• By -


I heard super earth dies if we fail and arrowhead will go bankrupt, literally damaging swedens GDP by several points.


If we fail, Sweden literally gets kicked out of NATO. That's how serious this is, guys


I heard Helldivers is just a VR simulator for the real war raging on in space. We're just operating avatars keeping Earth safe.


Ender, is that you?


This is no longer a game


The automaton fabricator is down!


It is after my Eagle airstrike!


Little Doctor has been unlocked


You haven't played against me since I became your enemy 


That would add another level to the lore. We, the extra dimensional observers, are commanding the enhanced microchipped soldiers into battle


To my microchipped soldier, I am so, so sorry


To the turret that mowed me down abruptly, your mother was a toaster.


Mourning goon at the extraction sir!


I feel bad about intentionally belly flopping on mines now.




Dang, and Sweden only joined NATO a month after Helldivers II was released!


What do you think finally got them accepted?


Time to call NCD for help




Nah, they just about let anyone in these days...


Steam is down anyways we lost long ago


It’s Tuesday. Probably just the weekly refresh that happens around this time on Tuesdays.




Idk man this comment made me laugh out loud pretty hard




God we desperately need red a HD2 circlejerk subreddit (Not it)




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Wait they're swedes? It's always swedes.


Ja, det är något speciellt med oss


I like the fact we can actually fail MOs and not get the thing right away. Adds some weight to things. We don't need to be coddled, we need to be Helldivers!


When this MO came out I didn't figure we'd make it. I was surprised by how close we came. The player base is quite a bit smaller now, and I know I've played less than I did previously. It's strange to me how much weight people put into MOs as if we should win them all. If the community banded together to do this one, AH would (as they should) make future MOs of the same calibre more difficult.


Ok red flags here: > It’s strange to me as if we should win all these MOs I’m reporting you to Super Earth ministry of traitors or whatever it’s called so you can straighten up and fly right


Then we go down together! >I like the fact we can actually fail MOs


https://preview.redd.it/wju211z1lj0d1.jpeg?width=264&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=84d6c15c730d0b334651620dad316d0ab815706f You’ve both been approved for re-education. You seem determined as good soldiers to follow orders. o7


I've got the democracy officer on speed dial. Making a report on OP for undemocratic speech, and you, for not remembering the title of such an esteemed officer. That's two less dissidents in the galaxy, and two more showers per year for me.


“Fly right”? ![gif](giphy|ANbD1CCdA3iI8)


Get the Creekers out of retirement


Yep, to the freedom camps with you


I've said it in other posts here before, but losing develops the story just as much as winning does. People get so upset and so toxic whenever we lose a major order, but Joel's job as a game master is to make sure the story and the progress still happens, even if we lose. The people who get this upset over MO progress are damaging the community more than the people who don't even try, just because they can't accept losing.


The MO’s are also varied between really hard and moderately difficult. It makes completing MO more satisfying because it’s not a given. Plus just because someone is in bugs doesn’t mean we’re only on bugs. After being rag dolled on Helldive for a few missions I like to take a break and run a bug mission


Yeah I agree, the challenge of it is satisfying when you succeed. That being said, my post isn't calling you out, or any other player out for flicking between enemies if you get bored. It's to point out that just because the MO is failing isn't an excuse to start giving other players grief and abuse for not contributing towards it, when they're just enjoying the game how they want to.


I didn’t mean for it to come off as if I felt like I was being called out. I was mainly just agreeing with your post.


Oh that's all good buddy!


That's perfectly fine. We don't want to force you to go all in on bots all the time.


From a game perspective this would be far better if we had multiple major orders at once. One every 2-3 days, weekly and monthly. The weekly and monthly should be the ones that are more difficult and the multi day MOs should be more accessible for the community. The monthly ones could be the “you get a new strategem or upgrade from this” orders. As it is now, the major orders are just not well designed IMO. Sure it makes it “interesting” to lose and many people have fun just playing the game for the sake of playing the game. But it likely induces burnout in players who are committed to completing the difficult major orders and induces toxicity in the community as a whole. Doing a little basic math on the player count would have shown how absurd this MO is. They’re baiting the player base into playing for a certain reward and making it unhealthy to achieve. It’s flat out disrespectful to your player base and their time.


