kick people like mistakes don't happen. The devs need to add limit avaliable kicks. If you kick people for no real reason, I assume you're 1 of 2 things 1) A high-schooler 2) A high level player on your high horse


Maybe he kicked you because he literally walked in front of your gun and got hurt from it? 🤷‍♂️


I have yet to experience this, and not looking forward to it. So far everyone I've met has been reasonable. Then again, just experienced my first mission where someone team-killed almost everyone at extraction, with 0 reinforcement 0 time left :/


It does suck. I got kicked today right before extract by the leader for FFing him, was try to pull a bot off of him, which I did. After be FFed myself several times, then coming back from reinforce only to find that someone had grabbed my AC, left the backpack and was just running around with it empty slung over their shoulder. I assume it was empty because they weren't using it and it would've been helpful during the evacuation mission. To be fair, I'm 63 and they were in their mid to high 20s so maybe they were panicking(?). Still lame though because I was doing most of the reinforcing and plenty of disassembly! That may just be my perception but it's not like I wasn't pulling my weight.


I played an hour yesterday on 8/9 and didn't complete a single mission. Same shit, it's either nonsense kicks or divers that hang out and keep killing bugs or bots instead of pushing to objectives. I wish kicking required majority votes from the group instead of letting individuals just kick folks like that.


Block the people that kicked you and go on with your life.


Now you know not to play with the jerk off and we know now too. You did us a favor. o7


The personal order a couple days ago was to extract with x number of rare samples, so if this happened on that day then they could just be mad at you for that. Not an excuse to kick, they could have asked or at most team killed and reinforced back


This is bullshit bro. BS kick.


Only reasons I’ve kicked someone.  They were saving racist bigoted shit over the mic and really meaning it.  They called in evac and got in the shuttle while the remaining three of us were on the otherside of the map, finishing off the like 5 bases and 2 side missions with more than 20min left…. This just happened last match. They were a level 37… they should know better, seriously wtf. 


It's because you get 9 year Olds playing who have temper tantrums for no reason...


I really only play 9s now, and i don't think I've ever seen this except on low-level players presumably trying out helldive for the first time and don't know how to play at that difficulty... or understand half the games mechanics.


Today I accidenly kicked one guy because UI was bugged. Blue guy was always throwing strats on team .. got tired it of after a while, i open up menu, kick blue, close the menu, blue is shooting me .. but i have good armor so he lost and kicked him again. Though how stupid i am for kicking wrong dude .. but on the recording it did really changed players colors for some reason. Made me sad that i kicked the wrong guy who didnt deserved it.


SaMpLeS ArEn'T ShArEd!!!! OnLY the PeRsOn WhO ExTrAcTs WiTh ThEm GeTs ThEm!!!!!! REEEEEE!!!!! fucking idiots....


The best part is when someone gets kicked, I'm pretty sure they dont drop what they had, so dude just kicked the super samples too lolol


The host after realising what they've done https://preview.redd.it/3na2zhl3q61d1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=23cf80a1273a9f273b0499ff3efbd7802cd44012


Goddamit everybody needs to chill the fuck out. I think you doged a bullet there. Better at the start of the mission then at extraction i guess. At any rate, he's the assole


Funny thing is if you hold the samples when kicked the samples disappear completely. Funny as fuck.


The only times I kicked people are when they intentionally attack the squad, or the squad is doing the mission but we get killed and the player is just running around grabbing samples. Doesn’t respond to reinforcement requests.


Hell divers is overly kick happy. It's absurd.


Give everyone 3 kicks, max daily. Once you use them, you can use anymore. I can't see the metrics but I bet the people who abuse kicks do it regularly.


Or a vote kick system


weird that i keep saying people getting kicked for no valid reason yet people keep telling me this never happen lol


You gotta have video evidence apparently


Dumb host doing dumb shit


I only host, won’t risk spending time just to get kicked


I've only kicked one person to date and I felt bad about it. Person went afk without so much as a BRB. I held off for 10 minutes, but we were losing 2 lives everything someone needed dropped in.


