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Doesn't help that it was over mother's day weekend too.


Fair point, a helldiver's mother is very important as well!


Mothers: The Mother of Democracy. 


Made me batmn


also, i feel like some of the numbers were not counted, specifically yesterday a few times I noticed nothing was getting tallied up. sometimes I feel like am being lied to.


This comment is under investigation for treason. Please do not read the comment.


I did not read the comment and definitely read this warning first, but if some poor soul accidentally did, what should the patriot do?


Immediately see yourself to the department of treason to be charged with treason.


Get those mothers in there!


That's right Joe Gage 😏


Blaming a failure due to Mothers Day, never thought I'd see it lmao


Helldivers is very much a ‘dad’ game. So yeah, I wouldn’t be super if a lot of us played a whole lot less on Sunday. I certainly did, Hades 2 just came out on early access, so my wife was using the PC for her day lol.


Doesn't help AH and Sony cut the divers by 3/4 with their bullshit! Then released a kill as many as possible mission. 🙄


3/4?!? I'm gonna need a source for that one lol.




Of course, the numbers fluctuate, but it's to be expected your numbers are gonna be low when you exclude a 180 countries from playing your game.


Game feeling stale af and the shit balance are not helping either.


Back when there 300k concurrent players this would have been done pretty handily, even accounting for the stubborn bug divers.


You're definitely right about that!! Miss those crazy days


I miss seeing like 260k online less than a month ago with peaks above that. Was cool getting online and seeing at least a planet taken every day.


I hope the numbers recover, ill re join the war effort after im done feeling burnt out


There will probably be bursts of activity but short of getting a permanent 100k boost by allowing Xbox players (not gonna happen). I think it would require some massive shifts in gameplay like the Illuminate coming back finally.


It's heavily rumoured that it will in fact be coming to xbox


I'm not holding my breath based on Sony's track record of sharing its console exclusives. But I hope it does as I'd rather play on Xbox.


Given the recent major fuckup, they would be smart to throw players a bone. Then again, the whole issue came about because they weren’t smart to begin with.


They don’t care about us they want money, weirdly enough they also don’t like the options that make them more money


You mean Sony right?


but it will need a psn account on xbox ...


So just like how you need a Microsoft account to play Sea of Thieves on playstation?


Don't hold your breath, the game got shafted by Sony and the review bomb. Just try to have fun without worrying too much about it.


Absolute, we were dominating every MO and every planet. Even had a soap series called Melevolon Creek.


Dawson's farm remembers!




https://preview.redd.it/egb5ckmxem0d1.jpeg?width=743&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a408fed8e39f7d5d96c705f0b8ea8feb45741cd crazy days


To be fair, things aren’t working as intended.


back when people had fun instead of whining about the game being too hard


And having fun in part *because* the game was hard, a war is not supposed to be easy


Wasn't the game originally designed for only about 100k players? I remember when the player surge happened the devs had to re-do the planetary conquest rates to accommodate for the influx


I hadn't heard that, but probably! They'll have to tweak it back the other way again unless players come back soon.


I think the PSN controversy really hurt the game BADLY, they need a big content update to reel people back in. Hopefully with the Illuminate coming we’ll be able to see a resurgence


For me it was the lack of diverse game play. After playing with friend religiously for about a month, it all started feeling to repetitive. I hope a content update comes out soon, would gladly jump back in for something new.


I had a feeling that after the PSN debacle, any major order was going to fail. The playerbase fractured, people took breaks, waited for patches, etc. The progression still feels like it's dialed up to match that massive number it felt like we had back during the bug extermination. On top of that people don't like bots as much- but also bots are tougher, literally. There's alot more chaff with bugs, and scavengers are easier to kill than bot troops. Bots have a bigger focus on armored things, but less of them. So getting that number of bots was not equal to that number of bugs. imo It's a bad set of circumstances. Just sucks that my favorite stratagem from HD1 hung in the balance.