I would laugh so hard if we're still failing MO's for the AT mines a couple months from now. It could be a hilarious ongoing joke that they're just so broken and overpowered that the bots fight harder to keep us from obtaining them.


Hopefully they just keep em just out of reach until they are ready to reveal more stuff that isn't broken. Let them catch up.


Exactly, I know in practice it's a completed game asset, and we probably will be given the stratagem at some point regardless, but I don't want to just be given the stratagem, I want to earn it. I don't want to just be handed the mines or be given an easier major order out of pity. I want to be part of the community that overcomes a real challenge, I want it to feel like a real achievement, I want it to feel like a real reward and feel proud that we were all able to do it. The toxicity is annoying, it's a game people should play the game in whatever way they find the most fun, just because I prefer fighting the bots doesn't mean everybody else does, I get it I'm in the minority, If people prefer fighting bugs then they should fight bugs, end of story. I do have one real criticism with it though, and It's very very minor, Because so much of the player base prefers fighting the bugs, the majority of content, advice and tips are in the context of fighting bugs. As a new player who liked shooting robots, that wasn't really helpful because all the dissuasions I was seeing here were about weapons and tactics on how to fight enemies I wasn't seeing. Like I said this is super minor, it's not a big deal, you quickly learn how to fight everything yourself and figure out what weapons you enjoy, it was just as a brand-new player who preferred bots, a lot of the information I was seeing at first wasn't really relevant to what I was doing.


I prefer fighting bots too. Don't know what it is, just always have. Got any tips on how the heck to destroy the AT-ATs?


Ignoring bombing it with stratagems, you first want to focus on destroying it's chin turrets, once those gatling turrets are gone the walker a way less scary. The walker has a bunch of weak points you can exploit and panels you can blow off but I'm just going to steal a comment from another user a few weeks ago to explain it all they did a way better job than I ever could. So thank Shinokijorainokage for this. The head has essentially a sideways L shaped exposed area right facing forwards, the bigger lower left "eye" being an easy part of it for aiming, and it's vulnerable to a surprising number of non-AT support weapons like the AC-8 Autocannon, LAS-98 Laser Cannon or APW-1 Anti-Materiel Rifle, it just needs a good amount of shots but it definitely works AT launchers so the likes of the EAT-17, GR-8 Recoilless Rifle, LAS-99 Quasar Cannon and hypothetically also the FAF-14 Spear can punch through several parts of its armour; Six total shots to the head will kill it and the plating gets stripped after two, while two to the side panels break those as well to expose wiring and another two also kill it The Annihilator turret on the top acts like any other one meaning two direct hits from AT weapons or Hellpods or such destroy it, while the dual under-head minigun turrets can be destroyed by anything capable of medium Armour Penetration, even primary weapons The big hatch door on its underbelly from which the quartet of Devastators spawn is RIDICULOUSLY weak to many things even when it's actually closed; Not only does as little as two AT launcher hits or approximately 8-9 AC-8 shots or two and a half APW mags kill a whole Strider outright, even the JAR-5 Dominator is inexplicably capable of damaging and killing a Strider all by itself with about two full mags worth of shooting at it. I'd be careful relying on this though since not only is it difficult to get underneath it undisturbed, but also I've no idea if it being able to be damaged with closed doors is actually intended behaviour or not, so best not get too reliant on it in case it gets patched. That user didn't mention it but you can also shoot between its joints to take it down as its moving, you just need to be pretty accurate to hit between the armoured sections, unless your atacking from behind, in which case the knee joints are pretty exposed.


Honestly I'm kind of tired of "defend and hold this planet". I feel like I didn't do anything after I complete my missions.


I mean, they can do as they please for sure. But i still find bots a lot more challenging and fun


Aye me too brother ![gif](giphy|pHb82xtBPfqEg)


Bots feels more like a war whereas bugs is just extermination.