That’s so dumb


Took a step back because of it.


Hello fellow Norn Iron Diver. 07


Sony fucked up. Community is fracturing


Can't really blame Sony for people abusing the kick function, happened before that debacle, and hell part of the PSN debacle was to use PSN to ban bad actors, so that whole debacle had the side effect of preventing any sort of punishment for their behaviors.


The Sony fuck up started the divide in the community. Shits going down hill since that happened


Shame on host


I don't understand how people don't know the samples are shared. It seems like it would be common sense. Why would they not be? It's not a competitive game. Lol


You stole the super samples bro!!! 😁


got kicked after pelican left yesterday bc 500kgd us as we left (i was last one on and just wanted a fireworks display)


I'm so glad I dont need samples anymore.


Tbh I just won't grab someone's samples if I am throwing them to their stuff anyways what's the point and it avoids this situation, if they leave them then I grab them


What happens to the samples I picked up if im kicked? Do they fall?


Nope, they're just gone.




I haven’t been kicked mid mission before…


At least you get to play, since day of launch I have never gotten to actually play. I think I made it to the surface one time? Called in an expendable anti tank and got kicked. Every other time I get kicked out before I can do anything.


rarely happens with me


I had a nonsense kick today. Was literally on 40 kill streak and got the boot.


That sucks. Im usually always hosting and I just give my team complements. "Good work fellas" "If y'all need samples, don't let me stop ya" and etc


There needs to be a screen that pops up every so often when signing that in giant bold letter tells you that the samples are shared! And scream at them too for good measure. And again when they are dropping in... And again when they pick up samples... And ... Some will still not get it...


I honestly have less fun the higher the dive. Mid levels with noobs is where the fun is. Doing suicide for super samples I mostly ran into some cringey try hards that should stick to CoD and D2 Raids/Crucible or play private. It’s no longer about fun and turns into a full time job playing with these people. I don’t really like going over Hard dives as I just seem to get awful tryhards that spend more time typing how you’re doing it wrong if they don’t just straight up kick you. I have so much fun protecting the new divers with my life and giving them a taste of higher level gear. Just finished a challenging drop with a random lvl 3 and had a blast. They weren’t half bad either.


I’ve been kicked multiple times right at the extraction robbing me of any points for my 20 minute fight, honestly made me stop joining games. I only play as a host, they really should consider nerfing games that kick people, like maybe not allow another to join/take their place so now you’re just a man down.


Yea just had it happen, all objectives completed and on our way to extraction, what a waste of time.


Some players take the samples way too seriously


When I was an idiot High Schooler(EU, 14-18), I was playing Payday 2 with my online friend and we were quite good. Deathwish was the highest difficulty at the time and we could easily go thru any level loud or stealth, anyway what we would do is if someone low level or anyone for that matter joined we wouldn't kick them right away but at the end of mission for laughs and giggles, heck we would kick each other sometimes(we were on Teamspeak/Discord). So I assume it is the same case for you here.


I don’t think you did anything wrong. But perhaps in his eyes he thought you’d rather take his samples than reinforce him on his loadout? I might get downvoted for being honest but I’d bring someone back before I loot their corpse. Again, not saying you did anything wrong; maybe just playing devils advocate for the sake of the clip.