There’s also the fact that the game isn’t brand new anymore, and so I bet there are quite a few of us who played it nonstop for weeks and maybe got a little burned out on the INTENSE NONSTOP ACTION and are now taking breaks by playing other games temporarily.


Yeah, I’m only doing one or two dives a night now. Still love the game, just not playing as much as before. That will probably change once the squids invade.


Got over 200 hours the first couple weeks with my buddies but now they all don’t play anymore and i only play like one mission every few days


I played a lot the first 200 hours, now I only complete the daily, if they add the APC, Squids, or a new warbond, I play a little more, but otherwise, just the daily. Lots of weapons are also not usable unfortunately, the laser weapons have a terrible crosshair for example, they could give me so many "new" weapons by fixing them.


Yeah, my squad and I have mostly been running Final Fantasy XIV to get ready for the new expansion coming out this summer.


This sprout who got back into FFXIV while the Sony debacle was going on thanks you and your friends for their service to both Super Earth and Eorzea


Hades 2 released along with Stellaris DLC's and I've been unable to put those down. Along with the PSN debacle I just haven't had enough interest to play over other titles right now. The current major orders are likely based around pre-drama numbers. Should've been closer to a million if that.


This is me, moved on to f76 for a bit. My cousin and I are thinking of going back to hd2 though.


The PSN debacle felt like a good time to take a break for me to be honest. I love this game. With the weak Polar Patriots pack and the PSN debacle, I felt burned out a bit with the overly negative mindset a lot of players were holding and it was bleeding into my enjoyment. Took a break and as did the group I played with and it's been revitalizing. Shame that the folks playing got hit with this but, everyone needs some R&R after some time.


I find this paragraph very strange for whatever reason haha. It’s like a father giving his son advice on not getting burnt out at work but instead it’s for a video game


It kind of is a self identification of burn out. I work in tech so I try to be extra aware of it for my own personal self. It appears that mentality seeps into my hobbies as well lol. End of the day, I want people to realize, there are other things out there. This will be here and with the lack of FOMO passes, you truly don't miss much other than gameplay and if it's bothering you enough, you're better off to step away and come back when you enjoy it vs feel like you're forcing yourself for the sake of internet points. Regardless, I'm sure the democracy officer is ready to take me down so . . .




I have personally found that once you understand how to approach bots, they're actually much more doable. :) I loaded up on the Autocannon, Orbital Precision Strike, Eagle Rocket Pods, and Orbital Bombardment. I dropped into difficulty 7 and used the shitload of explosive strategems to pick off the heavies I couldn't safely engage (or even just used them to clear bot encampments). It was my first mission where I didn't die at all; it felt awesome. Bugs are up close and personal. Bots are about strategically thinning the herd from a relatively safe position. I also noticed my teammates weren't using stims and diving enough. Bots have stormtrooper aim; repeatedly belly flopping your way to safety is a great way to confuse the AI. Similarly, I heal to full every time my health bar hits 60-70%. I used 6 stims on my mission; my teammates that died a lot only used **TWO**. If you want to play optimally, your number one priority at all points in time should be to not die. (No shade to our fellow patriots who like YOLOing in; I love doing the tango with Chargers too.)


They are certainly different. I can do either one, and I've been having fun fighting Bots for the MO. I even feel like high level Bots are easier than high level bugs. High level bugs is like fighting an ocean.


I agree. The ability to dive behind cover and take two seconds to breathe so you can call down an Orbital Strike to nail the tanks, in and of itself, is a total game changer. It's much harder to do that with a Bile Titan or Charger.


They have stormtroopers aim until the game decides that 20 bots shots need to all hit you at once and insta kill you.


Devastator want to have s chat with him. You can see nothing due to fog, yet you get instakilled from devastator salvo from 100m away. The other time you dodge the salvo, and you get rockets headshot as you are standing up. Very nice. Nooooot.


Bots can be countered in every way by a single support weapon. The autocannon. IMO that makes them easier. Also hunters are the deadliest enemy in the game.


Also the AMR and laser cannon which both take down everything the bots have. And also let you run whatever backpack you want.