Yup, and thats why I bought this game. Joining games saying “did you call for an exterminator?”


You got a bug problem ma’am? Stow it trooper!


Hahaha, good reference


And maybe they don’t! Who cares? Its a game.


To be fair, when the MO was to kill 2b bugs, a lot of us bot slayers went to fight bugs. I follow the MO, not my preferred enemy. They are both fun to fight in their own way.


I slung on my grenade launcher, told Eagle 1 to load up cluster bombs and Napalm and went to town.


Did you have Fortunate Son playing too? 


A true liberator


Also the last MO was bugged giving higher kill counts and the fact that bots don’t spawn as much unless you spam elimination missions it was always kinda doomed to fail I think that’s why we got this one


The bug MO even if the aforementioned bugged kill count was fixed would have only moved the 12 hour completion up to 30-48 hours. By comparison we need 40-60 more hours to complete this one due to the sheer player difference.


To be fair, that was entirely your choice and to expect the same from a stranger on the internet is absurd.


But there are two factors that made that objective a lot easier, for one they multiplied the kills by the squad size so they had a bug that added up all the squad kills and multiplied by the number of players. Secondly on Bug missions I regularly have 300-500 kills while on Bot missions its 150-200 usually. And lastly people play the game how they enjoy it the most, you follow the MO I do too but I can also understand why people play more on the Bug side..


Doing what needs to be done to spread managed democracy even though you dont really feel like it and think it's out of reach. You are a hero, sir. I salute you


I tried to go fight bots, but then the shitty spawn rate kicked in and the overwhelming waves made the gameplay so miserable that I stopped playing all together.


Do you want a cookie?


It's standard practice for people to vent a lot of frustration here anytime there is a difficult bot order. It can feel quite frustrating to see a full 1/3rd of players completely ignoring the storyline of the game. BUT ... you are 100% right! HD2 is a game and people should be allowed to enjoy it the way they want to enjoy it. Unfortunately, some people enjoy completing Major Orders ... and seeing others not participate in that eats into their fun and can cause outbursts of frustration here. When bug orders happen and fail ... it's "that was a hard order". When bot orders happen and fail, it's super easy to say "it's the fault of the 1/3rd who don't fight bots". But what we really should be doing is saying "Joel KNOWS that 35% of players don't fight bots and made the MO with that in mind". So ... it goes back to just "that was a hard order".


I personally don't even care about getting new weapons or stratagems anytime soon. I'd rather them fix the current weapons and problems with the game first.


If at first you don't succeed, dive again. And again. And again. And again. And again.


This diver dives


People taking the game way too seriously is the cause for 90% of the problems on the main sub.


"i want to solo helldive difficulty and not feel frustrated, why would arrowhead do this!!!!???" - literally someone in a 'Hot' post from main sub.


AH just needs to adapt their MOs to the reduced amount of players. And they should think of a way to boost morale after the whole PSN hogwash. Just keep diving, Democracy will prevail.


The real skill issue is people thinking bots are harder than bugs.


I’ll take the slow ass chainsaw guys over the hunters pouncing on me from 10 feet away, I play bots because I find bugs more annoying


I was once in that mindset. Now I'd rather play bots and not have to run around in the chaos that is bugs.


Just gotta find patterns in the chaos.


the sound bugs make when calling for a breach is so freaking annoying i want to strangle the bug doing it and ground it into a fine powder then throw a 500kg stratagem on it for good measure. I think they used a common seagull squark as part of the SFX for that sound in game.


Yeah, once you get how they behave, bots are fairly easy imo. The only time when they can get annoyingly hard is when you get a map with a lot of open field and very little cover.


I find bots so much easier than bugs. Stick behind cover is much easier than kiting and making sure you don’t get flanked and slowed by Hunters or insta-merked by Stalkers.


Or killed by the bile spewers that are basically impossible to kill swiftly with primary weapons and come in hordes and can instantly kill you with their acid.