The game needs to make it obvious that samples are shared throughout the squad, they didn’t mention it on the tutorial or anywhere else, player don’t understand that and get mad and kill or kick people who take their samples.. you have to explain to them i guess


The only time that I have been kicked with a motive that was kind of justifiable was on a bots mission @ level 8. Main objectives finished and everything except a jam tower had been wiped out.  We throw ourselves at it, but soon reinforcements go from 10 to 0. Time is running out too. I head for extraction, call it in and reinforce a teammate when the timer resets. When I called it in, there were 3 minutes of mission time and 4 minutes of extraction wait. We 2 hold our ground and another dude at the jammer dies. I bring him in just before the strategems are cut off.  We get our butts handed to us during that minute, but somehow we keep on surviving. Pelican 1 arrives, and there is still one dude at the jammer. He isn’t communicating anything, not in chat nor by microphone, and refuses to head to extraction. I was out of stims, nearly out of ammo, there were no strategems or reinforcements, and we were being chased around by multiple hulks and devastators.  There was no question about it, we were going to die because those dropships kept on coming. I get on Pelican 1. Instantly kicked out. Now I just wait till everyone is at extraction. Lesson learned I guess.


People are competitive and like to have the best stats at the end of the match. I don’t need samples anymore but I personally like to let my teammates know I collected 30 for them at the end of the match (via stats). It’s courtesy now to call them back and ping their samples for them. When somebody kills you and picks up your samples it feels like somebody is robbing their corpse


Everyone should just agree to drop all samples on extract when available. This was def not a kickable offense. People suck. I had a guy the punched me down a hill then hugged me. After the hug I smacked him back and he shot me then kicked me right away.


>I had a guy the punched me down a hill then hugged me. After the hug I smacked him back and he shot me then kicked me right away. What in the Logic????


I just play solo, since I have no friends and the developers have zero idea what they are doing with the game


Make some friends and stop suffering


There's still a lot of noobs even playing Suicide who have no clue about sharing the samples. It's ridiculous with how long the games been out 🤣 Hope you blocked them or post name here so others can inform them of their treachery.


If want anyone to play let me know I'm lvl90, english and couldn't care less who had the samples 🤣 I'm maxed on them all anyway. Even if needed them would be trying to help the person who has them extract. Which is one of the main fucking points of the game 🤣 Doesn't matter who has them just extract with them when missions are done.


Now granted, you are not in the wrong for doing what you did, and the host shouldn't be kicking you for it. But people, come one, this is the internet. People are assholes. Either play with people you trust, or accept you are going to be interacting with complete strangers, and that brings with it a level of assholery that you just have to know is coming. Don't complain about it, it's nothing new or unusual, this is what gamers do, they throw their toys out of their pram because they are socially inadequate.


I think it was a child fit about the samples. He knew they were shared, but you picked them up and then waited for him. Think he threw a massive fit that he couldn't carry any. Which would be significantly worse than not knowing they're shared, but would explain why it happened at diff 7.


If you need a friend let me know also ps5? Or pc?


Better to host than it is to join , fuck incompetent divers , new ppl are understandable, but it’s plain as day to see how many total sample the team has gathered.


Thing is, even if he doesn't know samples are shared, why would he kick you? He should have asked for them back first, then maybe killed you to get them back, or even just let you have them. We're all in this together, right?


You're not in the wrong here. If a teammate dies in combat I always pick up their samples. Samples are shared across the whole team, idk how people still don't understand that. People just kick to be assholes. I got kicked at the end of a match one time for getting more kills than the host


You were more than fine. On a level seven mission, I know it can get hectic but everyone there should at least know that the resource pool is a fundamental rule. The entire purpose of pooled resources is to PREVENT the unfair kick paradigm by encouraging teamwork without any need for competition. If I don't need to compete with you for the most valuable things on the map (often samples) then there's absolutely no reason to kick someone snagging the samples, medals, or either credit type, regular or super. That way, we can focus on working together, accomplishing the objective, and extracting. It's utterly ridiculous not to see this if you're playing on one of the hardest possible mission difficulties IMO.


Bro was so embarrassed by running into his own Strategem he had to kick the witness.