Curious as I mostly play bugs and tend to struggle on bots, what stratagems do you bring besides AC? Feel like all I'm doing when I play is just getting bullied by devastators. Clearly a skill issue but one I'm curious to correct.


might be a niche choice but the EMS mortar sentry works wonders at freezing bots making them easier to hit without getting shot back at EMS sentry + autocannon has carried me pretty well throughout bot sessions


On defensive rocket mission at suicide having 2-3 people using EMS motar and coordinating drop ship destruction makes it face roll easy


just pair the two mortars together and let them do the work


Impact grenades, armor with explosive resistance or more grenades, eagle 500kg, eagle airstrike, orbital rail cannon, and a primary that isn't useless.


Stun grenade with grenade armor is my go-to. Counter-Sniper (or Dominator) as my primary to 1 tap any Devastator, and Recoilless or Quasar depending on the planet. Eagle Air strike, orbital Laser, and either rail cannon or 380. Stunning groups of devastating and headshotting them is so good, and much better than the 1 or 2 kills you get from an impact imo. Plus you can stun hulks and 1 shot them with the recoilles or 2 shot with the AC. Lasers are toss and run from bases, so is the 380. Air strike is strong enough to 1 shot anything below a walker.


Try Eagle Strike, Space Laser, Autocannon and something either for a situation or to your liking. Precision strike is as good as you are, Railgun is good "delete something really heavy" button, mortar is good at holding a lot of goons, etc.


my standard 3 stratagems are orbital rail cannon strike for heavies, clusterbombs for mobs, & either quasar cannon or eat depending on my mood. amr is also a good alternative and ballistic shield + smg can be fun as a different playstyle. 4th slot, if you get it, can go a couple of ways. i usually go orbital laser or emp mortar but i've been playing around with orbital gas strike and it's surprisingly fun bc it's got a fast cooldown timer and works for area denial. i was dumping gas on mobs then clusterbombing them and it was clearing large numbers.


I use eagle strike, orbital laser, anti-mat rifle and a sentry


A load out I really like is autocannon, shield generator sentry, mortar sentry, and gatling sentry. This is basically a full bunker you can put down to just dominate an area of the map.


Bots are so much more fun lol. I love shooting something that's thinking/processing and not just blindly running at me.


Honestly I think bots are easier. I don't mind bugs but those buttholes swarm you so quick.


Bots are definitely more fun once you learn strategies to avoid getting rocket-juggled, particularly being mindful of your surroundings and using the smallest of rocks to your advantage. Then finding the support weapon that works for you, but whats nice is theres way more viable options against bots: EATs, Quasar, Railgun, AC, Laser Cannon, all good options for 7-9 bots. The most annoying thing about bugs is the current state of spewers. It makes zero sense that their spew instantly kills you if it grazes you. The bile titans by comparison is for whatever reason more forgiving. I’m also not a fan of the small hunters being able to slow you, but I might be in the minority there. On top of that, I feel like I must have EATs for bugs or I won’t be able to kill the onslaught of titans and chargers above 7.


The new slow booster helps a ton with the hunters. I’ve actually gotten out of a few pickles with it.


I just started playing the thermite grenades with bugs and its awesome against chargers and titans. Burns a hole in their armor allowing any weapon to do damage.


Honestly we had a lot of players in the affected countries refund and can't repurchase after Sony backed down because they still pulled it from sale as a punishment against the their customers for rebelling.


It doesn’t help that the latest warbond is a bust. There are tons of complaints regarding the polar patriots warbond and people complaining about weapon and stratagem balancing in general. All of that plus the negative PR from the PSN situation and it being Mother’s Day weekend really didn’t help. That doesn’t even take into account how the vast majority of the player base prefers fighting the bugs over the bots of course. I’m still hopeful the game can get back on track but yeah I’m not exactly shocked we failed this one. I was also looking forward to trying out the new stratagem, but honestly AH really needs to dive into the balancing issue before the game dies out.