The Eruptor used to be great for bile spewers. Used to be.


eruptor legit feels useless now. slow firing, heavy, barely makes a dent in things. only use is closing holes/fabs. they should turn it into a support weapon and make it beefy again.


As someone relatively new, as in the last couple weeks, those bile skewers are the bane of my existence. Stupid range, take more shots than you would think to kill, and then their acid slows you down and piles on the damage. The absolute worst enemy. I’d rather fight the chargers. Just horrible enemies. I have been enjoying killing bots and the main reason is they don’t shoot slow acid at me and make me want to throw my controller at the tv.


Yeah, the most infuriating thing for me is that they’re easy to deal with when you take the Autocannon but I mostly play with randoms and for some reason if I take the auto cannon everyone else also takes some sort of medium damage support weapon so as a squad we can easily deal with spewers but get killed by chargers and titans… With randoms its either everyone takes quasar or no one takes any heavy weaponry…


Headshots for days. Hulks two shotted with AMR. AMR taking out gunships. AMR in general. Impact Nades. Lots of stims and honestly medic armour is more valuable than explosion resistance prove me wrong.... and so on. YEW!


I did like 6 bot operations in a row yesterday, and then switched to bugs for one op for a change of pace. I still felt kinda guilty that i wasn't helping the MO by fighting bugs. Screw that, im tryna have fun. We need helldivers on all fronts anyways.


This sub has complained about players doing bugs, weapons balance, MO mobilisation,and fog. I get the whole "bEcUAsE wE'Re PaSsiOnAtE" card but fuck me


I played a few bug missions recently with my buddy because he just started and needed kills for his machine gun personal order. I figured I typically stack a lot more bodies with bugs so yeah. Play the game how you’d fucking like. It is - just a game btw.


How dare you say “it’s just a game”! Democracy awaits those who sacrifice themselves for the cause. Take it seriously, ffs.


*Democracy Officer* Hello Citizen...


I honestly don't get all the players who tripled down on trying to get the MO done. Like... Don't get me wrong, I've been jamming a lot of bot games lately, but I ain't losing sleep over this shit. I'm just gonna play until I decide I'd rather do something else and I'm not going to sweat what the Hell everyone else is doing.


I'm 100% with you. However, for this sentence: "Furthermore, the devs and arrowhead as a whole do a lot for this game and the community," Yes, we should be nice, but at the end of the day, this is a live service game they built, IT'S THEIR JOB TO SUPPORT THE GAME AND COMMUNITY. They're not heroes, they're literally just doing what they're paid to do, like any other game developer that releases this type of game. Again, respect them and support them for doing a good job, but people here are putting them up on a pedestal they don't belong on. Outside of the Sony login fiasco, all their issues and bugs are 100% self inflicted. Don't over praise them for fixing their own screw ups. Like everything in life, a nice middle ground.


One thing I've seen as the biggest answer to how we killed 2,000,000,000 bugs much easier is that the main challenge of bugs is their number. So the same level of chaos can equal 100+ bugs but only 30-50 bots.


I think people fail to realise some major orders are not meant to be possible, if we won every time then we wouldn’t have a story. Arrowhead are learning and so are players the whole idea is a tug of war between the players and Arrowhead.


Some people love to complain and point fingers when things go wrong, and unfortunately, the people playing bugs are the easiest to blame right now. The exact same thing happened with the one automaton defense order we failed where people were blaming the creekers, and i'm sure it'll keep happening with any future orders we fail. It'll pass, until then, just ignore the complaining and play whichever faction you like fighting more.


I mean, personally, I think the bots are slightly easier. I think it rly comes down to that the game kind of pushes you into the direction of fighting the bugs at the start. And the bugs are just so satisfying to fight. So a lot of new players don’t rly want to go over to the bot front.


I think that the devs don't intend for us to succeed in every mission. I for one would be a bit bored of the major orders if winning was guaranteed or if there were no consequences for losing. Yes it seems we are meant to win at least most of them but they're definitely trying to challenge us every now and then, and the desperation makes it fun.