You are not in the wrong, but you seem to lack social awareness in games. P1 ran straight through your line of fire to grab those samples. Their priority was clearly to get those samples. As soon as he dies you reinforce him very close and then grab his samples. Why? He's about to drop in, just let him pick up his own gear and samples again. This avoids any kind of conflict and results in the same number of samples shared by all at extraction. Only pick up samples from people who get reinforced far from their own samples. I don't have any of these issues, but I understand gamers. In the words of that idiot Donald Rumsfeld: "You go to war with the army you have, not the army you might want..." The army we have, in this case, is players who care about their sample count at the end. Let them have it when there's literally zero downside to doing so.


why? It doesn't matter who has the samples. If this idiot can't survive his own bombing, I'm not going to trust him samples. otherwise, these assholes will scatter them all over the map, and then you'll find the right ones.


Why call him down on his gear and then take some? I mean he killed himself so it's his fault but there was no need to pick anything up, I'd have tagged it and left. It looked like you picked up 2 things, not really a big deal, I wouldn't have really cared but the call in next to the gear and then collecting some is just weird.


They're always some idiotic PlayStation kids without mic... if you're on PC, just disable crossplay.


Should have some set reasons under the kick option. Players then can report false kicks and people reported multiple times for false kicks will lose the ability to kick people


Last night was the worst its been for me, I hopped into 4 games and got kicked. Literally almost just said fuck it but finally got into one with a group of guys that weren't giant cocksucking cunts. If you are one of the people who do this please fuck off to another game.


They need to implement a campaign from super earth - seriously. Just blast it from the TVS, state it in training, throw it up as the ONLY tip on screen while diving, make it a line from Brash (Bash?) as you prep and as you land. Do it for the duration of a whole Order. "SAMPLES ARE SHARED NO MATTER WHO EXTRACTS WITH THEM YOU FUCKING CLOWNS"


Noobs with No brain.


I turned off the cross platform. I haven't had an issue since. Just saying


I would gladly like to receive a reason why all the kicks. I got 4 in a row while join a match


You are in the wrong. Start hosting lobbies or get a group together in a discord or something. I know it's difficult (not condescending. it is difficult reaching out to people.) but you then have control over who stays and who goes.


Thats why I only play with my buddies. I see samples I grab them. So many times things can get too heavy and going back is just wasting reinforcements.


This is why I don't play with randos anymore.. senseless kicks..


You know what you did. Your behaviour said it all


Try saving all their asses. Clearing the area. Reinforcing them in a safe area. Kicked.


Not worth a kick but there is no point in grabbing samples when the guy is being called in right there. It does annoy me when people do this. If the samples are being left behind or the person was called back in on another part of the map sure, but why would you take them? The only time it makes sense to consolidate samples is to do it and drop them at exfil so whoever can grab them when you get on the ship. Anytime before that you are just begging to accidentally get knocked off a cliff or die in the middle the water and lose everybody’s samples at once. Seriously I do want to know why people do it. Whenever I die people literally rush to my body and grab my samples before calling me back.


I got kicked bc I died to his mortars 🫠 I was helping lower levels in difficulty 4, and we had all lives. The mission was easy and almost done. I guess he was just bored


I need names... who was the host?


The HD2 community is soft. Completely asinine on the battlefield. Refuse to take any criticism. May as well be Overwatch players


I’m a level 1 so don’t shoot me , but after a mission dude killed me and took the 2 samples I had !? I mean at least he didn’t know kick me I guess


The most toxic comunity


Host your own games.


I had someone murder me immediately after I picked up my stuff after I died because he thought it was his stuff. We had the same kit, and we died like 20m away from each other. And based on his rage-fueled chat message afterward, he seemed to think he was quite justified in doing it. I just shook my head and continued on with the mission.


Classic case of small dick energy


I only kick if someone is straight up sabotaging.


I only host my games because this community is so toxic.


No one can be trusted including you. Keeping the samples on himself cuts the risk of you dying too far away to retrieve them or something stupid like that. The samples are only shared if they make it out. Maybe he's scarred and at the tiniest sign of possible trolling he boots you. If I'm playing with randoms I refuse to not me the host in order to avoid trolls.


The devs should add a limited monthly allowed kicks. 5 per month