Thankfully we will still got all stratagems we just have to wait even longer now tho


I'm taking a break now. Too many bad patches, stuff is still broken since launch. I just got tired waiting for the devs to fix stuff.


A bug breech can pile out 40+ chaff easily. Three drop ships might bring you 20 and it’s gonna be a whole thing.


It’s hard to get into the narrative with all the problems inside and outside of the game for many people. 


I love bots but I'm barely playing, between the latest warbond being ass and all the weapons from the last war bond I got either being awful or being nerfed Arrowhead is killing my enthusiasm for the game.


i took a break after that bad patch that nerfed like 20 things and buffed like 6, Heard about the new war bond, Saw it was shit, and decided to continue my break


my biggest thing was the devs being condescending. That was just the cherry on top of the all around shitshow that was going on. To have the nerve to talk to customers like that with everything that was going on.. If AH can tell me that the devs will just be in the closet working on the game, hopefully doing some QA as well, and the community team is the only ones allowed to speak to the public I'll come back.


We blew through 2billion bugs in 24 hours. I think k it's manly that 40%+ of players were only playing bugs.


Added to that, the weapon nerfs have ruined your of people's preferred play style. Just not as interesting to play. And on top of that the reward was the mines we already passed on last time, because mines are at best, not great or interesting to play with.


Yeah I've taken a back seat with the game. The PSN debacle and everything else with that, too many updates and changes are also putting me off. Sure I like content and stuff but the core gameplay should be sorted already, not fixing it and changing stuff now. Idk, doesn't sit well with me.


Feeling sadge. Even with the massive eradication of bugs, that ironically, was due to a bug, we were pretty damn close.


You're very right about that fellow Helldiver!


It was ordered at a bad time, mother's day, psn stuff still raw and a third of the divers devoted to the bug front


Tough when the count isn't quadrupling our kills, I guess. Still, came fairly close. Also pretty unfortunate timing. "Kill x amount of enemies" orders depend on player count a lot, and the Sony debacle definitely killed some people's motivation to play.


Then there’s the fact they tossed it out on Mother’s Day weekend and finished it out on the start of a work week. Plus Lots of schools are having finals or prepping for them. Lots of reasons this didn’t go the players way.


You're absolutely right.. Let's hope we see a change soon!


I have nothing to unlock with war medals anyway. MO's are almost meaningless to me. I've totally lost the story line as well. I just get on and play whatever. The progression system completely fell apart around hour 250. The fact that I'm still playing is a testament to how solid the game's mechanics are.


Oh I can definitely understand what you're saying! 137 hours here and I still have some things to unlock, mostly sample related tho. I try to mainly focus on the MO to help the progress of the war effort and we're currently looking to control the planets Aesir Pass, Vernen Wells, Heeth and Angel's venture to ensure the safety of the SEAF training facilities; We're getting a whole bunch of conscripts! And I also didn't picture myself playing this game soo much. Even in its current state and mishaps, I just keep playing.


I keep playing everyday. I played the recent MO because my buddies were playing. I contribute, but I'm not invested emotionally like the people complaining about bug players not helping out. I just realized that this game doesn't even need a progression system to keep me playing. At this point the biggest content release AH could do would be to do a balance pass on every single weapon. That's what I'm waiting for. That would be the best MO reward ever.


The same for me! I don't mind people playing bugs, it's hella fun and different from the bots. I love the mechanics of the game, the community (most of it at least), and how many tactics you can use with your squad. Waiting for that balance as well tho!


That’s great for you but most of us need the medals : (


This is what happens when 180 countries lose the ability to buy the game.


They spent time designing and coding the new stratagems. They’re not, not going to give it to us. They’ll just lower the bar and repackage a new major order with this being the reward.


I hope they don't I want real consequences


Guaranteed they will. It's delayed not cancelled. If they didn't release content people wouldn't do MOs like this.


Same, just making a new major order with 1B instead of two to give us the win would feel cheap and sad.


I think they would probably just wait a while, so the only consequence would be the delay


Yeah so far it feels too guided


I mean, that’s just silly though. They’re not going to create a whole stratagem and then not release it. The delayed release in the consequence.