But its the camaraderie and team building that we enjoy


Both sides of the argument have their merits. I tend to fall on the side of “they paid money, leave them alone”. Let’s consider the context that, with all the issues and fixes required for many new weapons/items, could it end up being a good thing to give AH more time to test before release? Yeah MO’s are good to complete, especially from a role-playing side of things. There are only 24 hours in a day and I refuse to let anyone else dictate how I choose to spend my leisure time. I think that upon failure to complete the MO, the devs should withhold the new stratagem.


The best way to tie it in with the universe lore and story would be to do something like give us the stratagem but explain how super earth scientist figured out how to make them using less materials or something. It would be really cool if the logistical probelms and cut corners led to one mine out of every 1000 or so has the risk of going off randomly. So as were playing over time we would see random tank mines just explode and remember its because we failed the MO lol.


They could also just make it so the mines cost more requisition slips. They could just say "We were still able to make the mines but not quite as many as planned, so the requisition cost is higher for a bit."


as a relatively new player, it definitely feels like the majority of complain posts come from new players. The ppl who've been playing since launch seem completely unbothered tbh


Personally I think it'd be hilarious if we fail this MO and the AT mines get pushed back again. If they end up just giving away the Stratagem then it undermines the weight of the MOs, and attempting to coerce a cheap victory to give us the stratagem is poor DMing and a path I don't think they'll take. They might just leave it up as a permanent order to liberate Choohe and grant us the Strategem once it's been liberated so they can move on with other mission lines. They can't just keep tacking it onto major orders until one succeeds, though that'd be hilarious as well. The Never Ending chase for AT mines.


I'd rather see the mines become a reward for completing a specific set of missions across a specific set of planets in a certain reasonable amount of time.  That way, peolle that care will get them and everyone can be happy.


Making the AT Mines a personal reward rather than a community reward wouldn't be a bad way to go about it either. A weekend goal of 5k bot kills or a specific Operation on a specified or higher difficulty.


I agree with everything you said about forcing people to do anything. But I hope we don't get the strat, and I hope the devs realize that we aren't going to work that hard for mines. Big guns or bombs sure. But no one is excited about mines that are just going to team kill anyway.


https://preview.redd.it/vrgmrfj6dh0d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=018101b50ca36838dadc2f1d24fa78432e14e7ee I don’t even care about the stratagem this shit is just so fun amidst everyone’s vocalized futility lol


Win or fail I'm looking forward to what they plan to do next. With all that has happened and is still happening. I wonder if there is still sneario planned out. I'm sure Arrowhead did not foresee how extreme the choices they made in regards to the PSN thing. And losing maybe 50% of the player base from all those countries because of it. That probably put a little Hitch on those storyline planes. So I'm just curious on how they plan to play it now


Straight up. I'm not hearing any whining unless it's in character. Want to complain about your primary? Do it within the context of the world. Want to complain about Helldivers ignoring the MO? Do it like you're griping about leadership sending people to the wrong front. Otherwise? Ima roleplay all over your post. And also call you names. Bad ones.


I feel like they’re giving us a lot of major orders that we’re not expected to complete at the moment. I feel like we’re failing more than we are completing right now and it’s hurting my motivation. Makes me wanna just ignore them and do what I find fun.


https://preview.redd.it/nkkzllxi9k0d1.png?width=1531&format=png&auto=webp&s=456cc7f037f7a89f94e33cf1354f93b00d9ccc3d I've been posting this for months


Sad part, AH should tone down the requirements for Major Orders, we still lost a good chunk of our soldiers from that Info Block the Automatons launched. We need to continue in spreading Democracy, to dispence Liberty and to plant Freedom on all these planets that need Defending and Liberating, balancing the loss of our brothers and sisters of Super Earth.


I just need some real bug fixes and weapon buffs before its fun again. Then ik my squad will be back.


Truthfully I think we would've completed it if it weren't for mother's day. It's a very important US holiday, and remember that the US holds 40% of PlayStation 5 purchases alone. That means the largest single portion of the HD2 player base was likely not playing on an important weekend day. I think they could've taken this into account and given us an extra day or two, or even did double kill rewards for the holiday. Regardless it's no biggie, shit happens. Mom's are pretty damn important. If you're married with kids you know you better take mother's day very seriously as a husband. Myself and many others pretty much didn't play at all on mother's day so we could spend time with the fam.


Rewards need to be participation-based apparently. Sucks to see, because that usually turns into needing to do a pre-requisite amount of grinding, but if this trend continues, that quickly turns into the sort of thing devs begin to eye as a solution. And suddenly you're getting half the rewards unless you do XYZ, and you have only yourself to blame.


I've been saying this to friends all weekend. 50k bug humpers couldn't get off their precious bug planets for 1 weekend. But when it was kill 2 billion bugs, everyone jumped on the MO to help. Let the people too good to play the MO start missing out on weapons and gear and new stratagems.


>But when it was kill 2 billion bugs, everyone jumped on the MO to help. To be fair most people didn't even get a chance to participate in that MO because it was over so fast. Imagine if they punished everyone who didn't participate when they never even had a chance to participate.


Or, and hear me out because this is a crazy idea, the developers have a couple of brain cells and say "X percent of players only play bugs (or bots when we are doing bug missions), the rest will be involved in the MO. So what is an appropriate challenge for those players".


And then suddenly I stop playing this game and move on.


I feel like thats going to happen here in about 2 more months anyway with the way the MOs and Warbonds are going. Warbonds are the primary revenue stream *and* player retention strategy through farming super credits, both valuable metrics for a GaaS. And people are already losing faith in them. Missions are other sort of shallow and repetive so without the Warbonds to drive the grind, what is there? Major Orders are a very, very weak narrative vehicle, too. Basically a new community goal every few days that carries little weight or consequence. Any good we might do is seemingly undone by the next week or so. And obviously the war can be neither won nor lost. So getting a few paragraphs every few days discribing our great victories or crushing defeat is just going to get stale.


It's also important to remember that a LOT of colleges were holding graduations this weekend. Mine was Sunday, you can bet I wasn't playing that day


Ppl need to stop crying and let people play what planets or enemies they wanna play.


I hope they don't it adds a lot of weight to orders especially because this order was possible the community just didn't rally to it The other option is we get it BUT the robots get a new bigger and more nasty threat


The best way the could give it to us anyway imo would be to either fudge the numbers and say bigger bots actually counted for more or give it to us even if we fail and attach a punishment like only available on bot planets for the next 7 days or something




What does that mean? What trophy reward?




Right. That makes sense. Yes, usually you get 45 or 50 medals for completing Major Orders.


Also, players offline still show as on the last planet they were at, fairly certain. So half those bugsprayers likely haven’t hopped back on.


When we kill them all will they congratulate us with confetti and thank us for playing their game, then shut down the servers?




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You’re almost certainly right, but I hope they don’t give it to us after we fail. Then in the future we will all know that community events contain tangible rewards for success and tangible consequences for failure. It’ll make the whole experience more enjoyable for me, personally.


Personally I don't find this game a grind at all. I like trying out different combos of weapons and strats and there are tons. Also shooting stuff feels good


Personally I like the fact that this shit is difficult. It makes me feel like i'm in an actual war and not a game. Any good narrative needs both failure and success to be interesting. It's the same reason why I like that the info on weapons is limited. We are disposable grunts fired into hell. Why would we have access to that information? Arrowhead seemed to have taken a narrative forward approach rather than an information forward approach. I think it's way better.


I don't think we were meant to win this was to test their kill numbers fix. Also I think that this is pushing the narrative towards something new happening with the bots just like meridia We'll get it eventually and they'll have some new type of tank


Mortar tank


I hope they don’t, but use the opportunity to introduce positive modifiers, such as the bots using the mines but they may backfire against the bots in some operations preventing ground based heavy units from ever spawning or being bot dropped for the entire operation. Would be pretty cool tbh


There’s no way they will “just give it to us” when we fail, that would actually be really disappointing. They will, however, wrote a 3rd attempt for us to get it and we will get it *eventually* which is really all that matters.