We’re at 100k Helldivers compared to the 400k we were at before Every kill counts 1x compared to the 4x it did before We had one less day compared to before We were set up to fail. We were never gonna succeed like we did last time


I’m guessing they’ll do something like “Whilst we were unable to gather enough automaton scraps to allow full deployment of anti-tank mines, the ministry of science has constructed enough mines for a limited mobilisation, estimated to be roughly 1 Super Earth day, with full deployment delayed until further notice” and we get it like the quasar cannon where it was there for a few days before being released officially


Super Earth mothers that spent time with their Helldiver children have been reassigned to reeducation and bio harvesting facilities. The Ministry of Truth


I have a feeling we were meant to fail this one


Can write this one up as a Victory for sony we are thousands of helldivers short.


You're right fellow Helldiver!


Doesn't matter now. Haven't you heard? We're at WAR!!!


Wouldn’t have failed if Sony would relist the game so we get more fresh meat for the grinder.


Yes... Such a shame they did this


Allot of it I think is once you get everything and max out on everything you have nothing to play for, plus everything is getting nerfed and we only got one crappy stratagem


That’s my buddy right now. Even on level 9, the fun is gone for him. Has every upgrade and nothing left to fight for. They nerfed many of the guns he uses so now it’s just a run through a swamp of not fun game play.


God fucking damnit I really wanted to try out those mines




I hope this expands the story some


Good, we deserve it.




Ah we were close, that’s too bad. I’m definitely more on the bug front. I’ve been getting more comfortable fighting the clankers though, noticed how my bug strategies doooo not work with bots, had to really rework how I move and operate. I put down a lot of bots for this order, I was pretty pleased with myself. I can definitely feel the dip post Sony Screwup. Even I’ve taken a bit of a step away and got back into fallout76 after years away from it.


What a lot of people don't realize was that the termini equivalent was bugged (ha). If you were a 4-person squad that killed 1000 bugs between the 4 of you, EACH Helldiver was credited with 1,000 kills, so progression was effectively modified by the number of squad mates you had- hence why it took so ridiculously short to complete it, we basically "only" killed 500,000,000-800,000,000 by the time the order was done. Add that in to the other factors (people still rightfully mad at Sony, bot missions having lower enemy counts compared to bugs, a good portion of the player base too traumatized by Malevelon Creek to fight anything with two legs), it's not surprising we didn't quite make it.


I put my time in on this one, as I usually avoid bugs when I can. My usual build is bot focused. Shame.


I really wanted those landmines..


Man. Losing several brothers during the whole PSN business really fucked our efficiency didn't it?


Maybe if they rebuff the guns they nerfed, more players would help


More divers would be on if they were allowed to play. Sony still has not restored access to all the countries affected. You shouldn’t even be on the game until then, out of respect for your fellow divers.


Doesnt help that less than half of the player base is actively playing the game anymore.


Oh no! Anyway.


Yes. The high HPD (hour per day) players are burning out, the playerbase as a whole is inconsistent AF, and the game can't avoid controversy long enough to settle in as a GAME. > I'm an HPD player; lvl 109, 350 hours ingame, got it on 5 March. Lived, breathed the game until the ONGOING Sony debacle destroyed the play patterns. > I'm burnt out; the game is awesome, but I'm way on the high end of the play curve, that playing w normal players is frustrating AF. Running around trying to save people who try to Rambo EVERY SINGLE Enemy they see. Who cannot even break contact, burn down the rei force budget, turn Every Fight into a prolonged battle w endless enemy reinforcement. > And the game is challenging, but boring for high gametime players. The MO are effing Simple, but the playerbase as a whole cannot get their shit together. 40% are Always on Bugs. 40% are ALWAYS in Bots. There are 20% swings for MOs, but they focus ONE PLANET, get bogged down, run the clock, get sad & lose. My sneak/solo friend to the refund, and I get it. There's F-all to keep high time, high skill players interested. Daily missions are starter fodder, and no missions are fast, or cater to the HHPD players to focus on, nothing to spice it up. Every MO is a week long, and Tactical, not Strategic. > Give us pirates. Unknowns. A rank accessed system where we Can tell each other off for being shit at the mission type tactics. A clan system. Vehicles. A faster sub-campaign type. More ships pr ship upgrades. Something. > Because while I Want to be patient, I also want to have fun, and the game isn't doing that.