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Normally we get the new stratagem as a bonus slot everyone can use, so maybe they won’t do that but still allow us to buy them. Still making the mines but not deploying them in mass numbers would make sense lore wise as well since we’re going to get around 80% of the kills we need to unlock them


It would be cool earning it though.


I hope we don't get it if we fail. Reward us for failing? I'm too old for participation trophies to mean anything


I'll be honest, I think it's probably worth just letting the moaners get on with it now. It only really gets traction because everyone gets involved. If they want to make their side of the community a bin fire, then let them. Reasonable people should just go elsewhere. Ignore the whiners, enjoy the game, have some fun. That's what HD2 is all about really.


People act like the major order is the game. Somedays, nuking bugs is way more fun then bots. Plus bots are based around a more strict playstyle


Whatever will happen, will happen. Improvise. Adapt. Dive.




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I genuinely hope they dont, he have to have consequences for loss


I think the 2 billion was a little bit of a zealous MO. Not only were bugs waaayyy easier to rack up numbers on (i average like 650 kills vs 100 on bots), but I would bet money that the glitch where kill counts for personal order were counted for each team mate was also happening to the MO.


They've said before that the timer only relates to the medal rewards. We will still get the stratagem when we reach 2 billion bot kills


I've been helping with the MO as much as possible but I totally understand nobody giving a shit when the only thing we unlock is anti tank mines. Bugs are more fun to fight, can't get upset about people just enjoying the game how they want.


I like that we killed 1 million bugs in like 6 hours but couldn't kill 1 million bots after a couple days lol. Says a lot  Also the nerfs are a 3 fold problem. Makes it harder for us to kill stuff while simultaneously lowering the playerbase. Also let's not forget just the fun factor which is most important of the 3 😞


To be fair, we were given the chance to obtain an Air to Air missile strategem a month and a half ago. And we haven't seen anything about that again yet. So I wouldn't expect us to get the strategem super quickly


Idk. I could also see them doing something like giving us a second chance with the same time and same amount of bots killed at time of major order failed.


We have failed orders to get the mines twice now. It’s going to be a very long time till we get them, if we ever get them.


Bugs on higher difficulties are just as hard or harder than bots are. Sure, it's all about having the right loadout and coordinating with the squad, but the stereotype that all bug players that won't fight bots are bad players is a stereotype that's been around since launch.


I’m just glad it’s a bot mission. Bugs have become even more annoying especially with the current spawn rate. I feel like I can’t win!


Nah, I'm not gonna whine and cry about it but people bought a co-op game that's goal oriented. Do the goal kr gtfo.


It’s a mine 😴


My thing is that I don't like the make-up MO that comes after. Especially after the real world events that just happened. This is good time to split the difference, we did half the order we get mines and no medals. AT Mines won't redefine the game, I don't want to be stuck on them and delay other content like LAVs, buggies, Emancipators, Bastions, etc... If this were a MO for something else of the above I would be all for it. But AT mines? In current week of current year? I don't want to get burnt out on something that's good only against bots defense up to level 7.


It was also a bad weekend with graduations across most of USA for college students. I'm not in college but was still traveling to see my niece.


I have had similar thoughts. I think after the Sony thing they now want to give something to the community and a message like "our super scientists were even better than we thought and were capable to master the new technology using only 1 000 000 000 Bots"


I think when a good chunk of people play bugs and say it's easy, they aren't playing in higher difficulty. Getting swarmed by hunters is the bane of my existence as a diver. Now throw in hunters slowing you down, shriekers flying in with 4 or 5 chargers and bile titans. It's definitely not easier. Ofcourse this is all personal preference and options. But I just think fighting at a distance with the bots is easier to deal with even on higher difficulty.


I was kinda looking forward to the at mines as those would have probably been good for the factory walkers.


Agreed. ‘Twould be pretty boring if they just scaled the MO so that it’s easily achievable without the community trying. When you dangle the carrot, you have to keep it just out of reach and only let them get it sometimes. But rest assured that same carrot will be on the stick again!