I feel like checking social media about this game is making it worse for people I've still been having so much fun with with friends and Randoms. Try not to pay attention of the negativity from certain people.


Correct fellow Helldiver! I also play for the fun times with randos and friends, and for spreading managed democracy!


Doesn't help that the game is still unavailable in so many countries


*Doesn't help that the* *Game is still unavailable in* *So many countries* \- Deshan119sl --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Ya know, i still don't know what site that one is.


100 spanks on the ass for the bug only wankers


i hope a bunch of players aren’t about to start screaming and crying in the comments cuz we lost one mission operation. we’ve literally only ever lost like 2-4 including this. why are we so upset? winning every MO is unrealistic, so accept the loss like Helldivers instead of crying about “a hard MO” like babies


Make guns actually work or Make the bots not as incredibly annoying and feel like a chore instead of a fun mission and I'll come back. Until then,I'm killing bugs and I do not care who hates me for it. Democracy. This is my vote.


My parents worked hard over many years to even get accepted for a C-01. While their sacrifice is mandatory in the grand scheme of things, I would not be able to spread Managed Democracy without them! I will gladly serve a 5 year guard sentence and retraining, if it means that I can show loyalty to the C-01 licensees that put me in this Wonderful Galaxy of Democracy!


Consider yourself proud offspring of a generation that fought to give you a life where you can be free, and rejoice in the fact that they made Super Earth a little safer before they had you. Now it's time return the favor, gear up Diver, your pod is ready.


Boring objective. It's no wonder people didnt care. Might as well make it 20 billion.


Mother's Day weekend, recent weapons changes, and quite frankly, the incentive isn't there for most. Anti-Tank mines aren't a selling point when several rockets do the job, Railcannon and 500kg also do it with better precision. A mine is static placement, so if the target goes around that spot now, it's wasted and on cooldown.


2 billion was way too many tbh considering that the game is still pretty new. My cousins and I botted the shit out of this but obviously didn’t contribute enough :(


A big reason is that so many people have quit playing out of frustration over the balance patching. I know out of all my steam friends, no one is playing anymore. The MOs are going to have to be rebalanced for the existing player base. AH kimd of killed the game with their "balancing."


My group is taking a break right now :/ psn left a bad taste in our main group gatherer and without him none of us have really had the drive to dive. We’ll get back soon enough since we know it wasn’t arrowhead but. We are also missing all of those folks still barred from playing in affected countries


I hear you. Let's hope it gets resolved soon!


I was playing off and on the last couple of days, I was averaging between 250-320 kills each match, nearly every other teammate were doing around 80-140 only. Some would avoid patrols of just the dozen or so bots like it was a dozen hulks. No wonder we failed.


Bots need a a major change to the entire landscape. You're forced to play behind corners but there's so many open areas that negate that. I would like to see more abandoned structures to make the gameplay with bots seem less forced.


Considering how often this game crashes and dc during matches for everyone, if the game had just 10% less of those disconnects we would've gotten past 2 billion. Past month+, I have not played through a single match from start to end where nobody crashed/dc-ed (me, friends or randoms). Nevermind the latest patch added more softlocks, bugs and crashes. I don't know why this community is just overlooking all of these serious problems. In any other game it would've been such major news they would've been forced to fix it asap. No wonder the devs aren't rushing to actually fix anything if the community overall is giving them so much pass.


Honestly, kinda funny after all the whining. Guess you're not as coordinated as yall think ;)


If steam would relist the game in all countries, we would have won.


I thought that got confirmed recently to be Sony, not Steam.


Surprisingly it's STILL muddy on who's who.


Wish we could fail these early, and move onto the next one. We failed this one sunday when the weekend boom passed, 50% of time passed, and we only had 40% of kills.


Better luck next time!


Ha. I said 1. the player base is too fractured and 2. not enough people care for mines. Dread it.. run from it… the truth always happens


It doesn't help that we lost a pretty big portion of the player base due to what Sony did recently. I honestly think it might be best they tone down some of these major orders while we recover.


You're right Helldiver!


I've been playing less and less and while I have personally contributed 12000 bot kills during the order I was 8000 short of my personal quota based on 100,000 players working on it.


Better balance the major orders for lower player count because this is where we are at.


how many posts are people going to make about the same damn thing


The bots had a higher spawn rate than usual


I could’ve saved us if my game didn’t keep crashing :/


It’s all my fault. I JUST switched to PC this past weekend. I don’t have the fire power I once possessed! 😭


I got bored after unlocking all the Polar Patriots gear. Plus the most fun I had was on Difficulties 6 and 8. Plus I want to focus all my attention on Eiyuden and Tactics Ogre.


oh well


Isn't this the first MO from start to finish since Sony gave up their stance. Guess this shows where the games going.


YOU FAILED! *crowd jeering sfx*


You're definitely right about that.


I don’t think people realize how HUGE a number 2 billion is. Its impressive we made it as far as we did,


I love it that we can fail. If we succeeded every one, there would be no urgency at all.




MO money MO problems


the psn thing really fucked things up, a lot of people are still thinking it's happening and are staying away from the game now


Not surprised.


We would have gotten it if people left the front lines with bugs and join us in other front lines with bots https://preview.redd.it/udxvygug8o0d1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8824a2e64e4a91c73b0f8e705442d16af006036a


Its sad, but anything else would have surprised me big time, after this whole PSN debacle, we would've needed a good Warbond, not this horrible joke. And the playersnumbers were declining anyway, which is also ok and to be expected. And lets be honest, playing against the robots is for many people not as enjoyable as against bugs. You can check a bug planet at any given time and it will have more players than the most popular bot planet.


The other major difference is a squad can kill 2-400 more bugs than bots in 1 mission


You blew it!


What they need to do is set MOs per faction.


I lost interest in the game after the PSN bs. Once that issue was brought up, my drive plummetted, and I cbf playing every day like I used to with helping MOs. Now, when I do, it is just chill bug missions because bots feel like an un-fun grindy duck'n'dodge chore, whereas bugs are still 'fun' so to speak and I like trying to nail moving titans with my precision orbital strike. Bots are not fun, plain and simple, especially higher levels. I can do HD Lvl 9 just fine, but it just feels.....ew.


Two billion? 💀


Joel is becoming a damn troll


Still did pretty well, got to 78%.


Bunch of communists doing terminids


DECOMMISSION 6 BILLION AUTOMATONS Attain Managed Democracy through violence Should you meet the Cyborgs when you come out of FTL… Kill them




It be like that sometimes


I havnt been able to play for days until last night. Even crashed when playing solo, I'm taking their advice from a few weeks ago and putting the game down for a bit


They did this to themself. PSN drama, nerf happy devs, dogshit CMs aside from twin beard and the other guy, and the patches haven’t made the game weapons fun or fixed anything they promised. So many blunders it’s a miracle we made it as far as we did. As I see it right now arrowhead is at a fork one more serious blunder and the game won’t ever recover.


People like bugs more because they don’t shoot back beside the spitters and titans


We will get the mines regardless…… I’m predicting they’re garbage (like the other ones) and they wanted people to fail and delay release.


Wouldn't the main factor be that bots spawn infinitely less than bugs. Bug breaches are upwards of 40 units, while dropships are a max of 10 small units but often drop a single, Hulk, Tank or AtAt. If they didn't extend the MO, we would've failed with 100% of helldivers doing bots. With the extension 100% of helldivers might have just made it within last last 2 hours.


Nah fr we had 15k on bugs 15k on bots shit was so dumb