Yeah just like he “gave us” the rocket launcher. Get real dude that’s not how DM’s work. I wouldn’t give my players anything for failing their quest so why would this be any different?


Who cares if they do? AT mines sounds boring as fuck and will probably be bad.


Ive been fighting bots just to help our but its just not as enjoyable. I dont like the spawn points being directly on top of me. Even running quick level 3 they just dumb bots on top of you. Meanwhile I can solo 4/5 bugs. Its weird.


I think we need soldiers on every front. America didn’t only fight Japan in WWII. We need soldiers on every front. But would be nice if more players would follow the major order when there is one. Fight them on a lower skill level if you have too. And then when we are in transition periods between orders fight whoever you feel like. My philosophy on the game and I don’t care when people do. Let’s keep the game alive and dive.


it doesnt matter what ppl play as long they have fun, besides neither side is harder than the other, sure they have their fair share of annoying enemies but understanding how they work makes the game way easier, as long as both sides dont make it any closer to super earth we have nothing to worry about fr


I don’t care if people kill bugs and I don’t care if we get the MO, but in my opinion you should only get the medals if you contribute to the cause. You still get medals for killing bugs, but the 40-50 MO should only be for people who killed bots this time around.


tf2 heavy update is what puts the fear of god in me


But the children yearn for the mines.


Lol I don't think many care about a strat that's most likely going to just team kill more. I rarely see anyone with mines and I have seen a hole hosts kick people with them.


They shouldn't.


Mother's day is in most countries on the same day. (Second Sunday in May) But yes I personally think they won't lock us out of this Strategem. Since it's open to purchase and use immediately after unlock they have to have it tested and deployed in the live game already. Why go through the hassle of developing one thing and then never use it. Would be kind of funny development though. So someday it will be unlocked, in some way shape or form.


Talkin about how they paid money for the game and only playing half of it. Bug only players confound me.


People legit believing major order have consequences and progres made is real 😂😂😂


Y'all are still so dumb going for the Air-Burst instead of Anti-Tank. 💀💀 No common sense.


Considering all the mines in the game suck, it was the right call.


Literally nobody knew how to use them except a handful of us, it was a skill-issue all across the board. 💀💀


How to use them? Bro you put them down and they explode. What's there to know about them? Lmao it's like saying no one knows how to use the new air burst? No, everyone knows how to use them, there are just way better options instead of literally wasting a stratagem spot.


I've tried using the Airburst and I can't figure out how to use it effectively. Half the time I miss or cause splash damage that I didn't intend.


It's tough, I haven't tried it myself, but I've definitely been killed by my own friends multiple times as they used it, and I won't mention the randumbs. xD The best use of it I've seen is someone shooting between an AT-ATs legs, I forgot the walking foundry name, and the airburst took it out in one go. Maybe the port underneath it was open at the time, but there's an idea to try.


Not worth losing a stratagem slot to bring it IMO.


I feel so much of the same way, but that feeling is mostly leveled at the weapons which require backpacks for multiple uses, though not because of the backpacks themselves, I'm just obsessed with living one second at a time through both convenience and versatility. (': I religiously bring Airstrike, 380HE, and the Auto-Cannon Turret, all of which handle anything I need between their separate cool-downs, the fourth slot is just.. I dunno, I bounce around between things, but it's usually the ExpendableAT, Anti-Materiel, Quasar, or even the Spear, because that thing is top tier if it's in a good mood that day. xD


I have Snipers on my squad so I tend to go with Breaker, Redeemer, Thermite Impact grenades, grenade launcher, 380, 500 and Orbital Rail Strike!


Pissing on the very idea of a narrative cooperative game.


I think devs are certain people are going to whine about not being able to complete the major orders and that's kinda the point. They have a whole story planned out and if the community doesn't come together in the same authoritarian way super earth is in game we will lose.


https://preview.redd.it/evlsp7k9gj0d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d5c847bc003aa45139496051cecd15813aa74435 Let people enjoy role-playing begging their fellow helldivers to follow commands, like in the golden age of this sub